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  1. Moot point now, but was anyone else surprised at how poorly Paul did at answering the jury questions? I think he only got 2 of 7. I thought he would have been much better at that competition then Josh, so a surprise to see he failed. Or did BB feed him some wrong answers to intentionally create more drama for us viewers...??
  2. Paul's BB behavior scares me. Maybe he's different in real life, we can only hope. Otherwise, given how good he is at completely controlling others behaviors and actions and not allowing them to think for themselves, in just the right circumstances he could have the potential to become our next Charles Manson or Jim Jones. I know that's a stretch, and unfair since I don't know the guy, but his actions this season totally give me the creeps.
  3. Or maybe this jury is so dumb they will think Paul is lying when he tells them all his big game moves. He has gone to great efforts to tell those just-evicted that it "wasn't him", and tell everyone he thinks he was "this-close to being back-doored" and that he "didn't know what Christmas wasn't going to do", etc. Even in his good-bye to Jason, he was still playing the surprised-at-the-outcome victim. What if he's played the "I don't know what's going on" card too well, and made them all believe they were the masterminds of their own games, and they don't buy his version? That would be so hilarious!!
  4. Here’s my wish list for how this bummer of a season ends: Alex out next. Christmas out after that. Just nasty, mean girls, hard to watch and not good role models. Josh takes out Paul at #3, so Paul gets no prize money (and CBS does NOT give him AFP as consolation). Final 2 of Josh and Kevin. Kevin for the win just because he somehow managed to take all the bullying and shunning and not kill one of these idiots. I can’t condone Josh’s bad/crazy behaviors, but am ok with him getting 2nd out of who’s left mostly because I think he is still young, immature, and easily manipulated. Hopefully, he will learn something about himself from this experience and grow to become a better person. No doubt Paul masterfully outplayed everyone, but HOW he did it through threats, isolation, and bullying sucked most of the enjoyment out of BB for me this year, and I can’t forgive him for that.
  5. CBS used to run similar wording in the ending credits of the show. I specifically looked for that wording again recently, but didn’t see it. Think I first noticed it during Frankie’s season when I was so annoyed with how he kept managing to stay in the house. That statement about the show being “for entertainment purposes” clearly gives BB the ability to try to manipulate houseguests, rig contests, play favorites or otherwise do whatever they can to keep the most annoying, disliked, controversial, (or sometimes most beloved) characters in the house ‘cause that’s who everyone will be talking about and that generates ratings. As long as CBS continues to give the average casual viewer clever heroes and maddening villains to cheer for/against, and cast controversial idiots to keep the more savvy live-stream viewers engaged in on-line commentary, we will probably just get more of the same. That said, I do think this season unexpectedly went south for them early on…instead of getting entertaining characters with well-thought strategies and epic battles, we got one clever dictator with a 3-week pass, maybe 2 other potential decent players, and a whole bunch of useless, mean-spirited lumps too lazy to even try to think on their own. Hopefully CBS will tweak something in their processes to give us a better season next year.
  6. It’s a slow day, have some random thoughts to get off my chest. It’s bugged me since the start of this season how many showmances there were and how quickly they were established. Plus, I remember Jillian saying she wanted a showmance, and I think Josh said that too. I’m more than a bit suspicious that BB offered some extra monetary incentive for the houseguests to get into a showmance. Either $x amount per week they remain in the game as a couple, or maybe only if they make it to the final together. I don’t mind ONE entertaining hook-up, but this season was ridiculous and to me, it was really, really boring. Matt & Raven especially puzzle me…they rarely get any screen time and don’t seem at all interested in playing the game of Big Brother. Guess I’m just trying to justify why 3 couples that don’t seem like good matches hooked up so fast and have stayed together.
  7. I've lost track of how much money Derrick/Donnie/Frankie have won for the America's Player tasks so far. Does anyone have a total? And they get to keep what they've won regardless of if they get sent to jury, right?



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