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Sunday, June 28 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed / BBAD Updates


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1:35pm BBT: Becky and Audrey talking in the HOH room about how hard it is to be HOH and how a week of safety comes at a price, yet Audrey still would like to win HOH. They are discussing the differences between watching the show and being on the show. Becky must have cramps, she is curled up saying she hurting and then said “I just wanna sell my uterus on ebay”


1:39pm BBT: Julia, Shelli & Meg in the blue bedroom discussing how you just gotta keep telling yourself “fuck it, it’s a game”. Stay respectful and kind, be a good person and just know the game has to be played, that’s the least people could do. Jason comes in and conversation turns to Dunkin doughnuts and how awesome Burlington Coat Factory is, where he got his shoes for $9.

1:42pm BBT:  Jase pacing the comic room, flicks off cameras and says “bastards” under his breath. Then begins whistling loudly while changing into swim stuff to go outside.


1:53 pm BBT: James & Clay talk in HOH room about how intense the POV ceremony was. James saying maybe he needs to talk to Austin about making the next vote to backdoor Jace a house vote so he doesn’t paint a target on his back. Clay agrees saying he should just go to Austin like he has his best interest at heart and what is the better game move. James says it’s probably a good move in case Austin wins HOH and wants revenge for Jace. James said Jace came in the game too hot all ‘I’m a beast, and I’m going to win all these competitions’. Clay agrees he doesn’t want to go against him in competitions. James says he understands why Jace is mad because he doesn’t get any chances to pull himself off the block because they back doored him.


1:49pm BBT: Jace asks to speak to James alone in the HOH. Jace says he’s had James back since day one with every decision he’s made and he wants to know why he put him up. James says he respects him as a person but game wise, I don’t want to compete with you. It all comes down to a strategic move. That’s all it is, it’s not personal. Jace said it is personal, and he’s asking if he’s been lying to him the entire time. James said it was kind of a last minute decision. Jace said everyone has been lying to him, the whole house is full of liar and James fucked up because he wasn’t one of the liars. Jace goes on to tell him that even if he doesn’t stay, this move will bite him in the ass and there is no way he can win this game. Jace continues his rant about how he trusted James and how he’s full of shit. James is just kind of taking it and saying, “It is what it is”. James tells Jace, all I can tell you is to go rally up votes and do what you gotta do as a game player. Jace tells him he came into the game to strong and people are afraid of him as a competitor and maybe when the game is done and Jace can see how things went down they can be friends. Jace says no way, you ruined it because you tried to get me out the first week, you embarrassed me and you embarrassed my family. James says why did you sign up for this game, did you think everyone is going to tell you the truth and tell you what you want to hear? This is big brother! James tried to compliment him by saying he respects him as a competitor and doesn’t want to go against him in competitions. Jace says he’s actually a man of his word unlike James and he hopes America sees that. He points out the bracelet James is wearing “WWJD”, and says “You know what Jesus would do, he wouldn’t go back on his fucking word” [bahahahahaha] and James replies, ‘Hey this is What would James Do, why are you bringing Jesus into this?’. James then says what were you planning to do, tell the truth and make it through the whole game? Jace says, exactly 100% [Has he seen Big Brother before?] James reminds him that this IS big brother and you can’t make it through the game like that. Jace says you don’t have to play dirty, you can be a man of your word. Jace says no one is taking to him like he’s a leper and James tells him it’s because everyone is afraid he’s going to blow up. Jace wants to know why people would think that [gee I wonder why]. James tell him his aura is aggressive, he gives off aggressive vibes. Jace rants again about how James stuck a knife in his back, and how he’s afraid of him and he can’t be trusted. The conversation kind of ends on, “it just sucks”.


2:05pm BBT: James rehashes his conversation with Jace to Clay in HOH room. James said he already made up in his mind he won’t hate anyone in the house, it’s just a game and he would reach out to everyone after the game. It might suck but he said he’ll see it as ‘you got me’ instead of something hateful.


2:10pm BBT: Jeff talks on the glass bridge with James about Liz throwing Austin under the bus because she knows she doesn’t have the numbers in the game. Jeff says he can’t trust her but they should come up with a plan to play her. Jeff jokes he should ask her to join him and James in the hot tub. Jeff says he can manipulate Liz but he can’t manipulate Austin and they need to get him out next.

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2:10pm BBT: Jeff is talking to James  upstairs and telling him that one of the girls is saying that Austin threw her under the bus and Jeff says i can not trust her now and James said no of course not. James says the way to manipulate her is to  listen to her and make her think you are with her.

 In the  purple rm Jase leave and goes to the DR. Vanessa, Shelli Jackie and Becky are talking saying that they think Jace is handling this well.

2:15pm BBT: Audrey ask Vanessa to talk to her alone that there is something personal she wants to talk to her about so they go to the lounge rm.  Audrey says  so i am a direct person and am transparent more than people think and i want to say i am disappointed in you and you told someone what i have said and it came back to me and i have also told people that i could not trust you. Vanessa says no i haven't. Audrey says several people told me that  you did not trust me. Vanessa says that is a lie. Audrey says someone came to me saying they did not trust me anymore cause you went to them and told them things. Vanessa said no i did not do that .

 2:20pm BBT: Vanessa says i went to Shelli and told her that i was  not sure about something and she said to talk to you and i did and that is all that was said. Audrey said this morning Austin followed me to the HOh rm and told me that there is a group that is starting to formulate and i need to know if this is true. Vanessa said he asked that. Audrey says that Austin said there was a plan to backdoor Jason and Vanessa said  i never said that i was sleeping i guess.

2:24pm BBT: Austin and James went to the WA and Austin says i had a feeling this was going to happen and James says yeah i know you did and listen i will tell you like i told Jace i was scared of him and did not want to be against him on the block.

2:30pm BBT: Shelli and Jackie laying in bed talking to Jeff about puppies. Audrey and Vanessa still in the lounge rm talking to Austin now about what happened today, Vanessa says she wants to trust Audrey and she says i am putting my eggs in your basket so it is up to you.

2:37pm BBT: Audrey, Vanessa and Austin repeat them selves alot and Audrey says i am going to confront this person and i am going tom say that i think we all need to sit down and clear our names. Austin and Vanessa says lets do it.

2:39pm BBT: Audrey says my biggest concern was that you hurt me Vanessa and Vanessa says all i can say is i understand but i can say i never said anything.

2:49pm BBT: Audrey, Vanessa and Austin talking about the show that will show tonight  and they think the B.O.B will be shown tonight  and Wednesday the POV.

2:51pm BBT: Jason and James in the BY talking about how mad Jace is and James says he knew it was going to happen and i told him i did not want to be against him in the B.O.B or HOH. Jason says yeah he is strong and he got his name out there now just by coming here and he got that now.

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2:25pm BBT: Austin telling James in the bathroom that he respects his decision, he’s not mad and he understand why he made the choice to put up Jace. Austin says he still trusts James, he does wish he were just more in the loop on everything and hopefully he will be in the future.


2:55pm BBT: Jase & Shelli in the comic book room. Shelli says she’s not in any alliances and she hasn’t been in the conversations and she wants Jase to know that she wants him here. She starts crying saying it’s breaking her heart to see him on the block. Now Jase started crying. She tells him from an outside perspective that he’s just a big threat and paired with Austin it was just too big of a threat. Jase says he doesn’t even have a house to go back to. He said he had an awesome house and now he has nothing. He goes on to say how he didn’t get to fight to save himself and he says he should have played a more quiet game, be less competitive. He said it wasn’t in his nature. Shelli gives him a pep talk about how he’s a great guy and he has real friends in the house regardless of what happens. Jace wants to know who stabbed him in the back because he doesn’t think this was all James’ decision. Shelli says people have to play the game and it’s just awkward. More boo hoo about going home the first week from Jase. More, hopeful, no matter what happens it will be ok from Shelli.

3:07pm BBT: Jeff is lying in bed with Meg, he just called her a dirty bitch in Spanish.


3:08pm BBT: Liz & Austin in the hammock talking about how Audrey is running the game and she has to go. Liz said she trusts Austin and they can only trust each other, and can’t talk in front of other people anymore. Austin says not to be around Jace right now, he said he can hang around him because everyone knows they are friends, but she can’t go cuddling with him or anything. Austin says Audrey and Clay are winning this game. Austin talking about how to manipulate Clay & Audrey to their advantage by only giving them information they already know and constantly act vulnerable and asking them for advice on what they should do. Austin tells Liz to work the Jeff angle to see if they can get him on their side.

3:23pm BBT: Liz and Austin still in the hammock. Liz talking about James being creepy. He asked Liz where she was sleeping one night and one day when she was getting in the pool he was like “Damn Liz” and Liz says he says really disgusting thing to her like ‘I’d be your one night stand’ or ‘you’d be my weekend girl’. Austin says, what is wrong with these people. Austin says for today they should just lay low and work Jeff.

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6:05 PM BBT In the BY, Clay and Shelli are on the hammock. Jace is sitting next to them. He says that James turned his back on him. "Whoever is lying to me, we are going to find out soon." Shelli "This was James' idea." Jace "That's not what he told me."


6:07 PM BBT BB "Jace, stop that." Jace is just sitting there. He looks up to the sky and says "What?" with a slight attitude. Shelli tells him not to take it out on them (camera operators?) because it's not their fault.


6:10 PM BBT Shelli and Clay are on the hammock talking about food on feeds 1/3. On feeds 2/4 we have Jason, Jackie, and Becky. Jason is telling them about the bee that was stuck to his leg. He said he ran halfway around the yard and the bee stayed there. He calls it Bertha the Bee.


6:12 PM BBT Feeds 2/4 switch to Da'Vonne and Audrey whispering in the LR about future nominations. Da'Vonne says that she (Meg?) has to be BDed. Audrey said Jackie has already volunteered to be a pawn if needed. Meanwhile feeds 1/3 are now on Liz and Jace laying on the ground in the BY. Jace says that he isn't going to throw anybody under the bus.


6:20 PM BBT Jason has joined Audrey and Da'Vonne in the LR. They are discussing that their next move is. Jason says he trust Shelli and Clay more than Jackie and Jeff. They agree that Clay is more trustworthy than Jackie though.


6:22 PM BBT Audrey and Da'Vonne are assuming that tonight might be a very long night so they are considering taking a nap. Meanwhile Jace is still talking to Liz about how he was wronged. He says it's embarrassing. Liz says if she gets put up next she will cry like a baby.


6:28 PM BBT Clay are Shelli are still in the hammock. Shelli says she has to remind herself when she doesn't have even a minute to herself how bad she wanted this, to get in the house. Clay says he appreciates that he can talk to Shelli because she doesn't want to talk game all the time.


6:31 PM BBT In the BY Liz and Austin are laying on the ground. He tells her that they can't have a whole house alliance. Somehow, they are going to have to find a way. He thinks Shelli and Clay are forming their own separate alliance.


6:34 PM BBT Austin and Liz whispering in the BY has caught the attention of Shelli and Clay on the hammock. Shelli asks Clay if he can tell what they are saying. He says that he can't hear them.


6:37 PM BBT Austin approaches Clay and Shelli on the hammock. They ask him if he plans to talk to Liz about her throwing him (Austin)under the bus. Austin says he needs to talk to her because he thought he could trust her, but he doesn't wasn't to put a target on his back by confronting her. Austin is disappointed that James knew about this and never told him.


6:40 PM BBT On the hammock,Clay is telling Shelli that he thinks everyone in the house is sketchy but her. Meanwhile Jason and Becky are playing a friendly game of pool.


6:50 PM BBT Jason is now playing pool with Steve. Austin is working out in the BY with Jace while Liz jumps rope. Jace and Austin shake hands. Austin says "I had your back from the get go." It seems Jace is resolved to the fact that he is probably leaving.


6:52 PM BBT Austin and Jace are talking in the BY. Jace wants advice on what he can do flip his situation. Austin says he might be able to reach out to those who might feel left out. Jace is open to just about any suggestion as long as it doesn't involve throwing his friends under the bus.


6:57 PM BBT Jason joins Austin at the weights. Austin tells him that he is just about done. Jason says "What, after doing it for nine hours now you are just about done?"

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7:01 PM BBT In the BY, Jason & Austin are having a convo about HG's not throwing comps this season, while they are working out. In the KT, Clay & Becky are talking about family vacations they have taken with their families.


7:04 PM BBT Shelli goes in the KT to help with making dinner, & she asks Clay what he wants for his birthday dinner. The camera view switches to HOHR where James & Jace are talking. James tells Jace, if he stays it will be great, & if he guns for him it's o.k. Jace tells James, he's stressed. He says, he lost his job & house before coming to the game. He also crashed his car.


7:06 PM BBT Jace tells James, there are rats in the house. He wants to know who threw him under the bus, but knows that James probably won't tell him. James says, there were multiple people that have told him things, & he's not going to say who. James says, he's been in the HOHR all day, & no one has come to talk to him. Jace says, he doesn't have the votes, & he's been dealt a bad hand.


7:08 PM BBT Jace says, if he does stay, James won't be his target. He says, he wants to find out who started this for everyone to be against him. James says, if he does stay, that will be awesome, & they will have things to talk about. James tells him, that he probably will give him the answers if he stays. He says, things have already been set in motion with him & the house.


7:10 PM BBT James tells Jace, the train has already left the station. James tells Jace, if he goes to everyone trying to change their minds, then they will be mad at him. Jace says, it will hurt his game as well. He says, he doesn't know how his name got thrown under the bus, except that people are intimidated by him. James says, he will sleep on it, & then try to talk to some people.


7:12 PM BBT Jace says, he wants to make it further in the game, at least to jury. He says, he's scared of the other side right now. He tells James, he's sorry for the mean things he said about him earlier. James tells Jace, the people that he thought were close to him may not be. He says, this is BB, & you can't trust people. He says, it was across the house & last minute info he got.


7:15 PM BBT Jace is adjusting his himself while he's still talking to James. He thinks Audrey is the one who went to James to start everything against him. James says, he heard that he would be Jace's target next week. Jace says, he never said he would do or say that. James says, he has more evidence in his ear about everything by everyone that talked to him.


7:17 PM BBT Jace keeps talking to James to try and sway his decision. James is sprawled out on the couch in the HOHR, covered with his light blue blanket, & he has his leg propped up, with his cowboy boots on. Shelli, Becky, Jackie, John, & Austin are all in the KT. Everyone walks out except for Jackie & Becky. Liz walks through the KT. Austin goes to the BY.


7:21 PM BBT In the BY, as Austin starts to work out, the camera view changes to the couches. Jason, Clay & Jeff are all talking there. Clay tells them that he told Jace that he has to vote with the house when Jace asked him who he's voting for. He says, Jace is going to start campaigning. Jason says, Jace is going to go after all the girls. Jeff says, that's weird. Clay leaves.


7:24 PM BBT The camera view changes to the KT. Jackie, Liz, Clay, Becky & Shelli are having a convo about what temperature to cook chicken on in the oven. Jace leaves the HOHR, & James says, sh** after he leaves. The camera view changes to the BY couches. Jason tells Jeff & Austin that Jace's butt shots are on the feeds. Jason says, they've gotten people having sex on the feeds before.


7:26 PM BBT Jace comes to the BY, & he & Austin go by the workout equipment. Jace tells Austin that people went to James last minute, & that's when he changed his vote. Austin says, that's not true, because he had the song all made up. Jace says, there were 2 or 3 people in his ear. He says, he was told the people he trusts the most, he needs to not trust.


7:28 PM BBT Austin tells Jace that it's Clay & Audrey. Jace agrees, & says, he going to campaign to stay. He says, he will tell everyone that they will not be his targets, & he will gun for them, & make sure they get out. Austin tells him he needs to be calm & not abrasive. He says, he needs to be Dan with the Bible in his hands. Jace says, he's not going to use the Bible.


7:29 PM BBT Austin tells Jace to try & cry when he says it, & that will be much better. The camera view changes to the couches in the BY. Jace joins Jeff, Jason & Clay on the couches. Jace tells them he's sorry for being abrasive earlier with James. He says, he's sorry for the way he spoke to him, & it's not in his nature. Jeff says, it's human nature.


7:32 PM BBT Jace says, when he gets like that he feels like a caged animal. He says, he's not happy, but he feels a lot better than he did at the time. He says, at least he has a couple more days to hang out with his bros. Jeff says, a lot can happen between now & then. Jace says, he made it in there. If he goes out the first week, he goes. He says, he's a bigger target in the game.


7:33 PM BBT Jace tells them that someone in the house went to James last minute, & lied about him. Jace says, he's a very honest guy, & shoots straight. Clay says, everyone knows that about him. Jace says, he would have like to play a Veto or something. He says, he would have like to spell zones. Jason says, he'll never live that down. He was going to spell running, but the g's were gone.


7:35 PM BBT The convo on the BY couches changes to the movie Cool Runnings. They say it's a true story, & everyone needs to watch that movie. They start talking about what they want to eat tonight. Jeff says, Jackie likes the pizza, but he doesn't like them. Jason talks about previous seasons & who liked pizza & who didn't.


7:38 PM BBT James is in the grey BR talkin to Meg. Audrey is asleep in another bed. Austin walks through. James says, he's going to get away, because he doesn't want to look sketchy. James asks if Austin is gone? Meg says, yes. BB tells Meg to please reattach her microphone. James says, thanks BB for blowing our cover. He says, Austin saw him there next to her.


7:40 PM BBT James asks her to try & smooth things over for him by saying he's upset about things, & try to find out if Jace is mad at him. He tells Meg, he's going to get away from her for now, because too many people are walking through. He walks to the KT. James found ants in the food, & says, they probably need to keep the food on the counters.


7:42 PM BBT Shelli says, they can't keep all the counters. They have to throw a lot of food away because ants are in the cereal. James says, it's a delicacy in some countries to eat ants in their cereal. Vanessa, Jace & James are by the couches in the BY. Vanessa talks to Jace about the glute muscles. Camera view switches to the pool table. James is setting the table up.


7:46 PM BBT Jace tells James, he was drying his laundry, but the dryer wasn't started. He and James begin to play a game of pool. They talk about school while they continue to play. Jackie, John, Shelli & Jeff are all still in the KT. Jeff is eating something at the counter, & Becky walks into the KT. Jason walks through the KT, & John goes to the counter by Jeff.


7:50 PM BBT Jeff says, Happy Birthday to Johnny Mack (John). John is sitting at the KT table eating with Shelli. Jackie asks if they have steak sauce, before she sits down to eat. Meg is walking around in the KT. Becky says, Steve must have tried to kiss someone. She heard the boys cheering, & says, whenever they do that it has to do with Steve trying to hit on someone.


7:54 PM BBT The camera view switches to the grey BR. Jason is talking to Audrey about what he said to Jace. Meg walks in the grey BR eating an apple. Audrey says, she was told that Da'Vonne is the problem. Jason says, he thinks they think is Audrey though. Audrey says, they may be using reverse psychology. Meg is chomping on her apple into her microphone.


7:56 PM BBT Audrey tells Jason, that it's probably better that people ignore them for now. She says, if they want to target her, they can bring it on. She says, she is there to compete, & they can bring it on. She says, bye Felicia. Meg says, bye. Audrey says, there is so much changing, & it's hard to keep track of everything. Jason says, it's not the same week 1 like other seasons.


7:58 PM BBT Jason says, it's not usually like this for any other season. He says, that it may be because of the first week isn't on feeds. He says, when feeds do come on, that it's usually all over the place, & there are probably a ton of alliances that never get talked about. Jason says, he told Austin if he heard the song one more time he would go off on him.


8:00 PM BBT Meg says, she thinks Jackie was there when the song was being said. Jason says, Jackie is trying to keep her name out of things. Meg says, their tactic is trying to convince people they are going to try to vote Jason & James out. Meg says, they aren't smart enough in the game. Jason says, he's hungry, & he tells Audrey he's sorry to wake her up.


8:02 PM BBT Jason says, he will sleep when he is dead. He tells the girls, Jace has been talking game in the BY all day. Jason says, he's trying to flip sides way to hard, because it will flip back on him. Audrey says, she told Jace he doesn't have her vote to stay. She says, she told him she's not the mastermind in the house. She says, she told him to try & get people to sit down in a room.


8:04 PM BBT Meg says, she doesn't think that he will get the people to sit down together. Audrey says, she would love to take the credit for trying to get him out, but she can't. Jason says, he probably sealed his fate early on, because of his personality. Audrey says, she told Jace to back off her. Meg says, she's so offended he hasn't come up to her yet.


8:05 PM BBT Audrey says, it's pretty much everyone in the house that wants Jace out. Jason says, he was following him at one point, when he was trying to go pi**. Audrey says, he could be pretending also. Jason says, he's toned down some. Audrey says, he is probably just taking things he's heard, & he doesn't know facts. She says, that's why she can't get along with a Sagittarius.


8:08 PM BBT Clay walks in the grey BR. She tells Jason he's an a**hole. Jason says, I'm a castle? Audrey says, yes. I said a**hole, but that works to. Jeff walks in the grey BR, & then so does Shelli & James. Audrey says, they aren't specifically saying names, they are implying names. Clay says, Jace has been talking to people all day about reasons to stay.


8:11 PM BBT James says, he's a bullet magnet & he's been taking them all day. He says, Jace has been drilling him all day, trying to get him to throw names, & he won't. Vanessa walks through the grey BR, & goes to the HN BR. Shelli asks her to sit down, & she doesn't. James says, BB, how about a warning next time. Meg says, she's going to walk out here again shortly.


8:13 PM BBT James tells BB, he's so board right now, & asks them to throw some strippers. Jason says, he has numbers. Jackie joins in with all the people in the grey BR. James says, that bed is comfy, really comfy. Shelli says, it's a comfy hang out spot. Meg says, you can't get out of the bed in the morning. Meg says, she hates Jason so much. He says, for calling you a panther?


8:14 PM BBT Meg says, stop that. Jeff says, he has nightmares of Meg coming over the speaker, & saying that. James says, everyone is going to have screen shots of themselves when they get out of the BB house. Meg says, she feels hers will be horrible, & mean-looking. Jeff & Jason say, there will be ones of Meg in every bed in the house.


8:16 PM BBT James wants to ask Jeff a question & tells everyone to rock, paper, scissors for it. He says, he has to drop it, because he lost. Meg tells her mom & dad she's sorry. James says, man, her dad's a mayor dude. Jeff says, just don't go to that town dude, or you'll get detained with 6,000 tickets. Austin walks through the grey BR & goes to the HN BR. He comes back out.


8:18 PM BBT Austin gets called to the DR. James says, he can't wait to watch all of the DR sessions. Jeff asks James, if his have been intense? James says, he can't always get his dialogue right, that's why he's talking to the wizards so long. Jason says, call someone hot, he says it, & says he gets to leave. Jeff says, he wonders what Steve says in the DR.


8:20 PM BBT The convo continues about the DR sessions. They all agree it's cold in the DR. They say, Austin went in there again without a shirt on. Jason says, they should go in there with winter coats in there next time. They start talking about the table behind the chair that has the tissues on it. BB says, HG's you are not allowed to talk to other HG's about your DR sessions.


8:22 PM BBT Some of the girls say, they've cried in there already. Some haven't had a need, maybe when they get their period. BB calls Liz to the DR. Jeff says, Austin just went in there. They don't think that Austin has come out of there yet, & wonder why they both would get called in at the same time. They discuss what they are going to eat for dinner.


8:23 PM BBT Jason says, maybe they called Liz into the DR for them to have sex together, & BB must be o.k. with it. He says, that would be the most awkward pair in bed ever. He says, if Austin is out of the DR, he will see him in the KT. He says, BB just doesn't do that. Jason walks out of the grey BB. They all can't wait for the live eviction show, & trying to do shout outs.


8:25 PM BBT Liz walks through the grey BR. The HG's left in the bedroom discuss upcoming birthday's. Audrey is in the BY with Jace & Austin. Jace is jumping on Audrey about who went into James' ear. Jace tells Audrey, that he doesn't know what is going on. He says, he's being treated sh**ty, & doesn't understand why. He says, he's been dealt a sh**ty hand.


8:28 PM BBT Jace says, he doesn't know why no one is trying to help him. He says, she is only trying to help herself. Audrey says, she is not going to tell him anything, & the chips will fall where they lay. Jace says, he's f***ed, & doesn't know what to do about it. She tell him, to call a house meeting & find out what's going on. He back tracks what he's saying to her & she calls him out on it.


8:32 PM BBT Jace & Audrey keep going back & forth. Jace says, he's never upset anyone, & all he's done is try to make people laugh. Audrey says, as an outsider, she knows of 2 people he has made upset. They discuss this, & it ends up being Becky & Da'Vonne. Audrey wants to know why he's trying to take her down with him? He says, he wants to know who did this to him, & it could be her.


8:34 PM BBT Audrey wants to know who came up with the plan to backdoor Jason. She says, she wants to know why people want her to be upset with him. Jace says, he hates this game, & wants to know why all this is happening to him. Audrey says, she is pretty direct, & she genuinely likes him. She tells him, to think about everyone he's confided in. She doesn't know who it is, & because her name is going around, she doesn't want to throw out names.


8:36 PM BBT Audrey tells Jace, she went to sleep for 5 hours, & wakes up to all of this. Jace says, he has to be there for 3 more days with nothing to do. She tells him, to start thinking about people & who they are connected to. He asks her if she wants to sit down? She says, she wants to go back inside, & doesn't want to deal with the gossip. Jace wants to know who talked to her.


8:38 PM BBT Austin & Steve are talking in the CRL. Steve tells Austin to just lay back. He tells him, he's sorry about Jace. Steve tells him, it would be awesome if one of them win HOH next week. Jace discusses a house meeting with Audrey in the BY. He says, he's royally f***ed, & he's sorry for bringing her name into. She tells him, if he calls someone out, a house meeting isn't the right place.


8:42 PM BBT Audrey asks Jace, how does he not know if Steve was the original target, & he won the Veto? Jace says, he knows, because he's the one on the block. He says, it's different. He tells Audrey someone is flat out lying. She says, she knows, & she's trying to figure it out. Jace says, he has to try & figure out how to stay in the game. She tells him, to talk one on one with people, & don't throw someone under the bus.


8:44 PM BBT Audrey tells Jace to try & find his friends in the game that will stand by him. Then, get them in a room, & see if they will stand by each other to save him. She tells him, to think about what she just said, & she spells it out even more. He says, he's been planning on finding out who the mole is. He says, someone is lying, again. She tells him, she knows.


8:46 PM BBT Jace tells Audrey he's not spreading bullsh** about her. She says, if that's the case do what she told him to do, & it will work out. Jace says, it's tough for him, he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve. She tells him, he has a glass box. She says, she's going inside to probably confront the people that are talking about it. He sits in the BY, with his hat falling off his head, & looks like he's about to cry.


8:48 PM BBT Audrey goes back to the grey BR, & tells them she just had a conversation with Jace. They ask her what he was dumping out? She says, frustration. James walks out, & Audrey sits in the chair. Audrey says, it's like trying to raise him with a 4-year-old. She says, at the end of it, it's completely squashed. She says, he was thinking about calling a house meeting to call out specific people.


8:50 PM BBT Audrey says, hopefully she diffused the thought of that. She says, the only advice she could give him, was to stop causing drama. Also, to stop trying to find out who the mole is, & find his true friends. The camera view changes to the couches in the BY, with Jace & Jason talking. Audrey gets called to the DR. Jason burps, and says, no one talks sh** to him.


8:52 PM BBT Jace asks Jason, what he would have to do to get him to vote to keep him. Jason says, at this point he's going with the majority of the house. He says, that's pretty pathetic to say, but in week 1, you have to do that. Jason tells him, if he can convince people to vote for him, he's with it. Jason tries to give him advice to help him.


8:53 PM BBT Jason says, he would have to prove that he has the majority to vote with him. Jace says, he's trying to find out who went to James right before the nom's to tell him he was gunning for him, because that's not true.


8:55 PM BBT Jason asks Jace, if it could be Steve? Jace says, no, because he's cool with Steve. Jace says, there's really nothing he can do. Jason tells him to just not say anything for another day & a half. Then, he can try to talk to people. Meg comes to the BY by them on the couches. She says, she feels like she's done nothing today, & feels helpless & worthless.


8:57 PM BBT Jason tells Jace, as a BB fan, it's better for him to just lay low for the next couple days, & opportunities will present themselves. He says, Jackie isn't saying anything, & maybe he can out game her. Jace says, the difference between him & Jackie is that if she stays in the game, she'll be a big target. Jason says, she will be a big target because of being on TAR.


8:59 PM BBT Jace tells Jason, he's very smart. Jason says, he just watches too much of this sh**, & he knows that as much as BB likes to repeat things in the game, they are always coming up with new things! Jason tells Jace, if there's nothing he can do to change things, then start talking to the cameras. Jace says, he's not one to give up, but not one person seems to want to vote for him.


9:02 PM BBT Jason tells Jace, he'll be in a better position if he just chills out like Jackie. Jason says, he couldn't do it, & says, he doesn't know how she's doing it. Jason says, he's smoking to much, because a pack he opened this morning is already gone. He also says, PETA will hate him for killing so many ants while he's been in the house. Meg says, she has been also.


9:05 PM BBT Liz, Steve & Austin are the KT. Liz is cleaning off the clear island, while Austin is making himself a bowl of slop. Steve walks out. Austin says, there's the Mack Attack. He says, there's nothing like some Johnny Mack in his life (referring to John), as he walks through the KT.


9:07 PM BBT Liz asks Austin is he's voting with the house? Austin says, yes, but next week something is going to go down, if he has anything to do with it. Austin is trying to find out who's talking stuff. Liz asks, if Vanessa is? Austin says, no, she's been in the HN BR. Liz & Austin go to the CRL. Austin calls it the Parlor. They start talking about who could have done this to Jace.


9:10 PM BBT Austin says, Audrey could be just saying this to throw them off, & blame other people. Liz says, everyone seems to be brainwashed by her. Austin says, he hopes Jace calls the house meeting & outs her. He says, she's going to burn next week, unless she gets HOH. He says, if she doesn't get HOH, then she's f***ed.


9:11 PM BBT Austin wants to wait to see what Jace does. Liz asks if she should do anything, & she says, she's done, & probably won't be friends with any of these people after this. Liz says, after Jace told him his plan, why is he still wondering what to do? Austin says, he doesn't want to deal with this anymore. He says, this whole thing has given him some new friends.


9:13 PM BBT Austin says, he's happy that he's friends with Steve & John. Liz says, she thinks Clay & Jeff are starting things. Austin thinks Audrey is the brain behind everything. Austin says, he doesn't know what is going on, & he's about to yell at Audrey. Liz says, he's the person she doesn't want to see mad. He says, he can't do that, because that will be the end of his game.


9:16 PM BBT Austin says, Audrey is untrustworthy, & she is playing a bully game. He says, how is she doing this? Does she have a microphone on him? He says, she keeps coming up & asking people why they are saying something, & trying to intimidate them. He says, if she comes up to him one more time, he's done.


9:17 PM BBT Liz says, she told Audrey that she's voting with the house. Austin says, we have 3 more days, so let's see what happens. He says, we can always decide on the voting day. He says, they already have planned out there game, & they have to fight it. Austin says, she's playing with the wrong people, & he would've helped her to get to the final 4.


9:19 PM BBT Austin says, she has a very touching story about what she went through. Liz says, she hasn't even heard the story. Austin tells Liz what Jace & Audrey were talking about in the BY earlier. Liz says, it's f***ing Sunday, & they have until Thursday. Austin says, if she does this to him again tomorrow, he's going to tell her to f*** off. He says, he will go home next week & play basketball.


9:21 PM BBT Liz says, she's not letting this game get to her. Austin says, he's not either. They both agree they have good lives out of the house. Austin says, the wrap party is going to be crazy as f***. Liz says, Rachel, don't invite half of these people, they are crazy. Austin agrees.


9:23 PM BBT Austin says, Aubrey is probably making this 5 pe. rson alliance with him while she's making a 5 person alliance with the other side of the house. Vanessa is in the WA setting her stuff up to take a shower on the cold side. Meg goes in the hot side of the shower. Jason comes out of the WC, & washes his hands, while Vanessa is cleaning her face at the sink.


9:25 PM BBT Shelli goes in the WC, & when she comes out she washes her hands at the sink. Vanessa walks out of the WA. Jason jokes with Meg about getting in the shower with her naked, & then he walks out of the WA. He goes to the grey BR. Jackie is lying in a bed. He says, he should just go full out, & put on a wh*** bikini. He goes back to the WC to change. Jackie says, she's getting hers also.


9:28 PM BBT Jackie walks to the KT with her bikini in hand. Meg comes out of the WA, walks to the KT, & is in her bathing suit. Jason walks out of the WA, & says, hello, I'm in my wh*** bikini. Meg tells him the cameras are following him. He says, yes, because this is the first time he's looked like a wh***. He says, it looks like he's walking around with no pants on. He walks to the BY.


9:30 PM BBT As Jason walks out to the BY, he says, wh*** bikini time. He says, hello, Rachel Riley. After he takes his shirt off, one of the guys playing pool whistles at him. Jason walks into the KT. Jackie & Meg are in the KT as well. Becky is at the KT table, & is complimenting him on his bikini. She says, it's not too revealing at all, & it's cute.


9:33 PM BBT Jason & Meg go to the BY to the jacuzzi. Jackie goes out as well, & has her revealing bikini on. Austin & Liz are still in discussion in the CRL. Liz says, they need to just lay low. Austin says, he thinks it's Jeff, but Audrey may just be making stuff up. Austin says, Jace wouldn't sell them out to anyone. He says, there's no way that 6 people came up to her.


9:36 PM BBT Liz says, the plan seems to be to get Jace out, & then her & him. She wants to plan now, if they find anything out they tell each other. Austin says, they can still hang out, just not as much. He says, maybe at night & in the morning or whatever. Liz says, she really doesn't get along with anyone else. She says, she really only feels comfortable with him & Jace.


9:37 PM BBT Austin says, Becky is nice, but weird. He says, Jeff is a frat boy. He says, James said some derogatory comments. He says, he didn't hear what James said to her. Liz says, they just need to get the power. Austin says, they are geeking out way to hard, way too soon. Jace comes to the CRL with them. He plops down on the couch in between the two of them.


9:39 PM BBT Jace says, he's screwed. Austin asks, why? Jace says, he thinks it's Clay more than Audrey. Austin asks, do you really think she's making friends? Jace says, yes, because there's only one person that he talked to before the ceremony, & that was Clay. Austin says, Clay was going to do it anyway, so that's not true. Austin tells him about the 5 person alliance on both sides of the house.


9:41 PM BBT Austin says, he doesn't even want to do this anymore with the games between Audrey & everyone. He says, if she comes up to him one more time, he's going to call a house meeting to find out what's going on. He says, all he wants to do is work out & eat protein. He says, if he goes home next week then so be it. Jace says, there's nothing he can do, & he just wants to go home now, & not have to wait 3 days.


9:43 PM BBT Jace tells Liz, he yelled at her earlier in case she didn't hear him. He tells her, Audrey is completely blowing his game up, & he can't do anything. Liz tells him, Audrey is telling her to stay away from him & sh**. She tells Jace just to lay low. He says, he's done, f***ing done, & he didn't even get a chance to play. Liz says, she can't believe it.


9:45 PM BBT Jace says, he should be a douche bag like Evil Dick was. Liz says, Audrey is running the house. Jace says, you really can't trust anyone at this point, no one gives a f*** at him. He says, Jackie just went out there in the sluttiest bathing suit ever trying to get votes. Liz says, she's trying to show off her tits. Jace says, her tits are ugly, & he doesn't like them.


9:47 PM BBT Jace says, they are all voting with the house. Liz says, she doesn't understand why people do that. She says, they should just go with who can help them in the game. Jace says, he just wants to go home, but he doesn't even have a home to go to. He says, he can't believe he gave up his house 1 block away from the beach in Venice, to come sit with these people in this house. He says, it's been a huge waste of his time.


9:48 PM BBT Jace says, Jackie doesn't even need to be there, because she has a lot going on, & she's already been on TV. Liz says, I know. Jace tells Liz not to throw her game away, because she has a chance to go far in the game. He says, he likes them a lot, & doesn't want to see them go up in flames. Liz says, she doesn't really like any of them, except him & Austin.


9:50 PM BBT Jace says, everyone will forget he's been in the house 3 days after he leaves. He says, no one can even look him in the eyes, it's crazy. Liz gets up & closes the CRL door, & then sits on the side of Jace. They hug each other. She says, it feels like they are the targets. Liz says, she knows for a fact, & people are sketchy as f***. Jace says, Shelli is crying, & it made him start tearing up.


9:52 PM BBT Liz says, he should go around & tell people that he has no where to go, & that Jackie has been on TAR already. Jace says, Audrey told him that she's going to start saying stuff about him. Liz says, he has such a vibrant personality, & she thought they were going to put Jeff up. She says, it sucks. Jace says, James is just trying to get rid of him, & it's a game.


9:54 PM BBT Jace says, no one believes anything he says. Liz says, it's pretty apparent that everyone is voting with the house, & it sucks. Jace says, he just wants to go home, but everyone tells him he can turns this around. He says, how, when no one likes him, & they're full of sh**. Liz says, it's only the beginning & they're already like this.


9:56 PM BBT Liz says, she doesn't want him to leave. Jace says, he hopes that her & Austin still talk to him when it's over. He tells her not to go crazy like Gina Marie did, & he will see her in a couple months anyway. She says, for sure. Jace says, it would be awesome for one of them to win the 500K, & say f*** them. Liz says, you can't trust anyone.


9:58 PM BBT Jace says, he was only paying $1,100 a month for his house, & all of the houses there are $2,500 or more a month. He says, he can't afford that amount a month to pay. Jace says, he wanted to stay longer. Aubrey opens the door to the CRL, & asks where everyone is. Jace says, she's so sketchy. Liz says, she's trying to work with Austin, but she hasn't said anything to her hardly.


10:00 PM BBT Jace says, James is such a pu**y. He says, he's 5'2". Liz says, that's the way to do it though. Jace says, to get back-doored on the first week is crazy. Liz says, everyone feels so safe, & they want to make a big move. Liz says, it kind of sucks for her & Austin, because they were relying on him to help them. She tells him not to give up, tomorrow's a new day. She tells him not to show his emotions.


10:03 PM BBT Jace says, it was either him or Jeff. He says, it could have been him that said something to James. They both believe Clay has something to do with, & Jace says, he's going to ask him if he blew his game up. Jace says, he's not going to even watch the show when he leaves. He says, he just wants to smash all of the cameras.

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10:15 PM BBT-10:30 PM BBT Clay, Shelli, Austin, Vanessa and Audrey agree to create an alliance (either Splinter Cell or Splinter...Shell as per suggested by Shelli).  They agree to have each others backs.  Austin is tired of the BS within the house and is ready to play.  They all agree.  The party breaks up and most of the HGs attempt to leave one by one as to not appear sketchy.  Shelli and Clay hang back and chat a bit.


10:40 PM BBT Out in the BY we have general silliness and exercise going on.  Meg says the daybed is covered in ants.  Jason is smoking and the rest of the HGs are having several conversations while wandering around.  Meg made Johnny a cake.  Back in the HOH Clay and Shelli continue to talk while watching the spy screen to see if anyone comes up-stairs.  Audrey comes back up and says she chased everyone outside to dance for the those two to escape.  Audrey says she wants to lay low the next week and keep her mouth shut.  (I'll believe it when I see it - Niteslacker)


10:41-10:46 PM BBT Jackie runs through the BY in her bikini.  Meg, Da'Vonne, Seve, Liz and Johnny are hanging out on the couches in the BY.  General ant chat.  James and Jeff are playing pool and Austin can occasionally be seen running and doing handstands in the BY.  Up in the HOH Shelli and Audrey are going back and forth about trust.  Shelli says tries to ask questions when tidbits of information are given to her but she never gets the whole picture.  Shelli says this may have been to her own benefit at this point because she literally knows nothing.  However, moving forward she will eventually want to know more.  Shelli says the 8 person alliance is taking small snippets of conversation and blowing up the house by running around the house and divulging parts of it.


10:47-10:53 PM BBT Shelli says this 5 person thing they just did and the first thing Audrey did was try to splinter everyone up to different parts of the house.  Shelli runs her mouth quickly mimicking Audrey "...and you're going to do this and I'm going to do this...and we're all gonna do that.  Great?  Good!" Shelli says then she has to sit back and go "....neat...."  Audrey has a good laugh.  The three are concerned for Austin.  Clay says he's going to stay in Austin's ear.  If Austin gets HOH next week he may target Jeff and they'll have to distance themselves from him.  Clay says they still have the five....the three of them (Clay, Shelli, Audrey, Meg and Jeff).  Clay says they are the core until they get Da'Vonne out.  Audrey wants to get Jace out this week because he keeps throwing her name out there.  James can be seen on the spy screen heading towards the HOH.  Audrey hides underneath the blanket.  James sees the two of them and looks to the camera and points at the two of them and says "look at this!"  Audrey jumps out as James walks by.  He seems unphased.


10:54 PM BBT Down in the BY Jeff and Vanessa are now playing pool.  Back in the HOH Audrey suggests that they have an eight person check in at 5 am.  They worry that Becky or Steve may get up and wander around the house to look for people.  James suggests that the majority hide in the shower and James will flip the lights off and act like he was being woken up.  Talk turns to what will happen next week.  Jeff is going to go get cake and then he may work out with Shelli.  Audrey really wants to meet up with everyone.  Clay suggests doing it when it's not sketchy by them all being up there.


10:58 PM BBT Audrey is going to get members of the eight person alliance and will slowly send them upstairs.  Shelli wants to talk to Da'Vonne.  Audrey says that everyone needs to stay upstairs and wait.  She (Audrey) will be the last one up.  Clay says to hurry.  Audrey can be seen talking to Jackie in the BY.  Meg and Da'Vonne come into the HOH.  James wonders who invited her.  Meg tells him to shut up.

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11:02 PM BBT Out in the BY Audrey and Jackie are in the hammock with Becky sitting nearby.  Someone asks Audrey how her day is.  Audrey says "other than Jase trying to blow me up all day because he thinks I masterminded his demise.  BB calls Becky out for microphone obstruction.  Back in the HOH Jason has joined the crew.  Meg says Austin and Steve has been talking a lot today.  James says that Jace said Austin said James will be a target next week.  Da'Vonne says she's been sleeping a lot today.


11:08 PM BBT Up in the HOH more "he said she said".  They don't like the person(s) they see on the spy screen in the kitchen.  Down in the SR Vanessa appears to be giving Jace a pep talk.  Vanessa says he probably can't change things right now and it will be two days but at least he hasn't made any enemies.  Feeds switch back to Audrey, Jackie and Becky at the hammock.  Audrey is holding her mic to her mouth (nothing sketchy about that....- Niteslacker).


11:12 PM BBT Da'vonne says she can't believe Jase told Production to "F off" earlier when they called him out for singing.  All four feeds switch to Audrey, Jackie and Becky in the BY before BB calls Jason out for talking about Production.  Feeds 2 and 4 switch back to the HOH and Jason says "Ya'll know you heard him whistling!"  Meg wonders if Vanessa is putting on a show about not realizing how difficult the show would be.  Jason agrees it's a possibility.


11:17 PM BBT Out in the BY Becky says Jace is going to try and take down many people with him when he goes out on Thurs.  They all agree.  A loud thumping can be heard along with Jeff's voice.  Back in the HOH James says Austin told someone that James is going to be a target next week.  The conversation pauses briefly and they stare at the screen wondering how they will get out of the room.  They agree to start going one by one.  Clay goes first to get cake.  Jace gets called out by BB for singing.


11:23 PM BBT Idle chit chat up in the HOH about Jace knowing he's dead in the water.  Out in the BY the loud thumping can be heard intermittently still.  Audrey and Jackie are in the hammock, Becky has wandered off.  Jackie says they've all made sacrifices to be here.  Audrey agrees.


11:26 PM BBT Assorted chats about HGs continue in the HOH.  They (Jason, Da'Vonne, James, Shelli and Meg) all think that Becky is playing like she doesn't have anyone in the house.  They feel if it's true then it's her own fault for not making connections.  Out at the hammock, nothing new to talk about.  Jackie says she needs to get off the block.  Audrey thinks "...that we're all solid.”


11:30 PM BBT Hammock feeds switch to Liz and Jeff in the SR.  Liz wants to talk game.  Jeff says it should be obvious she's on her own.  Liz knows.  Jeff says when they (Austin and Jace) started making songs about themselves then he knew he had to get away because they would be targeted quickly.  Jeff says she needs to distance herself from those two.
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11:33 PM BBT Liz says she's jumping ship because they're sinking and she knows it.  Jeff tells Liz not to talk to Audrey because he knows she's working with them.  Liz is freaked out.  Liz says Audrey is not with them.  She tells him before the veto comp Austin said to Da'Vonne "who do you think is playing both sides of the house?"  Da'Vonne said Audrey.  Liz agreed.  Liz said Audrey is running the house.  After the veto comp Da'Vonne pulls Liz into a room with Austin and Audrey and Audrey had found out everything that was said and Liz says she thinks Da'Vonne told her (Audrey).  Liz says she felt done with Audrey at that point.


11:37 PM BBT Jeff says he needs Austin to stay because he wants Austin to take someone out for him.  Liz asks if she's the next target then.  Jeff says no but he's going to try and keep both around but he can't be seen talking to her otherwise he'll be f'd.  Back in the HOH Da'Vonne, Meg and James are talking wondering if Vanessa is stirring the pot.  James is playing with his MIC which is making hearing him difficult.  James gets called out for his MIC being off.


11:42 PM BBT Jeff continues to coach Liz to try and lay low and realize that yes she has a target on her back but to remember that there are bigger targets than her in the house.  He recommends that she stops hanging out with Austin because he's the bigger threat.  Jeff says Jace formed an alliance with someone who already had alliance.  Back in the HOH Da'Vonne, Meg, James and Audrey run scenarios for next week.  James offers to go up on the block with Becky.  Meg asks Audrey what she feels about Vanessa.  Audrey agrees that something seems off with her.


11:46 PM BBT Down in the SR Jeff says he's going to start planting seeds.  Jeff says to really stop hanging out with a certain someone that runs around and "you know who I'm talking about.  Liz says she understands and agrees and is glad to hear that he sees through Audrey's game.  Liz hopes this conversation will stay here.  Jeff says it will and Audrey has already caught on to things he's saying and confronted him about them.  Liz swears this conversation will stay here in the SR.


11:50 PM BBT Jeff and Liz hug it out in the SR.  Back in the HOH Meg is concerned that Austin is a smart dude and will figure out how big/true group is.  Audrey doesn't think so.  James says someone in their group told someone about the song and they told Austin about it.  James offers to ask but he'll have to throw Audrey under bus.  Audrey asks to not be thrown under the bus.  James wonders how many tire tracks she has on her.  "Enough...." she says.


11:55 PM BBT Down in the WA Austin and Vanessa are chatting about casinos.  Back in the HOH James continues to try and figure out who told whom about the song.
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