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Wednesday July 6, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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7:32 PM BBT Michelle is in charge of the crispy batch of cookies. Victor gets called to the DR. Michelle says the good bye messages are getting started. There is a lot of talk about how good the cookies are. Michelle keeps name dropping people online. We see FOTH briefly. Nicole says that her hair smells good & wants to know why Frank calls her stinky? Frank says he's only said that once. Michelle says that Nicole smells like Love Spell. She is talking while she is chomping food in her mouth.

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7:48 PM BBT Nicole asks Michelle if they let her in the DR? She says, yes, but Victor is in there. Frank is checking the temperature on the oven. Michelle says she wants to make Cornflake chicken. She is still chomping potato chips into her microphone. Corey yawns loudly. Bronte is sitting at the KT table with Corey now. Michelle says she loves Victor's H & M jacket. Bronte says it's cute. Michelle says she would kill to watch Ghost Adventures right now. Paul says he talked to a girl that matched with the guy from that show on Tinder & said he's a d*ckhead. Corey says he has Bumble. Bronte says she doesn't know what that is. He tells her that it's the same as Tinder, except the girl has to send the guy a message. Paul says he doesn't like Bumble. Bronte says she would be to nervous to go & meet a stranger. Frank gets called to the DR. James & Natalie are napping, cuddled up to each other in the UKBR.

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7:52 PM BBT We see FOTH briefly. In the KT, Michelle says she's going to make banana bread also. She says she found a recipe on the back of the flour. She says she needs baking soda. Victor asks what the difference between baking powder & baking soda are? Michelle says she doesn't know. Victor asks Michelle if she likes to bake at home? She says, yes, but she makes healthy food. Michelle asks Bronte if she goes to Trader Joe's? Bronte says, yes. They get into a conversation about pumpkin products. Bronte says she loves pumpkin anything. Michelle says that when they leave the house her little sister will be like one month into school already. Bronte can't believe that it will be fall when they get out of the house. Tiffany asks Michelle about her sister & we see FOTH briefly. Victor is taking the trash to the SR. Michelle says that you can only bring hoodies in the house to places that you've been. Paul has his head laying on his arms at the KT table. Corey is washing dishes. Tiffany has the refrigerator open.

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7:58 PM BBT Victor is back in the KT. The cam view goes to the WA. Bronte tells Nicole that she told Natalie that she feels better. Nicole tells Bronte that she wanted her just to talk to her openly. Bronte blames Jozea for saying that Bronte was gunning for Nicole. They hug each other. Nicole says when they came into the house, Bronte was the first person she talked to. She says she remembers her telling her that her mom is an ER Nurse. Bronte says she won't be friends with Jozea outside the house. Nicole says she feels way better now. James is stirring in the UKBR. Bronte tells Nicole that she wants to make it to jury. Paul gets called to the DR. Nicole tells Bronte that jury is get & all, but not to cut herself short. Bronte tells her that she is always going to side with a girl over a boy. Tiffany walks in the WA. Nicole is using a flat iron on her hair. She says she's literally had a bun every time she's gone in the DR. She says if they will give her the curling iron she brought, then she could actually do her hair. She says her mom went to hair school. She says it's like the curling iron they used on them for the green screen. She says you have to hold them closed, & they work very well. She says she would let everyone use them. She says she brought two different sizes, she wishes they would just let her use one of them. Da'Vonne goes in the WA, grabs tissue & goes in the WC. James goes to the WA. Bronte tells him that she missed him & he's been gone forever. Nicole says the crispy pan of cookies is going to be burned. Bronte asks James if Natalie is still asleep? James says, yes, she felt asleep on his arm. Bronte says, "Aww." She says she wants to nap, but it's so late in the day, it's not worth it. James says he couldn't sleep. Bronte seems puzzled by that comment.

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8:05 PM BBT Victor goes in the WA looking for shaving cream so he can shave. He says he needs a blade. Da'Vonne comes out of the WC & washes her hands. Bronte asks her if she feels o.k.? She says, yes. Da'Vonne gets told to please put on her microphone. James goes in the WC & comes out singing Hallelujah. He then washes his hands. Da'Vonne pours Scope in her mouth, straight out of the bottle that the house has to share. She almost chokes on it. She spits it out of her mouth. BB says, "Frank, this is a reminder that sleeping in the LR is not permitted." Victor gets in the shower. Nicole says she feels like a whole different person when her hair gets done. Bronte says that it takes time to get your affairs in order, before going to the show. Nicole says she was working day shift before the show, because she didn't want them to know anything. She says she was working 7 a.m. - 7 p.m., but you can't clock out until 7:30 p.m. Victor says that Bridgette gets paid weekly. Nicole says that she gets paid every two weeks. Nicole says that she actually wants to be a traveling Nurse, because they make  more money. She says it would be great to have a partner to travel with & just go wherever they want. Nicole puts her hair up in a ponytail. Victor says he would like to train high-dollar clients & travel to them. Bronte says that would be really cool. Bronte says a friend of hers is in the Acting Union. James, Corey, Paul & Frank are all chilling in the LR. Michelle is still making cookies in the KT.

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8:13 PM BBT Paul says that he forgot to ask when Have Nots end. We see FOTH briefly. Michelle goes to the LR & tells Frank that he looks Peter Brady from the Brady Bunch in his picture. Tiffany gets called to the DR. Da'Vonne walks past the LR from the BR area. Tiffany follows shortly behind her. Michelle goes in the LR & sits on the same couch as Frank. Frank says he told Tiffany earlier that he likes her bandana & she gave him an eat sh*t look. James tells Frank to tell her he has to sleep in her bed tonight. Frank says she might smother him with a pillow. The guys talk about holes in their shorts. Back in the WA, Bronte tells Nicole that her mom is a blonde bombshell with green eyes. Bronte says that her sister used to model for Disney. Nicole tells Bronte she is super pretty. Nicole says, there are 3 girls. Zakiyah says that there are just her mom, her sister & her also. Victor finishes up in the shower & flips hair back & forth. He asks Nicole if she can get him a razor? She says, yes, & goes to get one. Tiffany is by the sink getting ready to go to the DR. Zakiyah says she's weird for combing out her eyebrows. She says it's been officially 1 1/2 months since she's had her eyebrows done. Tiffany says that today is the first day she plucked hers. Bronte asks Tiffany if the bandana she is wearing is hers? She says, yes, she thinks her mom sent it. She says she's going to the DR. Bronte says sometimes her DR's are on point. She says when the people on the other side of the DR are in a hurry, she feels rushed. Victor is standing by the sink in the WA with a towel wrapped around him.

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8:21 PM BBT While sitting at the DT, James tells Da'Vonne that he wants to tell Frank something in confidence to see what he does. Da'Vonne says he has a big mouth. Paul walks in & says, "Hey friends," to James. He says the same back. Da'Vonne looks at the memory wall & says that she doesn't like her picture with the braids in her hair. She says everyone looks older in their pictures, a lot older. James says, Paulie & his hair flip. She says, that Bridgette looks the same age. She says that Victor & Paul look older also. James says Paul looks like he just got out of jail. Da'Vonne asks why Paul is walking around with a condom? Paul is laughing hysterically out loud. Michelle yells from the LR that it's disgusting. Da'Vonne says she needs to figure out how to talk to Nicole. James tells Da'Vonne she needs to tell Nicole to get her head out of the clouds. Paul goes to the WA. Zakiyah tells Victor & Bronte that she will be back home in time for a wedding at the end of October. Bronte says, that's really great. Paul asks Bronte, "What's up?" She says, "Nothing, I'm just chilling." Paul leaves the WA. Nicole walks into the KT, Paul follows her in there & tells her to catch the condom that he throws in the air. Nicole puts her arms up in the arm. Bronte gets called to the DR. Da'Vonne asks Nicole if she baked? She says her & Michelle did. Da'Vonne tells Nicole that she's disappointed because she's a Have Not. Nicole tells her that there will be plenty left over. Nicole says she had a dream last night that her mom told her to start doing her hair. She says for some reason she is tired all the time. James talks under his breath, & says she shouldn't be in the HOHR all the time. James says, out loud, that she has her brain working to hard. Nicole says it's not working enough.

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8:30 PM BBT Victor is finishing up shaving by the sink in the WA. In the LR, Corey tells Frank that he wonders what the HOH comp will be tomorrow? Frank says that he thinks it will be a group puzzle. Zakiyah gets called to the DR. Paul goes in the LR & sits on the couch with Frank. Paul starts to run from Bronte. James try to give Paul a cookie, but he says he can't because he's a HN. Bronte goes to get a cookie to try to get Paul to eat it. Pual jumps over the other couch & runs away from Bronte. They are running through the KT. Paul says he liked hearing Bronte scream ewwww from rooms away. Bronte tells Paul that she's not going to go in circles. She says she's going to get him when he least expects it. She catches him & tries to put a cookie in Paul's mouth. Bronte is wrapped around Paul's body from behind. She has her arms around his waste. She tells Paul to go get his condom. Bronte tells her dad that Paul put a condom in her bed & tried to get her to use it on him. She tells Paul, "Good luck, buddy." Paul says that wasn't even meant for her, that was only put there for fun. James tells Paul that he should have known better than to mess with Bronte.

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8:36 PM BBT James goes in the UKBR & takes some drinks from his water bottle. He leaves the UKBR. Tiffany is sitting on the couch next to Corey. He tells him that he doesn't have rough skin. She says that she thought that all guys have rough skin after they shave. Tiffany asks Paul what he did with the condom? Paul says that he put mayo in it. Tiffany says it's disgusting. Paul says it's only latex & mayo. James gets called to the DR. Tiffany says, "Ohhh, going to the Principal's office." James goes to the DR. He keeps cracking the DR door open, & then finally goes in. Bronte sits down on the orange love seat in the LR. Paul tells her that she drew blood. She says, she didn't. Paul asks her why she is such an aggressive little girl? Bronte says, she's not. Frank says he liked her stance. Paul says he should have kicked her in the nuts. Bronte says she doesn't have any. Tiffany gets up & leaves the LR. Victor goes in & sits down on a white stool. Michelle, Zakiyah & Nicole are all sitting in the Safari Room. Nicole is putting her hair back up in a pony tail. Nicole asks Zakiyah to help her cover up the blemishes on her skin Nicole says she likes Clinique, because it is really good on her skin. She says she gets zits when she's on the rag now. Michelle tells Nicole that she has good make-up. Michelle asks Nicole why she got the IT brush? She says, she always asks the people at the store for what she needs. The camera view on cam 2 started going up & over to the right. Nicole says she buys Mary Kay from her mom's friend. Nicole says she uses liquid foundation with powder on top of it. Michelle reads what Nicole's lip balm says on it. It's called Lip Freak. Bronte goes in the Safari Room. Michelle asks if she can try some of the Lip Freak on her finger? Nicole says, yes, but it's not open. Michelle says she won't use it then. Nicole says it's o.k. Nicole wants to use some on her lips also to see what the buzzing of it actually does. Michelle says it doesn't feel like anything.

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8:45 PM BBT The girls are talking about make-up. We see FOTH briefly. Nicole puts some of the Lip Freak on her lips. Michelle says that she was feeling the buzzing. Nicole says she feels it already. She says it's all natural. She says it may make your lips more plump. BB says, "Paul, shut it down." Zakiyah says she has dry ass lips. Michelle says her lips are vibrating & it feels like she ate something spicy. Zakiyah says her lips are going to be huge in a few minutes. We see FOTH briefly. Nicole says her lips feel bizarre. In the HNBR, Da'Vonne tells Tiffany that Team Big Sister may just come through this time. Nicole gets called to the DR. Da'Vonne says she wants her weave. She tells her mom to please send her hair already. She says she wants to take the braids out. Tiffany asks if they will let her change it? Da'Vonne says her weave is the same length as these braids. Da'Vonne says she misses looking like herself. She says she wants her hair there, so she can whip her hair back & forth. Tiffany asks Da'Vonne why Corey & Paulie think that Frank was gunning after them? She says that Zakiyah told Corey that. Da'Vonne says, "Oh sh*t." Tiffany asks, "What?" Da'Vonne repeats, "Oh sh*t," two more times. She says that James was talkiing yesterday, & apparently Frank told James if the double eviction is a wall comp, to put up Paulie & Corey. Da'Vonne says that conversation was in confidence & she ran to tell Paulie. Tiffany says that she told her then. Da'Vonne says that James told her. Tiffany says that Paulie knows that now. She asks if James told her that? Da'Vonne didn't answer. Tiffany asks if that's why they want Frank out? Da'Vonne says, they want Frank out because he's rubbing the girls the wrong way. Da'Vonne says she can't believe that she ran back & told Paulie that. She says she's telling this boy every damn thing. She says she has to stop telling her stuff. Tiffany says that they said that Da'Vonne has something with Frank also. Da'Vonne says she knew it would be a matter of time before that came out. Tiffany says that they were just throwing stuff out there.

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8:55 PM BBT In the Hollywood BR, Frank is telling Corey that Tiffany is trying to play like her sister & make big moves, but she's too emotional. Frank says they are trying so hard to keep the vets there. Frank says that Bridgette confirmed some things to him also. He says that Tiffany is trying to make big sh*t happen like her sister. Corey says, big sh*t is happening with getting Jozea & Victor out. Frank says that Tiffany is trying to back pedal now. He says, Bronte is a bigger threat, they need to go after her first. We see FOTH briefly. Frank says they need to get rid of Natalie, Paul & Bridgette in whatever order. He says if one of them get HOH, they can put Tiffany up, & then that's better for them. He says, then they can make it to jury, & get the rest out. He says, they can slide up whoever they don't feel comfortable about. He says, they trust James for now. He says they need to snake Da'Vonne out, because she can be trouble down the road. Corey says if Michelle gets HOH she will put Bronte up. Frank says things are going so good for them right now, they may be overthinking it. Corey says, "B4, direct hit, next one." Corey says that people are just doing stupid sh*t.

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9:01 PM BBT Frank says that he, Corey & Paulie can keep handing each other the HOH each week. He says, Michelle may win something once in a while. We see FOTH briefly.

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I'm finished updating. Everything is current to the FOTH at 9:01 PM BBT. Hopefully someone can take over soon!

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11:00 PM BBT Da'Vonne, Natalie, James, and Zakiya in the WA. Natalie is waxing Da's armpits. There is general chatter and Frankie gets mentioned.


Michelle and Nicole in the KT whispering about Frank saying Bridgette, Natalie, and Paul would be a waste of an HOH. Michelle says no it wouldn't be, Bridgette is my goal. Zakiyah comes in and chat changes to birth control and breast feeding.


Frank, Paulie, and Corey in the safari room. Frank says the girls in the house are loyal to them. Frank says after this week and Bronte goes home, boom done. Paulies says they just have to make sure they win. Frank says Paul, Zakiyah, and Da are going to go hard for HOH because they don't want to be on slop again and its Zakiyah's birthday, but Frank thinks Paul doesn't want HOH. Frank says James is on board with throwing the HOH. Frank tells Corey if they're getting close to winning HOH and it's some sort of puzzle HOH to throw puzzle pieces in the corner so Tiffany can't find them.


Frank says they have to get a couple of good nights sleep so they can win some challenges this week. He says clean sweep this week.


Frank doesn't understand why the girls are so worried about Bridgette. Paulie says Bridgette just pops up out of nowhere and plops down and is quiet. They can tell she is just listening. Frank says Bridgette doesn't do that with him. He thinks Bridgette is just looking out for him.


Frank says Bridgette is a layup and he likes those types of people. Frank says once Bronte is gone, then they can trust Paul and he'd be a layup and the same with Natalie.


Zakiyah joins Paulie, Frank, and Corey in the safari room and Corey and Frank say they are going to bed soon.


11:23 PM BBT Nicole pulls Corey into the SR and Nicole asks Corey why he would tell everyone he didn't want to throw the HOH. Nicole says she told him she'd throw it, but she's not going to throw a comp. Corey says he was talking to Frank and he's very convincing and he feels like Frank is genuine with him and Nicole. Corey says he doesn't like Da at all. Nicole says he'd say that about me too. Nicole says Frank is playing Mike Boogie's game. Nicole says she wouldn't be surprised if Frank wanted to get Tiffany out tomorrow. Michelle comes in and Nicole leaves and Corey says what are your thoughts on HOH and Michelle says you shouldn't throw it. Michelle says the only person she really wants to put up is on her team. Corey says he wouldn't put Bridgette up because they can get her out any week, any time. Corey says he'd put up Bronte. Nicole comes back in. Corey tells them Frank has said stuff about them that would make Michelle and Nicole not want Frank around at all. Corey says you won't say anything will you and makes her promise. Corey says Frank will not let Nicole and Michelle go far because he doesn't think he can beat them in memory comps. He wants to be in with people like Zakiyah who won't be good at them. He told Michelle he wants Corey, Paulie, and James out. Corey and NIcole tell Michelle she needs to throw it tomorrow. Corey says Frank really does want Bronte out, but he's also deathly afraid of an all girl alliance. Michelle asks Corey how early Frank wanted them out and Corey said he didn't specify. He said as soon as they are individual is when Frank wants them gone because that's when mental comps will start.

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11:32 PM BBT Corey says if Zakiyah has the balls to back door Frank, then he'd rather her do it. He says Frank is like Victor next week. Michelle says Frank is probably telling everyone something different because he told her he wants Michelle, Zakiyah, and Frank at the end and Corey says he told me Paulie, Frank, and Corey. Corey tells Michelle to throw it and Corey or Tiffany will take HOH, or maybe Zakiyah or Da. Michelle is shocked all of these people are lying to her.


11:33 PM BBT Natalie, Da'Vonne, James, Bridgette, and Bronte in the WA. Natalie teases Bronte about being blindsided tomorrow.


11:41 PM BBT Corey takes Paulie upstairs and tells him Michelle confirmed that Frank wants them out too. Paulie asks do you think this is something all the girls are saying? Corey says he trusts them and he said Frank got made at him because Corey said he didn't want to throw a comp. Tiffany interrupts as she comes up to grab her stuff.


Bridgette joins the WA crew and she volunteers to wax Natalie and Da asks if she can watch. Bridgette is told to put on her microphone and James immediately gets up to go over to spread wax on Natalie's armpits.


11:46 PM BBT Paulie and Tiffany in HOH sharing info on things Frank was saying. Basically going over Frank wanting Corey to throw the HOH comp and talking about Bridgette. Tiffany asks Paulie if he trusts her and he laughs and says yeah. Tiffany starts crying and says her and Paulie were sharing info, but she felt things have been different and people are saying different things in the house. Tiffany says people you think you can trust, you just can't. She feels hurt.


11:51 PM BBT Paulie says he thought he was safe for X amount of weeks, but then he finds out he's not because Frank is coming after him. Paulie says when people come to him and give him information he asks himself what their motivation is for telling him. Then he considers what their motivations might be for telling him and then he decides how best to proceed. He's observed a lot of things this week, especially how Frank has worked the entire house. Zakiyah interrupts and Michelle comes up right after. They start talking about Fight Club.

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