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Steve Moses (Week 6)


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Steve confided to Vanessa that he likes Julia and wants to pursue her after the show is over and Vanessa told Steve to go for it.

The only problem is that steve still can't tell the twins apart. Steve thought that Liz kissed Johnny Mac, but Julia admitted last night to Steve that she was the twin who kissed Johnny Mac. I think that Steve is very confused. However, he did get a hug from Julia last night.

Steve made a F2 deal with Johnny Mac and then Johnny Mac told Shelli about it. Shelli told Vanessa and Vanessa let Steve know that she knew about it.

I want Steve to make a real F2 with somebody that he trusts and I think it might be Julia.

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why does Steve dislike Becky so much?  did they have an argument or something?



Because he has overheard Becky make fun of him and also she has put Steve up as her target if she wins HOH. 

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I'm glad that Steve is being more social in the house. Even though he 's kinda shy with girls, I liked that he actively joined in the game of 'spin the bottle' lat night. Steven left his comfort zone and upped his tally from 5 to 7 girls that he' kissed.

He looked really scared when Meg approached him and he handled it a bit better with Jackie. However, steve was not ready to kiss James on the lips, (even though James was willing to do it) and opted for the cheek instead. IMO I think that Steven would have been on cloud 9 if he had kissed Julia.

I sincerely hope that somebody (Meg, James, Liz or Julia) tells Steve that Clay & Shelli are offering him up as a replacement nominee to be backdoored in order to keep Clay & Shelli in the game.

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It looks like Steve's vote this week could be pivotal in determining which of the Clelli gets booted.  This is assuming Becky votes with the James

crew.  Does anyone know where Steve stands on this vote?  I read he had been spending time with James in the mornings and that James was

attempting to sway him to some extent.  Is that true and is it working?

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It looks like Steve's vote this week could be pivotal in determining which of the Clelli gets booted.  This is assuming Becky votes with the James

crew.  Does anyone know where Steve stands on this vote?  I read he had been spending time with James in the mornings and that James was

attempting to sway him to some extent.  Is that true and is it working?


Looks like Shelli is going home. AuTwins are voting out Shelli. Steve will vote however Vanessa tells him 

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Looks like Shelli is going home. AuTwins are voting out Shelli. Steve will vote however Vanessa tells him 

They are!?!!!?   Awesome.  I was just thinking about how things would fall after eviction and thought, maybe just maybe, Clay will go w/ James, Meg, Jackie, Becky (?) That would put them 5-5 w/ Jmac unknown but probably go with the James crew.   Dreaming big here! :)

Also, does Vanessa know?

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It looks like Steve's vote this week could be pivotal in determining which of the Clelli gets booted.  This is assuming Becky votes with the James

crew.  Does anyone know where Steve stands on this vote?  I read he had been spending time with James in the mornings and that James was

attempting to sway him to some extent.  Is that true and is it working?

I've been really impressed with Steve & James private one-on-one early morning conversations. I don't think that James has been pressuring and/or persuading Steve to vote his way. James has been encouraging Steve to do what is best for his game, not someone else's.

Even though James and Steve are on opposite sides in the house, James treated Steve with more respect than his own alliance members. James didn't lie to Steve and he kept his word with regard to nominations. James even told Steve to watch his back re: Austin.

Steve knows he's on the bottom in his alliance with Vanessa, I just think that Steve is too afraid of Vanessa's wrath to jump ship.

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I think the BB experience is exactly what Steve needed.  It's doubtful he will come close to winning the game unless Vanessa can actually drag him to F2 but it is not to see him being more social and lightening up his tidey-whities!

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I think Liz will vote to evict Shelli

I hope you are right Marty because I am getting they are now voting out Clay.  It makes me so mad its stupid I want Shelli gone just to see Vanessa's face.

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I would love for the vote to be 7-2 evicting Shelli from the house just to see Vanessa's face but only for 1 second. I'd want to see Steve's face and the realization that he and Vanessa voted on the losing side. I want Steve to wake up and play his own game and stop letting Vanessa use him. I thought that Steve would have a stronger game than just hiding behind big targets.

Steve is not using his extensive knowledge of the game in a way to benefit to his game. Because Steve is such a big fan he loves talking about BB and I get that. But IMHO Steve is doing the same thing that Jason did.

Accurate information in the BB house is currency. Rumors, lies and speculation runs rampant. Jason gossiped his currency away and Steve is not using his currency very well either.

Most of the HGs have only watched a few seasons so when Shelli asked Steve about James breaking his deal on the wall with Shelli, Steve told Shelli that it had never been done before in BB history. That's not true, so now I'm wondering if Steve forgot, or is he lying to Shelli?

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I would love for the vote to be 7-2 evicting Shelli from the house just to see Vanessa's face but only for 1 second. I'd want to see Steve's face and the realization that he and Vanessa voted on the losing side. I want Steve to wake up and play his own game and stop letting Vanessa use him. I thought that Steve would have a stronger game than just hiding behind big targets.

Steve is not using his extensive knowledge of the game in a way to benefit to his game. Because Steve is such a big fan he loves talking about BB and I get that. But IMHO Steve is doing the same thing that Jason did.

Accurate information in the BB house is currency. Rumors, lies and speculation runs rampant. Jason gossiped his currency away and Steve is not using his currency very well either.

Most of the HGs have only watched a few seasons so when Shelli asked Steve about James breaking his deal on the wall with Shelli, Steve told Shelli that it had never been done before in BB history. That's not true, so now I'm wondering if Steve forgot, or is he lying to Shelli?

Maybe he's just lying to everyone, including us about his knowledge of BB.

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Steve definitely has the knowledge, he has demonstrated that numerous times. Some of the HGs use him like a textbook when it comes to the different comps.

I'm just anxious to see Steve play his own game and get away from Vanessa.

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