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Everything posted by abdala

  1. Marty thanks so much. Yes, if that is what happened could see how it possibly would disrupt things. But a real BB player should realize that many things can be yelled over during these games but seldom if ever are true. Still no excuse for Nat's cruel treatment of James. She seems to be a vindictive little b----. Can't believe James is once again defending Nat saying she really is a sweet girl. But that is how James is, always being the defender and gentleman. But once this is over hopefully he will see what she is really like. When Nat exited and talked to Julie it seemed to me Nat was high and certainly enjoying being center of attention. Quite irritating really. And I was hoping there would be very little applause. The fact that she had spirited applause surprised me. Thanks again Marty !
  2. This finally has become an exciting battle. Is there any way Vic won't win veto Especially with all that is at stake here? Will James be shrewd enough not to spill the beans to Vic and Paul? Will Paul be able to sense that Nic and Corey have switched to James? Can't stand classless Paul but he does have gift of seeing thru people most often. He does deduce what people are thinking. Will be quite interesting. I have zero strategic thinking and so can only see James with either couple.
  3. Will someone please tell me what happened re Natalie getting upset with James due to a microphone or bull horn, or megaphone incident. It has been mentioned a few times and whatever happened they wonder if that is when Natalie began turning on James. Yikes ! If anyone knows of this incident please tell me as I am frustrated not knowing what happened there. Yes, I am now that obsessed with this game.
  4. Yes, agree, if James could pull out a win that would be wonderful. If he could end up F2 with Corey James would win it all. Then we would see Nat trying her best to pull him back in.
  5. I agree and I also felt like smacking her. I have been away from updates for few days. As I read yesterday's Vic and Paul asked James if his quarrels with Nat happened after 'the megaphone.' Any idea what that was about?
  6. If only James could win HOH and put Paul/Nic on block. If only, then I would be so thankful that James would get some redemption. I simply cannot stand Paul, and this year Nic is getting on my nerves. And so, if tables turned on F4 plan I would be ecstatic. If not, ugh!
  7. OMG, I did not see her go into detail re Corey and wanting Vic. Now I see why so many cant stand her. I feel so sorry for James. He (and I) thought she had real feeling for James. Glad you told me you were from Jersey. Sorry that I was making general statement re girls from Jersey. I was repeating what Paulie had said. Good to know most people in Jersey aren't like those 2. (I love Maryland, my grandkids live there) Re Nic. Last time I liked her, she seemed sweet and kind, and having fun with Hayden. But this year, as I watched her with Corey, once again in bed cuddling and even more so and not involved very much in game. The game she played was immediately run to everyone telling them everything others told her and now she runs to Paul (Ugh,how could she?) and Vic. AND for being naïve (stupid) to fall for the plan Paul came up with, to be nice and friendly to everyone to let them think they (Paul and Vic) liked them. I just don't understand how she could overlook Paul's IN HER FACE RAGE/ATTACK (in capitals because that is how he was screaming) and fall for it and allow them to control her moves. But we all have our favs and those we don't care for. As I said in past I liked her but this year am disappointed and confused re her actions.
  8. Wow wow wow !! I am so pi++++ with Nat. She turns out to truly be a wench, or worse. To tell James that she wont talk to him if he decides to join forces with Nicoley? (If James ends up staying and she gets evicted) Please James, finally see and get the b++++ to realize and remember what she said to you last night. And she continued her brain washing throughout the night. And after he tells her he is shocked re her statements she continues, in more subtle (?) way to remind him that Nicoley is reason she is up and that he should tell them that he should put them up and tell them it is in retribution for what they did to Natalie. And repeating that scenario over and over and over ! I hate to admit to this but seems Paulie was right !! She spit James out as Paulie said Jersey girls will do. On the positive side I must say Nat does have strong intuition and can see that Nicoley and Paul want her evicted and to keep James. And this is what they are planning. She does seem to be able to think things thru. And certainly she is bitter re James urging her to have faith in Nicorey and also was angry when he threw comp to Nicole. But her vindictiveness toward James if he dares to join Nicorey by never speaking to him again shows her true character. Hope she doesn't think she will be AFP.
  9. Do you remember what season she was on? I should do that and get to see what the really strong women can do. Did she win?
  10. Agree with all you said. Yes, must say Paul plays the game and does read into peoples weak spots. And he goes in with a vengeance. He told Vic they must go after Nat to keep her upset/nervous. And today she mentioned that one guy was coming after her again. James told her to ignore him when James is gone. I have been thinking that Vic might get an alliance with Nat as she would certainly be no threat if at F2. But agree that Paul has been playing the game with focus and determination. He advises Vic re how to act among others, as re Nicorey to be nice/friendly to gain their trust, and now to go after Nat keep her off guard. But his grossness and cursing and rages/attacks cause me to think less of his game and certainly less re his character. I hope he doesn't win, of the 2 hope Vic wins. Certainly don't want Nicorey to win anything.
  11. I did not see her speak of her boyfriend. must have taken dogs out? Did not see Frank do imitation. Can't stand him but he can be funny. Quite a mix of personalities in that guy. Someone wondered if she really has a boyfriend? I mean could a woman act that way if she had a boyfriend? But then there was Christine, married and hung onto Cody throughout. And her husband didn't seem to mind?!
  12. Yay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hear that. Well evil Paul said if James wins veto, he will use it on Nat ++ 'just so he can win AFP' ++. And I do believe Paul is evil, cruel, heartless, etc., and in this case makes a determination about James based on his (Paul's) own perspective of what he would do to win AFP. That is how Paul's mind works, what to do or say to get what you want. Perfect case of pathological liar IMO. But sadly usually they do end up with all the money.
  13. LOL. As a new BB viewer (this my 3rd season) the only 'strong' player I remember is Derrick from what I have seen. I didn't like him very much BUT his game was strong, unrelenting, brilliant in that he always took that weak demeanor and never came out to say who he wanted out but convinced the person he was talking to that it was their idea. Certainly due to his law enforcement training which no one was aware of til after game ended. Other than that no one else stands out.
  14. I agree. Wonder how she will feel when she sees herself acting the fool with Frank? She probably won't see her actions with him as weak/stupid/idiotic. But hope she see it.
  15. Another brilliant idea !! And I am serious, why not give out Punishments also ? We all can build hostility toward some players and voting punishments might be a great way for viewers to show our dislike of one's actions.. Like take away someone's vote or chance to play next comp or just make them be Have Not additional week ? Some great ideas for BB from viewers IMO. And if they had Punishment Awards (the 'P' awards) this season each time someone made lewd remarks toward women then comes a punishment and why, or each time someone is totally self absorbed, they get a 'P' award, and also even for lack of game play, the "P" award might lite fire under that person's butt and get them busy thinking about game play? But, IMO, a "P" award for getting into a time wasting showmance that takes your focus off the real prize. But for legality reasons the "P" awards might not be feasible?
  16. Brilliant thought Princess. BB might be wise to consider that for next year. Certainly will solve the showmance issue for once.
  17. So agree. I will never forget, after B saying she would 'get even' with person who put Bronte on block, when Frank admitted he did it, she looked up at him when laying on his chest and said something like 'Frank is right and knows what should be done' with that sick little girl adoring look in her eyes. Ugh !! How can a grown woman giggle and jump around like a 5 year old? But them after her prince is gone, take on persona of a strong fearless woman ? How does that happen? Really the women this season were so very weak when it came to the men.
  18. Please refresh my memory, what is/was Pablo ?
  19. Your first paragraph is Paul in HIS mind only. Is he the most irritating player ever? Maybe BB needs a new 'gift' to the Most Irritating Player Ever, the MIPE award. A lump of coal maybe?
  20. I agree. As I am only 3rd year viewer, I don't think in these years there were as many disgusting foul mouthed gross guys as this year. Sad really.
  21. Dear BB, If you want to keep your audience you'd better get more strong willed women who won't come in looking for love. This is a game, and we need to see women who definitely want to fight to win. Not these soft little weak princesses. We've seen enough of them at this point. And I wish you would advise men in future seasons that some talk is inappropriate as many young kids watch and women viewers are offended (at least this one has been). These guys were so vulgar. They have been very demeaning to women in their stories and references. You would think they would have enough class to know what is not appropriate but for these men seems this season not the case. James is the only guy who did not use such language/words/references.
  22. Must say, Paul is so very shrewd. Remember how he told Vic to say things to upset people before comps? Well saying C word, he knows, Nic hates. And so that was his intent. Throw her off balance so that she is more easily controlled. As Alinsky said in Rules for Radicals (in my words) throw everything you know that will upset them as that is when you can control them. Works for societies and people. Can't stand him.



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