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Vanessa Rousso (Week 5) - HoH2


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Jason's #1 target is Steve. To Jason, Steve intimidates him the most. If you think about it, Jason's extremely jealous of Steve. Where Jason works at a supermarket, Steve is attending Cornell. They are both super fans but Steve's memory is better. Their build is similar so they would likely be competitive in an endurance competition. There is a simple reason why Jason constantly badmouths Steve. To create an outcast and target on him.


True he has said he would target Steve next but if he was given the opportunity I'm not so sure he would actually do that - Seems like a pretty weak move and he seems like someone that wants to take out the power players but it would make sense either way - He's clearly jealous of Steve's accomplishments in life so he needs to belittle him like a slimeball

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Vanessa dodged a bullet with the Veto comp picks, so the backdoor plan for Austin could still work. It seems like Liz is motivated to win it and use it to save Clay, thinking?? assuming??? that Steve is the replacement nominee.

If Shelli won the veto she would definitely save her little Poopy Head.

Johnny Mac would definitely use it to save Becky.

Vanessa should throw the veto comp, and let the chips fall where they lay.

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Everything depends upon Liz if you ask me. Vanessa has 2 choices. Stick with the original alliance or switch to the new one. Austin screwed up. But if Liz wins POV, Vanessa won't want to blindside her. So it will depend upon whether or not Liz gets on board.

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If Vanessa is crazy enough to buy this foolishness from Jason, Meg, and Jackie then she's not half as good as I thought she was - The fact that she waffled at all and considered not sticking to the plan tells the other side she's not trustworthy and could turn on them at any point - Obviously they are gonna fill your head with whatever juicy stuff it takes to make you blind lol


I thought maybe it was just her putting on a face for them but Liz is crying to Austin about Vanessa potentially backdooring him ... These HGs are off the wall nutty can't just form an alliance and stay true to each other - Seems this is one of the worst years to try and form an alliance that you can actually trust people in.  The best alliance is one that I'm not even sure if it has a name for it lol

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Vanessa, Shelli, Clay & Austin have been in power for the past 4 weeks, and they are all suffering from HOHitis. They act like James, Jason, Meg, John, Jackie & Becky are a solid alliance, united to come after them. But that is not true because Meg & Jason still want to align with Clay & Shelli.

I really think that Vanessa should follow through with the backdoor Austin plan. Nobody is coming after her to avenge Austin's eviction, not even Liz.

Clay & Shelli don't care about Austin.

Vanessa was largely responsible for the plan to backdoor Austin and she got 7other HGs on board, now she's letting her emotions get out of control and she feels sorry for Austin because he's in love. Vanessa knows that Liz does not have feelings for Austin and that she's just using him for the game.

If Austin stays in the game the situation with Liz is going to end badly. He has said that he will do anything for Liz and Austin's lies and double dealings have shown that he is not loyal to Vanessa. Austin cannot reliably be counted as a vote because of his Judas vote for Audrey.

I don't understand why Vanessa can't pull the trigger on Austin.

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She should have never told Austin about the backdoor plan.  It just like Aubrey week where she refused to put her up.  Than she wanted Shelli to put her on the block.  I can see this happening when the next HOH is crowned.  Is she not worried about Austin or Liz winning HOH? 


The HG need to shut up and letting the information leak.  Right now I'm not very happy with Vanessa.

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She should have never told Austin about the backdoor plan.  It just like Aubrey week where she refused to put her up.  Than she wanted Shelli to put her on the block.  I can see this happening when the next HOH is crowned.  Is she not worried about Austin or Liz winning HOH? 


The HG need to shut up and letting the information leak.  Right now I'm not very happy with Vanessa.


Should she really be concerned if Austin and Liz won HoH?  They wouldn't target Vanessa for the same reason Vanessa should have never targeted Austin in the first place.  Vanessa's biggest mistake was creating a mess that should have never happened in the first place.  She should have confronted Austin right away that she knows he lied and dealt with it head on instead ... Just my opinion though ;)

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I hope that Vanessa, James & Liz enjoy their steak dinner at Outback. It's like a reward challenge on Survivor.

( If Jackie had nominated Austin instead of James, the 3 of them could have enjoyed a romantic dinner together. On the other hand if Clay & Becky had won the BOB comp as planned, Clay would have Jackie & Becky as his dinner companions. I'm sure that Shelli would have enjoyed helping Clay get ready for his dinner date - NOT!

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I am so confused. First Vanessa is going to backdoor Austin, then it's Jackie and now it seems she is going after Jason? Austin is going to be her downfall. He does what he wants to and if he hasn't alresdy esposed Vanessa's alliance, without him of course. She is all over the place. I can't understand what she is trying to accomplish.

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Canucklehead wrote: I used to think this girl was a good player in this game - She actually not impressive at all. She talks about getting blood on her hands she won't do anything unless she can blame it on someone else ...

Who TF does she think she is? Lady McBeth???? Whoever she sends home this week won't even be in Jury!!!

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Vanessa is all over the place with her "targets" and so-called "reasons" to put somebody up as the replacement nominee.

Her "Inquisitions" are ridiculous trying to trap her HGs in a lie because she doesn't have her facts correct. She has s severe case of HOHitis and she's confused because of all the alliances and side deals that she's trying to balance.

What Vanessa needs is ONE trusted ally that she can talk to and confide in and to help keep her sane.

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I doubt if Vannessa has any in the house.

Initially, I thought that Steve would be her confidant, but now it appears that she may be just using him for BB historical info. And the only reason that I say that is because she keeps him in the dark too much. She has a "secret" F2 deal with Steve, and she's not being totally honest with him because I think that Steve may be a last resort.

When she picked Austin for the "Express Pass" back in the first week, I thought that he was her +1, because they talked a lot and I thought that they were working well together. But during Vanessa's first HOH reign Austin started getting all emotional about Liz and acting like a jealous boyfriend. Then the twin twist fell into Vanessa's lap, and Austin starting going rogue with respect to him & Vanessa.

Vanessa made a F2 with Audrey,but that blew up in her face, and Audrey was evicted.

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I actually feel kind of bad for Vanessa. I do think she's a much better than average player and a lot of her misfortunes can be blamed on her alliance. She's surrounded by incompetence and it's causing her to bathe in blood every time she is HOH. She's got this doofus Austin who makes really stupid mistakes and then lies to her about them, she's got a couple of pretty useless twins that did an absolutely horrible job of hiding their secret, she has Shlay who are playing every side making alliances like crazy and pushing her do all their dirty work by betraying alliances and she has Steve who is a complete social pariah. She even had someone out there trying to throw BotB so she didn't have to stay HOH and even that got F'ed up. Yeah she's overly emotional and flaps her mouth like crazy but I think she does have a very good strategic mind for this game and could do much better with different allies.

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I think that Vanessa made a big mistake by nominating Jason and not nominating Austin.

She should have nominated Austin because he betrayed their alliance, not once, but several times. And he lied to her not once, but several times. And since she's made such a big deal about lying to her, she should have named him as the replacement nominee for that reason alone since Vanessa is all about "Reasons". Within their alliance (Clay, Shelli & Steve) Austin would have 3 votes. Vanessa should have made Austin play the game of BB and actively campaign for the 2 extra votes. Make him work for his place in the game. If he couldn't get the 2 extra votes that he needed to stay in the game, then that's on Austin.

The HGs that she betrayed will not say anything to her face because they are afraid. Everybody will play nice, but behind closed doors they're gonna talk - I just pray to the BB gods that they don't do it around Clay & Shelli.

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Vanessa is an idiot.  I don't think she ever watched big brother before!!! People lie omg she needs to get a clue especially since she is all for making up lies so she has a reason to put someone on the block.  I hope Jason stays this week and I hope he wins HOH along with Jackie why because I think they are the only 2 that would actually go after Vanessa and Clay and Shelli.

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I still think this was the best move for Vanessa's game - There is nothing to say the other side wouldn't have targeted her next week ... Last night Meg and Jason (I think it was) were talking about who would take the first shot at the other side and at that point they had Shay on their side so  with Austin gone that means Vanessa or the Twins would have been their target maybe Steve but Steve is a number for Vanessa now too so it makes sense IMO.


Vanessa is now a villain because she is perceived to be the one that took out Jason - Forget the fact that there were many people involved in this and she was going between Austin and Jackie most of the time until everyone started saying Jason and now she's taking all the heat for it ... well maybe a little less now in the house but from a fans perspective everyone jumps on Vanessa ... It's BB folks remember we see everything big picture and know everything that goes on they don't inside the house.

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When Vanessa told Jackie that "the house" wanted Jason out, Jackie is not stupid and she can do the math, and once it's figured out who knew what and when the SH IT is gonna hit the fan.

Now that Vanessa has named the replacement nominee, her HOH duties are over, she has no more power and will be vulnerable next week. And since she's never been nominated by anybody there's a good chance that she's gonna be on the block next week, hopefully with Shelli.

By backstabbing Jason, she may have put the motivation into James, Jackie, Meg, Johnny Mac & Becky to actually fight for the HOH comp.

Will Vanessa's alliance of Austin & the twins protect her??? Will Steve step up????? What will Clay & Shelli do????

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I'm with you, she drives me crazy every time she makes this holier than though


"you know how I feel about liars"


She has a head for the game, but she talks too much, never mind too fast


Just a matter of time till it catches up with her, too much blood, too many stories....and BTW it is IMPOSSIBLE to do an "investigation" that she can VERIFY because everyone is doing what's best for their own game, even if they have to lie to her.... :crybaby:


It was funny to watch Jackie be blindsided :cry:

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Her whole shtick about liars is gameplay. She lies. She knows it. But if you make everyone afraid to lie to you, people tell you stuff that can help you with the game. If she doesn't make F6, I will be shocked.

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