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Posts posted by kitten200

  1. 1:04pm BBT HG just moving around the house talking general talk and about talking to Julie tonight. KY , Claire and Sarah in the KT cleaning and talking.

    1:10pm BBT: Xavier and Tiffany talking in the LVR about Alyssa and Xavier says he does not think Alyssa has  points and he does not think she would lie to him about that and Tiffany says ok.

    1:14pm BBT: Tiffany tells Xavier That Derek X is going to go after him and Sarah and that Sarah will go after Derek F, Azah and Hannah, Xavier tells her that Derek X can not win at all.

     1:16pm BBT Xavier tells Tiff he will throw the HOH if he can throw it to a cookout member only and then he tells her if he is HOH her and Claire will be on the block as Claire has no money top play the highs steaks games.

     1:20pm BBT Tiffany talks to a camera telling everyone she has to win HOH as she does not want to be put up as a pawn next week. Derek F is talking to Britini and gives her a prep talk about being strong and keeping her head up as brit cries in her bed.

     1:30pm BBT: Derek F tells brit if she was to leave tonight that means someone thought she was a threat and to  feel proud about that. Derek X talking to Clair and tells her that they have the power to send who they want home this week. 

    1:40pm BBT: Claire and Derek X still talking about how they need to control the house and how lines need to be drawn, He says if they keep Brit they are drawing a line and will be on the losing side of the house so they are torn at what to do.

    1:45pm BBT Derek X, Alyssa and Azah in the bed laughing and Derek F laying in his bed in YBR just general talk going on, They talk about Comps they want to watch after they get home from playing this game and laugh.

    1:55pm BBT: A lot of general talk going on and Tiffany giving hair cuts  as HG rest and prepare for tonight's eviction.


  2. 10:00-10:30am BBT HG are starting to go up to the HOHR to get their spots for lockdown, Derek F says he never gets the bed and gets up there to get his spot in the bed. Just general talk going on.

    #BB23 10:30-11:00am BBT Tiffany and Hannah in the hall talking about Sarah and how she wants to put up Derek F and Azah next week and Tiffany says she does not want her here and she has to go next week as they head to the HOHR. WE now have Puppy Cam as the HG are in HOH lockdown.

  3. 11:02am BBT BBT: Alyssa and Derek X  in the HOHR She tells him she respects is game and he  he does believe this is the last week before jury so with that in mind what would we be willing to do moving forward if we work with each other, Alyssa says if you help me i will help you.

    11:13am BBT Christian now in the HOHR Derek X ask how he is feeling and he says he is feeling alright, Derek ask who he trust least in the house and Christian says Azah and Sarah, and is scared of Kyland because he is sitting in the best position in the house.

    11:20am BBT: Derek ask Christian if anyone has talked about him and Christian says only Derrek F that i have heard say your name because he is scared of you because she are so strong in the games.

     11:40am BBT: Derek X and Sarah in HOH  he ask the same questions as he has asked who she wants kept safe and she says Hannah, She says Christian and Alyssa told her that Hannah was coming after her but after talking to Hannah she knows now she isn't,

     11:45am BBT: Sarah saying she feels good with most in the house and feels good with the royal flush and the kings for sure, She says that Derek F and Britini are the only ones she has heard bring up his name, He tells her please do not be mad if you go up as a pawn ok and she says i will be upset honestly .

    11:57am BBT: Sarah and Derek X finish talking and saran leaves, Derek X is called to the DR.

  4. 12:16pm BBT: Feeds back with most HG in the KT.

    12:23pm BBT: Tiffany in the WA shaving Christians face as KY is doing his ADL's, In the KT Azah, Derek F, Alyssa, Whitney, Derek X and Xavier are  eating and making food. Just general talk going on.

    12:31pm BBT: Sarah and Hannah talk and Sarah tells Hannah that she likes her and wants to work with her it was others telling her that Hannah was coming after her and Hannah says they said you was after me, The talk about working together, Sarah tells her she is safe with her.

    12:42pm BBT: Tiffany, Azah and Sarah in the WA talking about past seasons and when they started watching, Hannah and Derek X in the SBR talking about her staying in the house and about them winning HOH. Hannah says she is gunning for HOH .





  5. 4:10pm BBT: Whitney and Azah  now meet, Whit says i feel like i have not gotten to know you on a deep level but i do have the feeling i am going home this week and i want you to know i like your presence and i like you and i believe we will be friends outside this house no matter how you vote this week.

    4:20pm BBT: Hannah and KY talking in the RBR about who Hannah would put on the block if she was HOH and she says Derek X, Claire and Britini, KY says he would not be upset if Derek X left the house. Hannah says Derek X cant keep winning forever and then we can get him out.

     4:40pm BBT: Xavier and Whitney in the LVR just sitting, Sarah and Britni talking in the PP About what  was said to Hannah with their one on ones. Britini thinking they could have a double this week or next week. Azah still in the KT cooking for tonight's feast for the have nots.

    4:45pm BBT Azah, Hannah, Derek F, in the KT working and cooking Tiffany getting food, Claire comes in getting a snack, Just general talk going on as Azah prepares her chicken pot pies.

    4:55pm BBT: Hannah and Claire in the CBR whispering about who needs to go and Hannah says i have a plan cause i think Sarah is Americas player, Hannah says she feels like Sarah will put Hannah and Derek X up together for sure. They then talk about making it to jury .

  6. #BB23 2:10pm BBT: Whitney and KY in the YBR doing a one on one and She ask for advice, then she talks about not wanting to campaign against her housemate and hurt anyone and he says he understands. She tells him no hard feelings either way. 

    2:20pm BBT: Hannah in the CBR talking to the camera and saying she is going to start her one on ones and  she has to have a long talk with Azah as someone told her that Hannah threw her name out to be  taken out of the house. Derek X walks in and she starts with him.

    2:32pm BBT: Hannah and Derek X talk about who was throwing her name out in the house and she says she thinks it is Sarah and they talk about how Sarah is the one throwing Azah out there and making it look like her doing it. 

     2:44pm BBT: After a brief WBRB we have Hannah talking to Azah in the CBR and Azah saying she is going for the HOH this week and try to keep safety for herself and make her own decisions in here. Whitney having her one on one with Claire in the YBR.

    2:50pm BBT: Hannah tells Azah that tiffany told her that a King told her that Hannah threw her name out to a king and she says she did not do that at all, Azah says ok i know. Azah ask how she is feeling and she says ok but i am going for this HOH.

     2:52pm BBT: Hannah now gets Derek F. Derek F tells her he does not know how she ended up on the block but if he wins HOH she will never see the block, Derek tells her if she wins HOH then she has to go for it and she knows what he is talking about he says and she says yes.

    2:58pm BBT: Whitney meeting with Tiffany now in the YBR, Whitney says the biggest reason she is on the block this week is because she was like girl empowerment and come on girls.

  7. 12:00-12:30pm BBT SB wants bandages for her legs from the carpet burn injuries she got in the Bump, Set, Veto thy played the other day. Derek F in the HOHR talking to Christian and Alyssa going over numbers and days in the house. Whitney and Hannah in the WA talking about doing one on ones.
    12:30:1:00pm BBT General talk between Azah, Tiffany, Derek X, KY Clair about  kids and how their friends will know things when they get out and what they are missing outside the house this summer.
    1:00-2:00pm BBT HG are laying around and sitting around talking general talk and relaxing and walking around the house. Whitney and Hannah in the WA talking about  why Hanna was put on the block and she says she heard it was because every one said  that she wanted Christian and Xavier  gone soon so she is on the block for that.

  8.  11:04am BBT: Derek F and Britni go to the PP  to play chess. Tiffany and KY still in the KT talking about food, Hannah, Claire, Sarah, Alyssa, Whitney, and Derek X in the WA doing ADL's and talking cleaning their faces.

    11:18am BBT: Christian cleaning up in the HOHR alone, KY, Derek X and Hannah in the KT cooking talking about making pancakes.

    11:42am BBT: Nothing going on in the BB house this morning, HG are lounging around talking general talk or cooking or doing ADL's as they get to waking up and moving around for the day.

    11:58am BBT: Most HG in the KT talking general talk.

  9.  4:05pm BBT: General talk going on in the WA, Azah and Claire in the PP looking at the chess board.

    4:12pm BBT: Hannah and Alyssa in the WA talking and Alyssa tells Hannah about Sarah talking about her because Hannah does not talk game with her and Hannah says she will remember that next week.

    4:43pm BBT: HG just doing general talk, Tiffany talking about her son alot. Most HG relaxing and lounging.


  10. 11:02am BBT: Tiffany in the shower talking to Hannah about if this might be a double eviction or maybe an endurance this week. Azah comes in taking Band-Aids off to get tiffany to dress her knees Hannah leaves the WA.

    11:15am BBT: Tiffany and Azah finish up in the WA doctoring Azaha's knees and talking about Claire and how calm she is and Azah says she does not mind keeping her around for now. Hg are lounging around or doing ADL's just talking general talk.

    11:26am BBT: Whitney in the KT with Claire making breakfast. Azah and Tiffany in the WA talking about getting them to the final and how that is all Tiffany is worried about is getting them to the end of this game, They then talk about Tiffany's hair.

    11:33am BBT: Hannah in the KT slicing oranges and other fruits for breakfast while talking to Whitney, Claire and Britini. In the CBR KY is talking to Sarah and Derek X  just general talk and laughing.

    11:40am BBT: Azah in the YBR talking to Xavier about tomorrow night she can eat anf she says she can not wait she is going to make a chicken pot pie and tells how to make the crust and gravy.

    11:46am BBT: Ky says good morning to Tiffany as she goes to the RBR and she says don't say good morning to me and he follows her inside asking what is going on and she says i said hi earlier  and he apologizes and she says thank you but it still upset me. In the KT most HG are eating breakfast and talking general talk.




  11. 12:00am-12:30am BBT: HG continue the dating game in the BY as Britini watches on from the balcony where Christian and Alyssa are playing foosball and ignoring the other HG. All other HG start hitting the beach ball around and just general talking and yelling and laughing.

    12:30am-1:00am BBT: Hg talking about other reality shows and which ones they would want to be on while Alyssa is mad that Sarah and KY are are snuggling a lot tonight and how no one says anything to them about it like they do to her and Christian and try making them look bad.

    1:00am-1:15am BBT: Whitney talking to Christian in the HOHR about her staying this week as she heard Christian talking about  he and Hannah being  on slop next week and now she has nothing to do with Derek X 

    1:15am-1:30am BBT: Christian says he might consider putting him on the block. Whitney tells him that Derek X was the reason that Alyssa got put on the block in the first place. She says he is a liar and tells lies all the time.

    1:30am-1:45am BBT: Alyssa talking to Derek X about who she trust and who she doesn't trust in the house and going on about KY and Sarah still snuggling. 

    1:45am-2:00am BBT: Derek F talking to Xavier in the HNBR about Alyssa and Christian and how he told Alyssa they have to hang out with everyone not just each other all the time. Girls talk about not washing the make up off their faces as Alyssa continues her complaining to Derek X about Sarah and KY.

    2:00-2:30am BBT: Britini comes to the HOHR asking if Christian needs help with his speech he says no and they tell her bye she stands there for a bit then leaves, Alyssa is so annoyed that she came up there.

    2:30-3:00am BBT: Alyssa goes on about how everyone thinks they are doing things up there when they are not but KY and Sarah can snuggle and nothing nothing at all just us getting accused of sneaking around. Hannah and Tiffany talk about taking Sarah out of the game next week but that they can not tell KY.

    3:00-3:30am BBT: Hannah and Tiffany talking about going to final three with Xavier and them doing the battle at the end, Most Hg are  in bed or general talk going on as they head to bed. All HG in bed Lights Out in the BB House.

  12. 9:01pm BBT: Whitney asking everyone if the want wine and beer by the hot  tub and Claire and tiffany look at her as they are have nots this week. Whitney says she wants white wine.

    #BB23 9:15pm BBT: HG getting the wine and beer going and getting ready to go to the hot tub as Tiffany and Sarah continue their chess game , Just general talk going on, In the HOHR Derek F and Xavier talking about this next HOH and how Derek F is nervous about it.

    9:20pm BBT: Xavier leaves the HOHR saying he wants beer, Derek X stays in the HOHR looking at the screen while listening to music.


  13. 8:00pm-8:30pm BBT: Christian, Alyssa, Whitney, Xavier and Azah are playing a guessing game in the PP. It's girls versus boys. Claire, Sarah, Hannah in WA talking general talk as Kyland comes out of the WC and Brent goes in. Kyland and Tiffany in the KT eating.

    8:36pm BBT: Game in the PP continues, Tiffany and Kyland setting at the table talking about Tiffany's friends and movies while they eat. Claire making food now in the KT.

    8:50pm BBT: All cams on Christian, Xavier, Whitney, Alyssa and Azah playing a question game in the PP.

    #BB23 8:55pm BBT:  Tiffany and Sarah playing chess at the KT table as the Game continues upstairs in the PP.

  14. 5:30om-6:00pm BBT: Kyland and Britini still talking in the YBR about her being on the block and how she should not have been put up again and how if she wins HOH she can do what she wants after 14 days on the block. They promise this talk will not leave this this room.

    6:00pm-6:30pm BBT: Sarah and Derek F playing pool in the BY as they talk about the Kings and how they are so strong. He tells her Derek X wins and it scares him. Claire walks up and game talk stops and goes to the pool game.

    6:30pm-7:00pm BBT: Talk about the pool game goes on with Derek F, Sarah , Claire and Hannah joins about how Sarah can not play so she decides to practice some. HG just lounging around with general talk going on all over the house and BY.

    7:00pm-7:30pm BBT: Derek X, Hanna and Whitney meet in the CBR to talk about this weeks HOH comp They do not want to win as it will put a target on them, They want Jokers and Kings to battle it out and take each other out first. and we get WBRB.

    7:30pm-8:00pm BBT: Derek X says he thinks the Kings can win the HOH because he thinks the Jokers are weaker. Brent walks in and talk stops  as He sits down to talk to them all, Derek X leaves. IN the BY Most HG are playing games are talking general talk.

  15. 11:10am BBT: Kyland and Sarah talk in the CBR about the price of living in other states and in California. Tiffany is doing Make up as they talk.

    11:20am BBT: Hg are in the KT having Coffee and breakfast and talking general talk.

    11:45am BBT: Brent in the YBR getting clothes as Derek F makes his bed. In the YBR is Christian, Sarah, Kyland and Whitney just talking general talk. Most HG in the KT.

    11:54am BBT:HG doing ADL's and getting ready as HG talk about the veto meeting and how they did not think they was going to do it this early in the morning.

    12:00pm BBT: Feeds on WBRB as we could have the POV meeting happening now.

  16. 9:00am BBT: Hg still sleeping in their beds with Lights still out in the house.

    9:14am BBT: Britini is up goes to the WC , Comes out washes her hands then goes to the STR to change her batteries, Kyland is now up heading downstairs.

    9:20am BBT: Kyland and tiffany Go downstairs to the WA, Kyland in the WC as Tiffany brushes her teeth.

    9:23am BBT: Kyland and tiffany go back up to the HNR and get back in bed.

    9:37am BBT: Derek F up in the STR changing his batteries then heads to the back door to see that they are on lockdown again. He then heads to the WC.

    9:44am BBT: Derek F in the KT then heads back to bed.


  17. 7:00pm-8:00pm BBT: Xavier is beginning his team meetings starting with the Kings He tells them he will start with an apology "especially to Britini". Alyssa goes to get the Jokers and they wait for them in the HOHR.

    8:00pm-8:15pm Jokers joins the Kings in the HOHR as Xavier apologizes to Britini for this weeks noms. he assures her she will not go home as Brent is the target. She says ok she wants him out too and wats to meet with him and Christian after the meetings.

    8:15pm-8:30pm BBT: The Aces now join the Kings in the HOHR as they talk about the noms and all agree Britini will go home But (Brent does not know his team is working against him and is putting on a front.) Brent says we have the numbers and the Aces leave.

    8:30pm-8:45pm BBT: The Queens have entered the HOR, Xavier tells them how other meets have gone and  that Brent will be the one evicted, He says be nice and tell truth in goodbye messages that they did not like him. They all hug and leave the room.

    8:45pm-9:00pm BBT: Britini talking to Xavier and Christian in the HOHR says she is hurt over noms and the speech. Xavier assures her that Brent is the target and will be leaving, Britini says ok i just want to continue playing as i love you guys.

    9:00pm-9:30pm BBT: Whitney and Kyland in the hammock talking about Alyssa and Christian and how Whitney and her team want Alyssa out so she wants them on the block next week. She then says that Sarah can be a replacement if one comes down. 

    9:30pm-10:00pm BBT: Most HG are playing Pool or Chess as others are eating. Kyland and Whitney still on the hammock talking about next weeks noms and how Whitney wants to win as the Hg get ready to play Big Blue Couch.

    10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: HG are playing the Big Blue Couch as they act out parts and laugh a lot. everyone takes a turn at acting out characters. HG are all laughing as they watch the acting and accents of the other HG.

    11:00pm-12:00pm BBT: The big Blue Couch game continues , HG start to move around and go to the BY  to lay on the Hammock or play games, Just general talk mostly going on. Kyland and Derek X go to play foosball.

    12:00am-12:30am BBT: Brent talks to the Camera in the YBR about going to the Mafia alliance and saying that he knows Christian is using the veto to save Britini and he wants to get them not to use it because Xavier will put Derek X next to him.

    12:30am-1:00am BBT: Brent says he needs to get Kyland team to betray him so the noms stay the same  and Derek X does not go up and he can stay and Next week take out either Xavier or Christian. He says hopefully this works so fingers crossed.
     1:00am-2:00am BBT: They royal flush group[ meets in the HOHR and talk about Brent and how he does not want the veto used because he is scared Derek X will go up and then he will go home. They all know Brent is plotting but says he is leaving Thursday night.

    2:00am-2:30am BBT: Alyssa tells the royal flushes if she wins HOH she wants to put up Whitney and Azah but she wants Azah to go, She knows Big D will get mad but she will deal with him after. Tiffany says she is ok with that but does not trust Whitney .

    2:30am-3:00am BBT: the royal flushes continue to talk about Whitney and Azah as that is the next targets and they are all ok with that. and if the come off the block next week then Big D will be a replacement nom. HG are starting to get ready for bed now .

    3:00am-4:00am BBT: the Have nots are talking about Whitney in the HNR about how she does not how to play anything and always asking for help. All HG are now in their beds with lights out and sleeping.

  18. 6:30pm BBT: Tiffany and Derek X on the hammock as she tells him Brent is so sure he is not going home this week. Some HG in the hot tub talking general talk while others are in the KT eating.

     6:40pm BBT: Derek X comes out of the DR with the video cam and everyone starts screaming as he records the KT crew. WE get WBRB.

    6:49pm BBT: A lot of very loud talking and general talk going on as the HG play taking videos. Christian and Alyssa in the LVR talking about Whitney always being so happy and looking for attention and how Christian does not like it.

     6:53pm BBT: Derek X in the LVR with Christian and Alyssa asking on video if they are in a showmance and Christian says i am in a showmance with that big guy over there with the yellow shirt his name is Derek F. and they laugh as we get WBRB.



  19. 5:00pm-5:30pm BBT: HG still sitting around the KT playing chess, Some HG in the KT making food, Xavier in the HOHR alone just straightening his room up. Derek F laying by the pool alone. Xavier now joins the KT crew talking general talk.

    5:00pm-5:30pm BBT:(continued) Whitney joins Derek F in the BY by the pool. Whitney joins Derek F talking about  the people conspiring against each other are the ones going up and out right now and she is glad. Derek telling her how he feels from day one in the house.

    5:30pm-6:00pm BBT: Xavier and Hannah in the HNR talking to the feeders about feelings as Claire comes in getting sheets to wash. She leaves and Hannah says we are back with hot takes with Hannah. They are going through each HG and where they sit in the house.

    5:30pm-6:00pm BBT: (continued)Derek F and Whitney talking about who is throwing who under the bud as he sits and minds his own business. He tells her he wants to play this game very honestly. Claire has joined them and listening.

  20. 12:00pm BBT: Derek F. says everyday he walks around thinking these people are with these people and then you turn and you do not know anything, He says i got to figure out who is with who in this house and figure out my game. Brent says well i tell you this you have my Word both of you.

    12:03pm BBT: Derek F. Gets up and goers to get food and Azah says she is going to do laundry as Brent walks off. De F. decides to go to the pool. Britini and Azah now talking, Britini says she has to see how tomorrow goes and Azah starts talking but it is muffled by the towels she is holding against her mic. 

    12:05pm BBT: Britini then says to Azah i have my move though and Azah  moves the towels and ask her are you sure that this move will make sure that you are here next week  .Brent in the KT telling Z Xavier about his talk with Azah and Derek F.

    12:15pm BBTL Britini goes to the YBR talking to Alyssa as she folds clothes talking about her plan to stay in the house and how mad she is to be on the block and being targeted. Britini tells how she come to the room and cried lastnight trying to figure out what went wrong.

    12:22pm BBT: Brent in the BY talking to Azah just general talk. Britini still talking to Alyssa about them trusting each other and how they have each others backs and we get WBRB.

    12:26pm BBT: Britini says last week i understood why i seen my face but this week i do not understand it. In the STR Kyland and Claire in the STR talking about taking a shot at the Jokers. Kyland changing the trash bags and making a lot of noise  so we cant hear.

    12:31pm BBT: Tiffany and Kyland in the CBR talking about Tiffany's talk with Azah and how they are good with things now, Tiffany says  all she cares about is Herself and Kyland  and Claire in this game.

    12:35pm BBT: Tiffany says she  doesn't care if anyone knows how she is playing or not . They continue to talk about how people in the house are playing the game and how she does not like how some are playing .She says she does not care though.

    12:45pm BBT: Derek F laying in the sun in the BY while Azah lays in the shade talking to to him and to Alyssa about Laundry. Azah ask if she can workout with Alyssa today and she says yes as she is fixing to start.

    12:51pm BBT: Kyland says to tiffany if you win HOH Thursday night and have to put someone on the block on the spot what do you do? She says oh my God and covers her face. Claire comes in and they talk about who they need to be put up and they all agree Christian.

    12:58pm BBT: In the CBR Tiffany and Kyland repeating what they have said to Clair, Most HG in the BY working out or laying in  the sun.

  21. 1:30am-2:00am BBT: Claire and Sarah talk about who will play the Wild Card comp next week and Sarah says she will have to play against ,not for sure and the other teams will have to pick between Xavier/Alyssa  and Azah/ Derek F. Sarah says she will need to win that comp. IN the YBR Britini is crying telling Azah and Derek F she wants off the block because she says everyone is scared of everyone in this house, Derek F. Wants to yell at people but says he can not blow their game up in here. Britini continues her crying says she can not win anything in this house.

    2:00am-2:30am BBT :Derek F and Azah, Britini Still talking in the YBR and Azah gets upset and says she was not raised this way and turns her head, Derek F tells her to stay with him and listen and she says she just wants to go to bed for the night as Derek F continues to give them a pep talk and keep their heads in the game .Brent comes in and out of the YBR saying he is Hungry and leaves the room. Derek F , Azah and Britini now going to sleep in the YBR with the lights out. Brent goes to the HOHR talking to Xavier about the comp today and how it made him so sick and nauseous .Brent then tells Xavier that Britini scared him in that comp and how she performed.

    2:30am-3:00am BBT: Tiffany now in the HOHR talking to Xavier About Britini and how she has been crying, Clair comes in to get her water and stays to listen and talk, They then talk about Hannah being so smart in this game and how Allyssa does not like Christian the way Christian likes Alyssa, Tiffany says Alyssa is using him is all. They talk about Alyssa and Hannah being so smart at this game.

    3:00am-4:00am BBT: Tiffany and Claire head too the HNR where Kyland is and they talk about How Hannah told Claire she wants Alyssa and Christian and the Xavier. They then talk about needing Derek X on their side as a number, Talk goes to  wanting to see and win Endurance comps, Kyland says the next one has to be endurance as they all say goodnight and get into bed. All lights out in the BB House and HG are all sleeping.


    12:00am-12:30am BBT: Alyssa and Christian now in the CBR talking about Brent and Alyssa tells him everything Brent said and how he read her lips to learn what she was saying , She says she felt uncomfortable at how close Brent was sitting to her, She is worried he might win the POV this week and not go home. Derek X is in the KT making Hamburgers ,

    12:30am-1:00am BBT: Sarah goes to the HNR and talks to Kyland about Brent and how he came into the house wanting to be the stud of the house and he found out he isn't and all he wants to do is get the girls out first. Claire comes in and talk stops then Sarah ask if they will get the BY tomorrow and Claire says no they will set up for POV i am sure. Sarah then talks about wanting to play in the Veto comp this week and thinks Tiffany should play the wild card comp instead of Claire, Then she tells Claire about Brent's deals with her, Alyssa and Christian.

    1:00am-1:30am BBT: Sarah , Kyland and Clair in the HNR talking about past seasons of BB and how Sarah loves Dani Donato and Janelle. Tiffany talking with Christian and Alyssa about her liking her toes sucked and Christian says no one is sucking on his toes at all. Xavier  gets his HOHR and opens the door to pictures of his Mom , Sister and brother and then in another his dad and step mom and other brothers, His letter is from his Mom Says she is proud and loves him and tells him about the dogs .

    1:30am-2:00am BBT: He thanks everyone for coming to his room and hugs them as they are leaving the room. Kyland stays for a minutes to help Xavier  find everything then leaves , Xavier sits and cries and reads his letter again, Most HG are now getting ready for bed. Derek F goes to the HOHR and tells Xavier sorry he cares about his room he was sleeping, Xavier says that is fine i will meet with each team tomorrow morning. Xavier gets a beer out and is happy he got what he wanted, Derek F says that is why it took so long to get your room they had to fly to go get it and they laugh. Derek F now back in the YBR with Sarah, Azah and Britini talking about keeping the team safe and Christian going after Brent.

    2:00am-2:30am BBT: Azah and Derek F continue the talk about Christian going next week, Azah says she will not go for HOH next week as she does not feel she is a threat to anyone, Britini then talks about her having a crush on one person in the house but it is not going to happen she says so Derek F ask who it is and she says it is Christian but he is more of a brother to me now.

    2:30:am-3:00am BBT: Azah tells them she watched Xavier  when she is wearing her sunglasses. Tiffany and Claire in the HNR talking about bringing Hannah in on their side and who they need to get out before Jury, Tiffany says Whitney does not need the money she brags about everything she has already. Lights out in the BB house all HG in bed sleeping.

  23. 12:46pm BBT: Feeds are back with Alyssa and Derek X talking in the SBR, Xavier and Kyland in the HOHR talking we get a brief WBRB Derrek F and Xavier talking in the PP and Derek F says he is ready for this HOH comp, Xavier ask do you want to win it and Derek F says i don't know.

    12:52pm BBT:  Whitney and Alyssa in the STR talking about they are to the point if they do not know what they want to do win the HOIH or not and Alyssa says let me know what you want me to do and Whitney says we do not want Brent to win so if your team or ours win we are sitting pretty. They leave the STR.

    12:55pm BBT: Christian walks into the SBR to see Alyssa and Whitney as he has shaved his face and they tell him he looks so young now. Sarah , Kyland and Claire in the KT cleaning up and cooking.



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