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Everything posted by BigBrotherHBIC

  1. Foutte really has all the facts they need to know something is going on. It’s mind blowing to me that while they are finally catching up to things that happened last week. They are completely ignoring details right under their nose. It’s mind blowing really. Here are just a few of the details they are privy to and still haven’t realized are all signs that there’s some shady business going down and Kaitlin will fire the first shot that every single one has said the last few days they will be taking at her. Foutte: -discuss the fact none of them have been told by Kaitlin what’s going on -discuss that Kaitlin is only loyal to Tyler -discuss that Tyler is likely on the other side (now) -Faysal in his 1-1 was asking if Angela was going to be the replacement nomination if the veto were used and she told him ‘probably’! If I’m with you, you should be telling me yes! Absolutely! There’s no other possibility. He finally tells Bayleigh this today when she asks him if Angela is going up. The ladies in this group are the smarter players even if they miss half of what’s important that’s 25% more than what the guys sniff out. Last night she told Soggy they need to be worried about Tyler getting in Kaitlin’s eat and Soggy going OTB. She’s got the better instincts. -Soggy feels the disconnect but because he suspects she was the swing vote he’s focusing more on how he feels about Kaitlin than asking how does Kaitlin seem to be feeling about me. He also is stubborn like Faysal and feels like if people have a problem they need to come to him or there is no problem. That’s an attitude that gets you sent home early. I do see various brief conversations where they casually say, “you don’t think she’d put one of us up do you?” But it’s glossed over quickly by people like Haleigh and Faysal. Faysal said today there’s NO way she would do that because basically she’s so Ga Ga for him she would never do that to him. That’s enough for Bay. She’s like-yeah that’s the truth!” I’m like COME ON! How many more road signs do you need to see that all paths lead to Kaitlin/Tyler flipping on you? Listen, I’m living for all of the back and forth. I’m 100% On board for this move for various reasons. I mean if Kaitlin takes this swing and no one on Foutte has a power this house is going to EXPLODE! People are going to get in some face to face showdowns. Secrets are going to fly! The drama makes feeds fun to watch and I’ve cleared by afternoon tomorrow and have my popcorn ready! Scratch that! Veto ceremony is going down tonight! The other reason I love this idea is that the shakeup always moves around some positions in the house. Let’s be honest, Foutte especially, was never going to last and Soggy playing the way he is and the others investing so much in him has gone way past having a shield. It’s hurting their games the longer they linger. Angie sees it. Kaitlin sees it, thanks to Tyler but he couldn’t show her what wasn’t already there. Remember this didn’t start with Tyler using the Soggy comments. That was the last straw. For Kaitlin it began with the talk show incident. Unlike others in her group she got slapped in the face with the RealiTea that her ‘team’ was keeping things from her and then blew up and came at her when she called Soggy our. Soggy and Bayleigh handled that horrifically and this is the result. Soggy really was the catalyst to this. I told ya’ll when that happened it was something Kaitlin was not going to forget. Then the confrontations with Faysal/Haleigh. Foutte pretty much served Kaitlin up to Tyler on a silver platter. Tyler’s just smart enough to know how to use it all to his advantage. Good for him! Some players do actually take notes and create opportunities. Just not Foutte one’s. I think Bayleigh will benefit most from a Soggy exit. She has great instincts but she can’t pick up on things she doesn’t see because she’s so wrapped up in him. The girls can easily band together! I wouldn’t be mad at a Angie/Bay/Haleigh/Kaycee all female alliance would you? I’m also confident the blow up will shake up the Level 6 side just as much. People vomit intel in the heat of the moment and players like Winston and Brett could easily fall into a foursome with Bro’s/Rachel/Angela. This big teams were never going to last and as a fan and the dynamics of this refreshing cast, the sooner the better! I do worry Tyler has pushed the envelope too much this week. The whole save Scottie thing is a terrible plan. It’s one of those I am going to do this because I think I can and I want to prove myself right moves. I’m concerned he doesn’t see the potential explosion as something he can’t control. He’s clearly not sat back and considered what can happen or he would absolutely be taking Winston off and leaving Scottie next to Soggy. That if he got the power app and is so safe he’s going all out! Well, turns out Tyler did get the most trending and chose the cloud app. He can use it any one time over the next 2 months. The cloud app provides one time immunity at any nomination or veto ceremony. This is perfectly timed America! This power allows him to take a swing and feel he is safer any time he were to go up in damn near 60 days! Definitely not the most exciting or powerful advantage but considering that Tyler gets info from nearly every player in the house through a myriad of channels if anyone has the potential to capitalize on it, Tyler would be the one. Back to the game. Regardless of what happens Winston will always want Soggy out! He’s a guaranteed vote for Soggy to go. They need 7. Hmmmm sounds a lot like week 1 doesn’t it? I would never be happy with exactly the votes I needed. I don’t feel like the possible allie in Scottie is worth the risk Soggy doesn’t go home. Level 6 has the votes for now. Problem is, if something is said that doesn’t sit well with an Angela, Sam, JC that could quickly change. If it changes better to have Scottie fall victim and go home than Winston because Tyler is going to need all the protection he can get. Scottie has not shown ANY indication he feels some kind of Buddy Buddy connection with anyone but Soggy and Sam. Level 6 doesn’t need Scottie their group is big enough. I like Scottie, but this whole ‘let’s pull him to our side’ BS is a pointless risk. Winston makes some VERY valid arguments as to why He shouldn’t be the one still on the block come eviction night. I see we have the votes but there are 2 powers floating around out there! Me sitting next to Soggy come eviction and someone has something like cancel 2-3 votes IM GOING HOME! Why are we using veto to save Scottie? I’ve done my duty there are too many uncertainties to leave me hanging out there. Brett can be seen Sunday floating some of the concerns for Winston but Tyler and Kaitlin seem hard and fast when it comes to Scottie needing to be saved. Winston is a loose cannon and not easily placated. Why would you want to risk him going off the rails and be down one vote against Soggy? This makes me suspicious of whether Tyler, did in fact get a power. Compared to methodical and purposeful moves last week, he’s playing a lot more risky this week. Tyler is staying on top of keeping Kaitlin feeling secure and on track with the plan. Good thing he has nothing but time because she’s up and down more than an elevator at a Las Vegas hotel. That brings us to Faysal and Kaitlin. In Faysal’s mind he’s trying to do what Tyler. He bathing her in some flirty conversations. Being touchy feely with her. Sunday the HN’s were chosen and she asked for volunteers, 2 guys, 2 girls. Well, as if Foutte doesn’t have enough problems Faysal, Bayleigh. This does cause some feathers to be ruffled. Faysal confronts Kaitlin as to why she ignored Tyler’s hand. Why isn’t he a HN? Again Faysal ignores all of the signs pointing to the fact Kaitlin is not playing for Foutte. Saturday 8:27 PM PST Faysal has one game right now and that’s flirting his way into Kaitlin’s mind. In other words. Faysal has NO GAME! Faysal/Kaitlyn. Faysal’s trying to step up his flirt game w/her and starts talking about amusement park rides(having sex with her) He says it’ll be so intense that she’ll have to stop. Kaitlyn doesn’t pick up on what he’s trying to imply. Hey Faysal if women don’t understand your line, it’s not a good line. Ok back to this gaggable convo. Clueless Kaitlin oblivious asks if they would really stop the ride? Faysal, just continued saying something about the roller coaster again and says she might be scared of it when she sees it up close. This guy is insufferable. I swear he can’t see past his own nose. The best part about it is that everyone except he and Kaitlin and Soggy have him completely figured out. Angie/Haleigh seem to get more and more disenfranchised with Foutte the more he talks. His tunnel vision and egocentricity makes him a liability. This type of player always is. Over the past few days we have heard Angie/Haleigh discussing forming an all female alliance. Angie understands that this Foutte thing will fall and wants to have a plan. Angie totally sees Soggy creating problems for Foutte although both say they need to ride it out for now but start preparing to abandon ship when necessary. This becomes more relevant Sunday afternoon. What we know about BB is players like Faysal can’t rely on comp prowess to carry you through the game. That’s all he thinks he needs. Despite excessive attempts to get him to socialize and even just prevent him from making comments that imply he has zero interest in any kind of give and take with people in the game he still believes he sees things more clearly than anyone else and he can just beast his way through everything screw everybody else. Sound familiar anyone? Saturday 9:25 PM PST– Faysal/Bayleigh/Soggy talk about Veto. They don’t think Tyler will use it because it’ll put a target on his back. Soggy wants Tyler to use it for that reason. Bayleigh says that even if Tyler does use it then they have the votes. Soggy points out that they thought that last week too. However, by Sunday night Soggy is so confident in himself and so oblivious to the game he’s heard talking about how he won’t have any problems evading eviction if someone tries to BD him like week 10. Fast forward to this afternoon. Bayleigh says that they need to stay on top of Kaitlin because she doesn’t want Tyler to convince her to put up Soggy. Soggy again is somewhat dismissive and back to he wants to take the swing at Tyler and Kaitlin. You have to be screaming at the monitor if you’re a Soggy/Foutte fan but the rest of us are thoroughly entertained by his oblivion considering he ‘runs’ the house. Lol. BB fans across the country gasped Sunday around 2:30 PM PST. Kaitlin and her diarrhea of the mouth leaks the BD plan for Soggy to Haleigh!!! I know I was screaming NOOOOO! Why do these people always have to do something to destroy our opportunities for outrageous excitement! Don’t they know that’s was LF’s want! I mean I want great game play and all but watching feeds all day should give us some unexpected entertainment. The problem is that Haleigh isn’t team Kaitlin and Kaitlin is so wrapped up in her HOH robe and her power trip she’s missed all signs that Haleigh even wants her gone in convos with Foutte. To Haleigh’s credit she plays it relatively cool and promises not to tell anyone. Then of course she runs to Angie and tells her! You should have seen Angie’s face! Why did Kaitlin have to start screwing up the blindside! We’ve been anticipating an explosive Veto meeting and are LIVING for the feeds that will certainly follow. Angie can be seen trashing Tyler the rest of the night to Foutte but that’s not a big change so it really doesn’t send up flares with the group. The one thing that did happen is as soon as Kaitlin tells Haleigh about the plan she tells the Bros that Haleigh now knows and is on board with the BD plan to get Soggy out. She’s not all based on Angie’s and Haleigh’s moves that I saw the rest of the night they don’t appear eager to expose the plan. I wouldn’t be shocking to me if they ended up voting Soggy out. Let’s put a pin in this here! Tonight’s episode just ended. For now, there’s nothing else I’m going to tell you that will be better than what’s about to happen post Veto ceremony. and everything could (will) change! The RealiTea is that 16 new houseguests are playing BB and each day brings something exciting to watch. I have afternoon cleared Monday and my snacks ready to enjoy watching all of the anticipated excitement! Come back here for the full scoop!
  2. The results are in! Aren’t you dying to know which HG won today’s POV competition? I was too! This house is about to get even hotter and considering it was 105 while they played that says something! Feeds return and Rachel and Tyler are talking about if Scottie were the one to come down maybe they can swing him to their side. I think that’s a lofty goal. Why do they need Scottie if they take out Soggy? This seems like one of those power has gone to your head moves! Take a breath. I really hope after the excitement of post Veto wears off Tyler sees that is great if Scottie wants to lean their way...he is a floater but they can’t try and make the Level 6 side of the house 9 strong that’s just too many people and he’s a BB superfan! This freaks me out! I’m not the only one freaking out! Oh wait you are dying to know who won and what happened aren’t you? Well...Tyler won the veto and Kaitlin is panicked! Cody was the host of the competition and Kaitlin is definitely feeling some type of way about her interactions with JOdy. Really production?! They’ve already worn out their presence as much as Mr. Pectacular! Stop that! So from what the HG are saying the comp involved putting past HG in order. Eek! That’s terrible that Tyler won! He’s done a superb job hiding the fact that he is a BB superfan and now he has to put former HG in order according to questions/statements? Wow! It doesn’t go unmissed by Soggy from the sound of things! Soggy tells Faysal when he saw the comp he thought there was no way Tyler would win this! From the way it sounds we should all get another epic gut punch shock and awe reaction from Soggy! Now that I’m looking forward to! LOL Tyler’s story is he didn’t think he would win that because he had to guess. Oh boy! I really don’t like this. We’ve seen so many amazing players really work hard and accomplish so much only to push the envelope centimeters too far and lose control of a fast moving train. I really hope that’s not what happens here. This also makes me wonder even more if he got the advantage because he pushes really hard really fast post Veto. When we see Tyler and Kaitlin he also floats the idea of maybe taking Scottie down over Winston if he’s sure they have the votes in Winston’s favor. Again explaining then Scottie owes them and floats in their direction. Problem is Kaitlin is having a complete panic attack at the idea of pissing off all of her friends if she put Soggy up. This is is where I will give her some credit. She should be thinking about how any move she makes will effect her game. As much as I am thrilled she’s drooling over Tyler’s support and encouragement she has to be ready for whatever blow back comes from her HOH. This is exactly why Level 6 was leery of bringing her into the fold too much. She’s now hovering between the two sides and could easily choose to side with Foutte. Plus we now have 2 powers in the game. I think if she has ANY desire to stay loyal to ANYONE in Foutte she really needs to think about how to manage things ahead of the Veto ceremony should she decide to follow through. Look it’s easy to say I’m gonna do this, I want to make a big move, etc...it takes a whole other type of player to actually do it. I’m not confident she has it in her and right now she’s all in her feelings. Kaitlin is convinced Jody didn’t like her and says they both just stared at her. She’s concerned about how people (fans) are feeling about this and is sure Jody’s interactions with her during the comp showed they did not want her to win. We will have to see what the edit looks like. This is Kaitlin. She’s sketched out pretty easily. Unfortunately for all the talking she’s doing about that we may never know. The only positive comes from JC of all people! Bay/Faysal/Soggy all keep discussing that Tyler isn’t with them. Soggy has said numerous times the last couple days of he wins the next HOH he’s putting Kaitlin and Tyler up. Soggy seems a little scared that Tyler is a competitor and has won 2 comps now. According to what JC told Kaitlin, Soggy was talking trash about Tyler all during the competition. JC also tells her that Soggy said he will put up Kaitlin and Tyler but not to worry because they (Level 6 side) has her back! JC couldn’t have had better timing. These are the types of RealiTea Bitez she’s needs to follow through with the plan and replace one of the nominees with Soggy. That’s it for now! Feeds should be lively tonight. Come back tomorrow so we can sip the RealiTea of how everything goes down. I’m happy Tyler won because even if all hell breaks loose, he’s safe this week.
  3. Friday was the first full day of Kaitlin’s HOH and while the morning began very slowly with a lot of tears...there was no shortage of entertaining LF’s! This week as we know is all about Kaitlin and what she can do to help her improve her own game. Or so she thinks. If I had to convey the day in simple terms? Kaitlin wants Soggy’s head on a platter because he said he runs her game (a.k.a Foutte) and no one runs her! Except then she pleas with Tyler to tell her what to do. Angie starts the morning with a meltdown. She was upset last night she didn’t shout out her BF and kids. Now she’s missing her kids and says she didn’t know it would be this hard being away from them. Angie/Bay/Faysal/Haleigh in HOH and Kaitlin in the shower in HOH. Bay/Angie talking. 9:35 am Angie needs to be careful. If it’s perceived she’s missing them too much it can become an excuse to send her home. You know when the season began and it was revealed she was not only leaving her 3 kids for the summer but a 6 month old baby many had concerns after what happened with Keisha on CBBUS. This isn’t resolving those concerns. I will tell you that there are always meltdowns, their human, but this is BB and you always ha s to be aware of what you say. Anything can be made into a reason to send you home. Just ask Vanessa Russo! Kaitlin says they (Level 6) seem way too comfortable. She wants to know why? The power is her goal. Bay says she will be able to get a good read on people during her 1-1’s. Kaitlin says she’s gonna have people come to her. It’s up to them to come to her. JC says he wants to chat but there’s always people in the HOH room. Kaitlin says she can tell people to leave for chats. Good job JC! 10:05 Tyler lets Kaitlin know nominations are today so now she is summoning people. Bayleigh sprays oils to cleanse the aura. Kaitlin is shocked nominations are happening so quickly. She has her 1-1’s before hand. Eventually she gets the dirt she digging for but...as usual these convos give us plenty of insights into how people choose to play their individual games. Kaitlin and Brett convo next up and it’s awful! Both directions these two managed their talking points horribly! 10:26 am It’s clear that Kaitlin is expecting Sam and Level 6 to be bowing at her feet for tossing that vote to save Sam. The first half of these that’s not what she gets because Brett goes up before Tyler communicates the strategy Level 6 should be using. After some tense back and forth between Kaitlin searching for gratitude and demanding it be reciprocated with details from Brett on his power (that he doesn’t have). Brett tries to dance around but a few back and forths and all he really gives her is, “I need to talk to Tyler.” This surprised me to some degree. Brett has shown to be pretty level headed. He also demonstrates through behavior management of Winston that he has a clear understanding that how you act and what you say is everything. Thank goodness for Level 6 just before Winston is about to head up Tyler grabs him and gives him directions. In the meantime Tyler goes to Sam and tells her he wants to tell Kaitlin that Sam has the power. His idea is to claim Sam just told him and she is planning on telling Kaitlin. Sam seems ok with that. Good work Tyler because this looked like it may blow up in your face. Tyler meets with Kaitlin and calms her down. He tells her about Sam and they discuss nominations. Kaitlin runs through a few options and Tyler manages to affirm her greatness and make her question her own ideas until she finally lands on nominating Winston and Scottie. I was listening to a podcast and heard a comparison that nails Tyler’s current relationship with Kaitlin. It’s very Dan Gheesling and Danielle. That nails it! Later in the day this comparison proves to be even more accurate when Faysal comes into play. Then it really reminds me of Dan/Danielle/Shane triangle! Kaycee does an excellent job with Kaitlin. This is really important because one of Kaitlin’s suggestions to Tyler was putting Kaycee up with Winston. We see her tell Tyler that Kaycee has never talked game with her so it would make sense for her to put her OTB. There is a BD plan in play and while Kaitlin wasn’t too concerned with who to put up as pawns, Tyler was. Especially when she made it clear she wasn’t nominating Haleigh, Angie, or Faysal. Oh yeah not Bayleigh either. And she really doesn’t want to nominate any of the girls. 12:15 pm Rachel/Kaitlin Kaitlin tells Rachel she’s not going to touch the block. Kaitlin brings up her VOTE went against everything Rachel plays the “I can FEEL something” happening when that vote question was going on. Kaitlin gives up what made her flip. But she’s staying tight with them. She tells Rachel they (Foute) think the power was used. No girls are going up and I’m going to do a ridiculous BD. Rachel did an excellent job of feeding Kaitlin’s ego. She lathers her in gratitude for saving Sam. She tells her that she was the saving grace and none of this was possible without her and that’s exactly what Kaitlin wants to here. Scottie’s doesn’t go quite as smoothly. He’s definitely willing to spill the most tea of anyone she talks to but very little of that is new information. Even worse is none of it was persuasive enough to keep her from telling him that she’s putting him on the block with Winston as a pawn. Once Kaitlin tells Winston the plan and that he has to go OTB to create the best opportunity to BD Soggy Winston spends the rest of the day running around like a paranoid crazy person. Stick around I will come back to this. From what I see Tyler’s looking like he could easily wind up in the same position this week that Kaitlin felt she was in last week. Kaitlin’s dilemmas began w/concerns that if Haleigh/Faysal get into showmance then she’s neither’s number 1 and that’s not good for her game. Faysal is working Kaitlin hard! He has his 1-1 and uses all his prowess to make her believe he is 100% down for whatever she wants to do. His goal really is to make her feel like she is all good with Foutte and they all trust her implicitly. There’s one comment she evenly makes, “just trust in the universe that what’s going to happen is for the common good.” You can see immediately on his face he doesn’t like the way that sounds. He asks her what does that mean. Fortunately, she starts in on the whole ‘universe gives us what we need’ Mumbo jumbo and by the time she finishes he clearly decides oh that’s just her Hippey talk. What’s more important is what happens later in the day after the BB App Store and before nominations. Now that she’s HOH Faysal is capitalizing on her obsession with him that started all the drama last week in the first place. Now that she’s HOH we find them under the covers by dinner time. This was so juicy at one point in the day that fans everywhere were trying to translate the conversation! Faysal and Kaitlin’s whispering under the covers was stealth and despite being called out by production several times makes it very difficult to hear. There is one point in the undercover convo you can clearly hear and it doesn’t look any better for Tyler than it does for Kaitlin’s boyfriend. You can decide for yourself. *this link includes explicit language Faysal can be heard mentioning they can’t get away with that in here. Going on to be heard saying he’d have to rip the cameras off the wall. After some muffled ruffling you can clearly hear Kaitlin tell Faysal she “wants to f*$# so bad!” You can listen to the clip below and decide for yourself. But from my perspective this could seriously blow up the plan’s Tyler had secures with Kaitlin for the week. I mean kudos I guess do Faysal because he clearly knows how to manipulate Miss Namaneedychick. Tyler cannot allow Faysal to be alone with Faysal too much and that’s not going to be an easy mission. Kaitlin does tell Tyler about some of Faysal and her’s conversation. She tells him enough for him to see Faysal is going to be an issue. Kaitlin share that Faysal told her how much he cares about her which is a plus to his game management (that everyone pretty much tells him everything). On the flip side this also concerns Tyler and his association with Kaitlin and that drawing Faysal’s attention to Tyler. The fact that players like Tyler. Winston, Scottie’s lives in the game are dependent on coo coo for Cocoa Puffs is terrifying! This has quickly turned into a Dan/Daniel+Shane situation. Tyler has been marvelous as steering things directly in an indirect manner but I’ve already seen a couple situations where it could go really badly for him and he just barely manages to escape complete catastrophe with Winston. As if that development isn’t concerning enough for a player like Tyler, I’m VERY concerned with Winston as a ‘pawn’ in the scheme to BD Soggy. Winston is as irrational as Soggy. It’s mind blowing how similar these two players are on opposite ends of the house. Winston is told the plan is to nominate him to appease the other side (Foutte). She wants to keep them feeling like Kaitlin is still on their side. The end goal being wait until Veto is over, hope Soggy doesn’t win it, then BD Soggy. The problem is Winston is the crazy uncle in the house! This guy is unstable and relying on him to keep his cool and not muck up the plan is a HUGE risk I think isn’t worth the reward. They should have chosen someone else. Use Brett! Throw Angela up there. Put Kaycee up with Scottie!!! Sadly the rest of the day we see Winston spiraling. He’s flipping out all day and what concerns me is I don’t think even Brett can stop this runaway train. We’ve watched Winston repeatedly talk about things they group has agreed not to. Last week as soon as he found out Sam had the power he immediately started doing and saying things in front of others that if paying attention were obvious indicators Sam was staying in the game. Winston tells Angela that Sam is a wild card. She’s volatile, doesn’t know the game, isn’t that smart, doesn’t understand strategy and he knew they shouldn’t have kept her. He’s going to tell her to shut up and then convince her to use her power on him. Look, this made for such an entertaining day of feeds. He rambles on and on all day. He’s at a 10 about being nominated week 2 and between his crazy eyes and aggressive whispering LF’s had to be laughing and glued to the feeds to see just how extreme his outburst would become. I hope we see Winston working out 24/7 with Brett all week. I think that may be the only chance antics won’t lead to a complete meltdown. This also increases the odds of Winston actually ending up making himself the real target amongst his own team. I know I wouldn’t want someone as volatile and irrational as he is on my squad. That being said there should be no shortage of entertaining feeds. After the Level 6 workout crew uses the LR to get their fitness on Bayleigh has her own meltdown. She’s feeling very insecure and allowing her own body issues to ruffle her feathers. For all of Winston’s faults and OTT perceptions of things in the house Winston is really trying to be sincere and encouraging to Bay last night. However it starts she is having an emotional day (all players have them) and he tries to encourage and empathize on a human level with her and it’s actually nice to see him extend the olive branch to his known enemy. Click here to view Winston attempting to console Bayleigh. After all of that Bayleigh decides that for Winston’s kindness he deserves a good old fashion read! Bay handles this terribly! I understand she’s upset but her reaction is absolutely the exact opposite from what any player in this game should do She suddenly starts waiving her finger and telling him that she doesn’t like him. He’s not nice. Blah blah blah. We see this upset him enough because he runs back to Brett and later Angela and replays how she twisted a genuine moment into an attack on Winston. In this game we always see certain stages where HG’s begin to unravel. They were in sequester prior to entering the house. Then they were there for a week before feeds went live. Now we are two weeks into the broadcast season. A month in is typically when we see the first signs of players feeling emotions very strongly. They miss their families. They’ve been locked inside for 4 days straight again. The first person has been evicted and the reality of what this game involves hits them. My point is I understand why some are have meltdowns. However, a great player knows when, where, and how to have a meltdown. That’s alone in the DR or secluded with that one person that has their back and they can vent to without worrying too much about being vulnerable. Players should never let the whole house see them meltdown it’s a quick way to become the target. Rachel does mildly better after be BB App Store reveals she’s the least trending HG. Rachel chose the “Yell” app. We find out during ‘family dinner’ when someone decides everyone should share their highs and lows for the day. Rachel’s response? “My low was finding out I’m the least trending HG. I don’t have a high. When the feeds had returned from the filming of this segment Rachel can be seen crying. She suspects she got it because of last week’s incidents that led to her and Angela being reminded they are being filmed 24 hours a day. I was happy to see by last night she decides not to let it affect her too much and just roll with the punches. She plans to be a good sport about it, but you know this brought back that same level of emotions the warning had. We still don’t have confirmation on who got the power app. Based on what I saw...Soggy’s likely not the recipient. He had plenty of private moments with Bayleigh and it’s more likely than not he would have told her. Same goes for Bay. What do I think? Based on last week and the show’s edits I would be surprised if Tyler didn’t get it! He had a very good 1st HOH. He’s very likable on the show and he did save Sam who got last weeks power. Also, with Kaitlin flipping and then getting HOH fans (especially the casuals) are likely to have been worried that Tyler could be in trouble if she goes back with Foutte. This morning we had the veto drawing. The veto players are: Kaitlin-HOH, Winston/Scottie-nominees, then Tyler, Rachel, and Faysal. That’s not a bad draw. We will have 5 players playing to help Kaitlin make her plan come to fruition versus Faysal. Faysal of course gets himself all pumped up sure he’s going to win. Haleigh tries to tell him that winning POV two weeks in a row may not be the best look. Angie tries to back up Haleigh and tell Faysal that if he wins again it makes him a bigger threat. Haleigh tells him that if he wins again he will be seen as a bigger threat than Soggy and that’s not good for his game. Faysal’s response? Oh no, when I win again I am going to be seen as a POV beast and no one will want to target me! They will be terrified and never dare put me up. HAHAHAHAHAHA! This guy! He’s all over the place and one of the worst strategic minds in the house. His social game isn’t all that strong either so he’s relying on his physical presence to carry him. He’s in for a rude awakening. Why? Let’s talk about Kaitlin’s strategy right now. Foutte is overlooking the swing vote for now because she’s HOH. Kaitlin wants them to believe she is still 100% Team Foutte for now. She wants Soggy’s butt gone because of the things he’s been saying about her being on the bottom of the totem pole. She also wants to stick it to him because he said he runs things on that team and they all do what he tells them to do. Tyler certainly performs like a GPS for her. She doesn’t know exactly how to get where she wants so he’s happy to give her some indirect directions. He does is subtly enough that it’s her saying it and not him but we can all see that like Dan used Danielle’s worship, Tyler is using her vulnerability to manage her. Soggy is finally pretty sure that Tyler is with Level 6. Took him long enough! Really the only reason he finally clings to this is because he overheard Angela talking about Foutte wants to face off with US we are ready bring it on. Then she goes on to list the people on her side and Tyler’s name was included. Let’s fast forward to later today. Soggy is unraveling after veto draw. He’s pissed he’s neither playing or hosting. He has various rants which eventually lead to him (while with Bayleigh) telling us (America): “ if they give me a power next week I don’t even want it. ‘F’ you America!” Yep! That’s a direct quote ladies and gentlemen. (sigh). I swear this is going to be such a long wait to the veto ceremony. Winston is going bananas threatening to blow the house up if he’s still OTB come eviction night. Soggy is giving the finger to fans because it’s the first time he realizes that HE’S NOT running the house. Kaitlin is such an emotional spaz! I need Jesus this week to endure all these whiny self absorbed unaware characters that are at the center of it all this week. The one consolation is that because of all the insanity the feeds have been non stop entertainment! I mean I just crack up at Winston’s crazy eyes and empty threats. Soggy’s delusions are a little less comical but entertaining just the same. There you have it! That’s the RealiTea from yesterday and this morning. It’s early in the week and if you know anything it’s that how the weeks begins and how the week ends is rarely the same. Just ask Steve? Feeds have been down a while so watch for an update once we know who won! That’s going to have the biggest push in what direction we are headed into the Veto ceremony. If Kaitlin is able and willing to do what she says the latter half of the week should be EXPLOSIVE! Either way the ball bounces.
  4. Just a quick RealiTea Bite before the sun sets on the first full day of Kaitlin’s HOH. Check back tomorrow for the full rundown of her 1-1 convos and what they revealed. We had BB App Store open for business this afternoon. I can’t confirm which HG got the power yet but based on dinner conversation Rachel seems to be the recipient of the crap app and she says that was the worst part of her day and she has nothing good to share. Feeds just returned and the nomination ceremony has happened. Sounds like Kaitlin went ahead and brought up the suspicion about Winston being a doctor. Winston of course was one of her nominations and Scottie was the other. Winston supposedly put up to appease Foutte and keep them feeling comfortable. Scottie is a seat filler, easy to target the guy with no friends you don’t have to worry about his allies coming for you. Ultimately by the time the nominations ceremony began she planned these noms with the goal of taking a BD (backdoor) shot at Soggy. What? Yep! Tyler had a great chat with her but this was all her. She feels like he is the problem in Foutte and he is the one saying she’s dispensable so she wants to fire the first shot! I’m not getting excited about this plan. This is BB and this is, like I said, the first day of her HOH week. Anything could change that plan. Veto plauers were drawn Saturday morning. Faysal, Tyler, and Rachel along with HOH-Kaitlin and nominees-Winston and Scottie. Soggy is having a private temper tantrum with the camera because he is neither playing in Veto not hosting the comp. Faysal is certain he should win veto again this week and it will make him such a beast no one will dare come for him. LOL. Haleigh and Angie try to explain he doesn’t need to win 2 vetos back to back and that would make him a bigger target than Soggy! It’s Faysal he won’t listen. There you have it! If I sniff out the RealiTea on which HG was trending and received the BB app I will come back and update you here. Otherwise join me tomorrow for the full scoop on all of today’s events.
  5. Last night’s eviction episode was a LF’s dream! Want drama? Excitement? Twists and turns that leave you wondering what will happen? Well, this was what we got! When the feeds went down we knew Kaitlin was leaning towards voting as Tyler wanted which would make it 7-6 to send Steve home and save Sam. But she told Angie and Haleigh the whole scenario and with 2 hours to live eviction anything could happen. When the votes come in Steve says goodbye to all the HG after being evicted by a vote of 7-6 it sent as shockwaves across BB fandom as it did across Soggy and Bayleigh’s faces! Faysal, Soggy, and Bayleigh were completely blindsided. Of course the only HG out of 16 I can’t stand to listen to takes center stage again this week. Why do the BB gods punish me so? The girl who has spent the first two weeks always making herself the center of attention betrays her team (Foute) which in BB typically is the next person to be targeted. No instead she will be the center of attention all day every day for the next 7 days! I need a vacation from the feeds already this week. 7:01 pm Feeds return Tyler/Fay/Soggy in SR discussion about the vote/power. Bros walk in, Tyler slides his way out as soon as the Bros walk in and Winston says, “cool meeting.” Soggy is like what? What did you say? Fays is giving Soggy looks like what is that? W-I said cool meeting, with what ya’ll are trying to... S-with what’s up? W-repeats “I said cool meeting. With what ya’ll are doing.” S-we can’t talk to Tyler? What we can’t talk to Tyler? W-You can do whatever you want bro. S-alright then. Soggy and Winston are the same player type on opposite sides of the house. String arrogant dominant males who think they are the best guy in the room (both would be wrong). This exchange increases the tension for the night with Bay/Rockstar trying to calm Soggy down, telling him to just chill and reel him back in. Brett on the other side is telling Winston to chill but to Angela he’s like Winston needs to realize it’s early and he can’t be giving them a reason to put him up this early. This exchange becomes the focus as the nights continues. These two measuring themselves against each other doesn’t bode well with either team. Tyler was very smart to exit and keep it moving. If you ever play BB don’t leave yourself in the mix when people are butting heads. Kaitlin is seen with Team Foute for about 20-25 min after the live show ends and feeds return. She exclaims she’s going to find out about the power. Kaitlin repeatedly tells everyone she will be holding 1-1’s in the HOH room. She says it over and over and I see my own future through her aura! Wow what power because I foresee myself with feeds on Mute 22 hours a day this week while she’s HOH! 7:18 pm Kaitlin tells Angie, Haleigh, and Faysal they are not an option. Scottie goes to Soggy to tell him he voted for Steve to stay. Soggy tells Scottie he knows that he wasn’t the swing vote while Bayleigh tells others she’s certain Scottie was. By 8:50 pm Soggy is climbing the walls. Literally he’s rock climbing his frustrations away in the living room as Faysal sits on the couch being his audience. Then he starts demanding the cameras look at him. Foute is chasing their tails trying to figure out where the vote came from...Scottie? Angie? Faysal is like there is no way Kaitlin did it...”she wouldn’t flip on us this early. (Now remember Angie and Haleigh know who did it.). Kaitlin is seen asking Tyler who she should target? Tyler plays this well. He asks her who she wants? She says Tyler is smarter than she is. I wish I could report that Kaitlin has the house figured out and is using that to manipulate Tyler and infiltrating Level 6 so Foute can use Tyler to make Level 6 believe she’s with them to get as much info as possible. That’s not the case. Kaitlin winning HOH was the best case scenario for her game. Foute is chasing their tails trying to determine where the swing vote came from. Soggy seems pretty convinced it’s Angie because she was the one that proposed voting for Sam to pin votes on the Bros. Remember Foute was positive the vote was going to be 13-0 or at the very least 9-4. They NEVER thought Steve would go home. Had Kaitlin not won HOH those suspecting it may have been Kaitlin would be paying a lot more attention to that. Since she has the HOH this week they will let it go and part of them wants to believe there’s no way she would flip. Here’s where they are their own worst enemies. 90% of the time they are talking game and planning things but they have a terrible read on the house most the time. This is why they were able to be blindsided. 9:09 pm HOH reveal. By 11pm Foute has claimed the HOH as their own and while Kaitlin is clearing Scottie’s chakra outside the HOH Foute plans ‘their’ HOH without her. They have no confirmation of who the rogue vote was. Some say Scottie, others questioned if it was Kaitlin, and Tyler is convincing them that he’s convinced it was Brett’s power that somehow switched the votes but this one is the only idea shot down because Scottie and Soggy both say Julie would have told the HG the power was used. For now. Tyler can play dumb for now because no one thinks Tyler knows the game. I don’t see this lasting all week.Someone will Spill the beans that Tyler swayed Kaitlin because Angie and Haleigh both know the truth. Soggy overhead Angela talking about her ‘squad’ and Tyler’s name was included so NOW all of a sudden he’s had a come to Jesus moment and realized Tyler is with Level 6 and he can’t tell him things anymore. These players need to be a lot more careful of who’s around when they talk! It happens a lot they didn’t see someone in the room when they start talking or don’t check the surrounding rooms. Great feeds because it’s messy but terrible for the game. Way to go mastermind King of the BB house. Bayleigh has been trying to tell you for two weeks! Her read is way better than his but it’s not a bad idea for her to keep him out front because as the days pass Soggy is a shield. It’s a tightrope walk for her though because she’s also easily seen as a means to target Soggy by going after her if they can’t get him. Prior to the new HOH happening Level 6 all said they would nom Bay/Faysal and make Soggy choose between his BF and his GF if he managed to win the veto. If he doesn’t then they can consider BD Soggy. That’s the smartest play! I don’t see Tyler having enough influence to sway Kaitlin to do that. Kaitlin has done a decent job of playing off the vote. She acted shocked and questioned who the vote came from. I don’t think it would have deflected from her as well if she wasn’t HOH. Foute plans to have one member in the HOH with Kaitlin at all times so she is never alone with anyone else in the house. Too bad Kaitlin has already asked Tyler what she should do because he’s smarter than her and asked him to sleep in the HOH with her tonight. They expect the Bros or Angela and one of the bro’s to be Kaitlin’s targets. I don’t see that happening either. This won’t last because Tyler has already volunteered to be a HN along with Haleigh, Angela. The way that comp played out with so many zero’s it doesn’t seem likely the losers can be made HN’s this week and likely she will be given the task again. Brett is laying it on thick with Kaitlin. It’s clear she needs tons of attention and physical contact and both he and Tyler know it and are playing that to keep her feeling good about Level 6. After midnight Faysal tells Bayleigh and Soggy that if they want to keep Haleigh and Kaitlin with Foute Brett needs to go soon. Now he’s not all wrong here. He correctly identified that’s the one real personal connection Haleigh (especially) and Kaitlin both have on the opposite side. Oh yeah and Tyler but his name isn’t mentioned. My take is Faysal’s sudden revelation has more to do with his jealousy than the game. This is exactly why Tyler knows to distance himself a bit from Haleigh. Every thing Faysal sees and interpret is screened through his obsession with Haleigh and that will be what ends his game. Kaitlin gets drunk so there’s no real discussions about nominations. She made it clear to everyone she will be holding court in the HOH to have 1-1’s with everyone tomorrow. What will be interesting to see is how she manages Foute’s goal to ALWAYS have one member in the HOH with her at all times. If they try to wiggle their way in and be present while she talks to people will she allow it? If she doesn’t how will she manage telling/explaining they need to go? Will she ask Tyler to sit in? I think she’s likely going to want to be alone with people because this is her chance to hear what they say and make her own assessments. She’s already said her goal is to figure out the power. Will Sam tell her? Will the others tell her? If they do that could swing her further Level 6’s way. Right now she’s able to hover between the two sides. Both teams are aware of that. Both teams will Want her to prove which team her allegiance is to now. How she handles that will have a huge influence on her potential longevity heading into next week. Foute is back to 6. Kaitlin being HOH regardless of which side of the house she ultimately lands with she’s not a vote for Foute this week. Fortunately for them with Steve gone they have Scottie to fill that number loss. Angie and Haleigh really seem to be waivering on the Foute team. We see them talking a lot! Sorry their whisper game is STRONG! They have the best handle on things out of that group, especially Angie. They won’t jump ship yet, but it’s gonna happen and I need to see Angie collecting some more allies in the house like Haleigh has. Level 6 however don’t lose a number in Kaitlin being HOH. In fact they gained Sam! This gives them 7+JC so even if 2 of them were to go up votes could tie and Kaitlin would break it. My impression is Tyler has more pull right now. The major factor will be what’s told to her today before nominations. The one takeaway I got from all the aftermath of the live show is Scottie has a better read on the house than anyone in Foute and most in Level 6. He goes to Soggy right away. Scottie shows anger towards the Bros for voting Steve out. He shares his displeasure with Foute and says he would target those two for lying to his face. He also acts just sad enough about losing Steve. Scottie played this very well. You can tell by the convos others have. We hear the bro’s talk and they believe Foute thinks Brett had the power and used it. To their credit it was discussed and that is what Tyler shares he thinks happened. However Foute knows the show and dismissed the chance that’s what happened. Winston says Foute still thinks they have Kaitlin. Brett points out its to easy for her to still jump back to the other side. They both agree Scottie is a rat and neither feels bad for voting Steve out. They say they will never trust Scottie. Bayleigh wants Winston gone and feels like Brett would be cool without Winston here. Scottie points out that Brett is the more dangerous of the 2. He’s exactly right! Scottie also tells Bay that he doesn’t trust Haleigh. She’s too flirty with all the guys and they both realize she’s covered at all angels because she flirts with Brett, Tyler, and Faysal. This makes Scottie suspect Haleigh flipped. He’s wrong there but every other thing out of his mouth is spot on. This is the most I’ve heard him talk. Usually it’s just him running information he’s heard back to Soggy. Problem is Foute doesn’t see Scottie to be as valuable as he really is. I will pay attention to these ‘chats’ today. I think for today Kaitlin is still under a strong enough spell of anything is brought to light about Tyler she will dismiss it and probably even run it back to him. That would be great for him because it identifies who he needs to watch out for. Foute is so far off the mark on many things the dirt they will try to bring Kaitlin pretty much already knows thanks to Tyler reeling her in. That’s all the RealiTea on the blow back from the glorious blindside last night! I love the fact we don’t have a whole ‘house vote’ happening. This was a fantastic start to the season and it should only get better from here!
  6. Julie has told us that if Sam is evicted she and the power come into play Sam will have to complete a task Julie gives her to re-enter the game! I had to jump in and spill the RealiTea! If the vote comes down to Sam being evicted, Sam stands up and says not so fast! I have a +1 power. She is given a ‘task’ by Julie (sounds like what they did in BBOTT). If she completes the task she’s right back in the game! It’s good to know what to expect heading into tonight! You can hear it from Julie in the video below. Not sure how much of a ‘power’ this is? It’s an advantage but not a power if she has to ’earn’ her way back in the game, but I will take it! I have already said the chance she won’t be able to is slim to none. That would be a flop for the show but then again production does seem like they want to troll us sometimes, can you imagine them blindsiding us?! Tune in tonight and come back here for how this crazy week ends.
  7. It’s Eviction day! There’s a lot happening in the house this morning. This vote is still swinging back and forth the last 24 hours. I’m thrilled with that! It’s so much better than the standard ‘let’s vote with the house.” Definitely better than, “we need to do what the HOH wants...it’s so and so’s HOH so we should vote how they want.” The floaters have really been the center of the game this week. With Foute committed to vote for Steve to stay. He’s buddied up with that side of the house all week long and by the end of this first week Steve is trash talking the Level 6 side of the house. Up until last night Steve has really worked hard to make a connection with the Bro’s. So well in fact Tuesday night Winston and Brett have a whole convo about still not liking the idea of voting for Sam to stay because Steve has buddied up enough to make them feel like they can pull Steve when they need him and they have no real connection with Sam. That, ‘I’m thinking about MY game not the group’ mentality leads Brett/Winston to go to Angela and Rachel yesterday and start making the arguments to why the girls should vote to evict Sam as well. Tyler has put in so much work all week and done it very well. So when we start to see the Bro’s waiver in one room while Tyler is in another room really pushing the envelope with Kaitlin to swing her vote secure a 7th vote he thinks they need is riveting feeds but cringeworthy for Tyler and Sam nonetheless. Steve is a floater. He doesn’t belong to a team and he’s OTB. So, he’s the eldest of the cast, no ‘team’ technically, and OTB. This week wasn’t looking great when it began if you’re a long term BB fan because this typically is a position this player is certain to be the first one voted out. The one fault I see is Steve was verbally overconfident frequently and this got people talking. He should play his cards a tad closer to his chest. All in all up until Tuesday night he’s made sure to socialize with both sides. Appear swayable to players on both sides of the house and created a duo with Scottie which by appearances makes other HG’s see saving Steve as a +2 in voting next week. Scottie has not been as invisible as he perceives he has been. He’s on Level 6 radar as a rat that runs everything back to Soggy C. Problem is despite everything that’s happened this week, Soggy C tells Tyler everything all the time! I mean he walked in the HOH just yesterday and tells Tyler which HG are 100% in his group. Where the votes are. This morning Soggy goes to Tyler complaining about how he can’t trust Kaitlin (who is supposed to be team Foute). He goes on to say she’s at the bottom of the totem pole, no one in the group knows if they can trust her, that he’s at the top and she’s at the bottom. He tells Tyler that Soggy makes all the decisions and everyone does what he says. Point. Blank. And the period. I will circle back to this in a few. So all week it’s looked more likely than not it would be a 6-6 vote where the teams are involved and either side needed to secure one vote from a floater to control who goes home and as we’ve seen that has made all the floaters centers of attention. Foute focuses on Steve/Scottie with Scottie being the vote to keep Steve. They’ve been counting Haleigh as one of their side but she’s isn’t actually involved in Foute and isn’t completely aware there is a 5 person alliance within what she perceives a 6 person Team. Foute is actually Kaitlin, Faysal, Angie, Bay, and Soggy. Tuesday Soggy finally tells Haleigh about team Foute (original 5 shes neither aware of nor a part of). We don’t immediately see any consequences to this revelation but it will come back into play this morning. So with floaters Steve and Scottie leaning FOUTE. Haleigh believing she is Foute but also working Tyler, Brett, getting in right with some players on the other side she has set herself up with the potential to have some people to float over to should the other side, Level 6, get power or if something happens with Foute. This is the right way to play the game. Her flirting has caused some drama but she’s still shaped some personal connections throughout the house and you never want to be naive enough to put all your hopes in one basket, especially this early in the game. I’ve seen a nice difference this season with most of these HG this season. Most are not not getting so boxed in by week 1 decisions where they have no where else to look for safety or a vote when the situation comes they need it. This is BB that situation always comes! Haleigh has mended her friendship with Kaitlin. These Two have mutually said they should vote the same way every week. No matter what. She’s seen as a plus for Tyler as much as she sees Tyler as a plus for her. The flirting and showmance love triangle has calmed down since Monday night. Haleigh is friendly with Brett and although she worries Winston doesn’t like her she realizes the opportunity being friendly with Brett could result in a Brett +1. The Bro’s are so tightly intertwined. Brett and Winston in fact are the only sure thing in the house! These two are 100% a duo, ride or die, I can never see anything even slightly penetrating the pair. Tyler is technically hovering the line and could be considered a floater. He is Level 6. He is a part of this ‘team’ but hears where his floater tendencies prevent him from locking himself into just a team. Tyler used the HOH to gain information and then through that was able to identify which HG are fluid. Which he sees can be a valuable asset, that can be potentially swayed through a connection with him and feed enough to both teams that both sides see him as leaning more to their side than the other. That’s no easy feat! Early in the week with the game he and Haleigh were playing with each other he thought she may be the easiest to swing a vote from. We saw he invested a lot of time and energy into her. That changes up after all the love triangle drama happened. He was smart to see that for what it was. Tyler sees the love triangle as a clear indication that she’s not going to be easily enough swayed. Also that the involvement with Foute is much deeper than she was wanting him to believe. The most important thing Tyler takes away from it is that he needs to create some subtle distance from Haleigh because hanging out with her is drawing some uncomfortable attention to Tyler by Faysal. Tyler says he does not want a target on his back because Faysal is jealous. Very well done Tyler! Tyler regroups. His relationship with the last floater in the house which is JC. JC is clearly more fond on Level 6 for now. JC’s been overconfident he could secure the 7th vote, continuously telling people don’t worry about it. I have the 7th vote. You don’t worry, don’t ask questions just know ‘hey I got this!’ This was so overpowering that his confidence has many believing JC has the power or at the very least knows who has the power. There’s no other explanation on Level 6 side of the things. JC has nothing but I like his willingness to play the game. He has a decent mind for strategy when you listen to him. He doesn’t have as many ‘confusing’ moments as I would have expected in conversations about the game with others. JC/Tyler/Haleigh are each all still pretending their trio alliance is a thing despite everyone involved knowing it’s not. JC/Tyler talk about Haleigh. Tyler/Haleigh talk about JC. Tyler uses all that information to nudge each floater in a direction he needs them to go to help his goal which is to get 7 votes so Steve goes. Again that way Sam stays without having to use her power and the power stays in play which could potentially be used to Tyler’s advantage over the next couple weeks if need be. Tyler’s relationship with Sam has continued to blossom. This friendship makes her a potential number for Level 6 because she should be grateful to the players who save her. It also shows Sam that Tyler can be counted on which benefits his individual game. This is so important! Tyler has really done a brilliant job all Week working all angles of the house. The down side is that has resulted in balancing a lot of plates all at once. You have to remember what you said to who, who knows what info, being careful to remember what each player and team says and does. He has to be exhausted and it’s really arduous to continue to do so without something or everything come crashing down around you. I love watching it! However, I’m cautiously optimistic because a power change creating a threat to someone like Winston, Soggy, Faysal, Haleigh, Angela could result with people spilling everything they know. If they get power and seek out information or become the new HOH target they would quickly spill Tyler’s tea from their side and immediately blowing all that hard work up in Tyler’s face. Which ends up happening to less degree last night. Sam has a convo with Scottie trying to swing his vote and she reveals too much! She tells Scottie that she just needs one swing vote to stay and it’s coming down to either Scottie Or Kaitlin. That’s news to Scottie and to Foute! Which of course in true rat form Scottie runs Right back to Soggy and tells him. Hey the votes are 6-6 with one swing vote which shocks Soggy and Steve! Steve was so cerain he had at least 9 votes to stay. Now the night before eviction to there are potentially 6 against him? Steve immediately gets pissed at Winston and Brett! He walks by Winston this morning and makes a comment along the line “wow good job bro! Bravo you had me!” and keeps walking. Real subtle on EVICTION day Steve. As I told you a few days ago Angie/Haleigh discussed throwing 2 hinky votes from Foute so the Bro’s look like they didn’t vote to keep Steve because that side was so sure there were plenty of votes to evict Sam and they don’t want Steve to think the Bro’s have his back! Foute discusses the idea and agreed as long as they feel like they have all the votes they need Angie and Haleigh could throw the hinky votes and that would have much for such glorious TV and a huge blindside! I rarely get excited about how a vote appears because after 20 seasons of BB there is really one sure thing the votes can and often do change right up until eviction voting happens! We Lose feeds mid day, some wheeling and dealing or a blow up happens and BAM! So now Scottie telling Soggy blows any chance Foute screws up their own plans. Sam tells Tyler what was said and he knows Scottie ran that right back to Soggy and tells Sam about Scottie being a rat for Foute. Tyler knows the work he started after the love triangle blow out with Kaitlin is his only hope of getting that 7th vote. But wait! Winston and Brett have now made their own plan and go to Rachel and Angela last night like hey, we need to keep Steve. We don’t want to vote Sam. So we are back on the hamster wheel! SO much work has gone into trying to get the votes to keep Sam and it looked like there were 3-4 scenarios where it could actually happen and in a couple of seconds Two floaters threw all of that work out of the window! I’m screaming at Sam like NOOOOO! Didn’t your mama tell you that just because someone tells you they’re your friend doesn’t mean they are! Scottie’s little bit of effort to befriend the robot and make her not feel so isolated just paid off huge for Scottie because Foute is up in the wee hours saying everyone votes Sam out! It gets intense enough that Faysal/Soggy tell Kaitlin if their is a Rogue vote we will know it was you and we will target you! Meanwhile Tyler is doing damage control up in the HOH last night just after midnight trying to snuff out any talks of voting to keep Steve without having to give up too much info. It volleys back and forth and back and forth and you can see on Tyler’s face he is ready to lose his mind because Winston is throwing out his ridiculous perceptions and still convinced the other side has a power. Tyler finally breaks and says SAM has the POWER WE have to vote for Sam to stay!!!!! BOOM! The whole room erupts with excitement (except Angela) and now they will all vote to keep Sam and pray Tyler can swing Kaitlin. Angela is sitting on by bed quietly while everyone else is jumping up and down and bursting with excitement at the news. So what does she say? Mmmm now I don’t know. I don’t trust Sam because she hid this power from me a little too well. The night ends with Tyler telling Level 6 if his hair is down vote to evict Steve. If he wears his hair up vote to evict Sam. I say there is not chance we won’t get to admire those beautiful blonde locks tonight! As far as Angela. Tyler manages to explain away Sam keeping it a secret just enough. When I heard her say it I was like, ‘Omg! I’m beyond annoyed with that! She rarely opens her mouth and that’s what she takes away from this news! Jeez.’ So now it’s eviction day! Soggy heads to the HOH and spills more tea to Tyler about how his side isn’t trusting Kaitlin. They don’t know she’s with them. She’s on the bottom of the totem pole, yada yada yada. Thank you Soggy for always managing to do exactly opposite of what you should in nearly every single situation. Hahahaha. Tyler of course tells Kaitlin and the waivering shifts immediately. While he tells her not to say anything she runs straight to Haleigh like I’m out! There is a power in play. Anyone that votes for Steve to stay is in danger. Soggy told Tyler I’m unreliable and no one on Foute trusts me. I trust Tyler we need to vote to evict Steve. Eventually Angie joins the convo and Kaitlin tells Haleigh and Angie she’s voting for Sam to stay. Kaitlin says they can do what they want but Soggy isn’t loyal to her. She’s encouraging those two to vote for Sam to stay as well but regardless she is. It’s about that time we lose feeds. Will this hold until the live show and eviction votes? Who knows. It was exciting feeds. We are left with the hope it’s possible but either way there’s a really strong chance Sam won’t go home if she is evicted. If the power is nothing more than a ‘chance’ it’s unlikely production would build all this up to make her do some task and then go home anyways. What’s really on the line is will Steve go? I don’t think Steve leaving hurts anyone’s game. I mean Scottie will be sad and have to do some work, but he’s not a real threat to anyone alone in the game so it won’t put him in immediate danger and Tyler made sure to tell Sam not to trust Scottie. Tonight could be a blindside either way. Worse case is Sam gets voted out and she will likely return and it’s like a complete reset. It’s mind blowing of all the conspiracy theories about the power all week not one person considered America would vote the Robot has most trending. This week 2 HOH will be huge. I could see Scottie winning it if Steve leaves tonight just so he feels safe and allows him opportunities to make some alliances. It’s been an exciting first week and one thing is certain EVERY single player in the game is here to PLAY! Come back after eviction to get all be RealiTea on event from the eviction and the fallout after.
  8. Level 6 The social drama in the house is off the charts and as always it begins to effect the foundations of teams. Yesterday I introduced Foute as a team and dished on the players both individually and collectively are playing the game. Level 6 is today’s focus and why this team seems much more stable to me than Foute but still has some ripples that have my attention. Level 6 is comprised of: The Bros (Winston/Brett), Angela, Rachel, Tyler, and Kaycee. Currently the Bros are the two of this group that are the wild cards. Winston is a loose canon and he’s lucky to have found a ‘ride or die’ in Brett because he keeps Winston from making game ending mistakes for the time being. These two are so comical to watch. I mean granted I never in a million years would have thought in a pairing of these two Brett would be the voice of reason but he tends to be just that. I don’t want it to make Brett sound stable, just of these two he is the one more co conscious of how actions are perceived in the game. To his credit, Winston is playing for Winston despite being in this Level 6 alliance for now. Not to say he’s playing well, lol, he’s just making decisions based on he he wants his game to play out before Level 6 goals. The rest of the group was easily persuaded by Tyler to vote to keep Sam but he took a little more cajoling and I’m still not completely confident whether he and Brett will vote how their team has collectively agreed to. I mean this guy is certain there will be a double eviction this week. The two of them together can’t keep track of the days or even what day of the week it is nevertheless how many players are still in the house! They had a 20 minute circular conversation over the weekend trying to count how many guys there are in the house and kept coming up with 7! They are attached at the hip bro’ing it up 24/7! Even though they spend the majority of their time just the two of them, Brett manages to carve out some social time with others, mutually flirting with Haleigh as well as some suspect interacting with Rachel. Rachel is aggressive in her flirting and I can’t quite determine if she’s genuine or it’s just her personality she’s using to keep Brett locked down with Level 6. That’s another thing to watch. Beyond the Bromance every other player on Level 6 has managed to allow themselves to fade into the background in an effort to make Foute feel as powerful and comfortable as possible during Tyler’s HOH. While we are on the subject. As I said Tyler is attempting to ensure all of Level 6 and JC vote to keep Sam without telling them why. He’s been great at keeping Sam’s power a secret and using that intel to help his game as well as Level 6’s position heading into the next HOH. If 6 players vote to keep Sam and they fail to flip one vote from somewhere else in the house when Sam does use her power Tyler can secure Sam with, “ see I told you these people here we’re going to vote to keep you and I’m loyal to my word.” Tyler is the main reason that Level 6 is far more cohesive than Foute. This literally couldn’t have played out more perfectly if Tyler had scripted it himself. While Foute isn’t 100% certain Tyler is on their team they see him as an asset this week and have been willing to overlook some obvious signs he’s not. Which is amazing for Tyler at the moment because damn near everyone in the house feels they can confide in him. It’s more than he’s the HOH and they are kissing up, although that’s what set him up for it. Tyler has made everyone feel comfortable and managed week 1 HOH to be the least threatening HOH I’ve seen in several seasons. JC gravitates to him and believe he has a strong enough bond to consistently be over confident in his abilities to guarantee he can secure the 7th vote needed to save Sam. JC is overconfident but in a non-threatening way and as I’ve mentioned everyone knows to be cautious of what they talk about in front of him because he has no sensor as many of you that saw the TMZ report are aware. Saving Sam would be best case scenario for Level 6 but Tyler can’t tell them why. If she is voted to stay they eliminated a floater (Steve) who leans towards Foute and give the proverbial finger to Foute. I’m not sure that scenario is best for Tyler’s game this early because it will insinuate Tyler is with the other team not Foute. Level 6 is really focused on how to save Sam. As we know Sam has the +1 Life power. She may use it after an eviction within the next four weeks for a player who is evicted to have a ‘chance’ to return to the game. If it isn’t used by the 4th week whichever HG is evicted that week will automatically receive ‘the chance’ to return to the game. So I was surprised by Sam’s sadness and frustration after losing the veto. She tells Tyler “I’m getting evicted for sure”. I mean I understand her being upset she didn’t win, apparently she went balls out. But hours earlier she confides in Tyler that she’s safe no matter what and this didn’t seem orchestrated. She cried a lot! I am happy to report since then Sam has really stepped up her social game and is taking to everyone about the fact she wants to stay. Tyler knows if they can flip the vote so she isn’t forced to use her power this week that +1Life could come in handy down the line. We will circle back to Tyler in a little while. Angela and Rachel are the same type of player for now as far as breaking down Level 6 team members. Rachel is far more social and crass where Angela is far quieter and more reserved. Both are middle of the line players that aren’t putting themselves in the middle of any drama in the house or directly creating enemies through behaviors an actual house guest shouldn’t be doing from what I see. Rachel is the flirt one and seems to have an affection for Brett of all people? There’s already been some discussions between Brett/Rachel and then of course Brett/Winston about what will happen if/When has the HOH to himself and Rachel wants to come and join him. I’m not sure how much is strategy with Rachel versus actual attraction but it’s something to watch for as the weeks play on. Rachel is still a question mark for me. She has an aggressive personality and she makes mountains out of mole hills all day every day. But she has maintained a level temperament the majority of the time and when she does get heated retreats until she regains composure. That’s the smart play. She’s been social and does talk game often, but only privately and despite some serious tension between the men collectively and the women collectively she’s surprised me. I’m not confident she can keep that up for 99 days but I’m happy to see her playing a smart strategy. Kaycee was more difficult to get a read on. That’s actually a good thing. She doesn’t talk a lot but when she does we see glimpses of her abilities to identify where she needs to be applying her efforts. She is friendly and although not as talkative as the others when she speaks its with a purpose. By Saturday we see her using commonalities to make connections in very casual ways. She’s always around and paying attention which is nice to see. Kaycee uses workouts as opportunities to build personal connections. This morning Haleigh and Kaycee are talking. Kaycee is discussing the end of HN’s early this morning and all the food she ate last night. What’s interesting is Kaycee says she feels like being involved in the weekly binge feast at the end of HN’s is something she feels like you have to do. What we do know is Kaycee is very conscious of her eating habits and regimens as an athlete. This convo and her understanding that moving outside of her comfort zone to make connections and participate in ‘house events’ will require she eats on those nights and just accepts it’s a sacrifice she will have to make to her routine. Bravo Kaycee! She may not want to be doing this but sees the benefits in the game and makes the adjustments as needed. That willingness to be flexible and her ability to identify where she can create inclusiveness with all the players moves her up in my rankings this week. No one is talking about Kaycee! No one! Kaycee’s spinning wheel punishment does get her removed from a lot of the socializing and happenings around the house at times but honestly I think she enjoys the quiet room to herself it provides without anyone asking why isn’t Kaycee out here with the rest of us. Yesterday Angie/Bayleigh discussed their mutual dislike of Winston and common like for Brett/Rachel (particularly Rachel) so if they get rid of Winston in their minds they have a better chance of Rachel forming some other allegiances. Angie suggests she is willing to target the Bro’s. Winston did something in the first 24 hours we may never know what but whatever someone perceived it to be turned all of Foute against him. So we have all the players on the team except Winston and Angela constantly creating interpersonal connections with people outside their teams and after the last few seasons (BB19/BBOTT) this is a breath of fresh air! Sam’s work to forge some connections seems to have had an effect on Angie. Angie actually feels like Sam would be on their level (side) if this hadn’t happened but keeping Steve brings Scottie and they need Scottie. Angie goes so far to suggest she would keep Sam over Steve if Scottie wouldn’t turn on them. Winston still waffling because he likes Steve in the sense that he can see his casual friendship with Steve being a benefit. Steve is now vocally overconfident. He keeps saying repeatedly he’s not worried he has 7 votes locked. He is not worried at all. Despite this he does continue to maintain his convos with W/B and eventually tells Haleigh and That he now has the Bros votes which makes 9 so even if someone from Foute does flip he would still have the votes to stay. Later I will tell you what happens when Steve brings this up. brings this up to Angie/Haleigh. But first.... LOL sorry I couldn’t resist a nod to JC with all his CBS promo takes! Look traditionally the older player isn’t given much favor in this game. So I say good job Steve! We see season haven’t season where players create these strongholds on themselves and feel too secure so they get cocky and don’t continue to interact with players positioned throughout the house. Or they feel like they are being voted out and give up. Not Steve. While I do think he should be a bit less vocal about feeling safe, I like seeing him not ride a guarantee no one can really rely on in this game. What I find most perplexing is that Winston isn’t in danger this week. He is aware the other side has him in their sights but no imminent threat. However, Winston seems to be behaving irrationally and this continues to generate the most ridiculous theories and completely inaccurate assessments. He and Brett have collectively decided this week will absolutely be a DE. The Bros, Winston especially, have wanted to vote to keep Steve this whole time but Tyler has been able to get the other members of Level 6 to persuade the Bros to vote to keep Sam in the event someone from the other side does throw a sympathy or rogue vote Sam’s way. Steve has a conversation with Brett and it makes him feel as though he will definitely have the Bros votes. Good job Brett! In Steve’s mind that means even if someone from Foute does flip he will still have the votes to stay. The problem is Steve talks a little too much. Angie and Haleigh find this to be potentially problematic. Their discomfort could be a problem for Steve he’s oblivious to. They actually discuss voting for Sam to stay if they continue to find hints that the bro’s will in fact vote for Sam to leave. Angie and Haleigh’s logic is if the Bro’s do flip they can blame their two votes for Sam to stay over Steve back onto the Bro’s...I couldn’t make this stuff up! If this weren’t enough to make you scratch your head wait until I tell you what Foute did to help Sam’s cause yesterday. You would think after Dom’s talk show implosion last season anyone that watches BB and even claims to be an expert would know never participate in any scenario that even resembles a ‘talk show’. Listen, if you are ever fortunate enough to become a HG...DO NOT actively participate in anything that involves Q&A in a group setting! Foute decides to of course have a talk show and Kaitlin eventually asks Soggy C which HG he wants to leave next? Soggy true to form is overconfident in his position and freely says that he would target Winston. Ok there’s no surprise there. The majority of Foute have consistently expressed their desire to get Angela and Winston out of the game. The problem is Soggy says he’s wants to Winston out because...”Winston is all throwing my name around, targeting me but to my face he’s like what’s up with our deal?” Kaitlin immediately fires back with, “what deal?” Soggy C tries to skirt around it but that doesn’t fly with Kaitlin she’s positive now that Soggy is lying to her and there is a deal. Bayleigh pipes in that Faysal should have told Kaitlin about the final four deal and this makes it even worse! Here’s another tip for future HG. Don’t get involved in conflicts or arguments that you are not directly a party to! Stay out of fights! Walk away! Watch from the nose bleed seats somewhere outside of the area where the conflict is happening and just take notes! Soggy and Bayleigh play this horribly! They stoke the aren’t you and Faysal besties? We assumed he would have told you? Feeding into Kaitlin’s manic obsession with Faysal and she runs off to him. This creates a scenario where she’s now once again throwing up all over Faysal about how his relationship with Haleigh will prevent them from being each other’s number one’s. On and on and on. For the last three days I feel like I’ve been watching the same reel over over of the love triangle between these three. Faysal is telling her what she wants to here and swears she’s his number one regardless of Haleigh. Look, as in life, in the BB house if what people are saying and what you see them doing conflict...the person involved is lying and you shouldn’t have any problem knowing that! Kaitlin eventually runs crying to Tyler. This is where all of Tyler subtle work manifests another opportunity for him to manipulate Kaitlin. Tyler plays this perfectly. I haven’t seen such a masterfully choreographed 1st HOH ever! Tyler has really avoided his reign making him the biggest target. He has convinced Foute he’s with them (again they fail to admit that his actions clearly indicate at the very least he is not a sure thing (being absolute in his decision that if veto were used Bayleigh would be his replacement nominee). This morning Kaitlin is back in the HOH grateful to Tyler and the girls in Level 6 for their comfort and support last night. She’s also trying to spin what she did and shift the blame to her teammates. I’m watching after Tyler leaves and ironically Kaitlin is complaining to Angela of all people! These people have done nothing but talk about wanting Angela’s blood all over their hands and now Kaitlin is explaining she’s upset (but non game related). She just doesn’t like the fact people are talking behind her back. People saying things about me that aren’t true. Angela sits there listening empatheticly and then gives a well timed affirmation to her feelings. I love that she calmly and politely says to her face that, “you begin to question everyone’s motives. No matter what is said you wonder if there’s a motive behind anything they say because people are coming to you saying this person is coming for you this person doesn’t like you?” Kaitlin is so self involved she misses the irony in her saying this to the one girl Kaitlin and Foute have been doing to her since night 1. This makes Kaitlin so comfortable she throws up all drama with her team and the love triangle to Angela. I’m like ok, so Kaitlin you thought that telling your team’s biggest target every little issue and conflict between your team mates? HAHAHAHAHHAHA I’m sorry but if I’m in the BB house and this happened to me I would use every single detail to feed each and every small fire Foute has. Planting seeds discreetly. I mean seriously would there be anything better than your greatest enemy delivering every location of their bases? This is something I will continue to monitor Kaitlin’s direction. If Foute sees the potential or threat of a shift in her they could go to work to turn that around. She’s a messy player and although you want her vote she can also be a huge liability. Level 6 listened and comfort her enough for her to start oozing with gratitude and appreciation despite her being on the other team. What’s important beyond the drama and spilling of secrets is that right now the teams are even 6-6 with Steve, Scottie. Sam and JC floating around the middle. Sam and JC for the moment are leaning towards Level 6 while Steve and Scottie for the moment more towards Foute. This talk show also leads to yet another convo between Haleigh and Faysal where he’s still trying to persuade her to accept she’s his soul mate and she molds him like a chuck of clay. Haleigh conveys once again she is not getting into a showmance with him, they are not ‘bed mates’ and for the LF we can clearly see her repeatedly denying all of his advances. She uses this opportunity to tell him that Kaitlin has told her that Faysal has told her he’s Kaitlin’s number one even if he gets into a showmance with Haleigh. It’s like you can see her trying in her own mind while they’re talking to see how far she will have to go to keep Faysal on the hook. Faysal tells Haleigh that she will be his number one if they are in a showmance of course and I’m watching this like wth are you doing man? Haleigh sees what I see looking in from the outside and it’s like you can see her calculating how much she will have to pretend to get Faysal to be loyal to her. It’s like watching a bad soap opera! Last night Level 6 sat in the HOH watching Haleigh/Kaitlin waiting to talk to Faysal as soon as he returned to the house from the DR. They were loving every second of the soap opera on the spy cams. Winston starts jumping on the bed and Tyler has to tell him to chill before someone downstairs hears him. This whole drama played right into their plan. Sit back and let Foute implode from the inside while making them feel like they are running the game. There you have it! While Winston and Brett have their own deals in their minds for now they realize they need the numbers and hopefully that will allow for the group to grow stronger next week if one of them wins HOH. That’s my only note in the back of my mind is what will Winston do if the other team wins HOH and comes for him? Beyond that Tyler is the standout from this side. I’m not confident how the vote will go but if we’ve learned nothing else the eviction vote is always questionable down to the last minute before going live. Tomorrow I hope to have an idea of where Winston, Kaitlin, Angie, and Haleigh have their minds set. I will also spill the RealiTea on how the floaters are fairing in the middle of these two teams.
  9. Every year we have some super fans enter the house and tell us (preseason) all the reasons why this makes them the best player coming in. Each one has a recipe for using their BB knowledge and they always have declarations about mistakes or things they’ve seen on past seasons they will or won’t do based on being a BB historian. This season is no different in that respect. Now that the feeds have gone live and the HG’s have had 12 days in the house we already see the same rookie mistakes we see year after year after year. There is so much to catch up on since the HG’s were together for a week before we see them in the house I think it’s best to split my analysis into the ‘teams’. Team yoga has officially named themselves Team Foute and this is where I will begin. The last RealiTea I spilled over the ended with Veto having played out. As I reported last time Faysal wins. Tyler has made it abundantly clear if another nominee has to be put OTB it will be Bayleigh. So Faysal has no plans to use the veto. Soon after everyone is back in the house Faysal and JC have a private convo in the HOH. He tells JC that he doesn’t want JC to be a renom so he won’t use the veto as long as JC keeps 100 with Faysal they are cool. He also warns JC the only thing that can change that is if JC tells anyone Faysal isn’t going to use it. I laughed as I listened. I even considered a betting pool on how long it would take him to spill that to someone but then I realized by the time I set it up JC would have already told someone. The idea Faysal has is a good one. Buying some favor from those that could be a renom. His other goal is to let the nominees and potential replacements sweat it out. His hope is that will have those HG talking and worried and he can use this to gain some intel and identity targets moving forward. Great strategy and seems Faysal can take some initiative to play his own game without Soggy C handing out direct marching orders. Don’t get me wrong, Faysal is not a mastermind strategist. He is bro’d up with Soggy and following Haleigh around like a rescue puppy that desperately needs a home. However, in this specific situation I think his path of choice regarding how to use his veto win to his advantage (especially knowing he won’t use it) is the right play here. If he were able to do it, this would be a great move. This is Big Brother! There are very few secrets that remain a secret. Even worse, JC has a condition that prevents him from ever being quiet. He leaks it within an hour and Faysal reads him for it. JC has a tendency to write checks he can cover and if he doesn’t settle down and take a step back this could expedite his exit. For now Level 6 needs him for a vote and there are much bigger targets drawing aim so they are aware he talks too much and are more careful about what they talk about with him. I would hate to see JC or Sam say something that switches the attention on to them. JC may be little but he gets around! While he appears most loyal to Tyler, team Foute sees him a easily manipulated. To his credit despite his boisterous personality JC seems to have created a social connection with nearly all the HG. At the very least some people from each side that genuinely like him and see his value in voting numbers but Tyler is the only one that appears to really see a real potential asset in JC. Soggy C does tell us that pound for pound JC is the strongest guy in the house as he continues to marvel at his abilities when lifting weights and working out. That being said we see JC pitch a trio team to Tyler and Haleigh who both in the moment agree. The big picture goal is to slowly pull her over to their side as the Yoga alliance crumbles. I like the idea but there’s a key problem. Haleigh. I think Haleigh sees JC’s trio idea as an out to jump ship as much as a way to gain acceptance and have some influence over members of Level 6 who are in fact the opposing team. Technically this isn’t a bad strategy. But, like Scottie, Haleigh is already seen as a floater that is trying to influence several guys in the house with her flirting and she fails to do so covertly and it’s already causing problems in all corners of the house. Flirting and using social is a legitimate strategy players have used but it’s all about the execution and Haleigh’s no sly at all. It’s hurting her game more than helping it because Faysal and Kaitlin aren’t liking it at all! Faysal, as the first Veto winner, has provided some great entertainment on the feeds. Listen it doesn’t always have to be ‘good things’ happening to be entertained. Faysal and Soggy C spend the entire weekend slapping each other on the back and burrowing deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. All they do is talk about being the BEST competitors in the house and how they are guaranteed to plow through all these people. They feed each other’s egos and constantly go all in on some ridiculous point of view they’ve completely accepted as fact when it’s all fiction. It gets annoying after a while but that is so much better than watching two players lay in bed secluded all day making victim or other noises. I’m here for it. Trust me I would much rather be amused by Faysal wearing or carrying around his Veto all day every day even sleeping with it! LOL If he wasn’t THAT GUY then Kaitlin’s prank last night wouldn’t have happened. Kaitlin is thirsty for Faysal’s attention. She decides to hide the veto and while Faysal is looking and concerned about where it went they egg him on with conspiracy theories convincing him that perhaps it was taken and now he no longer holds the power. This makes him paranoid and he buys what they are selling. Yes, that must be it! There’s a saboteur in the house and now that they hold the physical Veto THEY have the power. This kid is so easily manipulated it’s kinda sad but entertaining none the less. Speaking of Kaitlin and Faysal. Where there is smoke there is fire. There’s troubling brewing already over both Haleigh’s strategy to flirt with all the guys and Faysal is not here for that. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look much like he or Kaitlin are here for BB either. Faysal is crushing HARD on Haleigh and it’s somewhat reminiscent of Beast Mode (Caleb) and the Amber situation. If that weren’t bad enough while Faysal is jealous Haleigh openly flirts with Brett and Tyler right under his nose Kaitlin makes it clear to Haleigh she is just as jealous that Haleigh and Faysal are flirting at all. In Kaitlin’s mind Haleigh, being her best friend of all of 11 days should ceased any flirtmance with Faysal because she has BF and can’t go for Faysal. No you didn’t read that incorrectly. The old ‘if I can’t have him you can’t either’. This stirs up a kind of dust from the new construction of the Foute team. I would say someone needs to nip this in the bud real quick but....this team was never going to last so why not enjoy the insanity to pass the time. The funny thing is Haleigh doesn’t find Faysal appealing at all but his obsession with her has sparked some concerns throughout their alliance. Angie and Haleigh discuss concerns they have with the staying power of the alliance. In the end they agree to keep their options open and let it play out for now but if Bay/Soggy end up being a showmance (they already are) then that’s the deal breaker and the two of them will jump ship and form a new group. Angie sees that there is a storm brewing between Kaitlin and Haleigh and that Faysal is obsessed and everything he’s focused on is Haleigh related. Last night Haleigh and Faysal has another chat and to her credit she made it clear she has no interest in him like that while he went all in on a bad hand and declared his feelings for her. Guess it’s good Faysal didn’t have the chat with Kaitlin that Soggy suggested to tell her he sees her like a sister. Yeah Soggy cause that’s working so well for you! Soggy had a plan for Faysal and others to tell the house that Bay/Soggy are like Brother/sister that’s why they spend so much time together and there’s nothing gong on. Delusional Soggy once again believes his own lies and thinks he has the whole house believing this and eating out of his hand. Wrong! Everyone except maybe Sam knows or believes they are a couple and it’s week 2 and anyone associated closely to Soggy (Bay/Faysal) are targets because of him. Soggy shares with Haleigh that when he was in school he bounced back and forth between two states changing schools 16 times. Wow. That actually explains a lot about his personality. You would think having gone through that he would be a little more considerate towards Sam. What we all have to remember and the players should too is in this house perception is fact. The only reason Sam may not know is she’s been absent or in robot form 85% of the time so she still has no idea really who is with whom still. Tyler fills her in when they do actually have a few Moments alone. The hardest part of this punishment for Sam is this is not a considerate kumbaya cast. We saw this briefly on last night’s episode with Kaycee. These people are out of sight out of mind and even when Sam is in the house they blow past her and she does have a legitimate right to feel alienated. Tyler and JC have made the most efforts towards her and that’s great to see. Not just from the human perspective (compassion/empathy) but from a game one too. Tyler and JC have created a bond so when she does stay she will be loyal to them the entire game. It’s how she’s built and good or bad I see that being the case. Everyone else believes in all likelihood Sam is leaving so they have not invested any energy in her no wonder she’s having mini meltdowns all the time. I know. I know. Look I agree you have to play the hand you’re dealt in the game. Just like in life my advice is be sad have a good cry then keep it moving. Experiencing your emotions is a place to visit don’t take up residence there. Sam got this awful punishment which was one of the biggest disadvantages BB has ever dished out. That’s bad enough being a robot most the time and it drastically limiting your ability to move around the house freely. But then realize while she’s a robot she’s likely isolated locked away by herself in a literal sequester type environment for 2 whole weeks! I don’t expect her to be a Dan and invent this elaborate plan on how to guarantee she makes it to the end. I’m willing to cut her some slack and wait and see how she does next week and moving forward. Even the best BB player would be shook. Are you wondering why I haven’t mentioned Bayleigh very much? Well I’m watching her and while she’s wrapped her game up on Soggy I have seen her attempt to fall back and blend it a bit more after having a major meltdown at the possibility of being nominated before the Veto comp played out. The best thing that’s happened for her is Faysal winning veto. Now she’s confident she’s safe (she should be be) so she’s made a conscious effort to chill. She pisses Tyler off early into the game with her rankings and attitude. She freaked out when she was told to her face that if someone uses Veto Tyler planned to replace whichever HG comes down with her. Beyond that we see her kissing Soggy whenever she’s alone with him and not letting her dominant side run her game understanding that her connections to Soggy make her a viable target. The Foute team is confident Sam is going and they see Steve as a puppet so they’ve really stopped paying attention to her at all. Even on the rare occasions we see her trying to socialize or insert herself into a group convo they see it as an annoyance. Faysal for example will stand in the kitchen listening to her as a robot but shows little interest and then as she leaves will use hand gestures to show her yapping and roll his eyes. That really sums up how Foute sees Sam. Rachel and Tyler encourage Sam to talk to them throughout the next few days and made it clear they are working behind the scenes trying to send Steve home. Rachel suggests Sam start with Kaitlin and Angie because those are the two that have personal beef with her. Sam makes the effort and while Kaitlin is impossible in the end I felt like she at least managed to apologize for upsetting them. Kaitlin thinks the smart approach with Sam is to lay all the blame on her likely eviction on Tyler. Kaitlin goes all in on this approach telling Sam they want her to stay. They all would love for both Steve and Sam to stay but Tyler is the one that clearly wants her gone. They wanted Faysal to use the veto. Faysal wants to use the veto! But Tyler won’t agree to put up a big target. If he would just agree to put up Angela then Sam would stay and so would Steve and that’s what they all want. Two things here. First Kaitlin is oblivious to the closeness of Sam/Tyler. Im this game knowledge is power. Two Kaitlin pushed it even further trying to sell this that she says a that Tyler is afraid of the secret power and that’s why Sam will go home and he won’t target Angela because he believes Angela has the advantage. Ding! Ding! Ding! Tyler is the only one that knows Sam has it. He has not told anyone. Sam knows Kaitlin is full of it and seems the personality type that won’t soon forget that Kaitlin both lied and will vote against her as a team. What Kaitlin should have done was listen, empathize, and maybe walk the line of saying, “I’m working hard for you to stay. I’m hoping Tyler can be persuaded to put up a bigger target so both you and Steve can stay. Kaitlin is the least Zen person in the house. Miss namaste is also the most negative person in the game so it’s not a surprise she takes the negative approach possible. Kaitlin/Faysal/Soggy C are the front of this team. They have set themselves up to be the big targets on that side and by extension of Soggy Bayleigh is a path to cripple Soggy if they can’t get to him. Soggy, to his credit, makes a point to talk to the LF’s and tell us how wonderful he is and why we should love him and give him a power to F things up in the house. While LF love both of these things what they don’t love is a clear and blatant attempt to scheme them. I don’t see this helping him. However, yesterday’s LF chat was a bit confusing with regards to his true allegiances. He tells us about his ‘team’. He goes on to say that Bay is his first priority. Then his second is Tyler, Scottie, and Soggy. Those are his boys and after that alliance then he is loyal to the big team. Hmmm. We’ve all been watching feeds and there’s been zero indications of these 3 having any kind of deal. Not only that. Hg everything he plans and says relies on the team backing him with their numbers. He’s in for a rude awakening on Thursday if Sam comes right back into the game after eviction. It’s possible this trio happened before feeds went live but neither Scottie or Tyler seem to have any loyalty to Soggy. I will make a mental note but my impressions are this is another delusional idea that only exists in his own mind. Maybe Angie can use her Piegan witch powers to cast a spell on the others in her squad to bring them back to cohesive group she originally created them to be? At least she is close to her character she sold us preseason. Angie is the quietest in her group and from what I’ve seen the most logical. Unlike Kaitlin who uses her whole meditation, yoga, crystals, oils, and as a gimmick Angie has found her center and will likely be the first to jump ship which is smart on her part. You never want to be the head or the tail of an alliance. Those are the players that go first! There you have it! A 360 degree view of Foute team and all of their team members from my point of view! They are great for entertaining live feeds but neither the team as a whole or as individuals have staying power except maybe Angie and Haleigh if she can avoid any further attention for her flirting as a strategy because she has created some personal connections all over the house. I hope you’re not too invested in this team because the minute Level 6 takes the power again I see them turning on each other and the whole thing falling apart like these big groups the first week usually does. Want to know about Level 6 players/team? Are you cheering on one of the floaters? Don’t worry, I will be back with more RealiTea Bites on them soon!
  10. Feeds went live after last night’s part 2 of BB20 premier! We learn a lot very quickly and all at once. Conversely this leaves some huge questions that have taken a bit longer to find out. I will be back with a complete summary of players and events but this game moves quickly so there are some facts I want to share so you are up to date on the actual state of the ‘game’. HOH: Tyler Nominees: Sam and Steve We have an almost complete divide down the middle much like season 6 and BBOTT as soon as the feeds are live the house is divided both by ‘teams’ and physical proximity. Team Bros (for now) Winston Brett Angela Kaycee Rachel Tyler Team Yoga (for now) Chris Bayleigh Kaitlin Angie Faysal Haleigh There are no ‘official’ team names yet and I expect there to be some serious shifts a couple weeks into the season. That being said, for now I labeled them based on what the majority of fans are going to easily associate them to. We have four HG’s Floating to varying degrees: Sam -who is currently following Tyler but be robot punishment has put her at a huge disadvantage. It’s painful as a fan to watch and this has really limited her ability to make serious social connections with anyone other than Tyler. Steve-currently infiltrating Team Yoga relying on them for his safety in his mind. For being the eldest player and on the block the fact he found an ‘in’ with the large alliance is impressive but by no means a concrete assimilation into that group. It’s all about the numbers! Notable is that both Steve as well as Team Yoga seem to be miscalculating to a small degree the size of the other alliance thanks to Tyler. Team Yoga believes they have the ‘numbers’ advantage with 8 or 9 because they are including Tyler, Steve, and Scottie which is not the case. JC has a lot going on all by himself but he appears to be walking a tight rope between the two sides well enough for now. Despite this it seems to me he is leaning a bit more toward Tyler based on all of conversations. The good news for him is that he socializes with everyone but has a propensity for both Sam and Tyler. Scottie is completely playing both sides. He is openly ‘ spying’ on both teams and running intel back to both in varying degrees (Team Bros sweat he’s with them). What we do know is that Steve and Scottie have a close bond and appear to be a duo for now. Kaitlin has blabbed to Tyler (this morning) that Scottie is team Yoga’s secret team member infiltrating the other side to bring them all the details from team Bros. Scottie needs to slow his roll before this in his name being thrown into the hat a replacement nominee. We have some pairs mixed in between the separate alliances of course. Chris and Bayleigh clearly kissing their way into the BB20 Showmance board. Worse thing possible for both these dominant personalities already drawing a lot of attention individually. Kaitlin and Haleigh want you to know they are BFF’s and have a final 2. Tyler and Kaycee have a final 2. Steve and Scottie are a duo. Brett and Winston are a duo and let me tease that of these two I NEVER would have expected Brett to be the more calm level headed cautious player but that’s the way it appears for now. Based on what I have seen the last 18 hours Brett would be the HG that surprises me most in comparison to my preseason analysis. The most interesting observation I’ve made with this house already split is we have pretty even teams! Both have strong competitors. Both have more brainy strategic minds, and both have even numbers unbeknownst to team Yoga who believe Tyler is more on their team or in the middle than he actually is. These are very evenly distributed teams and I love that aspect! Tyler has been a wonderful surprise for me which I will share more the next blog! Haleigh and Tyler have a ‘flirt’ mance where both are on opposite sides of the house trying to sway the other. Lol. Neither is getting any where. There’s some serious tension between the two sides. and I’ve already seen a lot of road blocks and attempted infiltrations. Beyond that there is really no socializing over the lines drawn between the two big alliances except for Tyler. I will tell you that IMO, Tyler is managing this first (typically most difficult) HOH. We have another week to go until the first eviction but this first week so far actually is shaping up to be one of the best (least explosive) first HOH BB has seen in many years. The first have nots of the season are: Brett Winston Kaitlin Scottie From the sound of things Winston and Brett volunteered but no confirmation of all 4 volunteered or just the Bros. Veto Players were drawn this morning. Two of the 3 already playing (Steve and Tyler) drew HG choice. So Veto players are: Tyler Sam Steve Faysal Scottie Chris It sounds like Steve chose Scottie. Tyler tells JC he chose Chris Tyler says he chose Chris because he swore he would do what Tyler wanted as HOH if he picked him to play. It’s Chris of course so as soon as Veto players were drawn Chris flipped the script and Tyler isn’t feeling that at all but he’s played it cool thus far. Let me say the convo in the HOH that followed was painful to endure. JC will host veto which is happening now! I really hope Sam wins, saves herself! The BB App Store rewards and punishment was released into the game prior to feeds going live. Faysal was the ‘least trending’ and chose the Hamazon Punishment. That requires he eats and entire Vegan Ham every time there is a Hamazon delivery and he’s already losing it over having to eat it so often by today. It was crazy trying to navigate all of the speculation and paranoia about which HG received a ‘power’ for the most trending HG. Chris is using this to continue trying to push Tyler to put Angela up swearing he’s positive Angela has it. Team Yoga all following Chris’ lead. While the ladies on Team Bros were convinced by JC that he had the power (by their interpretation). Meanwhile after alcohol was delivered last night JC goes to Tyler and says Brett has it for sure and JC is the only one that knows so don’t say anything! Not sure if it’s what JC is certain based on observation or if he’s intentionally lying (although I am doubtful of that). It could just be he’s drunk and escalating his own ideas at this point. It wasn’t until around lunch time today that we realize during a 1-1 with Tyler and Sam (offline for a while finally) that Sam is “safe” no mater what Tyler decides so do what is in his heart and not what these 14 other people are trying to get him to do. I was ecstatic to hear this! We also have a leak from a credible source that in fact Sam did win the first power (thank you America you finally got one right!) Her power is safety! She can save herself anytime in the next 4 weeks/evictions. I seriously would love to see her win Veto for her own safety and to rebuild her confidence a bit. This would mean that advantage stays with her a couple more weeks. Sam was the target by default but Tyler seems relieved she won’t be the one going home on his HOH. Tyler knows Steve is malleable so his current mindset is if someone uses veto (or safety) Bayleigh will be the replacement nominee which I am completely in support of. No tears would be shed on my part it eliminates an annoyance, delivers a blow to Chris (whose ego rivals Paul and Paulie at this point and he doesn’t even have any power). There you have it! Noms, alliances, duos, showmance, conflict, Veto players, HN’s and the first week of advantages and disadvantages all in about 14 hours. The feeds only have me more excited about BB20 and there is plenty more RealiTea to sip but for now you are up to speed on the key points and current status of the game!
  11. The premier of BB 20 pulled the greatest ratings last night and if you weren't watching there are plenty of reasons why. The night begins with an audience full of vets which we as fans usually enjoy. Chicken George, Bunky, Kaysar, Michelle, and many more were front and center for the pre-recorded premiere of BB20.The most anticipated night of the year left fans celebrating around country because we finally have a cast filled with all new players. In the episode we can get a pretty clear idea where production is headed with the "Technology is taking over the world". From intros, to friendships, to comps, to betrayals the first night was jam packed. We meet the first eight HG and immediately the game has begun. Julie of course names the first four HG that have been selected to enter. Tyler's name was first up but as we saw he truly is a superman because he lingers intentionally (it would appear) because he knows the first to enter curse and wants no external influences on his chance to bag $500k. The first HG to enter the house has never won BB. Unlike Bayleigh who practically lunges through the front door, thanks girl. You NEVER want to be the first player to enter the house. There are a couple of aha moments the second all of the HG have entered. We see the wheels turning for several players even in the first few moments. Hallelujah! We have people in the game that really came to play! Tyler is sniffing out Steve right away, who of course was the first in the house to tell a lie about his profession. I called that one before the premier. These people will never openly buy what Steve's selling. First of all, a mechanic's hands are the hallmark of their profession. Secondly, he screams COP! Within moments of entering Tyler is already suspicious. Steve tells us he will not be letting anyone know he was a police officer, nor that he teaches Criminal Justice. I understand the paranoia a police officer, especially former undercover cop, in this game people make quick assumptions and connections and Derrick won the whole damn thing BB16. Problem is that both Brett and Steve decided ahead of time that lying about what they do will prevent others from seeing them as a threat and sending them home early. Honestly, we all know that more often than not what we fear we create. The key to a good lie is there has to be an element of truth. Brett attempts to consider this when creating his cover story but then picks a job in technology that he has no idea what the job is? If it is even a job title at all, it sounded more like he just through two words together and threw them out there when asked what he does. Bottom line is these two ranked in the lowest of the players for my personal preseason ranking. Based on last night's episode I nailed that prediction. My guess would be that Steve goes home bye week 4 or 5 if he makes it through this first week. I also believe that Brett's need to be the center of attention will result in Brett blowing up his own game and he will be lucky if he makes jury. Scottie gets chased through the house by Rachel once she realizes he has never been kissed or had a relationship. Scottie is probably the one player I didn't really get a clear read on from the first appearance. He could be the love child of Andy Herren and Johnny Mack based on appearance but it will remain to be seen if you possesses the cut throat DNA required for an archetype like his to make it to the end. He interviewed well, plans t hide his super fan knowledge which is a savvy move for his own longevity. In recent years the 'nerd' has been a very early target because of Ian and Steve but Scottie appears to possess some skills and abilities those two lacked. I will keep watching to see how he decides to use or not use his athletic prowess and if he really can avoid fan boying everything BB to avoid making himself a target. Angie and Kaycee were also relatively low on the exposure train last night. The only parts of the premier relating to these two that made any real impression on me were there intro packages. Kaycee's intro did improve my initial impression. I mean I want to cheer her on, she's from my hometown and a female athlete that doesn't use it as a prop. It's her temperament and ability to not become the 'Alex" of the season I look forward to discovering. Social strategy has become a huge part of being successful the first half of every season and I just can't read which way she will go. The episode didn't really offer me any new insights other than she seems likable, her family segment was fun to watch. Angie on the other hand is as cooky and wold as we would have predicted. I was as shocked by her segment when she discusses pondering religion at 12 years old (which in of itself isn't odd) but then her same 12 year old self decided to convert to a pagan witch? None of us could have predicted than. It was the only intro segment that was more shocking than Winston kissing his gun and proclaiming he doesn't go to the movies without it. Winston's love of guns doesn't bother me, I think it was a poor choice by CBS considering our current political/social climates. People are sensitive about weapons right now and this triggered some really negative backlash from fans towards Winston when in all honesty I think is unfair. Fans should direct that frustration towards production and CBS because they chose to highly it not him. I will say had they just focused on the scrubs in the medical setting and all of his love for his dog it would have been received with a flash mob of Winston fans that had been growing by the day since the cast was released. Bottom line, he has a right to love his 2nd amendment right let's not box him he. He is not a Cody. The funniest HG's based on last night's premiere were: JC, Sam, and Winston. All three are players I like and two of them are players I believe can play smart enough to make it to the second half of the game. Remember, this is a marathon not a race. The first half of the game is all about observing, playing the middle, keeping out of drama, and only winning if you absolute have to. Winston had a very up and down introduction to America. Fans were falling all over themselves preseason over Winston. I myself, believe he will be there for the long haul and has the qualities necessary to make it to those final two seats. He's articulate, funny, humble, and seems very down to earth based on all the preseason research. The intro package production gave him stirred up some controversy over his love of the 2nd amendment and it did not help him with the fan base. I hope people will keep it moving and the uproar dies down by the end of the second episode that airs tonight. JC on the other hand stole the show last night! While my initial impression when they released the cast was like, oh no Jozae .05 after doing to background on him my feelings about his 'character' on this season quickly changed. He's energetic, sociable, and really funny! I feel like he will make it to the second half because he is not going too seem like a threat to the other players and he says he wants to lay low where the game play is involved. I don't think he has a chance to make it final 4 unless he manages to create an alliance where he is really well insulated the second half of the game and someone drags him to the end. All in all JC had most of the funniest moments of the premier. He knows his strengths and I hope he stays that path and uses that to his advantage all season because the one thing I am certain of his he will be fun to watch. He will keep the feeds interesting and that's a player I would like to have around when we have 98 more days to go! JC has already created this amazing energy with Sam and since she is the 2nd funniest character in the house these two can deliver a hilarious summer filled with one liners and clips we will cherish for seasons to come. Sam didn't rank as high for me as these two guys did but she actually climbed the ranks for me after the premier episode aired. The comments Sam makes are going to have us all LOL for weeks to come if she can now survive one of the first two punishments of the season. I may start a running record of Sam-isms for the season. Poor Samantha finished last on the spelling comp that 1/2 the house played which left her as a robot until the first love eviction, which won't happen until next Thursday. That's such a bad stroke of luck for her but I feel like ifs anyone were going to be able to not allow this to tank there game it will be her. She will make a few physical appearances over the next week (my guess would be for comps only). Otherwise she is sitting in some secluded control booth outside the house and can only navigate the robot from room to room and see through the robots eyes and talk through the control boots. Everyone seemed very sympathetic to her punishment. Thats a plus. JC ran right over and announced he's thrilled to have a robot his size, someone he can actually look in their eyes and takes her by the end telling her he loves her and they are probably going to get married now while humming the wedding march. It was GREAT! A few other HG went out of there way to include Sam and empathize for her, like Rachel. That was nice to see, but this disadvantage the first week in the game where you won't always have an actually presence in the game is going to be a real challenge. Sam is going to give us the best DR's and if you weren't already a Sam fan after her, "I'm sweating like a nun in a cucumber patch," you are now! For me, the only thing that was shown on the premier that was funnier than Sam and JC's commentary is Winston's response to Kaitlin. Kaitlin of course enters and immediately douses everyone with her essential oils and aura identifications and immediately announces she can clear all of the HG Chakra's which went over like we would predict. In the DR Winston tells us her has no idea what 'Chakra" is but "it sounds sexual and violent. I am not into that." That was it, I was in tears laughing. If premier is any indication BB20 is going to be a breath of fresh air after two of the worst seasons in the last three years. We always see one or two people playing too hard too fast or making a ridiculous spectacle of themselves the first night. I'm thrilled that we didn't. a few players had some cringe worthy moments for me. While it wasn't over the top the personality gave us a glimpse of what is likely to come. Rachel. I really don't want to dislike her. I mean it's night one. She is loud, definitely thrusts herself into the center ring in the loudest way possible. I also see s tendency to be too aggressive. This is the same fear I have about Angela. She is one of my top female picks preseason but my impressions of her downgraded significantly after the premier. What happened to laying low the first few weeks and controlling the hyper competitive side of you until the second half of the game? I think looking Shaggy in the eye and without any forethought immediately admitting if I win this face off I won't keep you safe was a HUGE mistake. She promised her group prior that she would keep them safe. I understand that, she shouldn't have said that either. Come on those were both rookie (recruits) mistakes. What they both should have done was listen to everyone. Don't give up anything but do your best to reassure people you will give their thoughts and feeling serious consideration then wait for things to play out. I don't blame Shaggy for approaching Angela and considering proposing they each keep the other safe regardless of who wins but beyond that....play it close to the vest. Don't make promises make mental notes until it has played out and you know exactly what your choices are. This is BIG BROTHER and its night one so the one thing you should expect is the unexpected. I mean I HATE that production tells the house if you win you can keep 8 people safe before it begins but not knowing the selection would require choosing two of the groups of four players that entered the game together was a gut punch. I hate it, but no way I feel bad they are both fans of the show and should anticipate twists within twists. The only player in the game I have zero interest in is Kaitlin. She was number 16 on my preseason prediction list and nothing changed with the first glimpse into the game. If she continues on as she did last night she will be sent home quickly and it wouldn't shock me if she went first. Angie is the only one that appeared to bond with Kaitlin and while she may have a little more staying power than Kaitlin she isn't a powerhouse player that can save her. The only other two HG I haven't mentioned are Bayleigh and Haleigh. Haleigh ranked in the top 1/3 for me in my rankings. I have to some underlying concerns that will have me following her first days on LF closely but when you break down her preseason research alone she could be an end of season contender. Bayleigh on the other hand made terrible first impressions in preseason and I still don't foresee her making it further than jury if she's lucky. She has a very strong personality and comes off too arrogant for me. I will admit she had a few moments last night that surprised me but not enough to swing the pendulum. I don't hate her. I do like the way she approached Swaggy after he won the comp, suggesting he dial it back and be more aware of how his words and actions are perceived by others. The problem for me is she also seems like the type to 'do what I say to what I do' kinda approach. I am going to keep an open mind. NO one on the cast drove me crazy or worked my nerves. That's a first! The one thing that seems noteworthy to me is the fact that after two hours we don't have a head of household. Instead we see two HG's are being punished, and 8 HG's are safe. I am thrilled there was not a first night eviction. As most BB fans should be. We've complained about this for years and we will actually get to watch all 16 HG's on the LF the first week they go live. I don't mind that they did a comp where someone wins and keeps 8 players safe the first week. That's a nod to Paul's twist (BB19) and the friendship bracelets. I do appreciate that at least players had to compete for the advantage. While production has stepped up their comp game and set designs in the last couple seasons (BB19 and CBB) it was boggling that they created two completely different competitions for two groups of 8 to compete. I did not care for the fact that the comps had absolutely nothing in common. One group of 8 drudged through the black box in goop and sludge to find 7 envelopes. The player who didn't get an envelope loses and receives a punishment while the player that find the envelope that says "escape and play" will be the HG that faces off the winner of the other comp. However, the other 8 HG's were hung from bungees and required to build a tower that spells out houseguest? The first of the comp to spell out the word in the tower advances (actually has to win) and the last person left (SAM) receives the other punishment. So laggy didn't actually 'win' anything he just found the random folder that advanced him while Angela actually won the spelling comp. It are these kinds of moves that production makes that lends themselves to fans discussing the influence production purposefully makes on the game. with the winners of each comp facing of on surfboards (season 6 throwback) to win the ability to chose 8 players to have safety from the first eviction. Fortunately, thanks to an inside leak we already know who won the first HOH and which two HG were nominated so that makes this a tad less annoying by the end of the episode we have 16 HG's, two suffering punishments, 8 players with safety, 1 with a huge disadvantage, and some friendships already forming and drawing attention. Tonight we will view the second half of the season premier and feeds go live after the show. This should provide much more insight. While I hear Tyler and Kaycee made a final 2 today. We also hear that BB20 has had the first kiss in the house this week. There is a lot more to learn as we are permitted inside the house tonight. I hope that was big enough sip of RealiTea for today! The second episode is minutes away and once I've had some time to observe the hamsters in their natural habitat I will make some more concrete predictions but for now it just to early to know who wins my support and who I want out!
  12. It’s finally here! Tonight is the premier of BB20 and I hope you are as excited as I am. What’s there to be excited about this season? Who are the new houseguests and how will they fair in the longest season in BB history, 99 days? What’s happening on the live feeds? These are all details you can find here each week as the season progresses. Join me here a few times a week to get all the RealiTea all season long. I will give you the facts along with my own personal assessments and analysis of everything BB20. We have 16 new faces. 8 men and 8 women are already forming alliances and enemies as they have been in the house for about a week by the time the veil is lifted for us tonight. All new players in a new house for the first in several seasons. If your a long time fan like myself that should be reason enough to be excited about BB20. This year’s theme in the house is technology and you will see symbols from apps and games throughout the house. Social media already plays a huge role in this game (outside of the house) so producers have taken that and morphed the BB house into a virtual cyberspace. One detail shared by production is that we will see a nod of some sort to each of the previous seasons of BB. I noticed the first one most of us are celebrating already. No returnees this season. The next one I observed was in the reveal of the BB house. In season 2 only glass separates the main bedrooms and this season the pink and blue rooms have a wall that can be moved to create a clear view between the two rooms. I love that! We will see how often the HG actually utilize it. CBB also seems to have left its mark because production included a fuse ball table upstairs inside the house and there is even a giant jingo in addition to the fun rock climbing wall. This is a great addition to BB proper. The lockdowns can last for days between HOH, Veto, twists, etc...so having more things to gather people together and create social environments inside the house is a welcome change. The audience on tonight’s premier (previously recorded) will be stacked with players from past seasons. Expect a lot of guest appearances by past players even if there are no vets cast this season from the premier night on I anticipate viewers being innondated with throw backs and guest spots all season long. After all this is the 20th season. We should also see some competitions and rewards brought into this season’s rotation as a nod to all the seasons that led up to the 20th. There will be some version of audience voting. From what I’ve heard so far one will include a twist on traditional voting and the ‘popular vote’ will come from how HGs are trending on social media. Here’s the down side, from my POV, CBS has a tendency to leave these types of twists in a very vague context which can frustrate us LF (live feeders). I expect greater detail on how that will work, there is said to be a reward and punishment handed out based on who is trending the highest and lowest. However, we have no idea is a player is trending the highest because they are disliked or involved in a controversy this would result in a reward? The way production likes to troll fans at times throughout the season it wouldn’t surprise me. This season is shaping up to be a fun stroll down memory lane for long time fans. It should also create some unique opportunities for an entire cast of newbies to navigate the game in new ways. One thing is certain for the next 99 days we will all enjoy the same crazy ride! Regardless of what happens in the house check back here and we can sip some RealiTea about all things BB20. Update: POV played out and Faysal won based on conversations and surprised tones this was a new comp no one was prepared for. Paint Balls, snakes, and electric shocks involved.
  13. I was pleasantly surprised by the cast. Not to imply I’m thrilled about all 11, but it’s a more balanced cast that I anticipated. There are a couple members that I think are overexposed on the ‘Reality’ front but we all know that’s casting tapping in to followers and fan bases to drive ratings. Beyond that, this cast should offer a interesting flagship season to CBBUS.
  14. Big Brother fandom is split down the middle on the opinion of Paul. Fans either love his game or hate Paul. At week 4 with the most powerful temptation of the season (haulting hex) was handed to a Jessica some fans believed would be bold enough to take down the kingdom of Paul may have helped Paul as much as Cody did. The most significant change in this season over every other season before is that every single HG other than Paul is doing exactly the opposite of what we as fans have been conditioned to expect. In order to dissect Paul's magical hand in sustaining support and attention of so many of his own competitors in this game we need to go back to week one. The season begins with Paul doing exactly what he did last season. He integrates into the showmance alliance a large group who should have controlled the game for the first several weeks. The RealiTea is while Cody had the right idea-take out the biggest threat he failed to have the skills necessary to make it happen. Cody takes a huge shot without securing the votes. He expected all the sheep to follow him after 9 days in the house. He underestimated how his teammates felt about Paul assuming his own enemy meant that's everyone's enemy. While your enemy is my enemy is often true in BB, that isn't how week 1 works. Cody could have recruited Jess to help him make others as afraid of Paul as he is but his failure to rally the troups hands Paul the key to the castle. If you are a fan who loathes the fact that Paul that so many HG are blindly loyal to him there is an obvious element being overlooked. Cody handed Paul a complete alliance in tact with his attempt to BD Paul without any discussion. These same BB fans who wished and hoped for a Cody return convinced he would be the one with Jess and the Hex would make them easily come out guns blazing. I mean safety does often make people drunk with power. Once again Jess does exactly the opposite of what she should do (nominate Paul/Alex) partially because Cody is still against targeting Alex. She plays what she believes will be the safe move to gain some If you hate the fact so many have pledged their allegiance to Paul and easily buy his stock-You should be blaming Cody! Paul didn't run around and do crazy stuff putting a spell on Marlena, Maven, Dom, and Xmas. In fact, until that week 1 Veto Xmas was the only one aligned with Paul. While they both joined the showmance alliance when Paul and Xmas tried to sell explain to Cody and the others that Dom was a threat because of the pull she was developing with Mark they were completely ignored and dismissed by not just Cody but most of the couples as well. I replay some of these key issues because as we finally return to feeds after a pointless as 30+ hour blackout we learn Christmas is HOH, Jason/Matt are nominated (allegedly as pawns), and Paul, Christmas, and Raven are gathered in the HOH room. Now, although the Krumpus (a.k.a. Xmas) is HOH and many fans are already expressing frustration that this is yet again another rinse and repeat week, I would suggest of the 9 remaining HG she is the one player who is was most likely (besides Mark of course) make a move that is not Paul's. Unfortunately as with all the other weeks we will likely be left with an HOH doing exactly what Paul wants and not even aware of it. While I am not a fan of many of the questionable tactics applied this summer, fans cannot continue to blame Paul for the conscious decisions players like Xmas, Josh, Alex have chosen to make. We can also not blame the sheep for being willing to vote out players that truly had no equity in helping them as the weeks continue to pass. Someone had to go home every week and while you want to try and keep players that will benefit you at some point the fact remains...for many HG this season their reasoning has been the most basic instinct of a HG 'if they go I don't'. There is playing aggressively and there is just being a down right deplorable player relying on vile and shameful behaviors to achieve a reasonable goal. Fans have blurred lines where actions offend them. Some fans thrive on the attempts of people to achieve the villain status in this game. Others love the players that make strong impacts on the actual Game play over winning popularity contests for being the prettiest, Smartest, Funniest, bitchiest, most strategic, or simply just someone each fan can find themselves personally relating to on some level. That being said...those who we have watched follow Paul and execute 'his' targets week after week I don't have an issue with sending any of the players out they have sent out regardless of the reason. Cody and Jess made their BB beds through their own actions and at the end of the day those choices made them impossible to trust or feel comfortable working with. Cody was potential a huge competitor and winning comps as the weeks Go by is a very critical element to the game. Being inflexible and making clear their targets based on personal biases and 'emotional' responses are exactly what most of the players have done. At the end of each week someone has to Go. Cody and Jess were not viable options for anyone else in the game and they secluded themselves From the first week (following Cody's decisions to try and target Paul and when that failed throwing Xmas up). Despite having multiple chances in their BB lives, winning 2 HOH's and the most powerful den of temptation power of the season they couldn't change their approach. Dominique spent most of her time manipulating Mark and never truly made a connection with anyone else in the house. The whole talk show debacle was a huge miscalculation on her part and one small comment in this game can turn all eyes on you for something completely unintended but that's the game. Let us not forget that Cody threw Dom and Mark UTB at a moment when Dom herself made her a topic in the game and sending her out at the time hurt no one else but Mark. Paul certainly capitalized on the moves Cody and Dom made but they gave him the ammunition. A huge part of being successful is taking things that happen that are beyond your control and making them work for you. The greatest players in BB all have this ability in common. There was going to come a point where Mark had to choose between Dom's friendship and his feelings for Elena. As the weeks have gone by it's pretty clear where his loyalty would have landed. That was a terrible choice on Mark's behalf but at the end of the day it was his choice. Ramses, this player floated from room To room Obviously intending to disrupt convos or be a fly on the wall. While there is a more effective way to gather intel more inconspicuously he didn't have the ability to execute that strategy properly and it made him a questionable character in the house very early on. Again, choosing to lie and say there was a banner plane and attempted to create a target out of Mark and Dom was a terrible move in a house full of people that at the very least watch the show and know BB Would call for a Lockdown if there was a breach in the BY as he had claimed. When he found himself in trouble he didn't have emergency roads to players he had worked to develop strong relationships with and hit a dead end. Elena was really the only player Ramses had managed to make a connection with and at that point in this season her loyalty was first to Mark and then to the couples so he was never going to land in the middle of that list which is the spot you want to have in any larger alliance. You don't want to be the biggest target (front men like Cody, Alex, Paul) and you don't want to be the bottom Link which is most easily removed without causing any further fractures in the strength of the chain. As the weeks pass and players that remained got more and more comfortable with their place in the house (right or wrong) it became easy to allow others to be the ones who made the decisions because that's how hierarchies work. A dominant (Paul/Xmas/Alex) gives a submissive (Josh/Mark/Jason) a sense of empowerment to act in a certain way. Cameron was the only real innocent bystander this season. He never got through the first night and couldn't win his way back into the game when given the opportunity. He made a valiant effort but came up short through no fault of his own that was simply the hand he was dealt in the BB game. Cameron had a chance to plead His case on the first night and again fell short. I mean Xmas (healthy) was sitting next to him and people saw a strong physical intelligent accomplished woman and felt unthreatened by her over the nerd archetype he was cast to fulfill. He can probably thank Steve and Ian for that more than anything else. That and production for forcing him to wear those glasses. Now that we approach the last 5 weeks no one is sad that they sent anyone else out the door regardless of the reasons at this point. Cameron, Jillian, Cody, Dominique, Ramses, Jessica, Cody (again), and Elena were all in fact obstacles for each and every player to reach those final Two chairs on finale night. Yes, it was good for Paul but it was also good for Alex/Jason, Raven/Matt, Xmas/Josh, and perhaps to a lesser degree Kevin. Kevin is the only one left in the game that I can follow the map back and see where keeping a player or two and sending someone else out may be to his benefit now, but at the time they weren't the most beneficial to him in the moment it happened. Paul is great at reading people. He sniffs out what they need to make them feel liked, empowered, accepted, or just justified and uses that to gain their favor when he needs it. He spent a lot of time and efforts the first 3-4 weeks navigating all the personality types and blazing various paths so as the game got deeper into the season he would have choice if and when he found himself in trouble. No one else in the house has done that besides Kevin. The difference is Paul knows how to play the game (comps/stirring the pot/capitalizing on twists and turns). Kevin did invest time and energy into building a connection and accurately reading the players with everyone but Paul. He accepted the assessment he made of Paul week 2. Kevin did catch on to Paul and attempted to circled back around realizing he needed to begin creating a path to target Paul but by the time he did that others in the house were far too dependent on Paul and Paul had been actively blazing his own trails all along. Mark is likely to go home this week. Xmas is missing the best opportunity she will have to control the game and eliminate the one player everyone else is connected to and has the best chance at winning against every single one of them. Josh will never be enough to get Xmas into the finals with the possibility of winning against Paul. With her broken foot she needs to make a stronger impact on the house to gain enough equity for anyone to justify giving her $500k when she didn't even play in more than half the comps and verbally attacked, belittled, and isolated those who will be sitting in the jury at this point. It was in fact the perfect time for her to win and completely blindside a big target like Alex or Paul and she just doesn't understand that feeling sorry for heralds because she can't beast through comps is far less valuable than actually having the power to make a move that could actually justify a win. At this point anyone that takes out Paul and happens to sit in one of those two chairs is as close to being guaranteed a win as any player can get. EVERY single player in the jury would happily reward the player who dethroned Paul. Jason has won Veto, so he is safe for the week. That's great for him but he needs to put his foot in Alex's a$$ if he is going to be able to capitalize on his pardon this week. Alex/Jason have worked really hard this season and have the ability to take over the game from a competitive standpoint but this means they have to pull back the curtain on the all powerful Oz! The RealiTea is Kevin, Jason, and Alex have the most ammunition against King Paul but that is only valuable if you know when to fire a shot at the right time. That time is now! Paul has his himself layered between three pairs in the house with each believing he is their 3rd. If Alex isn't woken up soon the opportunity to blow up Paul's game will come and go and so will all 3 of their chances at winning $500k.
  15. It's DE night this week and the house as well as LF’s have been confident Cody will leave. Is there any chance Cody can survive? Up until last night I would have said there's zero possibility Cody isn't voted out. The beauty of this game is that at times the smallest thing can change the entire trajectory of the game. We all know that in this game the smallest move to make someone mad (accidental or purposefully). One innocuous event can make the house change on a dime. Late night's antics just may be the moment BB fans have been pleading for all season. Paul has been playing the dominant game and no one can deny by far the best game so far. It's not pretty. His game strategy certainly isn't going to maki him a fan favorite this season nor many of his 'allies'. There is certainly an argument to be be made that there's plenty of bad players making it easy for him. Buckle up though! Last night in the wheeeeeeee hours of the morning Elena makes a petty move against the pettiest girl in the house. I mean we’ve watched Alex throw on her tutu all summer and gaslight the most ridiculous spiraling chaos over absolutely nothing for no other reason than this HG just loves chaos. If you haven't watched last night's late night feeds then it's important for you to know that Elena’s decision to directly take a shot at Alex is sure to have Alex go full tutu mode today heading into the live show. At 1:39 am Elena leaves Mark in the BA and heads do the kitchen to dump out all the ice in the freezer. Elena has decided, like Alex, she is going to be petty just for the sake of being petty. So how is ice going to lead to a huge explosion on a live show day you ask? If you don't have the LF you don't realize that Alex has an obsession with ice. I've sat and watched her literally fill her pockets with ice at 5 am when the bugle sounded and she had to go set up camp and look hot dogs. Alex is methodical about refilling the trays and like her food she is one to be very obsessive compulsive when it comes to having ice at the ready any time she reaches in the freezer. Let's not forget there's been hug blow ups over her coke being dumped out (by Raven but blamed on Jess), her things being eaten or drank from her HOH basket and most recently started an absurd fight with Cody over him eating her entire box of Chex cereal after she had just told him he could have it she didn't want it. She wasn't even really mad about the cereal she just wanted to start a fight for the sake of starting a fight. For those without feeds I've watched Alex tell HG she once but a waitress' arm at a restaurant when she reached for Alex's plate. It was so severe she was banned from going back. This chick is more territorial over her food than Kris Jenner is over her kids. The only thing that makes watching Elena poor out the ice so OTT is that Alex is standing in the HOH watching her do it! (1:39 am) If you have the feeds go FB on quad view and watch the entire event unfold. Alex is standing in the HOH watching Elena dump the ice on the spy cam and you can see the cartoon like smoke coming out of Alex’s ears! I made sure to clear my day for feeds watch today because we can expect full tutu mode from Alex! The irony of it all is that while Alex will make this into a federal offense just 20 min earlier Alex pours the sugar into a baggy and replaces the sugar with salt. Like the rest of the season Alex will see what she’s doing as funny and justifiable prank and Elena dumping the ice as a targeted act of war on her. The good news for fans is this could actually be one of those random moments that results in an exciting change in tonight's outcome. While it's still more likely Cody can go…for the first time all week there's a small chance Elena just saved Cody! As most of us know Alex has been livid that Elena left Alex with a punishment during the Veto this week. As we saw last night Elena struck a deal with Alex that they wouldn't punish each other. Elena goes back on the deal, takes the $5k and Alex is left with camp guide punishment all week. It was great watching Cody set Elena up encouraging her to take the 5k and while it didn't prevent him from hitting the block it was a strategic move I was thrilled to see him make. I've not been a Cody fan and don't have sympathy for his downfall because the reality is it was his own horrible game play that put him in the hot seat all season. However, all I've wanted is to see him actually play the game versus punching his victim noises sound board for 7 weeks! He didn't disappoint when Jess finally exits! My hope was that us seeing Cody in the house playing without Jess anchoring him down would allow him to actually clear the mist and show us he can play the game! Now let me say this…Alex was just as responsible for her punishment as Elena. Alex could have taken the Veto from Matt and left Matt with the punishment. It's actually what she should have done. Alex also could have snatched the vacation from Mark. Instead Alex chooses to hold onto a punishment when she didn't have to. This became a catalyst for Alex to widen the target on Elena and Elena walked right into it. My first thought as I heard what happened on feeds was that Cody set Elena up! That's exactly what we hear Cody admit. Elena was foolish no matter how painful it's been to watch Paul/Alex and the minions behave the last three weeks from a game perspective Elena made a terrible ‘game’ move. I get it, why not take $5k, she's a target at the top of the pecking order, Cody was a bigger one….blah blah blah. The bottom line you're playing a game and every single move counts. Elena didn't check the Vanessa guidelines to making decisions in the game. I would have certainly considered what's Cody’s in incentives for telling me to take the money. Now back to the bigger news. All week we've seen zero chance of Cody surviving this week. Even with the horrible game move by Elena to snatch the $5k going back on her word in front of the entire house. Even more importantly against the most petty antagonistic player in the game who happens to also be HOH. However, last night's ice queen move by Elena has at least shifted the percentage that Alex could be mad enough to send the house into complete chaos and give Cody a 10% chance of staying in the house. For Paul this little tit for tat dynamic is real trouble. He is becoming more and more vulnerable as things continue to blow up. I've also seen him lying so much over the last few weeks he's forgetting what he has and hasn't said to people and begin to make some errors that do have HG realizing Paul is controlling way too much of this game. In the last two weeks we've seen Xmas/Josh, Jason/Kevin, Kevin/Cody, Mark/Jason, Mark/Elena, Josh/Jason all having conversations about Paul which had not happened very often early in the game and when someone like Dom did begin to put pieces together Paul was able to sniff it out quickly and extinguish the smoke before there was fire by sending them out the door. The problem with lying and manipulating so much is that the truth is a lot easier to remember. Paul has been tying so many nots in so many directions all at the same time he doesn't know where he began and where the end of the rope is anymore. Paul is aware that as the numbers begin to dwindle and his name keeps being brought up as players are voted out each week that he is actually becoming a front line target earlier than he anticipated. So much so that's he now spent a good portion of the week moving Kevin up on the hit list. The fact of the matter is Kevin is now a huge liability for Paul because one little spec of dust from Kevin could send the house spiraling with a well timed slip by Kevin who knows where all the bodies are buried. Kevin began branching out a week ago and Jason of course spills the tea. Paul knows that the longer Kevin stays the more likely Kevin can let something slip that Paul can't trouble shoot. This is BB and the right thing happening, at just the right moment, in front of the right people can flip the house upside down. It happens every season and in order for Paul to prevent this Kevin now has to be made into a victim of Paul’s control of the game. Sadly, I can see Kevin going out on the DE because Paul needs to cur Kev off before he can spill all his dirty little secrets. So what can we hope for today? Alex blows up and this could (by even the slightest of odds) be the one shot that Elena goes tonight instead of Cody. Alex is almost guaranteed to go full tutu battle mode over the ice. Jason, Josh, Alex all want Elena out (more than Cody) and this could be the deep freeze that results in a major crack in the game! Wouldn't it be amazing if ice actually ends up being what saves the ice man on DE night? It's early and HG's are just beginning to stir and the longer I see Alex hold off telling Paul about what happened with the ice the better the odds are that she will continue to build up steam and explode without time for Paul to extinguish the flames. While I wouldn't advise getting your hopes up too much…this is the first time all week I can see a clear path for Cody to survive the first eviction tonight. If that happens…just imagine Cody winning DE HOH and we could have a huge dominant player go out! I like a 10% chance over zero! This is BB and it only takes one small thing to change the entire game. Considering how petty and ridiculous the power group in the game has been the last 3 weeks the universe could actually repay them with one of the greatest upsets in BB history all over ice! The RealiTea is I may enjoy a nice pitcher of iced tea today and watch closely as Alex potentially undoes all the knots Paul has spent the entire season tying up his leashes on every other player in the house!
  16. What a whirlwind week for the HG. Dom heads out but as some had briefly discussed towards the end of week 3, there was a battle back and a HG did re-enter the game. Jessica has the haulting hex, Cody is back in the house, and we have a new HOH and two nominees. The humor in this to me is so many fans felt handing Jessica the greatest power of the season and praying to the BB Gods that Cody will come back was because they want Paul out. You know the saying, what you fear you create? That may be exactly what plays out. Let's dive in to what's occurred since Thursday’s live show. First, I will tell you that the modified Battle Back was a vast improvement from a pure game perspective. I preferred the more level comp field where all evictees competed together in round 1. A significant improvement over BB 18 where 1st evictee would be forced to battle 4 times to get back in while the last evicted only needed to face off against one. I always land in favor of the players having the most control over the game and this twist was another step towards production returning to original game format. The Second round Cameron/Cody face off since they were the First two to complete round 1 against Jillian/Dom and each other. Cody had to work for it and in the end he beat out Cameron for the chance to move on to round 3. It sucks for Cameron he never got to play the game but this was a fair shot to win his way back in and it wasn't in the cards for him. Even better we find out that Cody will have to play one of the members of the house in round 3 and win or he won't re-enter the game. As a purist I was even happier to realize the HG had a vote in who would go head to head against Cody. Everyone except Paul voted for Paul so it was a unanimous house decision. Paul and Cody go head to head and Cody earns his spot back in the house. Now, I've considered the idea many fans have argued about Cosy’s advantage having played this maze once and Paul not being given a practice. We don't know if he was or wasn't but…in the big picture this season HG have had more control over the twists than any season in recent years and I approve! I don't like outside interference being forced into the game. The bottom line is HG controlled Paul entering, America controlled handing Paul 3 weeks safety, HG controlled if Cody had the ability to re-enter. Free will. When feeds return Friday night we learn that Jessica won HOH. She and Xmas had a battle of wills. Xmas was able to compete and she gave the entire house a run for their money and that's important for everyone to see! Now all these fans who voted who have been hoping and wishing Jessica and Cody would be handed safety to jury got their wish. Let me break that down for those who don't realize the numbers. Jessica has HOH now week 4. She and Cody are safe this eviction (which is 2nd eviction under the Hex power). Even if someone else wins HOH week 5 and were to take a shot at one or both of the Jody duo, she will play Haulting Hex and save them. Even if it were only Cody OTB week 5 she will use the power which means we’ve had 2 more weeks of them and will be forced to endure it into week 6 which is the final week of Haulting Hex power (4th eviction) unless by some miracle DE were to happen next week. We are guaranteed to have Jody in the game now for a minimum of 3 weeks. Many fans wanted Jess to have the power believing 2 things. 1. Jessica having the power guaranteed someone goes after Paul. 2. Assumed Cody would win his way back in and they love dramatic feeds and believed this duo would shake up the house coming out guns blazing. LMAO! This is where the be careful what you wish for comes into place. When feeds return those LF who held onto this idea are quickly complaining and all the air comes out of their we love Jess tires! We also quickly learn Jessica has nominated Josh and Ramses?! I heard many saying oh well she's going to BD Paul. That's not what all signs on the feeds point to. We catch Jody talking in the HOH and it's all about their hate of Josh, how great it will be to send him home. Wait! What? She's actually targeting Josh? Not only is she targeting Josh but she's repeating the exact same mistake Cody did?! I have to sit my tea cup down as I let this marinade in my mind. Cody’s fatal error week 1 was nominating pawns he wasn't open to losing. He say Xmas next to Jillian. Of course Jillian was always going to go! Even if the betrayal of his own alliance had not been an element that week. Jillian was a non-entity and always going to be the casualty after he named Paul and Paul was safe. I would suggest even if Paul had hit the block the allies were so pissed Jillian still would have gone home. The votes were never there. Fast forward to Jessica’s nom’s this week. She sits Josh next to Ramses?! Jessica is blind and this is a horrible move. The house has been suspicious and wanting to take out Ramses has been at the top of the hit list for 2 Weeks. This is why she needed to be interacting all the time from the beginning. If Josh and Ramses remain on the block after Veto Paul and Xmas have already secured the votes to keep Josh and go against Jessica’s target. Ramses is a number for Jessica/Cody! Josh is obnoxious and volatile but he's easily manipulated and a bigger shield for players like Paul and Alex. Why would she be so dumb? How does she believe getting her personal grudge on Josh out in the open to everyone to see would automatically mean everyone would support her target? LMAO! Ramses is a HUGE threat to Paul, Alex. Kevin, Xmas, even Mark. No one is threatened by Josh. Annoyed? Yes! Threatened? Not one person fears Josh as a player. So Paul and them went to Josh told him they are going to vote Ramses out and Josh just needs to seems sad and emotional all week and they will save him-sending Ramses out. Jessica sat a bigger target next to a pawn no one was ever going to follow that plan. Depending on how Veto goes if Ramses doesn't win and come off the block Ramses will be the one to go home. Ramses is on to Paul. On to Kevin. On to a lot. He's smart and seen as a triple threat even if he hasn't done anything that's how 90% of the house views him and Elena is really the only one who likes him. Jessica will not BD Paul. Hate to be the one that breaks the news but she has to have the votes and as well just witnessed Friday the entire house voted for Paul, who is a strong competitor to take on Cody! I swear I saw Jessica vote and she even names Paul. So all the fans basing their ideas on the belief Jessica and Cody will take Paul out and they want Paul gone…your strategy is about as savvy as Cosy’s week 1! The one smart thing I have seen from Jessica is her telling Cody they need to not isolate themselves from the rest of the house. While it may look to many that Jessica has Cody in line because we are seeing a much more interactive Jody in the house with socializing, we also see Cody alone with others. Now, this morning Cody is feeling out Jason in the KIT. Talking about taking big shots, shaking up the house, screw what these chicks (Jess/Alex) keep Trying to tell us we need to go rogue. Cody said in post eviction interviews he would want to Come back and work with Paul. Unless you are new to BB or simply a casual fan you had to know that was never going to happen. Cody and Jason chat is interesting to me. Suddenly Jason, Cowboy) finds himself in an amazing spot. He is in an alliance with Paul/Alex and he knows where all the bodies are buried and certainly we see him talking about taking Ramses out over Josh repeatedly last night. This morning as Cody is rambling on telling Jason way too much not knowing the background it hits me! Jason could swing either way. He can play dum-which he's great at naturally with Cody and run valuable intel back to Paul/Alex. Or he could get gas lit by Cody feeding him what deep down he's been wanting to do for weeks which is take a huge swing and help Cody shake up the house. I don't see Jason betraying Alex. Paul maybe, but never Alex. I don't see him convincing Alex to turn on Paul and align with Cody and Jessica. But suddenly Jason finds himself in an amazing position where both alphas want and need him. So now we had Paul/Cody/Alex/Ramses/Josh all as bigger targets than simple minded Jason and if he does play it correctly Jason is all but guaranteed final 6. Paul doesn't have to do anything to flip the target on Jessica because Ramses was already on everyone’s radar she handed them a target that was always going to be far more enticing than Josh. Xmas is the one we've seen going from pair to pair checking in that people want Ramses out over Josh. Jess, Cody, or Ramses have to win Veto and take Ramses down or he will go home on her HOH again sending out someone who’s agenda aligned with her own. We've also heard a lot of players saying let's wait until Veto happens then we can discuss a strategy but I've seen all individually say that Ramses is far more dangerous than Josh. This is likely to be a voting blindside on a Jody HOH once again. Now, what's the best alternative for Jess if Ramses were to come down? Who could she rally a 6 vote eviction against other than Josh no matter who she would replace Ramses with? Xmas. I can foresee enough votes being had if Xmas were sat next to Josh. People love Kevin. Too many believe they need Paul. Even though the Mark tides have changed I still don't see enough choosing to keep crazy ass Josh over Mark. Christmas is the only player I can see that there is any possibility of a re-nom scenario where Josh doesn't end up being the accidental group pawn to go home. Mark has already pointed out-does anyone want to be stuck in jury with Josh? Lol. This brings me to the last sip of tea. Mark and Elena are the only ones that the plan to vote Ramses out over Josh has been agreed upon. Elena has a soft spot for Ramses. Mark hates Josh as much as Cody and Jessica do. Some fans have suggested keeping Elena and Mark out of the loop could be bad for Paul. I however don't think they will remain out of the loop after the veto ceremony if Ramses and Josh remain the nominees. Paul will finesse Elena. He won't blindside her. He knows he has to get her blessing to keep himself on good terms with her. If Elena signs on Mark may not like it but he will agree and won't rock the boat. The only other thing I've seen in the last 15 hours that worries me is Kevin. Kevin told Cody he was the hinky vote for Ramses in the Cody eviction week. Why?! This was terribly miscalculated on Kevin's behalf. Cody just proved to the whole house when he's in trouble he will throw anyone and everyone under the bus. Many suspected Kevin but to confirm it to Cody? I don't understand why he would make such a terrible move. He did and we should be watching for this to come back and hurt Kevin in the near future. The Veto comp is scheduled to happen today. Don't expect some huge shift miraculously turning the house upside down. People are currently playing nice with Jody because she's HOH, but in week 4 when every player is deeply invested in targets they have had on their hit lists for weeks. Ramses, Josh, Xmas have all been on those lists and it's far more likely Jessica’s HOH will not result in some miraculous fall from grace for Paul in HG’s eyes this week. Jess and Cody are safe for the next 3’weeks but Paul looks to be almost just as safe for at least this week. The RealiTea is like him or not Paul has done the leg work that makes escape routes for him 1-2 weeks ahead in the game. Love him or hate him he is playing a phenomenal game. Jessica could have set nominations that would have been far better for her and Cody but she lacks the inside intel to know how to make moves come to life. Until we have the veto results and the actual ceremony the RealiTea is Ramses is more likely than Josh to leave this week and if not it's going to be a Josh week of meltdowns on the feeds unless Xmas happens to find herself OTB.
  17. The RealiTea of the Big Brother house is one small step in the wrong directions leaves a player in a mine field with no map to a safe route out of danger. What looked like a boring day of feeds after the Veto ceremony this afternoon quickly turns into another explosion and the casualty count is still under way. 12:16 pm the feeds return to Mark and Paul in the BY. Jason did not use the POV! From a game perspective, this was a smart move by Jason and it's the first major push by Paul that failed. For the Paul haters, stand up and celebrate! As you know my feeling was there was absolutely no reason to use the veto at this stage in the week. Dom had locked herself in as the target for the week and Jason and Alex were both going to create problems they didn't need to push a Paul agenda. Jason came to the conclusion that Mark and Jason were in a good spot and this would only create a potential problem for Jason down the road. Jessica and Dom remain OTB and we see Paul telling Mark that he and Elena are the ones that have Mark's back and Mark just needs to stick to his word and vote Dom out. Speaking of sticking to your word in this game...later in the afternoon this becomes a point that makes them pot of RealiTea boil over! Mark and Josh are playing a game of pool around 3:20 pm. They made a wager and the loser will have to drink a cup of pickle juice and hot sauce. During the game, Josh is doing what he always does which is talk a lot of smack! Josh double taps on the eight ball, in RealiTea losing the game. Before we continue on this path there are a couple important facts to note. First, we we have our Have Nots for the week. Josh, Mark, and Ramses are the HN. When this is announced Saturday my first thought was....Josh and Mark+slop for the week is a recipe for the week of #crybabies. Mark is a big guy and a week of slop for this guy isn't going to be fun. Josh on slop-well that's just going to be a week of misery for live feeders! He's such a whiny little mama's boy to begin with add being hangry to that and we are going to be force fed a kid who has no sense when he is well nourishes to begin with. Then Josh takes the 50/50 gamble and ends up losing that bet leading to not one but now two weeks of HN for him! This leads me to the second point we need to address before diving into the pool game yesterday. Since Josh entered the house he has been all bark and no bite. Josh is constantly sh*t talking with all of the guys and making bets. The problem is Josh writes checks he can't cash! If you don't have the live feeds then this is important to understand. Week 1 Josh made a bet with Kevin and when Josh lost he starts back peddaling saying he isn't going to follow through. This established a regular pattern of Josh making gentlemen bets and then crying and never following through on his word. Several times over the last 3 weeks LF's have watched Kevin, Mark, and Josh have heart to heart conversations with Josh about as a man when you give your word you have to keep it. Jason of all the guys delivered the most sensible eloquent man to man child conversation about how not being a man of your word effects how you look at yourself and affects your self value. Jason explains that every time Josh goes back on bet Josh will lose respect for himself. When you say you are going to do something no matter how annoyed or disappointed you are you have to follow through. Jason makes it clear not only does it effect Josh's own self esteem, since as a man the one thing you have to have is your word. The more Josh cries and whines about something the less the men in the house respect him and this will show up in the game. So stop making the bets or suck it up and take your punishment. I'm not doing the conversation justice but you get my point. Don't walk the walk if you can't talk the talk. This entire situation has everything to do with why Kevin loathes Josh as much as he does. Now that we have covered the back story it's time to return to Monday afternoon 3:20 pm BB time! Josh loses the game but refuses to accept the loss. After spending the entire time playing antagonizing Mark, calling him meatball and just being typical obnoxious Josh when he double taps he insists this isn't a rule and that Mark lost. Mark had put up with all the smack talk with a good attitude but when Josh loses Mark is not going to role over. As they begin to ask for a ruling by others in the house as to whether a double tap means Josh lost, Josh still cannot just own his b.s.. Josh heads in the house to get the cup of hot sauce and pickle juice thinking he's going to make Mark drink in. Elena makes a joke that Mark should throw the cup at Josh. She repeatedly says it was a joke, that's not a good idea. Josh returns and Mark approaches Josh asking if Josh double tapped. Josh says yes and Mark replies, I'm a man of my word takes the cup from Josh's hand and throws it directly in Josh's face telling him he always goes back on his bets and he needs to be a man of his word! Now, if you don't have Feeds let me make it clear, Mark is smiling and I sincerely believe he thought it would be funny. It wasn't some heated conversation that goes left but...it wasn't cool! In real life, this is literally a move that would make anyone come out guns blazing. In the game, this is an awful move by a guy who just missed hitting the block by the skin of his teeth! Now as a LF who watches Josh rinse and repeat this same sissy move of bet and renig, bet and renig it was GLORIOUS FEEDS! Josh is a tea cup poodle that is constantly yappinf at the big dogs in the house as if he believes he's a Mastiff. He finally got nipped by a Labrador. Quickly Josh heads inside and we see him washing his face in the sink. We hear him saying Mark just disrespected him on live TV and his family is going to see this. Meanwhile outside Elena is scolding Mark telling him tha was stupid and he shouldn't have done that (while laughing). Josh begins telling anyone in the vicinity that Mark just disrespected him as a man and that he is #pissed. Raven and Xmas are in the BA as Josh stomps around having a temper tantrum (understandably to a degree). Raven wants nothing to do with it and says as much and exits the BA. Xmas really empathizes with Josh but she's trying to talk him down telling him repeatedly he needs to calm down before he does something he woll regret. At this point others in the house like Paul, Matt, Ramses, Xmas feel bad for Josh and think Mark was wrong for what he just did. Paul is making a calm effort to diffuse Josh but also trying to give Josh time to collect himself but telling him don't do anything stupid bud. Let it go. Walk away. It was f'ed up but be the bigger man. This is Josh of course and he's going on and on about it got in his eyes, his eyes are burning, this is messed up. He disrespected as a man on TV! Josh heads to the storage as Elena is still chastising Mark. Josh grabs a bottle of ketchup and mayo, returns to yard, tells Elena she better move away from Mark and proceeds to fire both bottles all over Mark sitting on the lounge chair. Now, Mark takes it. He knows what he did was messed up and takes his punishment like a man for a second. Problem is Josh just keeps telling about how Mark slandered Josh as a man saying Josh isn't a man of his word and calls Mark out for not being a man of his word and that Mark said he wanted Paul out week 1! Shoot! Now I need popcorn because this is going to explode! In this game, one small thing can quickly turn on a dime and Josh took a low blow at Mark on point that Mark has been steadily trying to defend and deny since Cody painted Mark and Dom as the teammates. This was a bad move on Josh's part. Xmas warned him, others 100% took Josh's side in the moment and everyone was going to take his side that what Mark did was wrong...but now this is about to go left quickly! This is leads to the entire house in the BY After Mark came out and calmly tries to apologize to Josh and admit what he did was wrong. Problem is Josh has the spotlight which is what Josh craves and this kid has no common sense! Dom finally emerges from the BR and attempts to calm Josh and as he's yelling and interrupting Mark's apology she even calmly tells Josh to let Mark finish. As others make their way to see what's happening and Josh circles back around to Mark not being a man of his word and drags Paul's name into it again. In the midst of his rant Josh said, "I don't run around here pretending I like you washing dishes and cooking food and running around trying to fit in with people and reporting back to people. If I don't like you I don't like you!" Dom can't help herself and nods her head like "YES! Finally someone else who is willing to bring Paul's strategy up," Paul sees this and he chimes is asking Dom why she's nodding her head. Now Dom and Paul start in. Soon after Elena and Jessica insert themselves. Elena does so calmly and is asking Josh to clarify his statements. But Jessica calls out Josh for lying about voting for Xmas to leave week 1 when Cody was HOH. She points out that Josh told one side of the house he was going to vote Xmas out (Jessica and Cody) while he told Xmas he was voting Jillian out so Josh shouldn't be talking about anyone else not being a man of their word because Josh's word doesn't mean anything! All the whole Matt/Raven standing to the side visibly eating this up! We can see Matt give a thumbs up behind Raven's back as this is all unfolding because Josh has just put himself back in the line of fire and he's trying to pull Mark along with him. What's even more noticeable to me is we see Jason, Alex, and Ramses sitting on a bench under the shade together reveling in the front row seats to a show. At one point we can see Jason in the background miming a noose and Josh hanging himself (which is hilarious). Ramses and Alex are laughing and enjoying this show just as much! When I see the 3 of them sitting together giddy I think...you three should NEVER be seen sitting together! If I were in the house it's small things like this that would later have me going hmmmm? In a matter of minutes we went from a boring afternoon of HG cooking together in the kitchen (Paul, Matt, Raven, Jason, Xmas, Ramses) to land mines exploding all over the game! Josh was heated and he just has diarrhea of the mouth and by attaching Mark about not being a man of his word it leads to things again being said without forethought like, "I stick to my word with people I'm loyal to!" And "I was with them!" (Meaning the showmance alliance). He says he went to Xmas and promised him her vote because he was really with the big group not the outsiders so what he said to Cody, Jessica, Alex, Jillian, Andy Jason meant nothing. This isn't a good look for Josh screaming at Jessica the same way he did Megan and Kevin comments later about this. Also, in the midst of all of this Dom is making her only group appearance since the infamous HM early Sat morning) and the Veto ceremony so she's now planted herself in the mine field while trying to help Josh. Paul and Dom exchange a few tit for tats but Paul doesn't make the mistake of turning this into a situation where he becomes the center of attention. When Paul asks why she nodding her head she says,"Why are you even talking to me." Paul calmly replies I can talk to you and Dom turns back to Josh and says, "I'm just agreeing with your perception of this game." Josh replies and says, "I'm so heated don't even make this about anything." Dom, "and I'm not." Uh yes you are! I say this only because Dom has been in full Audrey mode with a side of JaCosta thrown in for good measure. She should have never inserted herself because now the house in gathered and she doesn't need to open herself to another poorly developed debate. Dom has completely isolated herself and suddenly when a fight that has zero to do with her or her situation inserts herself into it and tries to capitalize on the rantings of a mad man is not a good look. It's as a terrible move. Dom and Xmas already had a face off after the Veto this afternoon where it's clear that no one is giving any consideration to anything Dom has said because of the way Dom has behaved since the HM. Dom choosing to pop out just to do nothing more than twist an incident where she was no where to be found when it began makes her look even more shady and manipulative than she already does. While Dom's unraveling began with Paul manipulating the talk show incident to create a target on her she has only fed the fire and signed her own BB death warrant every time she's opened her mouth since. Stop! Just stop! One little game of pool turned into a myriad of HG side stepping land mines! Josh loses the sympathy of the house. Josh drops names and details he should have NEVER mentioned and now he has stepped on a mine! I will say while Mark doesn't take kindly to Josh trying to stir the pot about the Cody accusations again he does not immerse himself and follow Josh's lead of reacting emotionally. He's done a lot of work this week making sure to clean up the mess Cody attempted to leave at his feet as he exited the game. The fact that Mark didn't end up as a replacement nom shows that the work he put in was in fact helping his cause so I was happy to see he didn't let Josh completely undo all the efforts by engaging and having some knee jerk reaction to Josh trying to allude to the fact Mark is a snake. Elena also calmly coming to Mark's aide was an action that reassures Mark that Elena has his back. She's lucky it didn't back fire she really shouldn't have dipped her toe in this tea purely from a game point of view but I think it did extinguish the lingering doubts Mark made have had about her loyalty to him (right or wrong). All the while, Kevin is sitting on the sidelines quietly annoyed with all of this outlandish behavior. At one point later in the day Kevin remarks that Josh's actions screaming at women is cowardly and in the real world would get his a*s whipped. Kevin's comments about Josh and the his childish behaviors all season long are the comedic relief the HG and the LF need! I love this guy! He stayed out of it, but his ability to summarize things is amazing! This incident from beginning to end lasts about 2 hours! It was amazing feeds and it led to Josh making himself enemy number one in the game. Ironically, I think he has some twisted need to be at the center of all drama. Just yesterday Alex told Josh he's done a great job of blending into the fold and no one is talking about him. Meaning no one is targeting Josh! I think all Josh hears is no one is talking about me? I don't think Mark will come out completely unscathed but we will see where the power lands next week. It could easily end up Josh and Mark OTB and they both just hand delivered reasons for anyone in the house to justify taking aim at either or both of them. Josh's only take away from the entire explosive afternoon? He doesn't think he's going to play pool anymore. Lol. The RealiTea is the smallest this can quickly become the reason a player goes home. Just ask Dom Thursday night when she joins Julie on the stage after live eviction. No matter who wins the DOT this week it won't be available to use for the week 3 eviction so she will be the one to go.
  18. It's Monday morning and as I start the day reflecting on where the BB house and players lie there are few perspectives that seem prevalent. Most of the weekend has been spent inside the game discussing the Paul/Dom saga and whether Mark should be a renom at the Veto ceremony. Let's get Dom out of the way. As of this morning she's still the target and will likely be headed out to join a battle back. Whichever HG leaves this week will more than likely fave off with Cameron, Jillian, Cody for the chance to return to the house. Dom would almost be the strongest contender for the most drama. Let's consider that Dom is correct in informing everyone that Paul has a deal of some kind in some way with every player in the game. Also, if Mark actually stays off the block and votes against Dom this will effect how she returns because he's been her only real allie all along. Mark needs to seperate himself from her to some degree because Cody dropped the dime on them as he hopped out of the house. Dom has completely isolated herself since the blow out. Never appear to be a wounded animal in a house full of hunters. But a revolving door for her will shake many foundations and hopefully give her a new jumpstart. What's bad for Dom is we don't see her considering even a possibility of a buy back chance and her current plan is to drop some bombs before she leaves. That could be what sends her immediately back out the lucky door so she needs to be strategic and no emotional about how she handles this. What a difference a week makes? Before Alex won we all would believe a Cody return would be the most volatile. Personally, for the game's sake, I would prefer a Cameron return. He would shake the house up in a very different way. I mean the kid never spent one night sleeping in the house and all of these crossovers amongst alliances would scramble to make him fit into their game somehow whether it's targeting him or adding a number. Ramses needs an unknown factor to help him that's for sure! As for rhe blow out and whether Paul was responsible for how her game blew up? Eh. Paul created the initial target and his plan aligned with Alex desire to put someone from that side up without appearing as if she's targeting the larger group. Once Dom was up...everything that happened can be traced back to Dom's actions. The talk show. The chat with Alex where she wrongly accuses Elena. Retreating into solitude and poo-pooing the initial efforts by Paul and others to remain cordial. Those choices were all made by Dom. I may not be a fan of how Paul does things all the time but he's winning! I do respect the influence he has over every single player as a result of a LOT of effort. Last season Paul, the first half of the game, was vicious. Let's not forget his verbalized goal to 'break' Bridgette. We also remember how awful he was to Meech and Natalie. That's was not game play it was just for his own entertainment. This season he may be aggressive, OTT, pushy, and some would say a bully but its purely strategy. We know this by watching how he varies his approach based on who he is talking to. Paul is excellent at defining what method of delivery is most effective to achieve his goal. Josh and Jason get a very in your face no this is what you need to do, shut up you have no idea I'm a vet and I'm telling you, but do what you want just don't cry to me when what I just told you what would happen happens. With Raven, Elena, Matt, Paul's approach is vastly different. His tone is calmer, he articulates in a critical thinking manner of expression and isn't in their face screaming at them saying "NO! I'm telling you what you need to do," kind of way that he does with J/J. Paul demonstrates a Dan Gheesling level of knowing which speech each player needs to hear even if at the base of it all he is saying the exact same thing. This week wasn't all about Dom for Paul. This week was about the fact the Paul is in his last week of safety. Paul has no intention of trying to make it to the end with showmance +Dom/Xmas. He purely capitalizes on Cody's bad game move to gain enough trust to use the players as the pieces he has to move to win. This week we know he wanted to shake up the big group. He did just that and by doing so people have developed some targets they didn't have. In doing so, he's no longer going to be the biggest target in the house when week 4 begins. That was his goal and we will see next week how it plays out for him. Every season we have one player the first 5-6 weeks that is working the house and running things. Every season by around week 6 that person becomes the enemy #1 and it's usually from their own mistakes getting too sure of their spot. So much has happened in just 2 1/2 weeks it feels like week 6, but it's not. There is still A LOT of game left to play. Paul's tactics could very well be discovered by savvy players like Alex, Matt, and especially Ramses. Dom's opinions may not have been given much thought now...but mark my words some time in the next 2-3 weeks something will be said, or done and one of the stronger players will begin to put all the Paul puzzle pieces together. In that scenario Paul needs to hope its someone he sees as an asset and has already drawn in so they see it as an advantage and not as a means to eliminate Paul with the support of the house majority. Paul's tireless efforts to get Mark sitting next to Dom this week is one of those moments. There has already been a few times where players like Kevin have said to others, 'why is Paul pushing to get Mark OTB?' If Elena, Mark, even Ramses gets confirmation and Paul doesn't know that he's in serious danger. Speaking of Elena...I see a pot of RealiTea beginning to brew. There's been a lot of discussion amongst various HG's that the women this season are very strong. Elena mentions this to Xmas in a way that makes me suspect she is sniffing out an all girls secret alliance. We know from feeds Elena does not want to shape her game completely around being a showmances and put all her eggs in Mark's basket. She says this before all hell breaks loose with Dom and as the dust settles we see some subtle yet potential signs that she's got some other plans. Imagine if Elena, Jessica, Alex, and even maybe Xmas joined forces! We have seen some alliances and final two-three-four discussions developing finally. I'm thrilled with this. Week 3 is the time players should begin to assess who they want to ride for. Enough time has passed. Some game moves and reactions have happened over 3-4 weeks. Kevin and Jason, perhaps even Alex like a final four with Jason, Kevin, Alex, and Paul. We've seen Paul protect Kevin which is a good indication that Paul sees he and Kevin going far. As this week winds up, we should head into week 4 with some more well defined lines. Alex has done an excellent job so far this week. I really like the way she's playing and she's going to be a player that has a great chance of making it to final 6 if the week ends and no one is looking at her as a threat. I don't think she should be pushing for veto to be used. Leave Jessica OTB. We really won't know what's going to happen with Veto until the ceremony happens today. It's been yes then no about 400 times in 48 hours. Until then...the RealiTea is we are going to have some exciting days ahead with the Temptation voting results and likely battle back!
  19. Big Brother 19 served up a heaping pot of RealiTea over night Friday night! In an unexpected turn of events by the early hours of the morning this morning most HG pulled an all nighter and one HG blew up their own game. The game has been on a fast forward track with nominations happening early Friday morning and Veto players drawn Friday night. By 12:35 am Saturday morning we had a new Veto winner and too many 1-1 conversations to cover in a blog. Friday began with some rumblings as Dominique made the decision to follow Elena's advice and have a conversation with Alex after Dom lands on the block next to Jessica. Last we left our tea, Alex won HOH and Jessica and Dom were the likely nominations. The truth of the matter is that Elena made a valiant effort to prevent Dom from being a nominee over someone like Xmas or Ramses but Alex and Paul had other plans and her efforts fell short. What's mind blowing to me is that while everyone is comparing notes many of the details circle back to Paul. Cody and his attempt to cause some chaos to creat cover for Jessica with his talk show interview worked! No one is really talking about Jessica by mid day. Mark does not like the idea of being a potential pawn and has no idea this proposal originated with Paul. The target on Dom comes from Alex but only by way of Paul. The problem is Dom got tangled in her own web she's been spinning to Mark for weeks that Elena is jealous of Dom and/or Dom/Mark's relationship. Dom's constant efforts to spin this fictional version of reality finally bit her in the rear but not by anything Elena did. Dom was so tangled in her own web she approached that convo with Alex suggesting her delusions with Alex knowing that Elena spent quite some time going to bat for Dom. So when Dom unleashes her theories that it was Elena that created a target on Dom because she's jealous and hates Dom's closeness with Mark it leaves a bad taste in Alex's mouth. This is truly the key to what unfolds as the day and night progresses. Dom decides to have 1-1 convos with each HG. She's seeking details trying to figure out why it seems her own group is willing to sacrifice her. Dom tries to spin the story she's weaved and some facts regarding Paul's hands in the pot. The RealiTea when a person seeks answers to support a position they've already clung to they can easily stack the cards to appear to justify their original assumptions. Remember what they say about when you assume? Dom's convos with each player lead each HG to walk away quickly playing telephone with what was said and with Dom as the facilitator this leads to more questions than answers. As we all know she speaks in riddles but in a way that makes it obvious most of the time who she is speaking about or the point she intends to weave. She's obvious in her attempts to point fingers and make accusations but from Dom's perspective if she doesn't name names then she hasn't betrayed anyone or been a rat. Unfortunately for Dom that's not the perception of those around her. After an entire day of trying to create mistrust within her own group all she accomplished was widening the mistrust Paul had orchestrated around Dom. The unfortunate part for her is that while 50% of what she shares is actually fact the way she goes about attempting to gather intel and spread paranoia she's blown up her own spot. Everyone is sharing details with each other, which means Paul. By 5:20 a.m. Alex and Paul are hyped at Dom's own suggestion she's plans to call a house meeting. While Paul, Mark, Jason, and Elena have spent hours trying to convince Mark to be pawn under the pretense it's the safest move for Mark since he's the only one truly loyal to Dom the tea boils over. Before we get to the fireworks finale there are a couple of important game notes to point out. 1. Mark should not agree to be a pawn! 2. All the arguments and justifications being thrown at him about why he's the best candidate to replace Jessica OTB he easily counters those are the same reasons he's not comfortable being on the block. 3. For the life of me unless Alex is going to replace Jessica with her actual target there is NO reason change the nominations. 4. Mark's most substantial argument being that with what Cody did throwing Dom's and Mark's names out increases the risk. His concern that those who may be pondering the validity of Cody saying those two told him to nominate Xmas (half true) could very easily flip the votes and send Mark home. The next pot of RealiTea is that Paul did in fact have a hand to some degree in Dom being targeted. However, in BB when you are in an alliance you never want to be the low hanging fruit. The players at the bottom of a group are easily dispensable! Dom should have known this. Building friendship with Mark was never enough to move her to the middle of the group order and this is actually where you want to be. By hovering in the middle you have big targets at the top acting as shields and are far more likely to be targeted before anyone else. However when it comes time to negotiate, and this time always comes, the group will always volunteer the least valuable player-low hanging fruit. In the original power alliance with all 3 showmances Paul and Xmas were the low hanging fruit. Once the shift happened and Cody/Jessica were out Dom fell to the bottom with Xmas and did nothing to rectify that. In RealiTea I didn't see a time where she even realizes that's where she landed. Hosting the talk show which lead to some (unplanned) revelations were served she again put herself in the middle of a storm without any cover. Paul sees three steps ahead. 5:38 am Paul gets Dom after Alex had returned to the HOH with news that Dom is stating their is a snake in her own group. She also said there is a tempter in the game. Problem is again while she doesn't specify a name she makes is pretty clear she's talking about Paul and we all know Paul isn't one to allow anyone to try and turn attention to him and his game! So she Alex reveals that Dom said she's going to confront the whole house and call people out...Paul says let's do it right now! I have nothing to hide. Bring her in here. And so it begins! If you have LF go back and watch from 1 am-7 am for all the convos and watch the drama unfold. To skip straight to the main attraction grab your tea and biscuits and FB to 5:20 am. What I can tell you without giving a running record of all that was said is that Dom was not prepared for this fight. Paul is effective in this game because he uses facts and can twist information in a way that even Ramses would question if he was the third hinky vote for himself. Dom comes in with a lot of attitude and this idea she has 'right' on her side and will be victorious. Honey this is BB not confession. Every general or round about statement Dom makes or is questioned about making Paul counters with facts and details. Now I will say in this argument 85% of what Dom says about Paul is true! However, her credibility was already in question and everyone trusts Paul. So when the tennis match of versions of events and conversations occurs Paul is far more credible because he gives word for word details of what he said to Dom, or to Alex, or to Elena. Dom was not a credible witness for the jury (HG) and as her flame begins to smolder she would allude that well everyone isn't here or I can't speak for Jason he's not hear. Paul of course has an answer for everything. Add to that he replies to 'well so and so isn't here so I don't want to speak for them or they can't confirm what does Paul do? Let's get them up here. He wakes people up over and over until the room is now filled with: Mark/Elena Alex/Jason Dom/Paul Xmas/Josh Matt/Raven The end result was Paul looked like he was being truthful and only wants to clear his name. Dom looks tongue tied and can only make general statements versus providing details verbatim. Once he discredited comments she made 3 times its really a wrap. The nail in her coffin was denying for 90 minutes she didn't call Paul a snake, she never said he was the traitor in the group because she never used names she finally admits she was talking about Paul all along! If you are going to LIE, you never steer away from the original story. She would have been slightly better off not admitting it but by the time she finally does she's already drowning with no one willing to throw her a life preserver. Not even Mark. This is a rule Paul mastered long ago. Did Paul target Dom? Yes! Is Paul playing both sides of the house? YES! Was Dom the 3rd vote? No. Did Dom lose the confidence of several people with that talk show fiasco? Yes! Is Paul manipulating people? Absolutely! But people in the group want to believe Paul! He's playing extremely well even if he does too much sometime he's quick to gain control of any wrong turns because he's laid so many paths that interest he always has an escape route. Paul handling the showdown was very reminiscent of how Vanessa twisted things she found out to work for her. Like Derrick when Paul saw a potential storm he called the house meeting himself and had everyone convinced because he pays attention to the details. Everyone in that room had all the information they needed to realize Paul is in fact doing much of what Dom claims and he came away with more loyalty than he went into it. Finally, as the daylight breaks and the house wakes from just a few hours sleep, Paul is keeping HG laughing with self directed jokes about being a snake and Dom has taken a page from Audrey's play book and retreated under her blanket and when she does appear doesn't talk to anyone! This makes her look even more guilty! Jessica rises and suddenly the cool kids want to hang out with her again. So much happened and while there were still convos about replacing Jessica with Mark, by 4 pm even Jason is like forget it I am not using the Veto and let's just leave nominations the same. It was a wild ride and watching it unfold was the most action we've seen on feeds since Cody blew up his own alliance trying to target who? Paul! Remember how I said that doing these talk shows, like the old school food comps is a great way to have people let their guards down and reveal things that can hurt their game? Dom gave us all a real life example of how quickly someone can blow up there own game and never even realize they were doing it. Week 3 is only 3 days in and it feels like a month of feeds. We will all have to wait and see how the schedule plays out. Until then the RealiTea is that Paul is the most dangerous and most revered player in the house at the moment and only time will tell if he can sustain that once his safety expires at the end of the week.
  20. The RealiTea is that last night the BB house exploded in drama! Veto took place early. Christmas, Jason, and Kevin were selected to play. Jason won. When the feeds returned just after 12:30 a.m. Alex asks Paul when Eviction will happen? Paul speculates Saturday. It would make sense. Nom's were early. Veto was early. HN's just finally happened. Veto ceremony today. Remember the temptation voting doesn't close until Wednesday. Based on Julie's announcement BB would happen Friday. Production has to reveal the temptation for a curse to come into play. Wednesday is usually when the Veto comp airs, but same day this week that voting ends. In order for curse to result in a Battle Back they have to air that as well. If voting ends Wednesday BB would have to do temptation right after voting ends and include in Wednesday night episode or Thursday episode. With all of the other things that would happen if winner of popular vote accepts temptation (curse releases battle back) it's hard to conceive BB would want to cram DOT into Thursday LE episode. Maybe Sunday we will get a recorded eviction not a live one also showcasing another HOH comp? HOH/Nom/Veto/Eviction between Sun-Thursday? Seems like a lot. The RealiTea is we should expect the unexpected. I am kinda enjoying that everything isn't as predictable as usual. This is true for both HG's and fans. However, the Veto comp occuring late night Friday into Sat morning brings the cards tumbling down all over the house. As I sift through all the teas to choose from let this resinate. At 6:30 am the showmance alliance is gathered in the HOH with Alex and Jason and it's clear there has been a fight brewing all night and at this point Dom and Paul are going head to head. Mark is upset because his name has been thrown in the ring of replacement nominees. 12:36 a.m. this seems to be where the largest pot of tea began to brew post veto. Dom is digging. Xmas isn't offering any real help. Dom asks is Xmas will be loyal to her. Xmas says she has been loyal to her. Dom says that's not what I asked, I asked will you be loyal to me. Xmas said I'm not sure. Dom insists that this sudden target on her back came from the the interview and it's BS. Dom asks Xmas if she has her vote and Xmas says I can't commit to that, I need to think, I don't know who else is going up. If you have the LF's get you cup and some biscuits and flashback to 12:30 a.m. when this all begins. I'm dredging through all of this and will return later today with a complete run down of all the RealiTea bites that were served up in the BB house overnight!
  21. The RealiTea is that in this players that look a week or two ahead and lay bricks that create multiple paths have the greatest advantage. Love him or hate him the work Paul put in the last two weeks leaves him with an ability to choose escape routes when the unpredictable happens. Alex wins the HOH and although I personally think this was the wrong time to do so this is where she landed. The plus side is we have an HOH, who like Paul, has an excellent read on the RealiTea of what's actually happening and who is responsible for what. When the feeds return we learn she doesn't like the fact that someone chose to go against the grain by voting against Ramses. We see a lot of small and large convos about the hinky vote. Paul was right about the paranoia Kevin voting for Ramses would create. Alex and Elena agree that Xmas was one of the 3 votes. In RealiTea Alex said just before the wall comp thah Xmas told her she was going to do it. Like Paul, Alex planted that seed and with Xmas absent she is at a disadvantage when these inferences occur just as they did without Cody stirring the pot just before leaving and as a side effect of Dom's talk show. While I don't think Xmas being allowed to be gone from the house so often should be permitted we are seeing the disadvantages of being allowed to stay in the game and not being present. For the fans that want to see players take risks and make moves you should be watching Paul. That's just a fact. Paul and Alex could be a dynamic duo for the long term game and if they officially make it an alliance we would have an exciting opportunity. Alex is in with the 'outsiders' while Paul is in with the 'showmance' side of things. Share info, don't spend too much time together, and work cooperatively to create intersecting paths that take them both to the end. Two recurring topics being whispered about all night are: Xmas betraying the voting powers and the hinky vote. Well played Paul. Despite not liking the Alex win, I love Alex as a player. She reads 98% of what is happening and that's very good game play on her part. Some is shared intel with Paul and Kevin but just as much is passively observing everyone all the time. Alex tells us that she plans to make a big move this week. She admits she knows putting Jessica up will appease the larger voting block and she has plenty of reasons not to trust her. The only information I heard Alex convey that was incorrect all night was that she still believes Ramses took the 25k. Beyond that she suspects Kevin was a hinky vote. Doesn't trust Jessica. Believes whoever is part of the voting pact that decides to go rogue needs to be revealed to stir up dust and gain voting support. She's positive Xmas was one of the votes. She wanted to stay above board with Cody in case he does return. Alex was one of my preseason picks and she is certainly earning her place in the board. Jason is investing way too much time and energy aggressively trying to convince Alex that Jess should be pulled in and they should trust her. Alex's focus this week is shrinking the target on Jason's back this week. She is banking on using this HOH to appear cooperative and set herself and Jason up as well as possible for week 4. Elena and Alex have some validating chats. It looks like Alex will keep her deal worn her although...Elena having a list of 5 players including herself to keep safe is a bit much. I will say her argument for protecting Matt, Raven, Mark, Elena, and Paul did water down the bad taste it left in my mouth. Based on last night it appears the same is true for Alex. Elena proposes her safety picks by suggesting these are people we want to make it to jury. Saving them for jury is good for both of us. Remember when I said the whole talk show incident hurt Dom more than anyone? Well her name was mentioned as a candidate for the rogue vote as well. As of last night Dominique and Jessica were the agreed nominees. One player from each side. Jessica being the most obvious target but sometimes the obvious isn't always the actual. Alex seems amenable to a BD plan and with all that's happened in the last 48 hours Xmas may return to a game where her revived presence isn't enough to help her find some cover. There is no DOT this week. The current voting doesn't close until next Wednesday. Julie teased fans that the HG will have a say in whether a Battle Back actually happens. In the previous vote Alex was the second in line so if things follow suit it's reasonable to predict she is a strong contender for the Hexing temptation. My guess is if the winner of the popular vote excepts the temptation then the curse will be unleashing the battle back. Now do any of us doubt that anyone in the game would pass on this temptation? What I am not certain of is whether the temptation will be offered before the live eviction (keeping it out of play week 3) or after? Usually voting ends Thursday, the temptation happens Friday. Next week there is a Friday episode (presumably airing buyback) so it's reasonable based on the adjustments made this week that it will be offered Thursday, maybe even during the live show. The RealiTea is this temptation, a potential evictee returning, and scenarios as a result of Xmas' return or not to the game are worthy of their own pot of tea. For now, nominations are scheduled to happen today and at 10:30 am this morning Alex, Matt, and Raven are the only HG awake. Like Alex I am wondering why every one isn't at least present interacting with others on the morning of nominations.
  22. The RealiTea is that after a relatively boring week in the house week 2, Wednesday night brought us some unexpected drama in the final hours of the week. The end of week 2 during Dom’s usual BBAD talk show. Christmas left the house soon after a 1-1 talk with Cody which becomes a topic after the talk show interviews end and the conflicts begin. This is relevant since Christmas wasn’t there to steer the perceptions or counter some of the assumptions that make the rounds back to her. Fortunately, for most of us Xmas’ absence shouldn’t sway her vote since she and Paul both want Cody gone. Ramses had a rough week between the blowback from banner-gate, questions of loyalty regarding the Jillian vote, and nearly winning the POV he’s now on everyone’s radar. The down side of the week is will be everyone is stuck with Jessica for at least one more week. By the end of this tea party we will have one less HG, a new HOH, and at least two players who find themselves at the center of controversies that can play into what happens in week 3. As most of us know Dom’s weekly talk show provides a welcome relief for HG form the monotony of the routine and being in game mode 24/7. What I haven’t seen is awareness that doing an activity like this also opens a window into information because people aren’t in game mode and fail to censor their opinions and actions forgetting that we are still in the game. I applaud Dom for being able to get the majority of the house on board with this but it leaves me wondering why has no one thought that this could in fact be a bad thing. As you know I love it because when you take players minds off the game we are more likely to see them say and do things they wouldn’t do willingly. Finally Wednesday night after some controversial questions and answers come out of the nightly chats Paul realizes they shouldn’t be doing this! Paul is correct in his assessment of the potential downside and his fear of what could possibly happen may become a RealiTea sooner than anyone could have expected. Let’s read the tea leaves from this cup of tea. All day Wednesday, Cody was refusing to be a guest on the talk show when Dom invites the three nominees to be guests on the show. Kevin and Dom have managed to provide some late night entertainment with this idea. Paul was exhausted and had not planned to attend tonight, he explained he wanted to head up to the HOH and catch up on some sleep. However when Cody has a sudden opening in his schedule to be interviewed Paul knows he needs to be there. Paul is looking forward to hearing what Cody has to say. In reality he wants to be there and hear everything first hand. This was absolutely the right move. Paul is not in a position to waste time sifting through versions of what was said long after and then navigating the paranoia and speculations that could potentially occur. Ironically, Cody didn’t really say anything unexpected. However, Dom’s game oriented questions turned quite a few heads. Many of the players have put in a lot of work, as Cody would say, ‘hugging’ players like Jason, Josh, and Alex but the consensus after the show was Dom’s line of questioning planted weeds in a perfectly manicured garden and in all honesty they weren’t wrong. By the end of the HOH we may see why. Don’t forget this event and the reactions of the players like Matt, Paul, Mark, Elena, and Raven. Even Jessica understands that this was a terrible idea by the end of Cody’s segment although for different reasons. If she and Cody could consider anything outside of their own POV’s this was an opportunity for them to capitalize on. Instead all they see is it didn’t go the way they planned. I will save these tea leaves because I have a strong inclination we will need to come back to them soon. Are you ready to break down the week 2 live eviction and HOH competition? Jessica heads to the DR and votes to evict Ramses Kevin votes to evict Ramses Christmas (remotely from hospital room) votes to evict Ramses Raven votes to evict Cody Dom votes to evict Cody Elena votes to evict Cody Mark votes to evict Cody Jason votes to evict Cody Matt votes to evict Cody Josh votes to evict Cody Final Votes Alex 0 Ramses 3 Cody 7 Cody has been evicted from the BB house! I may want to add a shot of celebratory spirit to my tea! As Cody departs the house is calm almost the second the door closes behind him. Elena, Paul, Ramses are seen offering Jessica some form of comfort. Paul had asked Kevin to throw a hunky vote to Ramses expecting Jessica to vote to evict Alex. Imagine if the plan to throw a hinky vote in had in fact resulted in Paul masterminding his own blindside? LOL Cody’s exit interview. Julie confirms Cody’s parting words to Jessica were asking her to be his GF. He admits he plans (at this moment) to pursue a relationship with her outside the house. Cody also tells us he believes Jessica’s game will improve greatly with him out of the house. Cody is then blindsided yet again! Despite the fact he spent time this week encouraging Alex/Jason/Kevin to evict girls the next 2 weeks so he can easily win a spot back in the game is there is a battle back. Julie informs Cody that next week, Friday, the first four evictees (Cameron/Jillian/Cody/+week 3 evictee) will have battle it out and the winner will return to the game and get another shot at the $500k grand prize. The new HOH competition is an infamous endurance wall comp. Remember Paul is outgoing HOH and cannot compete. However, he has one more week of protection so he cannot be a target this week. Directly anyways. I would have predicted perhaps Raven may do well even though she’s a bit taller but her dancer background offers an advantage in balance. However, my foot hurts at the thought of her having to stand there for any length of time with 5 stitches between her toes and a fresh wound she sustained just a little over 24 hours ago. Mark is way too big and with a broken finger that adds a lot more stress to his hands trying to hold up all the weight those bulging muscles add to his hulk like physique. Alex is one I would expect to do really well, except based on her current status in the house I wouldn’t expect her to want to win. Paul is safe, she wouldn’t want to target her own side (Jason/Josh/Ramses/Kevin). She has a solid belief that there is going to be a buy back in the near future. For these reasons IMO, winning this would be horrible for her game. Jason, is a bigger guy in stature but this guy dances with bulls for a living. Ramses will want this win almost as much as Jessica. Jessica needs this to guarantee her safety since she failed to build some paths to future relationships with her previous allies. Let me pause here for a second. I want to refill my cup. My RealiTea is in a perfect world is if Jessica was to win HOH this week she sends the fourth person out (preferably a stronger competitor) to face off with Cody in the battle back. Now while I want Cody to be eliminated more than air to breath… I love some twists and turns that create great drama in the house! If Cody were to win and re-enter immediately following a Jessica HOH she wouldn’t be allowed to compete in the HOH week 4 upon his return. For the sake of the best feeds Cody returns as she spends week 4 on the block! Since she wants everyone to have sympathy for her having to endure the worst week (insert victim noises) as HN, Toad, isolated, and losing her man it seems only right she continues the journey of drastic highs followed by emotional lows. Imagine if this were to happen! I can dream can’t I? On to the actual competition because flies are swarming this pot of RealiTea. Any guesses who the first to drop from the space themed wall comp? Of course it was Josh! He’s useless in nearly every sense of any self directed attempts to play this game. Now if his mom could have stood on the wall for him he might actually have had a great shot! Next to go is Mark. Big guy, bad finger, and lots of pleas for real ice follow. Poor little Raven and her broken wing soon follow. Ramses wavered when the wall leaned far forward and I knew he would fall because he leaned so hard into the direction the wall was headed. After years and years of watching this comp leaning into the leaning wall makes it so much harder to hold yourself up. It also makes it even more difficult to regain a good hold as the wall returns to an upright because of all the strength you just exuded to sustain your position. As I say aloud, Ramses is going to fall, he does! At this point I look at the wall and realize Matt, Elena, and Dom are the only ‘cool kids’ left on the wall. They are going to need to hang tight because Jessica looks relaxed and comfortable. Alex is constantly moving and wiggling. For now may not seem like a problem but as you tire this is always the player who takes a hand to wipe their eyes or releases a grip to shake out a pain and falls into the loser circle. I’m sure LF’s recall Justin in BBOTT who got overconfident dancing around and knocked himself out of the comp. Not to say Alex is being overconfident, it’s just one of those elements in the wall comp you need to be weary of. Elena surprises me. I did not expect her to be an endurance contender but she implies her double jointed arms are helpful. Did anyone expect her to be a contender in this competition? Maybe we have Mark to thank for that…wink, wink! I wasn’t surprised to see Kevin make it halfway through before falling. I don’t think HG realize he is a much fiercer competitor than he shows. I was happy to see him put some visible effort in before throwing this competition. He doesn’t want the power, nor does it appear he really needs it. However, he showed some muscle and hung in long enough for it to appear he was trying without wasting hours holding on. I mean he did throw out the idea of taking a big shot week 3 but I am happy to see he didn’t move on this idea for the sake of his own game. Now we are down to Elena, Jessica, Alex, Jason, and Dom. Jessica is beginning to waver. She’s tired, cold and falls at 8:18 p.m. Dom falls right after her. Not an accidental fall by any means. Instead Dom’s departure from the wall was a clear, ‘oh thank you Jesus! Jessica’s out’especially so I don’t need to hang in here any longer. It is refreshing to see all the players cheering for everyone regardless. Even Jessica got some pats on the back while on the wall and I prefer this tone in the HOH comps, esespeciallypecially this early on in the game. I suspect at this point Alex and Elena will hold on tight until Jason falls because he’s a wild card. Once he falls they will make a deal and hopefully Alex solicits some promises from Elena and allows her to take the win. Mark needs an Elena win to navigate the drama stirred by Cody. Alex doesn’t need the win at this point in the game she has a good read on what’s actually happening and she knows that collectively the house wants Ramses and Jessica gone in the near future and neither are a number she can’t survive without. 8:29 Alex proposes the first deal. Elena says sure what’s your deal. Alex says, I don’t care I just want a Coke at this point. Suddenly she screams “Jason what’s the deal?” Jason “You all fall off I ‘ll be HOH.” This is met with laughter from the viewing gallery and myself in all honesty. Moments later Jason yells, “No one on this wall is going home.” Alex, “Ok. We all agree we wont send…we wont put any of us (Jason, Alex, Elena) OTB. Elena agrees. Alex, “Ok, what’s the second part of the deal?” Jason, “Somebody else say.” Alex, “I get to take a sh*t in your guys’ toilet if you guys win. Whenever I want.” Jason, “Done!” Elena, “What do you want?” Jason, “Safety” Elena, “Ok deal you jump down and I wont put you OTB.” Jason, “Swear?” Elena, “Swear.” Jason jumped. 8:29:47 pm Elena, “Alex?” Alex, “I won’t put you OTB.” There’s a long enough pause for comments from Raven, Mark, Jason, and Paul. Alex, “You’re not my target.” Elena, “Ok I will jump. Swear?” Alex, “Swear.” Elena stealth whispers, “The people I want protected will be protected?’ Alex, agrees 8:30:44 Elena drops as I am yelling at the screen telling her not to do it! Alex is the week 3 HOH with over 90 minutes on the wall. Alex makes a point to go immediately over to Elena and hug her. This is a good indication and what she should do whether she intends to keep her word by the end of the week or not. Jason rushes to hug Alex followed by Kevin. Everyone congratulates and hugs Elena except Jessica who is going to break a tooth she is clinching her teeth so hard. With an Elena HOH, Jessica could have felt at least a chance going into the week. Cody is gone and all the hateful venom spewed at Alex the first two weeks in the house this is the last person Jessica needed to win. 8:50 pm HG are inside and we do hear Jessica choke out a congratulations to Alex. There you have it! The RealiTea is I think Alex taking this week's HOH could be a problem for Alex. She was in a great spot. Other than Jessica no one was even discussing Alex this week. I know she has some ill feelings about Ramses but Alex is a smart cookie and understood until the numbers on the other side dwindle slightly she needs to preserve the people who think they are aligned with her for because in BB there is some safety in numbers. Remember we have 13 HG left going into week 3. With two nominees and the HOH out of the voting pool that leaves 9 people voting if Christmas does return. There are 6 people on the showmance side of things, 4 on the outsiders which leaves Josh squarely in the middle of voting again this week. Would you want to rely on Josh to make your HOH plans come to life? I know I wouldn't! Come back tomorrow for a fresh cup of RealiTea Bites on everything that happens overnight and into Friday. Will Christmas return? Will the seeds Paul was attempting to cultivate about the votes take root?
  23. There has not been overflowing pots of tea for us to sip in week 2. The first few days following Paul becoming the 2nd HOH to the Veto ceremony lack luster this week. It's been much calmer waters but some players are mastering their strokes. Let's sip some RealiTea Bites from nominations to the Veto ceremony. Cody/Xmas have a 1-1 convo. Cody is trying to clarify some details about his actions, not to make peace with Christmas or even campaign for votes this week. Cody's agenda is to stir the pot while trying to 'help' Jessica's position going into week 3. Of course it's Cody so what he plans and how he executes never achieve the desired outcome. As Cody is talking he implies that Mark knew the whole time Cody was going to nominate Paul week 1. While that isn't true, what he means to convey is that Mark knew prior to nominations that Cody wanted to get Paul out. Xmas takes what he says this way (bases on how Cody fumbles around constructing any clear thoughts. Cody was referring to prior to big couples alliance even forming and clarifies a minute later was that Mark knew Day 1-2 that Cody wanted Paul out and that was his goal. Cody is spilling all the tea on his group. We see here that Cody understands more than many fans gave him credit for re:how the game works and should be played. Where does Cody fail here? He is clarifying implied details. If he was truly smart strategically he would leave the open ended version of truthful details just that...open ended. This would be a masterful way to create doubt purposefully and position Jessica better and potentially himself if he were to return in some battle back twist. That's how you create doubt and paranoia without lying or betraying. On to the next bite of Cody's toad-ally slimy week. Cody has been banking all week in the idea he will get to compete in a battle back. He tells Alex, Jason, Kevin, Jessica they need to evict girls next because he would then be guaranteed to beat them in any comp allowing him to return. Delusions of Cody. While not a bad strategic play his executions are some of the worst of the worst in BB history. Monday, sometime between 12-1 pm Cody tells Jessica that 'if Josh messes with him one more time he's going to tell Josh that when he leaves the house he will tell everyone Josh is a sexual predator'. Cody justifies this because 'he peeps over the shower when girls are in there and opens the door to the BA when girls are using it to try and get a peep at them.' Yet another replay of Monte and Morgan from BBOTY where they latch onto a version of someone else's story and clings to it. Problem with Cody is like Monte, his plan to attack Josh outside the house has nothing to do with game and everything to do with ego. What's key for me here is this: You see the idea come to Cody's mind. He visible gets excited at the thought of disparaging Josh publicly just to retaliate at him announcing "I will hit him where it hurts!" Even more to my points about Jessica all along is everything she does has an angle for a storyline. She encourage this idea and then goes on to predict 'he will run crying to the DR'. She has an enormous influence on the level of despicable behaviors Cody displays. They feed off each other and it's gross. The only credit I will give Jess is hers is game motivated on some level at least 50% of the time. Cody's is only so about 15% of the time. It's working! At least camera time on LF because most of the time there is a camera zooming in on Jessica and her body, showcasing the non-stop fondling and sexual exhibitions of Jody. Whether they use the footage to portray her how she would like or at all is another thing entirely. She's a mean girl. Together they feed into the darkest parts of each other's character and they will be in a for a shock when they return to the real World and see the majority of fans loath their behaviors even if they crave the drama it created on the LF. Problem is, like Paulie, I don't think either will care. Early following the Veto ceremony Jessica goes to Paul in the HOH to try and gain some sympathy. Like any sociopath she delivers a D-list performance telling Paul she knows she needs to socialize with everyone. Feel sorry for me because I don't support the things Cody did but he's alone in this house and I can't abandon some guy I met 19 days ago for $500k (like I said in my preseason video). She basically sums up all the same things I've said she's doing wrong which sounds good but Paul and LF know she's calculated this and it's falling on deaf ears with Paul. Here's what smart players in the house and watching for Jessica to do. If she's flips out and falls off the rails again when Cody leaves they will label her a threat and she's at the top of the eviction hit list. However, if she chills out, stays quiet, blends in the walls we know she's broken and she's not a threat and we can put her on the back burner. Some even believe this latter reaction week 3 may make her a person they may want to pull in and use. She will be without anyone. I hear many HG's (and fans) debating where Jessica will land in the hierarchy next week. I feel as though they all have it ass backwards. If she's volatile and OTT she remains a target and I would want to keep her for a few weeks as a shield. She will always make herself a bigger target than me. If she's quietly blending back into the fold she's dangerous! I want her gone people are forgetting what she's capable of and considering secret alliances with her and for me as a player would feel she's the biggest threat to my long term game if she were able to bottle the mean girl. Tunnel vision on Cody in some cases prevents some players from seeing Jessica as a potential threat. This is BB! I will tell you as I refill my teacup that Paul and Alex have the best reads on Jessica this week. They see her manipulating ways and are using it to their advantage to some degree but they both seem to be subscribing to the if she can settle down we can use her and that's a huge mistake for their personal games. Alex and Paul two will move to the front of the line quickly as the strongest threats very soon. They need a shield or two. Kevin also perceives Jessica as a threat but wants Alex, Jason, Kevin, Ramses, and Jessica to form a group and take a shot at one of the big dogs (excluding Paul) on the opposing side this week. Alex wants nothing to do with that plan and shuts Kevin down FAST! Alex has the BEST read in the house on all Players this week. She brilliantly quieted down and stopped being aggressive and boisterous this week and has done exactly what she should and what Jessica is tip toeing around potentially trying to do, but like Cody she has no skill in the art of execution. Alex is off nearly everyone's radar despite sitting on the block this week. People are all in varying conversations repeating the seed Paul planted early in the week gracefully. At varying times with varying combinations of HG 90% of the discussions have been everyone listing Ramses, Jason, Jessica, Josh as the order of the next evictees they want (unaware they want it because Paul has done a lot of work to be sure everyone makes their list according to his seeds). Alex also understands that the Larger voting block will begin to look Around at each other over her soon after Cody leaves. With still no committed defined alliances in the game it's beginning to be a lot of work to uncover who is really riding for whom. Of course besides Jody and now Marlena apparently (Tuesday night). Although I am referring to the figurative statement versus the literal. Just a little rated X tea for those who don't have LF. My point is as we approach week three there are very few handshakes to reveal. Kevin has promised he will never vote against Alex or Paul and states this to each about both. Alex/Kevin seem to be happy working together. Paul and Kevin are not only well matched opponents they are so hilariously entertaining on the feeds. If BB19 were a movie it would be Paul as the neighborhood kid that the local gangster takes an interest in. Then the protege surprises the mentor. These two constantly bantering and discussing random rapid fire topics brings me so much joy! That's personal so I will leave it there and get back to current events. Jason attempts to discuss an alliance with Paul who says he doesn't do alliances he's a you scratch my back I will Scratch yours kinda player and that's what Jason should be too. Paul tells him trying to do that will Widen the target on Jason's back he just needs to prove he's a 'team player' by nominating Ramses and Jessica if he wins HOH next week and that will Prove to others he's on board with the majority. In reality Paul is dangling carrots and planting seeds all the time. There are times he's pushing to hard and needs to sensor his delivery. Come on let's be honest-it's Paul. #Nevercared Paul struck a deal with Alex and whole Alex agreed to Paul's face she let's us know she will ride that until it doesn't benefit her then she will come out guns blazing. Alex is the most dangerous player in the game this week and no one knows it. No one is talking about Alex. She was in your face week 1 and now despite being OTB she melted into the fold and has purposely chilled. Mark and Xmas have a convo discussing that Paul is gaining some negative attention in the house and rather than realize they should allow that to grow they need to actively work to protect Paul! What?! Yes, this is how good Paul has been doing that they feel the need to protect him! Not monitor the situation, not nurture the target gracefully but we need to help Paul get back to the 500k. There is a lot of this and it's both a side effect of lack of game savviness and Paul's hard work to surround himself with people who will work to save him. He knows he will become a target and has been laying the bricks to lead to a path of escape. Paul struggled early in the week with being too overbearing and aggressive in his delivery of where the votes need to go, who needs to do what in veto, etc...All Week I was thinking chill out! Massage your delivery the ideas are on track and great but tailor the delivery so people want to listen long term and don't get tired of your tactics. What helped Paul reset was his ability to see how others were perceiving Christmas' similar actions and slowing turning against her. Which is grey for Paul! As the week progresses she's speaking in a way (for whatever reason) that resembles Cody and this doesn't appeal to many in the house. Mark and Xmas already had some bad vibes after the group discussed how to nominate to achieve BD Cody. He didn't like the way she spoke to him and that festers over time. Xmas should have sensed this and gone in an done some damage control but whether the meds or the ego she fails to see this. Paul however doesn't and his falls into his hands and opens a crack for him to start chipping away at the loyalty HG showed in their votes to keep her without it looking suspicious on Paul's behalf. Paul has a VERY good eye for this game. I don't care for his approach all the time. He Needs to reign in the always in your face approach and diarrhea of the mouth in knee jerk reactions many times. However, I felt the same way BB18. He was always at a defcon 5 level and usually as a result of some dumb ass thing he did or said so I had zero sympathy for that. Despite that he snatched one of those final two seats by the end, stayed loyal to Victor the second half of the game without fail and took second. Like or not he's earned some BB respect. I see a lot of growth but I also see many areas where he changes nothing and we will see how that plays out for him this time. Kevin is the spotlight a lot more often this week. In both good and bad ways and this isn't great for him although I don't see an immediate threat the blind notion he's and old man and no one needs to be worried about him isn't so blind. Kevin admits to Jason that he was the one who voted against Jillian and initially Jason doesn't believe him. Wth? Why would Kevin lie about something that only hurts Kevin? Jason is all over the place and knows he's on the list of targets but his efforts this week are as scattered as his conversations. I can see the good ideas or reads behind Jason's eyes at times. The problem is when he's talking game but he never manages to get it from his brain to his lips without fumbling all over everything and this exasperates those talking to him. That's not all a bad thing because this does keep the focus on Ramses ahead of himself but come on man! Think before you speak. Develop the dialogue over a length of time. In this game Jason has to know Communication is not his Strong. People never understand Jason's main idea. I know that's a lot to for a HG like Jason or Josh but the point is in this game that's what these two Should be doing. I mean look at Cody. Every time he opens his mouth he drops a grenade on not only his own but his allies games. It's looking like business as usual for Paul's HOH. The back door plan worked. People are collectively in agreement to vote Paul out. Well except Kevin perhaps. Paul has asked Kevin to throw a hinky vote to Ramses to create some drama before HOH. Great idea, bad delivery. It's not what Paul says but how he says it. Here's the bottom line though. Paul reads people well and knows when someone is reacting some kind of way and he commits to damage control tailored to that person. That's the RealiTea of where players are landing this week. Not much drama other than Jody being hateful nasty people and I won't give that a solid platform when it's not strategic. Alex is in a great spot and may be both primed for a week 3 HOH win if its endurance as well as the player with the most global understanding in the game. Kevin is still doing very well but beginning to reveal too much as times and we should keep an eye on that. Cody is set to leave but is counting on a battle back. Xmas is doped up and that's not good for anyone’s game. She will be out Wednesday for surgery and potentially return before LE. Jessica is a lone frog with no Lilly pad for now without Cody week 3. Ramses is in trouble and needs to put in serious work.
  24. The first week of the new season of Big Brother was jammed packed full of new showmances, betrayals, blindsides, arguments, and glorious feeds! As we settle in for the first live eviction of the season its necessary to remind fans that this in RealiTea is the 3rd eviction of the season at the end of week one. Let us not forget that Cameron was evicted during the premier episodes and Megan self evicted before veto could even be played. Heading into live eviction night Jillian and Cody were oblivious to what was about to happen. The overconfidence these two rode into the night on was a United aIrline flight and a confused passenger is about to be snatched off this plane. RealiTea Cody and Jillian’s ignorance to the coordination in the house is most relevant because Cody is the catalyst for how this vote will play out. Jillian elected to rely on someone else to pack her parachute. Jillian was absolute in her confidence that the word of Cody, who’s entire alliance deplaned early in the week. Let’s think about this. Jillian’s willingly chose to put all her eggs in Cody’s basket after Alex wins veto and Cody chooses to go rogue and attempt to replace Alex with Paul. This is a guy who lives in his own universe and you choose to rely on his assurances that he will save you this week? Alex chooses to fly stand by with Cody after all of the other HG’s he was aligned used their emergency parachutes to float their way over to Paul. Matt/Raven, Mark/Elena, Christmas and Dom all abandon Cody and the whole house can see they are working feverishly to repair the damage Cody caused their individual and collective games openly confessing they were never aligned with a plan to nominate Paul. As fans sit on the edge of their seats watching the HG’s enter the diary room to cast their votes we see that Jillian will pay the price for relying on the information she was getting from Alex and Cody. In this house, when you put your BB life in someone else’s hands willingly you really have no one to blame but yourself. After Julie announces that Jillian has been evicted by a vote of 7-4 we watch Cody and Jessica melt down like a Hawaiian shave ice on a summer afternoon in Las Vegas. Let’s dive right into the tea that fans without live feeds (LF) may not be aware of. LF should know that Jessica came on BB with the intention of promoting her VIP concierge business. She’s told Cody this and frankly her reaction to the eviction was OTT. We all see Jessica was livid that ounce again she is being punished for what she tells herself is a direct result of Cody’s game play. Jessica chooses to unleash her inner Scrooge on Christmas. Here’s where I take issue with Jessica’s perceptions. Jessica chose a side in the fallout of Cody’s tyrannical HOH nominations. With every decision in life there is a consequence. In the BB house that is no different. In her mind no one should be upset with her. Jessica says it was cowardly to for Christmas to mention her on live TV when she can’t defend herself. What show do you think you are on? We’ve seen plenty of unexpected reactions during the live show! The RealiTea is she does a myriad of things to get herself into this mess. My impression of her watching her on feeds is she is purposeful in her reactions seeking a sympathetic edit from production. She should have put that same amount of effort into interacting with everyone else in the house all week. Instead she spent 99% of her time mounting Cody in the HOH room except the few times he discharged her to go downstairs and ask or tell someone something. Girl bye! I love all the drama and it’s a great fuel to get everyone revved up for the new HOH competition though. The HOH is a CandyCrush shop theme. The comp is similar to BB2’s food competition and more recently the BBOTT HOH competition Perfect Shot. That’s the HOH where Krissy wins. In this competition balls are launched into the yard. HG break open the balls looking for carnival tickets. There is also a conveyer belt where swirl lollipops are and constantly rolling out. HG can also find tickets inside the wrappers of the suckers. It’s blatantly obvious to everyone that those who voted Jillian out are clearly coordinating. Well, excdept Kevin he’s shaaring tickets with no desire to win this HOH. We can see various players like Raven, Kevin, Christmas gathering tickets and handing them off. Raven, CHristmas, and Dom are hadning off tickets to Paul or Matt to roll the ball attempting to make it around the looped ramp into the hole at the end. What we also see is Jessica playing solo and doesn’t care about anyone or anything standing in her way of getting suckers with tickets. Alex and Ramses work together some of the time. Josh is also sifting through the candy shop searching for tickets solo as well. Cody is clearly praying Alex wins. Analyzing this next moment is key because we’ve assumed Cody is oblivious to how a ‘team’ functions and that working cooperatively is a key element. He demonstrates to me he is in fact capable of working cooperatively when he knows he doesn’t have control. Cody does in fact have the capacity to consider others. I observe this when he offers Alex a water bottle while she waits in line to turn her tickets. Alex takes a sip, passes it behind her to Ramses to take a sip before returning the water bottle to Cody. There’s no reaction to her doing so which is also good to see. Why? After the eviction both she and Cody suspect Ramses may have been one that voted to evict Jillian preventing a tie vote that would have given Cody the final word in the eviction to send Christmas home and save Jillian. This is the first time I’ve seen him show this kind ‘team’ effort beyond his own game. What this tells me is he does know how to do it. These are the smaller details that can tell you a lot in a short period of time. Alex, Ramses, Jason and Josh are all working hard. Jessica is a lone wolf and doesn’t care. She stands in front of other players right at the exit of the conveyer belt snatching up suckers before anyone can try to. Josh does at some points stand right next to her alternating (trying to take turns allowing her to take one then he leans in and grabs the next). We see Dom do the same towards the end of the comp. Most HG are just examining at the suckers to see if there is a ticket if not they toss them to the ground. Jessica is standing at the conveyer and repeatedly smashing them on the metal working out her frustrations. As she does this she is being very aggressive with how she’s trying to find tickets. At one point we see Matt and Alex tackle each. These two both attempt to recover a ball launched into the yard. This is shocking to Kevin, with such the dad reaction, “We are tackling people now WTF?” If he was at home with his kids I believe he would have ended the game and made them all have a group hug. LOL Kevin didn’t want anything to do with winning this HOH. It was obvious and he later confirms this on the feeds. What’s great about Kevin in the comp is his reactions to things. He delivers the comedy for viewers and we are always guaranteed a good laugh with Kevin in the house. However, this older player in the house that has HG and fans laughing when he tells his nightly stories, or reacts to how people behave, or refers to selfies as onesies or emojis as mojos is much more than constant entertainment in the game. Cody, Alex, and Jason all question Kevin about his vote and quickly determine there is no way he flipped on them. Why? Kevin plays off the vote like a gangster! Watching him up to today has been put entertainment for LF’s. However, his hand is stacked with more than just social game. Kevin’s ability to show how smart he is at some moments and the comical reactions at others disarms people. That leaves most of the other HG’s feeling like he’s far less threatening to their current game than he actually is. The RealiTea is Kevin plays right along with Alex and Jason’s outrage and has no problem deflecting the evidence to Ramses as the best suspect. Its brilliant to watch him express shock and awe that someone in their group would vote for Christmas to stay and betray everyone. Cody and Jessica latch onto this along with their correct assumption that Josh had to be another. Kevin is gas lighting these three and coming out without so much of a grain of sand of suspicion that he may have been one of the ones to change his vote and lie. Let’s take moment to take a bite of the fan reactions to this comp. The RealiTea is there are always fans who think every thing in the BB house is a conspiracy. There was no shortage of side eye by me as I surfed through SM. The RealiTea is every season some feel that production conspires to help those players they like. This season we aren’t even in week two and those conspiracy theories are already spinning in cyber space. After the HOH some fans share that they are certain production allowed HG to work together was an attempt to stack cards in a certain a player’s favor. I would tell those fans to please sit down. We’ve had plenty of previous comps over the years where HG’s are permitted to choose to coordinate efforts to take a win. If you watch BB you know that alliances intentionally throw comps for someone to win. In the fall, during BBOTT Perfect Shot and BB Barcode HGs were given similar directions that they may keep what get or share it. There are plenty of comps where BB goes out of their way to keep players from sharing intel or coordinating, they are sequestered for hours and hours in separate rooms of the house when these type of comps are played. Long time fans should know that we’ve watched just as many where its play however you want. In all honesty the comps where players can work together if they choose are the most informative ones. This is a great way for a savvy player to collect valuable intel on others in the game if they are paying attention. I’m not just saying the obvious information like who’s working together. The subtle actions can be very telling. It’s one of the reasons I loved the food competitions back in the earlier years. It wasn’t because those comps were so great and appealing to me. The realiTea is I always appreciated when the house competed to win their food for the week. People aren’t scheming for position in the game. They are hungry and want food. In this scenario their actions aren’t as controlled. Players say and do things perhaps they otherwise wouldn’t. The more relaxed, non-competitive competitions people can forget the game. For a few moments they are distracted by hunger and those paying attention in the house are often given a perspective they wouldn’t have otherwise had. Think about it. Some of the very best brewed tea in the house happens when someone’s guard is down and they forget they are playing a game. Now back to the current game. There are plenty of places to find the stats breakdowns of attempts, tickets collected, etc…the bottom line is that at 7:39 pm Paul Wins! Here’s what happens immediately after, you might want to grab a snack and put your feet up this is going to be more than a nibble! Jessica immediately seeks out Cody behind the candy country and we hear Cody say, “F*^@$ off Paul! Hope the fans love BB18. That’s all this is.” We see Kevin walks past. Cody tries to catch his attention but fails. As everyone congratulates Paul we see Jessica and Cody stand at the ticket counter isolating themselves just as they have done for the first 16 days. 7:41:26 cam 2 After 3 minutes pass they come out from behind the counter and into the yard but still go off to the side away from everyone else. These two are boiling and their tea pots are about to overflow! 7:41:30 we get FISH we have audio though. 7:42 we hear Paul tell Jessica: good effort (genuine). then we hear a ?HG (female): you got to think about it homie… 7:42:19 It’s difficult to hear on any one camera because so much talking going on in the BY after comp. You can hear Cody say something about lying to someone. Turns out that Cody attempted to take a swing or something similar at Josh. Jessica and Christmas will face off soon after but the beautiful fine china tea cup this is served in comes from what we hear from production since they went to FISH so we can’t see what is happening but left the audio on: 7:42:38 We hear BB say (cam 3): separate guys hey! 7:42:44 Then suddenly we get : Hey guys it’s Rich. Quiet down, quiet down and listen. Listen emotions run high in the BB house, like we talked all of you about. I don’t want anybody getting nose to nose or any stuff like that happening. You can say anything you want to each other we won’t police that but, but you know you’re playing a game. Say whatever you want is fine but do not get in each other’s faces. We do not want to have to step in. 7:43:19 we hear Paul cam 2 calmly speaking to Cody: This is a game. From a game perspective it’s not worth it. We hear Cody talking: He straight up lied to my face. A couple people. Paul: Just don’t let it get under your skin. We suddenly hear Dom calmly say: You can’t take to me like that in front of all these people. You can’t. Paul: It’s not worth it. Cody: We are just going to relax this week. Now we can her Jessica and Christmas squaring off. Christmas I just know we have to live together so we can be cool and cordial. Jessica That’s how I felt all week! I asked you how you were doing that was on a friend to friend level. You took it as in assessing your injuries and I wasn’t at any time. Xmas Ok. Noted. Just we are going to live together and be cordial Cody That’s all we want to do is just hand out with each other Xmas Yeah Cody Cause I know one of us is going home so Xmas Well I mean I respect that Cody yeah Xmas I’m not gonna poke, I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna like shit talk or anything. We have to live together I would like this to be as peaceful as possible and I think we can all agree to that. Cody I’m cool with that Xmas Cool. On another note that was fun as sh*t. Jessica to Cody I thoroughly enjoyed smashing lollipops (giggle) Cody you re so sticky J-Can we make up our HN bed. C-I told you we should get used to it laughing both 7:45:05 feeds return as the house reopens and HG are given directions about their athletic mic’s. As soon as warning ends you can her most still discussing comp, how many attempts, the lollipops. I heard some speculations about Xmas/Jess confrontation but we find out a from Mark a little later in the BA what happened. Does Cody even know what game he is playing? He and Jessica are sore losers. How does he not recall that he flipped the entire house upside down going rogue and betraying his entire alliance by nominating Paul? The when that blows up in his face he doesn’t retreat back to what his group wanted originally… he nominates another member of their supposed group? If he had just nominated Jason there may have been an opportunity to salvage the damage done by going rogue with the Paul nom. Now Cody/Jessica are playing victim and incredulous about the fact some people didn’t vote the way he ordered. How dare they not tell him they were voting differently! There are multiple confrontations between Josh and Cody/Jessica as the night continues into the early hours of the morning. Now, I didn’t like the way Josh handled Megan but I dislike how these two dog pile on Josh even less. Josh sums up the entire scenario when he tells the, in the midst of their verbal assaults, “You two haven’t even talk to me in the last 14 days!” Basically pointing out the obvious. No offense but these two relying on Josh to vote in their favor was stupid! The other group had persuaded Josh to save Christmas and they were able to because they may not like him either but they make him feel included and understood. They laid the bricks to create a path to the vote they needed while Cody and Jessica sat up in the HOH room all week talking about how stupid everyone else in the house is. Josh’s lie about his vote was planned. Everyone knew Josh is malleable, even Josh! The truth is that the idea was to tell Cody/Jess/Alex what they want to hear but vote how you want (with the other side). That way he avoided being tormented and bullied all week. It was a smart plan. Very well played by both Josh and the Christmas voting group. Once again Cody is wiping the egg off of his face with Jessica’s weave by the end of the night. Cody’s reaction wasn’t some calculated reaction planned to out certain people and create distrust. If it were I would accept it more easily even if I didn’t like it; I would give them credit for efforts and game play. Instead these were childish temper tantrum behaviors by a guy who thinks everyone should accept their marching orders and fall in line with what he thinks should be done . Cody’s identifying himself as the BB master and how the house crashed down around him this week was entertaining! It’s the worst kind of player but some of the best kind of feeds. You made your bed now you and Jess continue to lie in it. Just the way you both have in the HOH for nearly 2 weeks. Jessica’s reactions as the night progresses do appear a bit more fabricated. Miss #crybaby threatens to quit with all your ‘victim noises’. Speaking of beds, as I predicted the transition downstairs for these two was not a pleasant one. Cody has announced that he and Jessica will be moving into the HN room and sleeping on the spiked beds beginning tonight although HN’s aren’t selected until the following day. When the comp ended Cody could have just been a man and congratulated Paul. Instead we saw Paul come to Cody after the comp and humbly shake his hand and be the bigger man. We see Paul again later as he walks through a bedroom and sees Jessica crying on Cody. Paul approaches and extends her an olive branch offering her comfort and telling her not to cry “don’t let this game get to you like that.” We hear Jessica mention how others do things to get edits but the truth is that’s what she is trying to do a lot of the time. As the night unfolds if you are really paying attention you will see how this chick purposefully reacts and then always within minutes ducks into the DR. Not like Josh who gets emotional and attempts to retreat to a safe place or a private room where he can vomit all of his emotions without everyone seeing. If you haven’t picked up on how Jessica does this it’s a good time to file that away in the back of your mind and begin really paying attention to her subtle manipulations and the conversations she and Cody have either just before or right after. Even Cody frequently comments about how Jessica is focused on promoting her business. Okay, let’s wind up the immediate reactions of HG’s following the Paul win. Just before HG re-enter the house we can hear Cody Sounds questioning Kevin (cam 3) and we hear Kevin masterfully convey “No, I keep my word. No one is…lying to you.” Kevin uses this same finesse throughout the night and is quickly dismissed as a potential traitor which is brilliant to watch! 7:46 pm HG return inside and we see Christmas (cam 3/4) telling Josh just be cool. Check it, check it, just be cool. That’s what’s best for everybody. Cody, Jess, Alex, Jason have no idea who voted to evict Jillian. They don’t need one for their blowout pity party extravaganza to begin. 7:47 pm cam 3 SR Jess/Cody immediately head to SR when they return to the house. Complain no food yet. J-I have legitimately been gotten blindsided in every aspect of this game every single day I have been here C- yeah J-so if they want to play dirty I will lie, I will backstab, I will throw everybody under the …bus C-we don’t have the numbers anymore now and Paul’s the HOH so they’re going to put us against each other . I’m not saying I’m defeated but like it will be either me or you I guess. J-I’m fine with that I don’t regret anything. C-I don’t either. I mean I made those deals to stay loyal to them, you know what I mean? I’m not mad that Christmas had a legit gripe against me. She projected on you. I don’t know why she did it to you. J-In the most cowardly way. Like when I couldn’t actually say something that’s when she…ugh we get FISH for 5 minutes then back to Jess interview with Jillian. Um wait wasn’t this the same guy laying in the HOH bed professing he will make himself the target and be her hero? Isn’t this the same guy who told everyone in his alliance he made a deal with Alex and Jason solely with the intention of saving all of them and he will gladly go home week 2? At one point in the HOH he was listing all the things he will say to Matt attacking his manhood to be sure the target stays on him (Cody) and they have to send him home and keep her? Where’s that guy Jessica? LMAO 8:34 pm CAM 4 Mark lets us on Cody’s inquire to Mark about how his vote landed. What’s important to note is how Cody approaches Mark versus how Cody pounces on Josh. Cody would NEVER speak to or behave towards Mark, Kevin, or Matt the way he does to Jason or Josh. 8:36-Elena If you do me wrong and you didn’t tell me you weren’t going to do that, I can’t get over that. If you look mean the eye and tell me you won’t do something and you do it, I’m done. Its over I won’t trust you. -Elena is essentially expressing the same reaction emotionally that Cody/Jessica are having to being lied to. However she is sitting relaxed in the BA with various HG rationally explaining how she reacts to it. 8:38 pm Mark explains that Cody confronted Mark after Paul won HOH. According to Mark, Cody asked him who he voted for. They had a moment and Mark told him straight up he voted for Christmas to stay. Mark said he felt like they were good after that. Mark goes on to say that he “after I picked him (Paul) up (after he won)I don’t think we’re good anymore.” LOL Matt lightens the mood with: He looks like an ass on national tv plenty of times. Just chill out we got squad goals to focus on. Matt has really won me over the last two weeks. He is the most rational well balanced player on the male side of things in this game. Matt moves with a perfect balance between social and strategic game. He knows how to talk to people and of the three showmances this is the only one I don’t want to stab myself in the eye when I am watching how they interact with each other. I said preseason I suspected he would easily make it to the middle of this game but if he continues on the path he is on he may just be an end game contender. Its week two and everything I would want a strong player to be doing, Matt is doing. Next week will be very telling. 8:40 pm Mark, Elena, Dom funny moment to watch. A random bit of tea we are served later in the BA is that Mark was born with a club foot. We find this out when Dom mentions she noticed he has one leg is bigger than other. Interesting fact about Mark but watching the body language variances between Elena and Dom are the more interesting moments here. As the night continues LF realize they may want to switch from tea to coffee because it’s going to be a long night of amazing feeds to be enjoyed! I will leave you with one final note. 9:05 pm Kevin/Alex cam 3/4 Kevin commits to Alex: I will say moving forward, from this day on, I promise to always vote for you and Paul. We haven’t seen any golden handshakes or hard and fast pledges of allegiance since the showmance alliance splintered. We have seen Kevin easily smooze everyone in the game but we certainly haven’t really been able to nail down who Kevin is really considering aligning with. So I am shocked to hear him say this. It’s actually a great trio, Paul is on one side in the house, Alex is on the other, and Kevin is welcomed by everyone. As the evening’s events and conversations unfold this will be something to circle back around to in the next blog. For now I am going to brew a fresh cup of tea for the HOH reveal and various whispering happening throughout the house for next time. The RealiTea is from eviction to conclusion of the HOH competition there was an ocean of tea to swim through and more than a few bites of drama to digest. There was no shortage of confusion and deceit on eviction night and that sets the tone for the week ahead.
  25. July 6-Pre-Eviction Welcome to RealiTea Bites the blog where I spill all the tea on what’s happening in the Big Brother house. Tonight is eviction night and this first week of Big Brother 19 has easily ben the most insane first week in BB history. The game for fans began with a powerful alliance 9 people strong: Cody, Jessica, Mark, Elena, Matt, Raven, Dominique, Paul, and Christmas. This isn’t unusual since by the time the feeds go live for fans relationships have already been established and a myriad of alliances are already formed. What is different about this cast is by the end of week one the house has been blown up and the cards land where they may. Cody’s power move blew up all the relationships in the house including dividing the power alliance and we are delivered a piping hot fresh pot of tea as we see the players scrambling to find a new group and running or safety. Let’s break down how I see each player navigating the game and the most explosive first week! Cody was HOH and while most of us wouldn’t choose to be the first HOH he followed his preseason play book and took the first HOH comp. Once Megan leaves the game unexpectedly things quickly change. Let’s be real here, Paul was ALWAYS Cody’s target. Cody’s intention was to backdoor Paul from the minute Paul didn’t give him a friendship bracelet, maybe even frorm the second he came through the doors. To some casual fans it may seem like a good idea if you are 3 showmances already in full swing by the time we enter the house. I mean Cody has the numbers right? WRONG! The couples have all have aligned together with several other players by the end of the second night. The problem is his target was always one of the people everyone in his group believed was on their team, namely Paul! Cody is blowing in the wind by the end of this week. Alex may seem like she’s willing to work with him but if you watch the feeds you know this is smoke and mirrors. Alex wants to save Jillian so of course she would agree to collaborate with her enemies to eliminate Christmas and save her own ally. Once the vote is over Alex has her eyes set on Jessica and Cody. At the moment anyway. Jillian is a number for Alex. Cody is emotionless, simple minded, and egocentric. As I suspected he is rigid, inflexible, and has no social skills at all. Does this mean the house will target Cody next week? Not so fast my friends. The realiTea is that Alex’s side of the house wants Cody gone. Alex wants Jessica gone more than Cody, but that’s personal not game. Fortunately, for her the two may align. Let’s not brew next week’s tea when there is so much to sip and nibble on this week. Cody’s side of the house wants Cody gone. Christmas wants Jesica and Cody gone and has made no secret about it. If the house is smart and stays focused on this threat they will throw Cody and Jesica on the block, pull Cody down and send Jessica home. Cody can’t survive long without Jessica. Jessica has enough sense about her to figureout a way to blend back in and rally a group to allow her to reitergate and will seem far more appealing to work with once Cody exits the house. Jessica is smart in the sense she understands the game and how you do things is just as important as what you do. However, when the house shake up happens she locks herself away with Cody and fails to adjust her game to survive the aftermath. Jessica does try to make it appear she is willing to work with Alex after days and days of lashing out at her, calling her names and delivering daily death stares directed at Alex. Jessica’s jealousy and desire to have all of Cody’s attention leaves her on the side of the road and I expect her to be preverbal road kill soon. Eliminating Jessica is the smarter move for everyone but most of all for Alex. We all know Cody is obsessed with Alex, whatever the reasoning and if Jessica is sent out then Alex, if she plays her cards correctly could pull Cody over to her side. I don’t see her intentionally planning this approach but she should! I was thrilled when Alex won the comp, and she is high on my rankings for the season but now that we are in the game there are some warning signs. You can be strong and smart without putting people off. Alex would be smart to dial back her overbearing temperament and not react so emotionally. While she isn’t anyone’s target but Jessica everything you do in this house leaves a fingerprint and she’s gotten her hands very dirty with her actions. Chill out girlie. You aren’t in danger at the moment, Jillian, while a number for you is not a shield for you and you are spending capital you can’t afford to waste on her. Don’t get into a pissing contest with Cody, it’s not a good look and it won’t help your long term game. Jillian is on the block and as Cody would say she has been playing victim all week. She tells us she's been on the block 3 times and is constantly begging the live feed cameras pleading with America to feel bad for her and send her a temptation. Um, she’s been OTB the block twice. She’s done this so often that the camera’s started turning away from her every time she does it. I wasn’t as irritated as some fans with her lack of campaigning. Look at all this big personalities in the house and all the drama going on. Christmas blowing up, Cody pushing buttons, Ramses running from room to room listening in on every chat. Often in these scenarios hanging back and blending in is a smart play. The problem is she may not be campaigning but she is actively doing things that are drawing attention. Paul isn’t the only one to observe that she is running information up to Cody like a carrier pigeon. She and Ramses both are getting information and running back to the other side and spilling tea. This is an approach that requires a very mature and wise player. It has to be done in a way that: 1. Isn't obvious to everyone else 2. Includes you in the talks where people see you as an asset and solicit your input. Neither of which is happening with either of these two players and that’s a problem. A more immediate one for Jillian since she’s OTB. Jilia has invested all her energy into Alex and Cody and this could be her most critical error. One that sends her out the door tonight. That’s lucky for Cameron who we’ve herd nothing from in the outside world so one has to believe he is in sequester somewhere waiting for a chance to re-enter the game. I hope he does! Ramses may have been ranked higher on my preseason predictions but his age is both a positive and a negative. He has formed a strong friendship with Elena, and was in the ‘know’ with Alex’s group but his desire to plant seeds and cause divides doesn’t balance with his skill set to do so effectively without having his hand prints all over it. One problme here too is that Elena has a target on her back that Domininique has drawn after a lot of shaking of the trees so to speak. Ramses does create some doubt in Elena’s mind about Mark. Marrk is loayl to both Elena and dom but…not simultaneously. These two girls need to stop all of this and in the short term work together with Mark. There is strength in numbers. Instead they are treating him like a Stretch Armstrong doll. This is the biggest shift from Veto to eviction night. Mark and Elena were seen as a duo and now they have been fussing and fighting over some efforts by Ramses and Dominique on the Mark side of things. Ramses needs to participate more. He needs to talk and interact. Definitely listen more than you speak but you need to be a part of the conversations not just a fly on the wall because someone will swat you. Dominique is the break out star of the week in my book. I have been surprisingly impressed with Elena on many levels but she can be very hot or cold while Dom is steady Betty 99% of the time. Dom was brought into the fold with the showmances. She established a very strong personal connection with Mark and most of the ladies in that group engage her in conversations both casual and game play. She has blended in beautifully and has the balance I was describing earlier about listening more than talking but doing so as a part of the conversations happening in most corners of the house. My only advice is she needs to stop pushing for Mark to listen to her about Elena and be a bit more subtle about how she delivers the thinking points related to this for Mark. She also needs to find a common interest with Alex. She managed to find it with Jason who is the exact opposite of her so I have faith that she can, but it requires some active play and not passive in this area. You may not need her now, but you may down the road so find something you two connect on and build on that. I know she was coming off very passive aggressive when the whole banner topic came about. It didn’t help there was some holiday bubbly involved that night. Ironically, Ramses was trying to create the doubt about Mark in Elena’s mind while Dom was doing the same about Elena in Mark’s mind. Jason is the one who I still don’t feel like I completely understand. He’s smart and funny but plays dumb a lot. Yes, I am giving him credit that most of the time he is playing. He does say too much but has found himself in a position where both sides of this eviction vote are seeking him out. That’s a place you want to be. People coming to you and vying for your vote. I caution him to heed my warning, talk less. Jason rambles on and ends up leaving people scratching their heads trying to figure out what the heck his point was. Chill out. By tonight you will have to pick a side and be ready to ride that ride until it ends. He could take a few notes on how Kevin manages this. Josh is by far the most improved character since night 1 of the show. He came in loud, aggressive, and emotional. He should have been the week 1 target/pawn but that terrible safety move was critical to his survival and allowed him time to settleinto the game. Slowly he calmed down and relaxed quite a bit over the last week. Believe it or not he could be the swing vote tonight. I expect him to be a basket case by the time the live vote happens, but baseed on all I have seen I have faith he will stick to his word and vote to evict Jillian. I also expect him to go after safety if it’s avaiable again tonight. He votes for Jillian to leave and Cody will be delivering death rays at him. If he votes for Christmas to leave there will likely be a tie and Cody gets to deliver the end to his week that he hopes for which is send Christmas out. Honestly, I don’t think either one leaving tonight makes much of a difference of where the current game is other than Cody or Paul being the victor for the evening. Christmas staying was much more important prior to breaking her foot. By the end of week 1 we do have a separation down the middle of the house as far as votes go. What’s more important is that as for ‘alliances’ this season is really void of any at the moment. We’ve not seen one final two deal, no handshakes, just a lot of vote wheeling and dealing. This next week we should see some serious discussions about who wants to team up with who. This brings me to Paul. Paul came in strong and up to the day of the veto he was playing very well. Friendly, likable, sociable, and houseguest genuinely like him and the entertainment value he brings to the house. Paul amazed me with how well he handled the veto, nomination, and temptation. People are confiding in him which is a great sign! Dom admitted on the feeds that she is an engineer but only to Paul. Kevin reveals he took the 25k but only to Paul. There is a funnel of information that benefits Paul being piped directly to him and that’s a great thing right now. After the injury and threat of Christmas leaving because of her foot he began to campaign a little to vigorously. I would have liked him to chill a lot more and let people come to him seeking his input but instead he begins delivering facts and perceptions that are in many cases unsolicited. Several people begin to comment about it and that’s a problem. He may be untouchable this first 3 weeks but that time will end and he shouldn’t be acting like he is. By Monday he was telling people he had a master plan and they should throw HOH to him but not sharing any of the details. Um, isn’t that what Cody just did? Pump your brakes Paul. You were in a great spot don’t turn the radar back on yourself because you want to be seen as the puppeteer character in the broadcasts. There is more than one path to that label and none get you there by way of eviction the second your safety expires. With all that said, I feel like this is actually a great week for Paul to win HOH. He has a lot of allies at the moment. Has no alliance and needs to make one sooner than later. The bonus being that he cannot be nominated the week after the HOH if he wins this week because he has one more week of safety after that. If he saves Christmas she will ride hard for him. Kevin and Paul have this bromance happening that many of us find hilarious and most of the HG’s enjoy a well. Bet you can guess which two do not. With Paul’s power of protection there is no other time until final 4 do you have that kind of guarantee in this house. After an HOH week the outgoing HOH is always a talking point as a target unless their own alliance has power. Since we really have no alliances, Paul has safety the next week (week 3) and all winners need a resume. This is a position you want to be in if you are going to try for an HOH. This would be the one for Paul. The problem is Paul ran around telling those who want to vote for Christmas to stay that they should let him have HOH. Paul needed to stay on the low key radar he began with earlier this week. Just stop pushing for it. Bring back subtle relaxed mentioning of things when asked Paul. I wouldn’t be unhappy or have any problem with a Paul HOH week 2. Go for it! The truth of the matter is depending on how this vote plays out tonight we could have 13 HG’s holding on for dear life trying to grab this HOH to guarantee their safety. Alex and Jessica will be fighting to the death either way the vote goes. Alex’s target may change if Jillian goes home and everyone should be considering this. So many are so caught up in securing the votes for who they want to stay I haven’t seen near the amount of discussions about this as we should be seeing. This morning Kevin points this out during several conversations. Until today fans (LF) have been counting on Kevin’s vote swaying towards keeping Jillian but this morning he told Matt, Raven, and Elena he was going to vote with them. Kevin is the kind of player when he does finally say something specific you should listen because most of the time in this house he avoids game talk and when it does include him he is very noncommittal. We see this with he and Christmas this morning. She is earnestly trying to get him to confirm he will vote to keep her and he changes the subject and avoids a direct response the entire time. We do have Raven and Matt as well as Paul 100% on lock for voting to evict Jillian. If Kevin and Josh (who told LF on camera yesterday) both vote to evict Jillian that is 5 votes now against Jillian. My guess is that Elena is a lock but Matt is going to have to choose between the women in his life when this vote happens. People beleive Dom is on board to save CHristmas but I am a bit suspect. You will rarely find me spilling tea early after nom’s or veto about who is voting where because it honestly holds no weight until we hit Thursday morning. Before eviction day the votes can change 20 x’s. I don’t get too invested in what people are saying before this but I do watch what they are doing and how they behave along the way. Jessica, Alex, and Ramses are the locked voted for Jillian to stay. The problem is Cody miraculously appears downstairs this morning discussing with individuals like Kevin and Josh about how they need to be voting. LOL. Now the RealiTea is they see exactly what we see in this moment. Josh and Kevin even say after Cody leaves to various people re: Cody “You haven’t talked to me all week!” Terreible game play as usual Cody. Christmas has attempted to guilt Jason into voting with her since her injury was his fault in her eyes. Jason isn’t buying what she’s selling. He has flip flopped all over the hosue like a fish out of water mostly becasue he trusts Alex. Christmas tells the cameras she’s confident it will be a 9-3 vote. My impression is Paul is believing the same. I don’t think it will be. I think it will be a 7-5 vote to keep Christmas. It would still be a 6-6 vote if they hadn’t swayed Josh. Can you believe after the way this week began this entire outcome tonight comes down to Josh? The RealiTea is he is the swing vote. He has told us he is keeping Christmas. We saw some teetering and many have seen him running to both sides professing his commitment to their cause but that was a planned approach. Not sure the smartest one but that’s what it was. The good news is Josh doesn’t care for Cody. No one but Cody, Alex, Jessica, and Jillian of course want Cody to get his way. I feel like Christmas’ greatest advantage going in to tonight is that people are so over Cody’s tyrannical reign of HOH they will vote against what he wants just because he wants it. I feel as though most of the house will not be surprised if Christmas does in fact stay. What will stir up immediate feelings is the numbers of the votes. We head directly into the next HOH and if things don’t fall how people anticipate this could be one heck of a battle for a week 2 HOH. Kevin will be the only one alongside Christmas (who likely will not be able to play) that wont hang in for the long haul. It’s sounding like an endurance comp since BB has announced that the HOH competition will be shown live on the feeds. This leads me to believe that we will have battle of wills and Cody will be benched with nothing to do but stare at everyone…pretty much what he always does. At the end of week one the players in the best positions in the house are: Raven/Matt, (although Jillian has told the cameras that she’s coming for Matt). Kevin because everyone loves him and he can play off any backlash that may be directed at him if people feel he didn’t vote how they wanted. Finally, Dominique. Everyone generally likes and respects her. Josh has made it clear he wants to work with Christmas, Paul, and Dominique. Mark wants to weork with her. Paul and Christmas have done the damage control and emotional management with Josh the best they can but whenever he repeats who he trusts and wants to work with he does not get confirmatio form anyone. Less pressure more stroking because they understand how to manage him. Cody on the other hand just wants to bully people into doing what he expects without earning any respect or loyalty. In this game anything can happen. I expect tonight to be a roller coaster ride, just like this first week. Make sure to hold on to your tea cup until next time when I follow up after tonight’s live eviction and HOH competition with the next RealiTea Bites update!



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