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Why are the feeds blocked?


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This is really strange.. the live feeds have been blocked for at least an hour or two, that I know of. They're showing clips as if the HGs are doing a game or competition... but this being Wednesday evening, there ARE no games or comps happening that I can think of. Makes me wonder if some emergency happened in the house? Does anyone have any ideas?

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This is really strange.. the live feeds have been blocked for at least an hour or two, that I know of. They're showing clips as if the HGs are doing a game or competition... but this being Wednesday evening, there ARE no games or comps happening that I can think of. Makes me wonder if some emergency happened in the house? Does anyone have any ideas?


dont worry... everything's fine in the house... th HG's are having their Half Way Party now ...☺...

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What is the half way party? I don't remember hearing about any party..


I see the feeds are back, but there's no indication anything happened. No extra food out, everyone seems to be relaxed and split into different rooms, not acting like anything out of the ordinary happened.

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