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HG Dallas Discussion Thread


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Dallas Cormier
His loud laugh and beaming personality can brighten anyone’s day. His strategy is to win over the hearts of the houseguests and win over Canada.
Age: 24
Hometown: Saint John, NB
Occupation: Welder
HOH Wins:0
POV Wins:0
Describe yourself in three words:
Life of the party, Class clown, Upbeat

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
I do. My strategy is to go in there and try and win that first HOH. I want everyone coming to me and trying to be my friend. After that I want to form an alliance with a male and a female houseguest. Sometimes it comes down to a bit of a gender war in there so it would be good to be covered on both sides.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
Hmm. Interesting. I’d probably take a 60 ouncer of booze. It’s going to be a long ride and it’ll probably get a little edgy along the way. So a nip here and there would probably be good.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
I’m a competitive monster. I’m kind of a sore loser. At physical competitions, I think I’ll pull my weight. For mental competitions, if there’s any math involved, I might not be the greatest or the sharpest knife in the drawer.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
I’d put about $20,000-$30,000 for a down payment on a house. I’m going to have about a $10,000 to $15,000 party. And I’m talking PARTY here. All my friends, family, everyone who has supported me. There will be champagne, confetti….more drinks. With the rest I want to do a lot of travelling. Brasil, Europe, things like that. $100,000 has a lot of zeroes but after my whole plan is done, I think there will only be a couple bucks at the end.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
I personally enjoyed watching Kevin (BBCAN Season 3). He was social. He was smart, and he kind of got hooped by a triple eviction. There wasn’t much he could do about that. He was just a funny, light kind of guy. I’m definitely going to use some strategy he used while I’m in there.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
Definitely not the winters, I’ve got thin skin for the cold! The best thing about Canada is that everyone is easy-going and friendly. We’ve got that reputation worldwide and I enjoy that.

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