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Saturday, June 27 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed / BBAD Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Battle of the Block (BotB)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Cabana Room Lounge (CRL)

Dining Table (DT)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

Kitchen (KT)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Living Room (LR)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)


Please post pictures in the open thread: http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/topic/100939-big-brother-17-pictures-and-screen-caps/


If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

Thank you!

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Guest 6Borders

4:55am BBT:  Good Morning BB17 Fans.

A few of the HG's just wished each other a good night.  James and Jeff are up and in the storage room.

They are both complaining they are bored.  James is eating chips and ice cream.  Jeff says he thinks he will lie down so he finally does.  James says see you guys in the morning...well in a couple hours, heads for the kitchen and grabs his ice cream.


4:57-5am BBT:  In the Have Not room everyone is on their dental beds.  Austin gets up and briefly heads out to join James in the kitchen  He says something I didn't catch (must not have his mic on properly).  James is washing dishes and says  "oh gross".  Austin is heading back to bed.  James says "see you in a couple hours".  He gets water from the fridge and heads up to the HOH room.  Austin is trying to get comfortable in the Have Not room!

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Guest 6Borders

5:02am BBT:  James is making preparations for bed (brushing teeth, fluffing pillows, etc).

He finds something in the couch (can't see what), examines it and tosses it and finishes

up prep for bed!


5:05-5:08am BBT:  James is doing push-ups on the HOH floor, does at least 10 then picks up

the spy screen remote to see what's going on in the house.  He finally winds up his mic,

switches the lights off and puts on his headphones so it looks like the house is going to

nap for a few hours.

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Guest 6Borders

5:30-5:42am BBT:  Jace is up and uses the bathroom {actually washed his hands, I'm impressed (and bored)}.  He wanders into the kitchen, briefly stares then heads back to the bedroom for his mic {considerate guy, nobody wants BB hollering at this hour of the morning when they have just gotten to bed -6Borders}.

Jace wanders around the kitchen getting breakfast (looks like it might be hot dogs wrapped in bacon).  He examines some bread, rubs his hair {lovely} and proceeds to  make his sandwich, continually licking whatever is on his fingers {again, lovely}!

While munching down his hot dog he stands up on one of the kitchen chairs briefly, looking at something.  Food is finished in about 6 bites, rinses his plate, grabs the Bible (I assume) and heads to the living room, reading in the dark for a few minutes before heading for the WC {any bets if he washes his hands?}

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Guest 6Borders

5:43-5:48am BBT:  Jace has his Bible (actually DID wash his hands) and heads to the living room to read (the BB fairies have magically turned on the lights).  Apparently he hears a sound, looks up and says "oh great" under his breath, and goes back to reading for a minute but looks like he's having trouble concentrating.  Jace is staring into space, breaths a heavy sigh and gets up.  It looked like he was going to get some clothes but he heads back to bed next to John who is awake but they don't talk.


5:49-5:51am BBT:  Jace is restless.  John keeps opening his eyes, looks at Jace and looks around a few times but still no conversation.  Someone in the immediate room is coughing or throat clearing but no other sounds.

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Guest 6Borders

6:06-6:10am BBT:  John is up, uses the WC {washes his hands, I'm impressed, but then he IS a dentist so hopefully it's 2nd nature} and heads back to bed.


6:10-7am BBT: Nothing is happening.  Jace is restless, tossing and turning, which makes John toss and turn

and James has stirred a few times.  Otherwise it's so quiet I can hear the BB machinery working behind the walls.

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Guest 6Borders

7:36am BBT:  John and Jace have been stirring off and on.  Jace has been tossing and turning a lot so John is having a hard time sleeping.   John (I think) just muttered something {I know, I'm excited too} but they have no mics on so I didn't get it.

7:44am BBT:  Jeff and Steve have both moved a few times {honestly, you can't make this stuff up...I would LOVE for Zingbot or the Mime to run through the house right about now!   -6Borders}}

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Guest 6Borders

8:10-8:12am BBT:  Someone sneezed {3 times and counting...there may be updates}

8:15am BBT:  We have Fish/WBRB {jolted me out of my chair for sure}!  This might be wake-up call {which is unusual for a Saturday and is going to make for some fun since these these people just went to bed about 3 hours ago}...well, that lasted about one minute...we are back to sleeping HG's!!

(Note:  I am getting flashing camera views back and forth from the sleeping HG's to lights on outside the HOH so either we have tech difficulties or some people in the control room are having the same boredom and their heads hit the control panel:  Camera #3 8:20am BBT)

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Guest 6Borders

8:38am BBT:  Nothing to report except BB seems to be testing cameras and equipment.

Cams were all on outside HOH, back to sleeping HG's etc.

The HG's are apparently unaware of anything going on so no excitement here!

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Guest 6Borders

8:43am BBT:  Brief Fish/WBRB on a Cam's 3-4 {not a Tech Geek but they seem to be testing those two especially}

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Guest 6Borders

9:09-9:13am BBT:  We are getting WBRB/Fish screens flashing,  but no BB Music sound (at least here) tho I get sounds of sleeping HG's {my next Holiday Soundtrack}.. First time I ever saw 5 screens until now (4 sleeping, one WBRB).  Cam #3 is has gone nuts!

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 12:00am -12:30am BBT: Hg got Beer and wine  they just set around with general talk going on as some HG are in the KT and some are in the BY. Hg go to the hot tub just general talk going on. 

 12:30am - 1:00am BBT: Jackie, Vanessa and Jason go the the WA as Vanessa is doing her face mask for the night. Most hg stay in the BY giving shout outs to Texas A&m and other places.Becky goes to the wash area to apply more mascara and Jace gets in the shower. Audrey and Vanessa go to the  have not rm  and talk. Vanessa says she is in a tough spot and does not know who to trust.Vanessa says  she told clay that she only trust him and Audrey and then says if you have my back i have yours and i told you this in the beginning that i want you to do well in this game.

1:00am - 2:00am BBT:Hg in the BY working out and Meg and Jeff laying in the hammock with general talk . Audry continues to go to other Hg talking  and repeating herself about the other HG and what they have said.

UPDATE:2:00am - 3:00am BBT: Becky and Clay on the hammock talking about how sweet Shelli is . Vanessa is blow drying her hair as Jackie tells her it is cold outside.James, Jacking and  Meg set at the hot tub talking general talk as Audrey talks to Shelli about  their alliance together. Austin and Becky join the hot tub. Audrey then goes to the HOH rm with James asking about his hometown as other HG are in the BY talking about  events that will happen in the house.

 3:00am-4:00am BBT: HG start to split up into groups and talking about alliances that they have been talking about all day or making. then they start getting ready for bed in the have not rm.

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Guest 6Borders

9:41am BBT:  I just saw someone walk through the house (not sure which cam, it was a flash moment) and then back to all sleeping HG's!

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Guest 6Borders

10:31am BBT:  I do believe we have Wake Up call (Fish/WBRB) in the house!!


10:32am BBT:  Then again...I could be wrong, we are back to sleeping HG's on all cam's!

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9:40am BBT: All HG still sleeping

10:07am BBT: Hg are still sleeping

 10:43am BBT: Austin is up in the WA brushing his teeth.

10:46am BBT: Austin goes outside  and Vanessa is laying out in the BY  saying she is cold and it has been a rough night. He lays down with her on the round lounger and starts talking about people being paranoid and people not trusting Audrey.

10:48am BBT:Austin says he went and talked to James and everything is going to be ok. Vanessa says so is it between Audrey and  Jace  to go up and Austin says no Audrey will trust me and listen.  Vanessa says do you think  he will put up Jeff and Austin says yeah i think it will be Jeff. Vanessa says yeah that would be best since who is already up there.

10:51am BBT: Austin says i think there is another alliance forming on the other side of the house with James,  Jason ,Meg, Audrey, and umm umm , Vanessa says  Steve and Austin says yes thank you.

10:56am BBT: Austin tells Vanessa that one of his strategies coming in this house was to tell people about his  injuries and i do have them  but that are just not as bad as they could be but  my back and my head does hurt sometimes.

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11:00am BBT:Vanessa says i do not why Da'Vonne played so hard this week. Austin says Da'Vonne tells Audrey everything.

11:02am BBT: Austin is called to the DR he says oh come on and we get FOTH as BB is probably waking the other HG.

11:16am BBT: HG are awake and lights are on. Vanessa is still laying in the BY and Jason joins her and they are talking about hairy nostrils. In the purple rm Audrey walks in and sits on the bed with  Becky and Jeff on the other bed talking about  songs. Clay still laying under the covers saying he had a dream them makes eye movement and the girls start laughing.

11:20am BBT: Audrey says she eats bars of soap for breakfast cause that taste like soap. Meg walks in getting her pills to take  and Jeff yells popping pills. Audrey starts laughing. then we get FOTH.

11:23am BBT: Jason is in the BY smoking. Becky is working out in the BY and talking to Vanessa about calories. Meg is in the purple rm talking to Shelli and Audrey as Clay is laying in bed looks like he is going back to sleep. In the KT Austin is talking to Liz about James being lit lastnight. He ask for a bloody mary for James this morning. Jace comes in and says he stayed up later than anyone lastnight  and the cameras were following him and he says i did weird crap all night.

11:30am BBT: James is up now in the hoh bathroom putting his hat on after he washed his hands. In the purple rm Jeff is talking to Audrey and Shelli about going to other  cities and eating. Vanessa walks in and they talk about wearing glasses. Vanessa ask Audrey if she brought any other hats so they are not wearing the same beanies all the time. Audrey says yeah i will look. Vanessa says if anyone wants to join me i am going to go work out and leaves.

11:33am BBT: Liz is in the KT  having breakfast James comes to the KT  and sits down looking around. Most Hg are talking ABOUT MAKING BREAKFAST AND GETTING SHOWERS.

11:38am BBT: Jason and Shelli talking with Audrey about Audrey having so many clothes. Austin is walking around getting dressed talking about  music.

 11:45am BBT: John and Jace are sitting in the BY and Jace says it is hot and gets up and heads inside. Audrey is laying in the bed in the purple rm talking to Vanessa about  clothes. Most Hg are in the Kt making breakfast and just general talk going on.

11:49am BBT: Meg is getting ready to go lay out in the BY. Most Hg in the Kt eating and making breakfast and just talking about showers and washing hair. In the By John, Clay, Jason and Becky are talking about  who does tally boards for BB on the internet.

11:53am BBT: In the By Becky is complaining about how hot it is outside and she is not used to this much head and she is sweating. Meg comes out and says it is cloudy and Becky says it is hot out here.

11:56am BBT: Audrey is on the hammock with Jace talking about parents and Jace says everyone deserves parents. Audrey then says she is so relieved there is so many deep thinkers on this cast this year.

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12:00PM BBT Jace/Audrey go over list of HGs NOT in their group that James could put up: Meg/Jason/Clay/Shelli.


12:10pm BBT: Liz, James, Steve in the K, Audrey/Jace on the hammock, random talk all around.  Jace shares with Audrey his knowledge of asexuality and people born with male/female body parts, asks Audrey if she's heard of that.

Audrey: What would you do if you won the money?

Jace: Open a recording studio, you?

Audrey: Repay my parents, my transition was expensive.

Jace: How much, if I may ask?

Audrey: $30,000

Audrey says she transitioned in 2013, right before it, says "it wasn't scary, although you'd think it would be... it's simpler to go from male to female... my doctor is trans-gendered."


12:15pm BBT  Group of HGs on patio discussing the POV spelling comp.  They say BB seemed to want them to not be able to see what words everyone was spelling.  Jason says he thought he saw one trying to spell BOGGLE, and wondered if that's a valid word.


12:18pm BBT  WBRB on all feeds

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12:20pm BBT F1/2 Feeds back James/Clay playing pool, Jeff standing nearby wondering 'since when does Cali get overcast?'

F3/4 Group on patio discussing the season with cliques, and how HOH/noms worked that season.

F3/4 switches to Audrey/Vanessa on hammock. Audrey says James has been going over his speech(POV replacement?) and "it's brutal". They discuss how difficult it is to fly under the radar 


12:30pm BBT Audrey shares with Vanessa what she read from BB manual, that jury gets to see comps/POV ceremony speeches, they wonder the purpose of blindsiding Jace with the POV nom in week 1.


12:32pm BBT Jace/Austin meet in WA, whispering about James forgetting the name of their alliance last night, and who James is going to nom at POV ceremony.


12:35pm BBT Austin/Jace decide it's 'open season' next week. Vanessa tells Audrey Steve is super smart, but he shouldn't try to hide it. Audrey says she's pretty sure she's caught him in a lie. "He said his engineering degree didn't pay off, then tried to retract it."  Vanessa says he made a comment about knowing people from Cornell, then got red about it.  Then last night he said he had Protools for Mac, and Vanessa says it's only a Windows product.


12:37pm BBT Austin/Jace meet up in SR. Austin says he thinks it comes down to Jace/Jeff being the renom.  Jace says he can't go home week one, "that's embarrassing!"


12:40pm BBT Audrey is suspicious of Steve, "because he doesn't share as much as he gives, so I try to take note of that." Vanessa says that's a good way of telling who you can trust.  They both feel Steve's biggest issue is missing social queues. Audrey says she told him if you are walking around the house, don't keep passing in front of the HOH door, people have been talking about you doing that.  They say if he sees two people talking, he will go sit down, instead of giving them time to talk.  Audrey says John has over-allienated himself, but people have realized they can use him.  Vanessa wonders what John's strategy is, a floater, or does he not know the game that well, because he said he hasn't watched BB that much?  They agree they like this cast, and could really see them all staying tight.  Vanessa: thank God we don't have 'dicks'


12:45pm BBT Audrey: there was one thing about Steve, he went to Day and said he wanted to be a mole, going around the house collecting information.  She told James and Jason also.

Vanessa: Maybe he's a fan-boy, and wants to fill a pivotal role.... interesting, I'll keep that in the back of my mind.


12:47pm BBT: Vanessa tells Audrey she was a swimmer in highschool.  Audrey fells a raindrop, so they get up from hammock.  Vanessa passes Austin working out, Jeff also feels a raindrop.  Liz wanders over to Audrey in the hammock, wanting to clear the air with Audrey about yesterday.

Liz:I was just freaked out, with everyone in the room, I was intimidated, it was super intense, and I freaked out, I want to be friends with you, even out of the house.

Aud: I'm just very direct

Liz: I just want you to trust me, if I ever with HOH, I would never put you up. If it was just you and me talking, it would have been different.  With everyone in the room, I freaked out.

Aud: I didn't want more hearsay, so I wanted the simple solution, I won't hold a grudge.

Liz: You can trust me, I feel I can trust you, I have your back, I would never put you up.  I slept on in, I was almost crying, I love you, we are friends, this game is crazy. I hope you still want my boobs lol

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12:55pm BBT Aud: It's like Nicole/Christine/Hayden, their downfall was lack of communication.  It's hard to be direct in this game, no one wants to step on toes

Liz: I wanted to talk to you last night, but you weren't alone

Aud: I wanted to when I returned your hairband.

Liz: I"m glad we've talked, I love you... it's a game, it's a head game, I want you to trust me, I know I can trust you, the way you approached it yesterday was admirable, it could have been messy, so I wanted you to know we are good

Aud: we are all good, I promise.

Liz: I was in the kitchen, and Day grabbed me, and I was so caught off guard.

Aud: I think we are all on the same page now.

Liz: It's too early for that to happen.  If I win HOH, I would never put you up, I don't know who I would but... 


1:00pm BBT F1/2 Clay leading Vanessa in a workout, F3/4 Liz/Audrey talking in hammock. Liz mentions being safe, and wonders if that could hurt her next week, being an easy Nom choice since she couldn't be put up this week.

Liz says all this has been on her mind so much, that last night she had conversations and wasn't even paying attention <or was it Julia last night, so Liz really doesn't know what was said last night?>


1:05pm BBT Workouts continue, with Jace jogging now, Liz shares with Audrey the downside of being a HN and eating slop.


1:10pm BBT Liz/Audrey break off their chat, workouts continue. Audrey/Liz find John/Jason in the K.  

Austin to Jace: I've got his vote, he's a straight shooter, unlike Jeff, so trust me... 


1:16pm BBT Audrey/Jason/Meg in purple room, Audrey tells Meg she is the Taylor Swift of this season, tall and porcelain skin.  Jason starts to leave room to do laundry, Audrey jokingly says "I thought we were having a good conversation?"


1:20pm BBT Audrey tells Meg about Liz coming to her in hammock to apologize.  BB says "Meg, please don't hold the microphone in your hand".  Clay comes in shirtless, lays on Meg's bed, and asks her to scratch his back.


1:25pm BBT F1/2 Austin/Jace working out in backyard, F3/4 Jason joins Aud/Meg/Clay. 


1:27pm BBT BB calls Liz(who was on the patio) to the DR.  Clay tells story of his little league coach wearing short shorts without underwear... James comes in and joins the group, followed by Steve. Group discusses bandaids on Steves knees, and if he should rip them off slow or fast.


1:30pm BBT With everyone else inside, Austin/Jace discuss the 'wiggle room' Jace has... Austin says since the deal was made with James, if he breaks it, it shows his character. Austin suggests Jace ask James if he's mad at him, but Jace says that will just put a target on himself.

Jace: If I get kicked off, let's just hope we win The Amazing Race.


1:35pm BBT Purple room is now Steve, Shelli/Clay/Meg/Jackie(in a bed), Jason/Audrey(in a bed), James/Day(in a bed), decide they are on cam so start doing shout-outs.  Jace went inside then back out, Austin asks where everyone is... Jace mentions where they are, says he doesn't want to deal with it, if he's the nom then oh well.  John comes out, but Jace turns down asking him if he knows anything.  Austin says if Jace goes up, he needs to pull a Dan and turn on the waterworks and be emotional. Jace practices... "I don't know what I'm going back to, I lost my job, gave up my house, my mom's rooting for me... how's that?"  


1:43pm BBT Austin tells Jace if he's put up, tell everyone if he stays, James is his target, no one else. Austin says Jackie appears superficial, but then again they probably do because of their tatoos and bro-talk, he thought Liz would be, but she isn't, says you really can't just a book by it's cover.


1:47pm BBT Jason joins Austin/Jace outside, says others are napping, he will sleep when he's dead.  Austin asks if they are still going to do their date tonight?  They agree the most interesting HGs are the ones that play the game, but treat it like real life. 


1:56pm BBT James/Steve leave HNot room, Vanessa is left there, and Day is there, waking up from a nap.



Jason: like Rachel, she had her emotional moments, but it was real life

Austin: BB15, the final 5 was a snorefest, I couldn't watch the end

Jason: The seasons all blend together, when they say pick a favorite, I can't remember

Austin: That's why I say Howie, he couldn't win anything though

They start going over past HGs they'd like to see come back(Chicken George, Eddie, Brit, Jordan, Jamie)


1:51pm BBT Steve/James join Vanessa in HNot room.  They agree the POV ceremony is likely Sunday, or maybe Monday.  Vanessa says the slop may be the hardest thing she's ever done, 3 days in she realizes how much she normally does little things, eats chocolate, a grape, some juice


1:56pm BBT James/Steve leave HNot room, Vanessa is left there, and Day is there, waking up from a nap. Jason/Austin discuss possible comps, like BB keeping them up all night with messages.

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Guest 6Borders

4:47-4:51pm BBT:  Clay and Shelli are having a conversation on the BY round lounge.  Clay is telling what

type of girl he needs...a Type A.  Says his HS GF and last GF were complete opposites.

Said his last GF had to be more in control, and it was more emotional and he kind of needs to be in charge too.

He has a certain image and way he wants his GF to be.

Shelli asks if he had other girlfriends and he says he didn't really date much.  Clay considers

hanging out not dating and has to see how it works out.  Clay says he knows what he wants and he's not going to settle.

Tells Shelli "if you want to jump out now you probably should"  She laughs.

He says he figured her out on Day #1.  She asks what that means but he does not elaborate.


4:53pm BBT:  Clay says "like this game, if I'm considered with you..." and they are interrupted by a beach ball and the arrival of Audrey.  Audrey asks where they are at (their thinking).  Clay says he's out of the loop.

BB tells Shelli to put on her mic.

Audrey said I know you are like prom king and queen.  Audrey said you have to be a team and she has a feeling

that America is going to be rooting for the 3 of them.  She says You two are my ride or die!

Audrey says to Clay "you wouldn't say something you mean on BB".  Clay says what???


Clay asks Audrey how Jason and Day don't question her hanging out with them (Shelli & Clay) all the time.

She says Jeff wants Austin to go next week.  Said Jeff feels they (Clay and Shelli) should take a break

(and hang out with other people).  Clay says he already told us that.


4:58pm BBT: Audrey says she is with Clay and Shelli but she has to act like she is on Day's side so she doesn't give James any ideas.  Clay doesn't get it so Shelli has to explain it to him.  Shelli says she has strategically stayed away from Audrey this week.

They have been feeling vulnerable all week but next week the people who have been safe may not be.


5:00pm BBT:  Shelli and Audrey are grilling Clay as to what he told other people.  They are joined by Jace so the conversation stops.  Jace asks how their day was.  They all say it was good to have a "yard day"

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Guest 6Borders

5:03-5:05 pm BBT:  Clay, Audrey & Shelli are talking about Becky.  Clay thinks she is trying to put together

a strong girl alliance.  Jeff joins the conversation and it turns to HOH next week.  Clay gets up to kick a

beach ball out of the way.


5:05pm BBT:  Clay is in the hammock with Meg.  They are laughing about how weird it is to be on national tv.

Clay starts telling Meg that Shelli broke down.  Meg asks "paranoid" and Clay says "homesick".

Talk turns to Jace, that he's a good guy,  Meg says "we all watch the show" (and know someone has to leave each week basically). 

Clay says he does not want to promise people things; says he likes to be in control.  He says it was nice that they (the people he thought were keeping him out of the loop)

were talking to him.  She says that's why we wanted to confront you about the whole situation.

Clay says "you are my main girl...and Shelli's next"


5:08pm BBT:  Clay asks Meg if Steve is gay (I think).  He says Steve loves him; but he doesn't want to get into stuff.

Meg says he has the same kind of personality she does...not to get mixed up in things!  Clay says, for instance, like Jace thought he was so safe but...Meg says she has mixed feelings about Jace.  Says it's a girl thing but she can tell how Jace feels about her!  Says Jace has a different idea about who she really is vs. who he thinks she is.


5:11pm BBT:  Clay says we have to wait until the next HOH.  He is talking about Davonne and wonders why

everyone is so scared to cross her.  Says he loves Jace but he (Jasce) is just afraid to piss Day off.  Says everyone almost seems to report to her.  Clays says you have your final 4...says he's kind of with Austin.  He says if there is a way to throw the  comp to Austin he would do it to make sure one of them win it.

Meg says she can't decide who she wants out yet.  Clay says he does not like being fake with people and it's hard to pretend he doesn't care about things when talking to the others.  Says he'd love to say "I just can't wait until you are out of here"  They laugh.


5:16pm BBT:  Clay says he was talking with Jeff about Final 3...said they both agreed on the two of them and Meg.   Meg says "do you think we could do it...strategy wise".  Clay says yes.  Discusses bringing Johnny Mac over with them Says he thinks they could control it.


5:17pm BBT:  Jace comes over and interrupts.  Clay says "we're just the cutest couple" and he agrees.

Jace leaves and Clay and Meg continue talking about how to control the game (hard to hear)...he says

something about they would have the numbers.

Meg says it's so dramatic...Clays says I know.

(whispering so I didn't get something).

Talk goes back to the next HOH.  Meg wants to win so bad.

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Guest 6Borders

5:27-5:31pm BBT:  Shelli is talking with Steve on the BY round lounge.

Steve says he's doing better in the environment designed to tear people apart (BB House?)

than the environment designed to bring people together.  She says you are doing good.

Steve is explaining this job or program he works in.


Someone interrupts  (question about a shower I think).  Shelli asks Steve if he's ready to work

out and he says yes.  She goes to change.  He just had eggs so he's not going to do anything

intense.  Liz is showing Steve something she learned in yoga and he's holding her legs.

Her foot hits one of the bandages on his knee and apologizes.  He says he should take them off

but he's too much of a wimp to do it.  She says his knees look painful and maybe the bandages

will come off in the shower!  They do the yoga move again.  Steve says her feet are filthy.


Talk turns to Steve's clothes.  He says he's wearing very few clothes he would ever wear outside the house...

mostly wears white socks and black T-shirts.  He is talking about his show-intro clothes and something was

purchased for him and he kept it.


5:32pm BBT:  Audrey and Jason are having a talk about casting for the show, and they (casting) does

a really good job.  Jason says "I don't find him (no clue who) cute whatsoever...and if he tries to kiss me no way".

Audrey says there is no one in there (BB House) she is interested in.

Audrey is telling Jason about them (some of the other HG's) walking in on Steve (didn't get it...Steve was called to DR and she was obstructing her mic)


5:35pm BBT:  Audrey tells Jason he is in comp mode.  He says he always is, that he's a Rachel Riley when it

comes to comps and he's always ready

BB:  You are not allowed to talk about your DR's.

BB:  Hollers at someone about obstructing their mic.


Jason found Steve's sandals...asked did he get called to DR or just go in.  Audrey says he just went in

{obviously these people do not pay attention because BB just called Steve to DR}.


Audrey asked Jason how he got thru sequester without cigarettes.  He said he had an ECig.

Jason is going to put Steve's sandals right outside the DR so he won't miss them.

Audrey says you always wonder when you watch the show how they can be so messy and then

they got in the house and she gets it.


5:38pm BBT:  Audrey says next week she is backing off from people!

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Guest 6Borders

5:47pm BBT:  Jason and Audrey are talking about whose story among the HG'sabout who they are is true and whose isn't.

They think Meg is not what she says.  Jason says he didn't know he was supposed to come up with a secret.

BB:  You are not allowed to talk about production.

Audrey and Jason laugh and get up.  She says "shall we make the rounds"?


Audrey joins Jeff at the pool table.  Audrey asks if there is a laundry line.

They are discussing that the day was uneventful...super laid back.


5:50-5:57pm BBT:  Audrey goes over to the hammock where Clay and Meg are.  Audrey asks Clay how many years it took him to learn to count to one.  Meg has hysterics!  Meg tells Audrey her hair looks good.  Clay asks for his clothes back (Audrey and Shelli have been wearing his stuff).  They all agree they are happy the day was

so chill and they needed it.


Audrey is being really catty with Clay.  Meg says when the show is over Clay can put on a show for them, singing.  Clays says he will be a stripper.

Audrey said there is one less lifeguard board.  She starts grilling the other two, asking if they went over all the

things from yesterday's comp (in case the next comp is Q & A I assume). 

Audrey said there is speculation that Becky is trying to put together a girl's group.  Meg says she

heard that too.  Audrey relates what she heard and observed.  They don't think Jackie is going to be close

with them, that she kind of is now but won't be later. .  Meg says she thinks Jackie has put a lot more thought into the game than she lets on.

The girls say they (I think Jeff and Jackie) are obvious that they are more together than not.

Audrey thinks Vanessa will just go along with everything.  She asks Clay what Vanessa has said to him

and he says they have not really talked.

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