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Audrey Middleton (Week 2)

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I think she'll keep a lower profile this coming week. (Unless she's put on the block)

Bet she realizes last week's tactics made everyone leary of her.

Lol... she reminded me of the Tasmanian Devil...

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I think they didn't show Audrey's drama full scope because tonight was mainly about Jace who was leaving.  When Audrey gets nominated, I suspect they will show more stuff.  Otherwise, why is she nominated?  And Becky WILL nominate her.  I think Becky wants Steve on the block with Audrey because she believes they would lose against whoever Shelli nominates.

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Right now she is an opportunity to change her game and get to plan B.  She was extremely aggressive in week 1 now she has to lay low and be less aggressive.  Stay out of any drama that is happening in the house and don't stir the pot, let others do that instead. 


Right now she needs to talk to both HOH's and grovel and beg.  Tell them how not a threat you are because you can't win competitions.  Tell them she will do whatever they want this week and next if they don't nominate her or backdoor her this week. 


Once she does that she needs to just leave things alone and stay low and out of peoples way.  She can build alliances and stuff again later on in the game but right now its trying to remain safe.

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Audrey has been a totally different player the last week. I almost like her now and I hated her last week.


This week I am a Jeff hater. 

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Don't like her at all. I thought I would but I don't. She got caught last week and she cannot even keep her mouth shut this week and no one believes a word she is saying except maybe Clay and Shelli.

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Audrey has been a totally different player the last week. I almost like her now and I hated her last week.


This week I am a Jeff hater. 

No joke!  Jeff needs to STFU for once.  He just talks way too much! 

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I am starting to intensely dislike her. I think she has some sort of mental disorder that makes her lie not just about the game- but about absolutely ridiculous things. And she's really bad about spreading unnecessary gossip. For instance, last night she was up in the HOH bedroom and Shelli (or whoever the HOH is now, both girls are so boring I can't remember their names) offered her some gummi bears. Audrey said she didn't want any because she's grossed out by people not washing their hands and reaching into the bag, then started telling some story about how she saw James digging down the front of his pants scratching himself. She then got all weird and mysterious and said "I bet some strange things things happen in there", referring to the HOH bathroom. Shelli asked, 'like what?' And Audrey just got this secretive smile and started shrugging a lot. 


I also read on the recaps that she was asking Clay about his first kiss with Shelli, which didn't happen. Then she was telling Clay that she could tell him what Shelli said about his kissing. Completely made up. 


She's a psycho. 

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I am starting to intensely dislike her. I think she has some sort of mental disorder that makes her lie not just about the game- but about absolutely ridiculous things. And she's really bad about spreading unnecessary gossip. For instance, last night she was up in the HOH bedroom and Shelli (or whoever the HOH is now, both girls are so boring I can't remember their names) offered her some gummi bears. Audrey said she didn't want any because she's grossed out by people not washing their hands and reaching into the bag, then started telling some story about how she saw James digging down the front of his pants scratching himself. She then got all weird and mysterious and said "I bet some strange things things happen in there", referring to the HOH bathroom. Shelli asked, 'like what?' And Audrey just got this secretive smile and started shrugging a lot. 


I also read on the recaps that she was asking Clay about his first kiss with Shelli, which didn't happen. Then she was telling Clay that she could tell him what Shelli said about his kissing. Completely made up. 


She's a psycho.

 I agree if this is her strategy going into the game she sucks at it. If you are going to lie which is a part of big brother then don't mention names. I think it sucks that Day will be going home because she ratted out Audrey. They all think she can go next week at the hands of someone else. Which translates to she will be in the house for quite awhile.
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I think this girl is bi-polar. Now she wants to save Da?!?!


I wonder if she was just trying to get her to name the other votes so she could use that against her and/or the people she names as votes for her to stay - None of this means she's not bi-polar she's all over the place

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I figured it out actually.  Let's face it.  Both Clay (mostly Clay) and Shelli have really treated Audrey like crap this week.  They haven't given her much assurance either than "remember we saved you this week so you need to do exactly what we tell you to do".  I believe they should have realized that Audrey IS an emotional player and when she gets panicked or hurt, she reacts.  So she felt like Clay and Shelli no longer want her in their alliance and that she has been replaced.  Ergo, maybe she can help save Da and maybe Da and Jason won't target her.  Foolish thinking but that is most likely what happened.

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Audrey is either listening to the voices in her head, or the DR production crew. She tried to lay low for a while, but now she is up to her old tricks again and she' s rubbing some of the HGS the wrong way.

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I kinda like having her around this week. She has really toned it down a lot with her cray cray.


It is interesting when she gives her views on other houseguests. She is pretty much on target. 

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I am trying to figure out what she thinks will be different this week playing like she did last week???? I liked her interview with Jeff and I thought that she would be a good player thats what I get for thinking. I need to stop that whenever possible.

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I think that if Audrey wins HOH, it will depend upon who also wins it with her.  If Austin wins, she will go with that side of the house.  If Jason wins it, she will tell him about the Clay/Shelly/Austin/Vanessa thing.  It reallllly depends on who wins.

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