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About pinkfrog

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  1. 1:32AM BBT Bruno and Kevin are outside by the hot tub. Kevin says to Bruno: Me and you, besides Jackie - are in the worst spot in the house right now. Bruno says he agrees 100%. Kevin says Emily going, Neda going, we are in the worst position to win now. Bruno says Dre has been with Dillon all night. He hopes they're not trying to pull something. He says if Jackie leaves, not good. If they do something with the veto, who are they going to put up? Kevin asks if Bruno thinks Dillon will keep to his word? Bruno says I don't know. Kevin says they are underdogs. They went from a good dominant position to a crappy one. Bruno says Sindy screwed up so bad, so bad. Kevin agrees. Kevin asks if Dillon would back door one of them. Bruno says he does not know. Bruno says if Dre, William, Ika and Demetres promise Dillon some kind of great deal, why wouldn't he go back on his word? He says emphatically: We need Demetres OUT! Kevin says it just hit him today what a bad spot they are in. Bruno says Ika and Dem, Will and Dre are solid. They have Karen, they've probably pulled Dillon in and that's six people. He says they have himself, Kevin, Sindy and Jackie. Sindy's finally opened her eyes. He says they have to talk to Dillon. Kevin says Ika is the queen right now. Top dog. He says they should have pushed Sindy harder in the double eviction. Bruno says Sindy sees things clearly now, but the damage is done. They've got to get into that HoH room and break up the pairs. Kevin says William might spare him if he's nominated. Bruno says Sindy is still 'with' the two pairs (Ika/Dem & WIll/Dre), but that she's with him and Kevin first. Kevin says that group will ditch Sindy for Karen when it comes down to it. Bruno says: "I heard Dillon say to Demetres after the nomination ceremony to win the power of veto when he hugged him. I was right there, I heard it." He says not to panic though, we will see. Maybe there is nothing going on, and maybe Dillon trusts us, maybe he doesn't. He says Sindy would put up Dre & Will if she won the next HoH. Kevin says Ika wants all the vets in the jury. She wants to be the last vet because if they are all in jury they will vote for her to win. Bruno says if the veto stays the same, we just need one more person to vote out Demetres. He thinks Karen would listen to Dillon if they could convince him Dem has to go. Kevin again asks if Dillon would go back on their deal they made in the HoH comp. Bruno says let's hope not, you never know. Just don't panic and we'll talk to him. Bruno says "Ika has been so weird, too nice, way too nice the last couple of days. It's off. She is not that nice." Bruno says he's pretty sure Dre has told Ika and Dem about Dillon's HoH deal (to keep Bruno, Kevin, Will and Dre safe). They say it would suck so bad for one of the two of them (Bruno or Kevin) to win veto, then have Dillon say he was going to backdoor Ika, then he goes back on his word and puts up the other one. They just can't trust that Dillon would not put one of them up, or Sindy. Kevin says they have to keep their energy up. Dillon's their boy. All they can hope is he doesn't betray them. They are realizing the gravity of their situation and how screwed they are. Bruno blames Sindy for the position they are in. They realize even if they make it through this week, everyone is gunning for them next week and that side has the votes. They agree not to just lay down and give up. Kevin says it's Go Time. Bruno asks who he has connections with. Kevin says William, but then says he is not sure if Will is playing him or not. And he says Dillon because they are bros. Bruno says he has Kevin and Sindy. They keep recycling the conversation topics and go back to wondering why Dillon would tell Dem to win the veto. They figure it could mean nothing. They say they both need to spend time with Dillon tomorrow. They agree that the other side would get Dillon out 7th. He's the last in their group. They say they would take him to final 3. Kevin asks Bruno: If Dillon asks you who you would target, who are you going to say? Bruno starts to say Will and Dre, but realizes he can't because Dillon really likes Dre. Bruno says he knows Sindy talked Dillon into nominating Jackie and Demetres. He says "She is such a liability! But we have no choice but to go with her." They talk about how Sindy got Neda out, but Ika takes all the credit for it. Kevin says Ika and Demetres have the best resumes so far with combined moves and Dem's comp wins, etc. Bruno says if they can last long enough for Will and Dre to need the two of them to eventually help get out Ika and Demetres that would be ideal. Kevin says he already told Dillon if Kevin wins HoH next week his repayment to Dillon is immunity. He is so safe. Bruno says the other side of the house has so much play and we don't. They say Jackie will go out in 10th place, he and Kevin will go out 9th and 8th. Bruno says but the game changes so much. It depends who wins, and what kind of stuff blows up every week. Kevin says he is going to spend most of his time with Dillon tomorrow and "bro out". Bruno says Dre is sleeping in the HoH room tonight. They both shriek and say "that is BAD NEWS". Big Brother says Good Night Houseguests three times and they get up to go to bed still shaking their heads about how screwed they are and Bruno says one more time that Sindy put them in a bad position.
  2. 12:18AM BBT Ika, Dre and Dillon are in the HoH room Ika is promising Dillon she will not go after him next week. She promises on her two boys. She says I know you know how much that means. She said she will not say who her targets are, but it won't be him. And she says Dem would not either; he won't hold a grudge. She says Dem is loyal and so is Dillon, they were just always on separate sides of the house. Dillon says Dem made it that way & Ika says he had to. Dem won't come after you. She starts to laugh with him and asks why they didn't team up in the beginning. She starts to heavily flatter Dillon and say how funny he is and that she just noticed this, and was commenting to Dre earlier this week just how funny Emily was. She talks about how bad it was that nobody in their alliance told Emily she was going. Dillon said they kind of knew. Ika says no, Emily just talked to her that morning and said she was pretty sure she was staying. Dillon sighs. Ika leaves and Dre is telling Dillon that when Will put him and Emily up on the block, she didn't have the same targets. She says she is with Will and will never put him up and she will never vote him out, but he is not to her what Emily was to Dillon. She says she didn't want them on the block last week. Dillon says Will kind of wasted his HoH. Dre says she is not trying to throw Will under the bus, but she was mad at him for putting up Dillon & Emily. She says she thought Dillon, Bruno, Kevin and Neda were together but when Kevin didn't use the PoV... Dillon says 'you were shocked'. And she says yes. Dre is making Dillon mad at Kevin all over again. She says Kevin is playing Will. Dillon says yes, absolutely he is. She tells him Kevin told her he has a grip on Dillon and he does not like that at all. Dre says she has three things to tell Dillon. 1. She tells him about the entire plan she, Ika and Will had to convince Kevin to use the veto, telling him Jackie would be the replacement nominee, but really he would put up Bruno to be back doored. She says Kevin was totally for it and was dancing around all happy that he was going to use it, then she doesn't know what happened, but Kevin didn't go through with it. She figures Bruno talked him out of it. Dillon says yes, Bruno would have totally talked him out of it. And Neda would too. All the while Kevin says he didn't use it because Will didn't want him to. 2. The second thing she wants to tell him is that she and Bruno mutually do not trust each other and she kind of wanted to test him before by asking a couple of questions, but first getting him to promise complete honesty to her. She asked him if he ever referred to her and Will as "The French Connection". Bruno told her no. She then asked if he was in an alliance with Dillon and Emily and he said no. She didn't like those answers. 3. The third thing is that she loves Ika, but it can't go unnoticed that she was playing both sides. She says Ika will be loyal, for sure but she prioritizes her loyalties (as they all do). She said the double eviction night made her sad because they didn't tell Emily she was going home and in that second eviction Dre says she was sure she was going on the block. She brings up the fact though that Neda, Sindy, Kevin, Bruno... Dillon finishes her sentence and says "are all returners". She says yes! Dre tells Dillon Ika is not coming after him, but Ika still wants to be safe with the other side (with Bruno, Kevin and Sindy) until she doesn't have to. Dre says If Demetres was out, Ika would be more loyal to them (Dre/Will, etc). 1:00AM BBT Karen is in the HoH room with Dre and Dillon. She says we're cleaning this house! We have the votes. They're done. There is 4 of them and 6 of us. Dillon says Sindy would be the backdoor if they don't get 'the big guy' out (Bruno). They talk about how Dillon still needs to act like he's with them. He agrees and says he'll still make them think they have control over me. 1:04AM BBT Sindy and Bruno are in the pink bedroom. They are talking about how many votes they would need to get Demetres out. Bruno says "me, you, Kevin and... one more". He asks would Will? Or Dre? Sindy says no. He says Karen might. Sindy says no, Karen likes Ika and she hates Jackie so there's no way she'd keep Jackie. Bruno says it's ok, we're gonna make it work. But he points out that Dre hasn't left Dillon's side since the nomination ceremony. They wonder what they could be talking about in the HoH room this long. Bruno says if we could get rid of Dre and Will, as they are a pair and Ika and Dem are a pair - that's two pairs and now they're working on Dillon. Sindy says we'll see what happens with veto. Bruno tells her not to panic. She says she isn't panicking. She says we don't have the votes to get rid of Dem though. Bruno thinks he has come up with a good idea and says if we really convince Dillon that Dem has to go, he can convince Karen to vote out Dem. Bruno says he asked Dillon who his target is and Dillon replied that both Jackie and Dem were good targets. They discuss Jackie a bit and Bruno says there is no way Jackie would go with that side of the house now, not ever. Sindy says to Bruno: I wish you won that comp. He says he knows, but Dillon promised he'd be safe. Now he doesn't know. He is still concerned what they are talking about up in the HoH. He says it might be nothing. They might be talking about cherries or something innocent. But he says Dre's been up there and pushing for him to go all season. Sindy says Dre also pushes for Kevin. Bruno says yeah, Kevin going up is not good, not good.
  3. 5:03AM BBT Jackie, Kevin and Bruno are in the Have Not room getting their bedding ready and are talking about Neda's eviction. Bruno said he was shocked how badly Dem was talking to Neda. Jackie asked why the two of them didn't vote for Neda to stay. They say she knew we didn't have the numbers so she wouldn't look like it as betrayal. Bruno says he felt so bad for her. Kevin says he and Jackie are newbies at the Have Not room so he needs Bruno to help them make up their beds. Bruno says the deal we (Kevin/Dre/Will/Bruno) made with Dillon out there is going to taste so sweet. One of them (Ika/Dem) is going to meet Neda in jury. Jackie says Sindy didn't need to win that HoH. Bruno agrees and says she didn't need to put up Neda either. He says Ika said "Do it!" and she got into her head. He says he and Kevin tried to not get Neda on the block. Jackie says as soon as Sindy put Dillon and herself on the block she showed she was with the other side. Bruno agrees. Kevin says Canada was so aggressive with Neda! Jackie says I want to know what went on with her. Bruno says she was loved, so loved, she was the best player, Canada's player. Kevin says people were comparing her to Dan Gheesling, elite players (from the US). He says what happened in 5 weeks of BB Canada to her? They wonder if it's because she went against Gary and Cass. Jackie reminds them what people see on tv is different than what the live feeders see. Bruno says she has tons of fans, did an amazing job and her head was right. He was impressed and was very happy to work with her. Kevin agrees. Jackie says she sat there for a second and literally considered not using the veto on herself. They say "you did not!" She says she did. Bruno again says he can't believe Sindy put up Neda. What was she thinking? He says Sindy is the kind of player that wants to be remembered for something. Kevin asks what happened in the pantry. Bruno says he went in there and Neda was trying to convince Sindy not to put her up. He says Neda started crying and was embarrassed because she just lost her power and was going to go home. He describes what happened with Neda and Ika yelling. Kevin says he thinks the fact that Canada cheered when Neda lost the HoH comp last week had something to do with the decision Sindy made. They wonder why Canada was so happy Neda's immunity was up? Jackie says she feels bad that Neda had to go out in her workout clothes. Bruno says you could tell it hurt her every time they heard the boos or cheers and that she didn't deserve any of that. Jackie realizes she was the target today. Bruno says those weren't Sindy's nominations, those were Ika's nominations. She has clear control over Sindy. Jackie says we know Dillon wants Demetres out over Ika. Bruno says he didn't like how it all went down and he can't believe it got that ugly. He keeps repeating that he can't believe Sindy. Jackie keeps calling her dumb. Jackie thinks Will & Dre and Karen are all upset with Ika. Bruno agrees. He says you understand Ika was coming to us with all the information from the other side, right? He says that's why we constantly said we had to separate Ika and Dem, and that is what the deal is with Dillon (to get rid of one of them). Bruno gushes more about Neda and is mad about the boos from the audience. They are convinced it must be because she got out Cass & Gary (fan favorites). They continue to rehash Neda's eviction. Kevin says Canada cheering will confirm to Sindy she did the right thing. They talk about how Ika will turn on Sindy. Jackie says the drama this season is crazy and she figured it would slow down, but it just speeds up. They say Neda will be in the jury house for a month. Bruno says he hopes she will be ok. They go over who Neda hugged on the way out. Jackie says Neda said to her "Get Ika out". They wonder what it will be like in jury house if Ika goes this week leaving Neda & Ika together, alone. Bruno keeps repeating "poor girl".
  4. 4:06AM BBT All of the HG's sit in misery while Bruno paces and keeps asking out loud why BB won't just end this game. "The deal is done. Game's over. Let's do this. I want to see my family."
  5. What a terrible ad for this Brick couch set. Just miserable....
  6. The garage door has closed and they've been sent to the couch.
  7. 3:00AM BBT Bruno quietly whispers to Dillon that he wishes the garage door was closed (where Sindy, Dem and Ika are sitting). He says "we could just do the deal right here" (Will, Kevin, Dre, Bruno and Dillon are the only ones left). He says almost exasperated "we have four rounds to go!" Dillon says I know, we could just make it easy on ourselves and jokingly says ok, next round nobody buzz in. Bruno quietly whispers to Dillon I'll give it to you if we're the last two. Dillon says 'yeah'.
  8. 2:21AM BBT Jackie is really upset because she wanted to see her family
  9. 12:10AM BBT Dillon has sprinted back and forth for 5 spring rolls now, and has even chugged a glass of beer. The only one who has also attempted this was Kevin, with one spring roll. Karen is mad. Will is furious.
  10. 11:33PM BBT Karen says her knees are killing her and Will says his calf hurts. Dillon asks Sindy to set up a beer glass next to the pitcher as he's contemplating running to fill one up. She is trying to entice him with the food and Ika is loving it. Sindy and Demetres are talking about how the times the buzzer goes off are preset and that the tv screen in front of the HG's (which they cannot see) is there for the live feeders. Dillon is trying to convince everyone to all go for food at once. Nobody bites. Sindy is gushing about how stuffed she is getting. This ticks off Karen.
  11. 11:22PM BBT Dillon runs really quickly and sneaks a spring roll and runs back to the buzzer. Karen, Will and Dre really want to eat. Bruno keeps looking back towards the food. Sindy and Dem are eating at the table. Dillon quickly runs and gets another spring roll. He finishes then asks Sindy to set up the beer pitcher and glass so he can run and pour one quickly.
  12. 11:18PM BBT Sindy has a black envelope. She opens and reads it to the HG's. She tells them BB thought they may be hungry from being on slop all day so there is Chinese food and beer in the kitchen. This will only be available for the next hour.
  13. There's Demetres at the 0:01 second mark... He and Dillon were talking. They were the only ones who did not have both hands near the podium. Demetres... out. And he's mad!
  14. 10:55PM BBT The HG continue to chat (mostly Karen, Will and Dem). They figure 35 minutes has gone by. Not sure if they've noticed the food in the kitchen yet.



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