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About daviesallison1

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. 9:20 AM BBT Fishes are here and it's time to wake up . 9:55 AM BBT Clay is awake making a omelte in the KT. 9:57 AM BBT John and Jason are talking in the BY.
  2. 8:31 AM BBT We see Meg and Jason talking in the BR. 8:32 AM BBT We see Austin and Liz in the HOH bed . 8:34 AM BBT Austin is taking up the hole bed and Liz is falling off the HOH bed.
  3. 9:51 AM BBT We see the fishes and i'm thinking its wake up time .
  4. 9:22 AM BBT The feeds are off and its time to wake up. 9:39 AM BBT Jason , Becky and John are in the BY talking . 9:41 AM BBT James , Clay and Vanessa are talking in the KT. 9:43 AM BBT Audrey walks into the KY talking to Clay , James and Vanessa.
  5. 8:11 AM BBT Fish for a second and now the feeds are back everyone is still asleep . 8:18 AM BBT Some people are awake . 8:21 AM BBT John is awake going to the SR getting batteries. 9:45 AM BBT The feeds are off and its wake up time . 10:16AM BBT Jason is in BY deep in though he looks like he has a really bad hangover. 10:24 AM BBT Shelli is in WA couch talking to Clay
  6. 8:45 AM BBT The feeds go off 8:55 AM BBT The feeds are back everyone is awake and now we see Clay and Jason in the BR. 8:56 AM We see Steve in the KR alone . 8:59 AM We see Meg ,Clay and Jason in the BR just talking . 9:01 AM We hear Liz saying that Be our guest is stuck in her head at the WA. 9:03 AM Liz saying that their are stuck in inside . 9:07 AM She still is in the WA talking to Meg about what is going on today . 9:53 AM BBT Liz is making breakfast in the KR and now Shelli , Audrey walk in to go outside and see that the doors are locked . 10:26 AM BBT The feeds are off . 10:37 AM BBT The feeds are back up and we Austin and Jeff talking in the WA. 10:38 AM BBT Everyone is awake .
  7. 8:50 AM BBT Austin is awake going to the bathroom. 9:02 AM BBT Fishes are back . 9:09 AM BBT Julia is talking to Shelli and Clay in the HOH . 9:12 AM BBT Shelli is so excited that Julia told her in the HOH. 9:21 AM BBT Julia telling Shelli and Clay about that she and her sister voted and the fishes are back. HOH. 9:33 AM BBT Austin is now finding out from Vanessa .
  8. 5:55 AM BBT We see Steve in the BR brushing his teeth and washing his hands. 5:57 AM BBT Steve is in the BY alone talking to us about the compettions he has to win and now talking to us about the alliance and the problems it has. 5:59 AM BBT Steve telling us about how he feels bad about hurting and da . 6:00 AM BBT Steve is still BY deciding about he should trust in the game . 6:01 AM BBT Steve is talking about Becky being in a strange postion . 6:03 AM BBT Now he is talking about how much he hates the Jackie / Becky relationship and how Becky said some werid things about Jackie when she was HOH. 6:04 AM BBT More of him talking about the teaming up with Jason. 6:06 AM BBT More of Steve talking about his alliance and the Quackpack as well as him as comparing himself to Ian. 6:07 AM BBT More of him talking . 6:10 AM BBT He wants maintain relationships with everyone and when he is head of household he will nominate Audrey. 6:12 AM BBT He is so determined to win . 6:18 AM BBT Now Steve just gave himself a recap of the past weeks. 6:20 AM BBT Steve is going to bed. 6:22 AM BBT Steve , Jeff , Jason and Meg are fooling around talking and celebrating that its their last night in the HNR . 9:37 AM BBT Everyone is asleep . 9:47 AM BBT Fishes. Feeds are back 9:58AM John is in the BY alone . 9:59 AM Clay and Shelli are in the HOHR cuddling and then Clay gets called to the DR and Shelli is walking to get batteries . 10:01 AM Vanessa , Audrey and Shelli are talking in the LR. 10:16AM John , Jason and James are disscussing about HNR bed and how they hate it . 10:18 AM Now we hear Meg , Clay and Shelli talking about how worried they are about if Audrey was HOH in the BY and her spreading rumors. 11:23 AM BBT We see Clay , Shelli and Vanessa in the HOH talking about Audrey and how dangerous she is . 11:26 AM BBT Megan now joins Clay , Shelli and Vanessa in the HOH still talking about Audrey and Meg is really sad what Audrey did to her . 11:30 AM BBT Now Vanessa and Shelli are telling Meg not to campigan in the HOH.
  9. 9:06 AM BBT Everyone is alseep 9:46 AM BBT Wake up time we get fishes. 10:12 AM BBT We see Clay , Shelli and Vanessa in the KT talking about stuff . 10:16 AM BBT We see Vanessa , John , Clay and Shelli in the BY talking and fixing the curtin thing in the backyard . 11:19 AM BBT We see Austin and Vanessa talking clay throwing compettion's soon to keep Shelli safe. 11:20 AM BBT We see Jason hanging out in the LR couch waiting to see Liz/Julia . 11:28 AM BBT We see da in the BR brushing her hair . 11:30 AM BBT We da in the LR couch with Jason waiting for the twins to switch. 11:33 AM BBT da was just called to DR for something . 11:34 AM BBT We know see Jason in the backyard smoking. 11:36 AM BBT We know see Clay and Audrey playing a game of Pool in the BY talking about how they feel about each other. 11:38 AM BBT Clay and Audrey are fighting . 11 :40 AM BBT Now Audrey and clay are talking about trust and the lies she is causing. 11 :42 AM BBT Now Audrey is talking about that they will give Clay the knight and shining armor edit and Clay doesn't want that . 11 :43 AM BBT da is alone in the KT eating and now Jason walks in and says go in there god dammit it . Fishes 11:47 AM BBT Austin walks in to KT telling da he can't stay awake but slept great.
  10. 9:32 AM The feeds go off and i believe it's wake up time . 9:43 AM We see Vanessa , Jason ,John and Steve in the BY talking while Jason smokes. 9:46 AM We see Meg walking to the bathroom . 9:48 AM We see Audrey walking to the SR and getting new batteries and going back to BR. 9:56AM We see Austin brushing his teeth in the bathroom and now we see see Julia brushing her teeth to and now we see da also washing her hands. 9:59AM Now we see Meg ,Clay , Jason , Vanessa , John and Steve in the backyard talking about Meg's evicton speech in the backyard. 10:00 AM Jeff walks into the backyard wondering what's going on . 10:03 AM They are back in the CBR in bed. 10:08 AM da and jason are in the backyard talking. 10:14 AM Everybody is laying down in the CBR 10:25 AM Nothing good has happened . 10:51AM We see Meg and Clay in the KR talking and now shelli just walked in . 10:56 AM Meg , Shelli and Clay talking about cold showers in the KR. 11:32 The feeds go off and it's time for the twist or POV Cermony.
  11. 6:16 AM Jason , James are getting ready for bed in the (BR) in the dentist room then Meg wakes up talking if Shelli might nomminate Audrey . 6:20 AM Everybody is getting ready for bed and then we see the fish in the dark . 6:24 AM The feeds are back and now we see Clay and Shelli in the (HOH) talking about gameplay and the compettion. 6:25 AM Now we see Clay jumping into the (HOH) bed with Shelli and getting very cozy with each other now he is rubbing her head . 6:27 AM We see Clay and Shelli looking like they might kiss in the (HOH) room . 6:32 AM Now we see more Clay Shelli getting super close like really close and now see them about to kiss and then asking if Becky can stay in (HOH) . 9:48 AM Still sleeping 10:16 AM Wake up time we get the fishes . 10:29 AM We see Clay looking at himself in the mirror and also seeing John back in his favorite spot (BA) and also James . 10 :32 AM We see James getting dressed in the have not room and talking to jeff about Da'vonne knowing that she is going home. 10:37 AM Clay , James and John are at the (BA) and yes Clay is still looking at himself in the mirror and also John is in his favorite spot again . 10:39 AM Clay still is at the mirror . 10:40 AM More shots of Clay near the mirror. 10:45 AM Now we get a shot of Shelli in the (HOH) with the lights on . 10:46 AM Shelli and Clay are flirting in the (HOH) . 10:52AM - 10:53AM James is back in the Have not room putting his clothes away and now is walking to the SR and now is walking to the bathroom again. 10:55 AM More of James and his adventures . 10:59AM Meg and James are talking about the amount of pillows he used and now Jason is kind of awake but then Meg went back to sleep in the have not room. 11:00 AM Were still in the have not room and now the subject is snoring . 11:15 AM We see Clay giving Shelli a wake up jump in the (HOH). 11:17 AM We see Clay kind of jumping on the couch with the remote while eating Lucky Charms then he jumps off and now is back on the couch and then them talking about the wake up songs and saying that they played Friday then the feeds go off and then come back. 11:41 AM We see Julia awake all dressed and in the (BA) and getting called to the Da for the twin switch . 11:42 AM We now see more Clay and Shelli in the (HOH). 11:45 More Clay and Shelli stuff (HOH) talking about POV maybe and also the feeds go off. 11:47 Nothing good going on 11:58 AM Liz is back from the diary room . 12:00 PM Liz is now brushing her hair . 12:04 PM Liz is back in the kitchen doing the dishes and is very mad at how disgusting the dishes "Oh My God I can't breathe"! 4:32 PM We see Clay , Shelli , Meg, and John talking about her replacement nominne choices .
  12. 7:27 Am Everybody is still alseep in their BR 7:30 AM Still sleeping but Jace bangs his head on the Have Not room dentist chair . 7:31 AM Still Sleeping BR 9:00 AM Wake up time and the feeds go off. 9:18 AM Everyone is awake (Da) , Liz and Austin are all brushing their teeth talking about last night . 9:20 AM Becky and Jackie are making the bed and then going back in . BR 9:21 AM Austin is brushing his hair then he is just looking down at something . 9:24 AM Austin is now straighting his hair while talking to Johnny about the prom . 9:25 AM Meg , Jason and (da) are talking about the takeover and who is coming and wanting Julia Chen or Martha Stewart to come and cook because Becky has cooked all week in the (BR) . 9:27 AM Clay is awake and he is in the mirror looking at himself then the Live Feeds go off . 9:30 AM (da) is talking about the promo and the commercials for big brother . 9:32 AM Meg , Jason and (da) are talking about the equipment in the house and weird things as well in the house (BR) . 9:36 AM Meg , Jason and (da) talking about if the prom will be showed or not . (BR) 9:40 AM Meg , Jason and (da) talking about country music and Meg not understanding it at all . (BR) 9:42 AM John still chilling at the bathroom and playing with his legs . 9:45 AM Liz and Austin in the kitchen talking about both getting betrayed by Jace again (KT ). 9:49 AM Liz and Austin in the kitchen talking about things . 10:00 AM John is still in the couch in fettle postion near the bathroom . 10:02 AM Liz saying thank you for the Chinese Food and saying that (da) loved it and everyone is happy in the kitchen. 10 : 04 AM Liz telling Vanessa about her family background in the kitchen . 10:07 AM John talking to Audrey about her behavior in the past couples days in the (HOH BATHROOM) 10:14 AM James , (da) and Liz are in the kitchen talking about someones picture being black and all three of them sitting on the (DT) . 10:19 AM Now they are talking about their pictures and how Austin's , Jason and James pictures are very funny and still sitting on the (DT) and we see Austin working out in the living room . 10:28 AM (da) and James are still at the (DT) planning there game and worrying that Austin might actually hear them planning the eviction votes. 10:35 Am Da'Vonne and James are still hanging out by (DT) and now Austin just walked in and now Da'Vonne is telling Austin you lost weight since we have been here . 10 : 37 AM Vanessa and John are talking about being starved for 7 days because of being on slop (HOHR) and the live feeds go off . 11:00 AM Da'Vonne is laying on the couch and now we get moved to the storage room with Audrey and Jace and then Audrey says thank you to Jace . 11:02 AM Becky finally gets out of bed and now walking to the kitchen (BR and Kr). 11:03 AM Meg is still in bed with Jace and Audrey is acting very quiet and now saying trash bags (BR). 11:07 AM Now we see the Tres amigos talking in the hammock room about votes and Austin trying to save Jace. 11:11 AM James is enjoying his last morning as HOH in the (HOH ). 11:13 AM Chef Clay is making himself eggs and jace walks in into the kitchen trying to talk to Clay (DT) . 11:14 AM Meg and Audrey are walking to the kitchen and we see Shelli giving Audrey the death stare and then Meg leaves and now Audrey is alone. 11:16 AM The big alliance is back in the (HOH ) room having a meeting and now becky walks in then the feeds go off. The Feeds are down now showing highlights . 2:00 PM Everyone is getting get dressed and james is shaving clays hair . 2:06 PM Clay is getting a haircut still and we see Audrey curling her hair . 7:12 PM We see (da) and jason prepping for dinner in the (DT). 7:14 PM We see Jackie , Clay , Jackie , Meg and Vanessa talking about the compettion in the (LR).



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