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About JackyStacky

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  1. #BB15 11:00pm BBT: Jessie/Elissa in KT talking about targets for next week. Jessie is afraid she'll go up every week as a pawn. in BY the guys have all been drinking for McCrae's "Bachelor party". Helen/Candice/Amanda also outside. GM/Aaryn in HOHR sleeping #BB15 11:10pm BBT: Andy is telling the BY group a ghost story- he's been talking about all day- He says he's in bed in the rainbow room, it was a dark and stormy night.. He hears a voice "Who stole my chicken cutlet t*****", keeps hearing it get closer and closer. And then the voice is right outside... The door creaks open, "And then there's Candice and she f#### me".. They all laugh (Candice is there as well) #BB15 11:14pm BBT: Andy/Spencer/McCrae all go into DR together, they're quite drunk. #BB15 11:28pm BBT: Andy: "Let's have some real talk... Who do we miss the most that left?" BY crew all say "none of them". They basically said that as long as it's not them, they're ok with it. All, also, agree that Howard is a great guy, but he needed to go. #BB15 11:31pm BBT: Andy/Spencer/Amanda/McCrae in BY say "Helen is the Jerry of our season" Andy hopes they portray her that way "with her husband who has Alzheimer's..." #BB15 11:32pm BBT: Elissa/Jessie/Helen/Candice in KT talking about TV shows #BB15 11:37pm BBT: Andy: "Elissa and I are the new Chill Town, I don't know why we haven't gotten a joint DR yet" #BB15 11:40pm BBT: "Team Bachelor Party" (McCrae, Spencer, Judd, Andy) all decide they're going to wake up Aaryn/GM.. after Judd finishes his cigarette (we'll see) #BB15 11:44pm BBT: Amanda/Candice in WA- Amanda says "sometimes I can just snap, and I am sorry" Candice: "It's ok doll, I apologize as well" #BB15 11:47pm BBT: Most HGs are in a line for the toilet. Elissa is giving Jessie nutrition/fitness tips in KT. #BB15 11:52pm BBT: McCrae/Judd up to no good in the back bedroom.. It looks like they're trying to make another fake person sleeping under the covers out of pillows in Candice's bed. Laughing and joking around. #BB15 11:59pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae cuddling/kissing in cockpit. Helen/Jessie playing pool #BB15 12:01am BBT: Helen says to Jessie "I keep thinking about what you and I were talking about earlier.. I just don't want to make the wrong move". (about evicting Amanda). Jessie says she thinks she'd put her up next week, and "they already put me up week 1. Why would I protect her?... And everybody tells her everything". They say they've never talked to Andy about it. Jessie says they only make enemies out of GM and McCrae. Jessie says she feels threatened by Amanda and thinks people are scared of her. Helen asks how Elissa feels about it, and Jessie says she feels similiar. #BB15 12:06am BBT: Helen says there are more targets upstairs, just 1 of them won HOH this week. Helen wasn't sure, because they kept Aaryn, how much they really wanted to keep her. Gina Marie walks out, so I'm sure this conversation is stalled for now #BB15 12:11am BBT: Drunk McCrae/Spencer are gobbling cookies that Amanda made. Drinking milk out of wine glasses #BB15 12:19am BBT: The guys still scarfing cookies, Jessie/Amanda in the cockpit too. Andy has passed out in a matter of seconds, then they woke him up. Helen is staring at the memory wall- deep in thought
  2. #BB15 6:00pm BBT: Helen/Gina Marie in HOHR talking about the POV fight earlier. Gina Marie says Candice started it. Helen says both were in the wrong, Helen says she told Amanda that she shouldn't have gone after her and asked her to talk privately later. Helen "Even McCrae told Amanda to shut up.. When America sees that scene, Amanda is going to look as guilty as Candice" #BB15 6:02pm BBT: Amanda telling Elissa/Aaryn/Andy/Spencer/McCrae the rules of her punishment "50 shades of orange": mystic tan will be outside, no one else can use it, will go over the next 48 hours. Big goggles (cut to FOTH before we hear the rest of the rules) #BB15 6:13pm BBT: Still FOTH #BB15 6:15pm BBT: Feeds back. Aaryn/McCrae in HOHR. Aaryn laying in HOH bed. Helen/Elissa/Spencer/Andy in KT general chit-chat. #BB15 6:19pm BBT: Candice gets called to DR. McCrae/GM/Aaryn getting the TV ready because they're excited for her clown costume. Andy comes in too and says "yay! She's in the DR". They think she's gonna flip out #BB15 6:23pm BBT: Elissa in KT talking to Helen saying she's jealous of Amanda's punishment "it's not even a punishment. She gets to spray tan. All day" #BB15 6:30pm BBT: Andy/Spencer go to the couches to have a front row seat of Candice in the Clownie-tard. HOH crew watching on TV, Spencer moons the camera #BB15 6:38pm BBT: GM/Aaryn in HOH, watching the camera waiting for Candice to come out of DR. GM: "Want to make some popcorn?" Aaryn: "OMG that would be so rude.. Let's do it! and go downstairs" GM: "Well I want to watch it from up here" Aaryn: "But I want her to see us eating popcorn bc it's so rude". GM: "Should I bring Nick [picture].. come on Nick!" #BB15 6:49pm BBT: Spencer/Andy talking about how they've never seen anyone actually fighting during a comp, afterwards- but not during. Spencer doesn't know how it'll make TV because they both said so many dirty things, they don't know how they'll clean it up #BB15 6:55pm BBT: Spencer/Andy/Aaryn/Judd on LR couches, they thought they heard Candice coming out and saying something about a nose. They all laugh. Aaryn thinks she's about to be punched in the face. Andy: "This is the most excited I've been in 3 weeks" #BB15 6:58pm BBT: Candice comes out in a Blue/yellow clownitard, with a little polka dot skirt, a clown wig, and a red nose. They told her she can take breaks from the nose bc she can't breathe out of it. She said it's too big, so they will make her another one
  3. #BB15 3:00pm BBT: Amanda reading bible in HN. McCrae comes in to join her. He's saying that Judd told him he's not MVP and never has been. Judd just wants their loyalty. McCrae going over votes: Aaryn, McCrae, Andy vote to save Amanda, GM breaks the tie to evict Candice #BB15 3:02pm BBT: Andy joins HN room. Amanda says "I know you guys are right, I shouldn't have said anything". Elissa/Judd come in- Judd says he swears to God he's not MVP. Amanda says she believes him, she's just been on the block for 2 weeks from an anoynmous person and she's freaking out. Elissa/Andy joking back and forth saying Elissa has MVP still. Andy says "us + Helen just need to stick together.. Candice is leaving this week and it's going to be a 7-0 vote" #BB15 3:05pm BBT: Aaryn/Spencer/Jessie/GM/Helen in HOHR. Saying Amanda does not handle the block well. Sounds like GM has to wear a dogsuit, Amanda has some sort of 48-hour tanning punishment from veto- Candice has to wear a clown suit, Judd won $5,000 #BB15 3:08pm BBT: McCrae/Amanda/Andy/Elissa in HN room. Elissa is trying to get Spencer evicted, and Candice to stay. McCrae/Andy are pretty much shooting that down. Amanda is keeping quiet. McCrae says they need to apease GM and evict Candice. Andy agrees and says that's another person going against them. Andy says "if we evict Candice, we gain no enemies... If we keep Candice, we gain 2 enemies (Aaryn/GM)" #BB15 3:13pm BBT: Helen joins HN- Andy/McCrae giving Amanda the spiel and telling her to keep her mouth shut. Helen says "of course, it's not even a question" about evicting Candice. Elissa still trying to see if they can evict Spencer. Helen saying that Amanda did tell Candice she thought Judd was MVP. Helen doesn't think he is MVP this week, she thinks Candice is. #BB15 3:18pm BBT: Helen: "I'll talk to Elissa, tell her she has no targets on her right now, if she votes to save Candice this week she'll have 7 instant targets" #BB15 3:19pm BBT: Elissa talking to Judd in WA- saying that other people think he's after her. She won't tell him who, she is trying to make sure he's not aligned with Spencer. #BB15 3:27pm BBT: Andy/Candice in back bedroom. Candice saying that Amanda was being really insensitive in the comp, making deals in the middle of the comp. Andy says he knows, and told Amanda he didn't like what she did. Candice gets told to put on her mic- but Andy leaves so Candice can go back to sleep #BB15 3:31pm BBT: Elissa/Aaryn/Judd in KT, Elissa says that one day Rachel will come into the house (joking)- Aaryn says yeah, I know- but that would be exciting for me, even if she doesn't like me. Elissa says she'll take out Aaryn's hair extensions "just kidding" #BB15 3:36pm BBT: Aaryn/Amanda talking in HN room (Spencer/MCCrae also there). Aaryn asks Amanda if she's crying bc of the veto or the fight. Amanda says the fight, she says she looks like a bully and she can't control her mouth. Aaryn says not to worry about it, Candice started it, everyone heard Candice talking S***.. Amanda says she felt the need to defend herself when she feels someone is attacking her. #BB15 3:43pm BBT: Amanda/Aaryn still talking about the fight. Amanda says that she doesn't physically fight, so she fights with her words. Once she feels attacked she thinks of the harshest things she can possibly say. Spencer says Candice has an infuriating way of fighting where you just want to smack her. #BB15 3:45pm BBT: Judd brings McCrae into cockpit. Judd is worried about Amanda not trusting him. McCrae says she definitely does, but it's her 2nd week on the block so she's upset. Judd wonders why Amanda is so upset when she's safe. McCrae says she's not upset about the comp anymore- she's upset about the fight and how she looks. Judd says Candice started it all. According to Judd Candice said "Amanda/McCrae are coming after you and think you're MVP. Wait a minute, I take that back- it's just Amanda" #BB15 3:50pm BBT: Helen/Jessie in cockpit. Jessie wants to know about next week, bc she feels she'll go up again next week. Helen says she'll confide in Jessie- although she's kind of talking in circles, and I don't quite know what she's trying to say. Jessie says that McCrae told her that she'll probably go up again next week. Jessie says if she's not safe with the 7, then she needs to think about her plans for next week. Judd comes in and Jessie asks him to leave- he asks her to talk in a minute because he's getting concerned. Helen is hinting that she wants Aaryn out. Feeds cut to Candice/Elissa in SR. Candice says "America is going to think I'm such a B****" Elissa "I think Amanda may have trumped you on that a little bit" #BB15 3:56pm BBT: Gina Marie in bathtub with McCrae/Andy/Spencer around she is talking about her "fine guys" around her- "Just don't tell Amanda, or Marilyn" then looks at Andy "Well, you're a froot loop, so it doesn't matter... is that ok to say?" Andy: "uh yeah, it's ok" #BB15 3:58pm BBT: Aaryn/Amanda in bedroom. Aaryn says the only reason Elissa wants Candice to stay is so she can take them out #BB15 3:59pm BBT: Judd pacing around HOH.. he's VERY upset saying he got tricked. He's upset with Jessie, but not sure why
  4. #BB15 6:00pm BBT: Jessie/Gina Marie in HOHR. GM is comforting Jessie, letting her know she's just a pawn. She really doesn't like Candice, and wants her to go, no matter what. Judd talking to Candice in KT, sounds like GM had a harsh speech for the nominees, other HGs laughing about it. #BB15 6:03pm BBT: Jessie leaves, Gina Marie calls for Candice to join her- Candice whispers to Elissa (What more do you want to say?). Candice walks in and says "whoa that was kind of harsh!". GM says she doesn't like tattle-tales, from when Candice told Elissa she was talking bad about her. GM: "I don't like negative things and for rumors to get around. I really do think you're beautiful and a great person". #BB15 6:07pm BBT: Candice says Gina Marie is hypocritical. Candice says she's a mama cub to Elissa, so she went back and wanted to tell Elissa (this was going back to when Elissa made the comments about Amanda after McCrae's birthday). Candice said the only person's name she mentioned was Aaryn- no other names. #BB15 6:13pm BBT: Candice is crying, saying Gina Marie's speech was unjustified because she is loyal to Helen/Elissa, but she felt a bond with Howie. Candice says she was never with Amanda, she was close with Helen/Elissa. Saying that her and Amanda always bumped heads. #BB15 6:16pm BBT: Gina Marie saying she didn't tell anyone who to vote for- they can vote for who they like (this is a lie, she told everyone to evict Candice) #BB15 6:17pm BBT: Aaryn is talking to Jessie in back bedroom. Aaryn telling Jessie that she's not the target, she was only put up because she can beat Candice in POV. If Candice comes down, Spencer will go up and he will be the target. No way Jessie will go home. Aaryn says Jessie went up for 2 reasons- the blowup last night, and because she's strong. #BB15 6:22pm BBT: Aaryn telling Jessie that after this next HOH, it's the last one to not get blood on their hands. After that one, it will start getting really hard. She says herself and Gina Marie are at the bottom of the totem poll, and will keep going up until their out. Aaryn says the only reason she was even thought of to go up was because of what she did last night. Jessie thanks her for going to talk to her. #BB15 6:28pm BBT: McCrae/Andy in cockpit. Talking about Judd being MVP and how they hope he'll "come out with it" when he gets it again. Feeds cut to Judd going up to HOHR. He's listening to music. Aaryn still talking to Jessie, giving her tips to stay this week. Aaryn says she wants Candice gone more than anyone, and will make sure Jessie stays. #BB15 6:33pm BBT: Helen/McCrae/Andy in cockpit, Helen says she's worried about there being a split vote this week. Helen says if they vote to evict Jessie, but Aaryn evicts Candice- it will split them up. McCrae/Andy saying they need to stay loyal to Aaryn/GM and honor their wishes to evict Candice, they helped them a lot, plus they'll gain 2 allies. Helen looks uneasy and like she's about to say something, but Candice walks in and McCrae leaves. #BB15 6:39pm BBT: Aaryn telling Jessie that she can't take her down if she wins Veto. Aaryn suggests offering a deal to the 2 people who get picked, and see if they can take her down. Aaryn says she can't because Gina Marie will get upset #BB15 6:42pm BBT: Helen crying in cockpit to Candice about what Jessie said last night. (Jessie said that Helen/Elissa shouldn't win because they don't need the money.) Jessie told her afterwards the only reason she was upset because she wasn't invited to the BBQ #BB15 6:46pm BBT: Aaryn/Andy/Spencer/Judd in HOHR. Aaryn saw Helen crying in cockpit with Candice, she makes sure with Andy that Candice is definitely going home. Andy says, yes, whatever her and Gina Marie want will happen. #BB15 6:52pm BBT: Andy/Judd telling Aaryn that she's corrected her image and behavior. #BB15 6:53pm BBT: Andy: "I have no clue what America thinks about Candice" Aaryn: "They probably hate her, but not because she's...." (silence). Andy says they're not sure how Helen is portrayed, she could be shown as a nice mom that takes initiative, or as a crazy dictator #BB15 6:57pm BBT: Andy asks Spencer/Judd/Aaryn what they think America thinks of Elissa. Spencer thinks it's split. Aaryn says it depends on how she is in DR- if she's entertaining in DR then people will love her. Like she used to love Rachel. Gina Marie comes in and asks what they thought about her speech- too much or called it straight. I try to give a positive with a negative "You're beautiful, but you're a rat"
  5. #BB15 8:00pm BBT: Lots of hugs and celebration for Gina Marie winning HOH. She is teary, McCrae is drinking some gatorade. #BB15 8:03pm BBT: Gina Marie is the new HOH. The first 3 who dropped all got a 'prize'. Spencer got a megaphone, Helen got a BBQ, and Candice got $5,000 #BB15 8:08pm BBT: HGs are finally able to enter the house. Everyone filtering in. They're glad no have-nots this week. Helen says it's a good week for the wedding because everyone can celebrate #BB15 8:12pm BBT: Helen is "so excited" for Gina Marie. Says she always brings herself down, but she can do it and she proved it. McCrae getting into the shower. Amanda unpacking her bag. Lots of recaps/retells from HGs #BB15 8:14pm BBT: Amanda/Spencer have quick convo, she says she really appreciates his vote, and understands he had to do what he had to do, but she's not mad at him and knows he's a loyal person #BB15 8:25pm BBT: FOTH mixed with the normal Thursday night bed scramble. Gina Marie is letting Amanda/McCrae have her HOH bed tonight- so she gets to sleep in her original bed with Aaryn #BB15 8:31pm BBT: Gina Marie/McCrae/Helen/Aaryn in back bedroom. GM saying she's happy and she knew something good was going to happen today. Helen says "thank you for your vote", and she loves her loyalty. They're saying nice things about Howard, he's a good person, but he was already that hard to get out, so it would take even longer if he came off. Helen says she can only pick 3 people for the BBQ, Helen gave GM first dibbs on that- GM turned it down, because she doesn't eat much. GM suggested having a contest to pick the 3.. Helen decided that Aaryn and Elissa will have them, and the HGs will vie for the 3rd spot #BB15 8:39pm BBT: Judd says to Gina Marie/Aaryn/Andy "Do you think Jessie expects me to sleep with her?" GM: "Yes". Judd says he's trying to separate himself from her #BB15 8:42pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae think that Judd is going to come out and admit he has MVP this week, and tell everyone- and possibly nominate Jessie (They have been convinced the past few days that he's been MVP). McCrae says he went to GM before the eviction and said he was going to have her back, and they can work as a 2-way street. Amanda saying that her and Spencer had a moment, and things are good with them. Andy joins them- they think Candice and Jessie are going up this week #BB15 8:46pm BBT: McCrae (to Amanda) says he's worried that Aaryn will be up there all week. Amanda says she trusts Aaryn, and the F4 deal they made. McCrae nods his head no. Amanda doesn't think Gina Marie will nominate them this week. McCrae isn't sure. Says they need to be "Howard's" this week and stay on top of her right before she goes into DR to make her nominations so her mind doesn't get changed. #BB15 8:52pm BBT: Aaryn to Judd saying she wants Gina Marie to put Spencer up #BB15 8:57pm BBT: Andy/McCrae/Amanda in back bedroom. Andy is telling them that Jessie tried to switch the vote to get Amanda out. They are talking about who they think Gina Marie is going to put up.
  6. #BB15 2:27pm BBT: We are now over 3 hours into trivia. #BB15 3:28pm BBT: You guessed it... Still trivia. Rumors are circulating that tonight's HOH comp will be endurance, if that's true you won't want to miss all the action and it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net (New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!
  7. #BB15 8:00pm BBT: Judd to Amanda/McCrae in cockpit. Judd says once Howard and Candice go, they need to worry about getting other people out before Spencer, like Helen and Elissa. They all agree Helen scares them. Judd wants Helen out first before Elissa- Mccrae says Elissa first #BB15 8:09pm BBT: Candice/Howard talking about offers they can make to Helen. Candice says it's hurtful that Jessie wants to go with the house, after crying when Howard was nom'd. #BB15 8:17pm BBT: Judd (to Amanda in cockpit) saying that Helen is freaking him out and that she does too many unncessary things. Back in HN room, Howard says he doesn't feel like he's going home. #BB15 8:24pm BBT: Howard is making his way up to HOHR. Andy/Helen/Aaryn/Gina Marie/Jessie are up there. Just chatting #BB15 8:27pm BBT: Amanda asks Judd: "Do you think I'm going home this week?" He says no, he would tell her, and who she needs to talk to. But says, again, that Helen needs to go soon. Saying she is making side deals with everyone #BB15 8:34pm BBT: Goof Troop in cockpit. The guys think Howard has coup d'tat. Amanda is saying that he definitely doesn't have it, and listing reasons... He made the speech yesterday and seems scared. Andy thinks it might be Elissa and she's throwing the blame, but they don't think she's that smart. Lots of back and forth speculation #BB15 8:45pm BBT: "no signal" written on feeds. Never seen this before..
  8. #BB15 7:02pm BBT: Still FOTH.. Do you #BB15 Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net (New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV! #BB15 7:23pm BBT: Feeds back. Spencer won POV #BB15 7:24pm BBT: Spencer/Howard/Candice in HN room. Spencer says he went off on McCrae- said he's playing stupid. Mccrae said "Howard took the first shot at Amanda". Spencer tells Howard/Candice that he told McCrae that Howard isn't MVP and needs to think out of the box.. Spencer: "You know what we've got to do now. We need to make this happen. Y'all know what we need to do- we have the votes: Helen, Elissa, GM, Me, and maybe Andy". Candice needs to try and figure out how not to get put on the block. Candice needs to talk to Helen. Amanda/Helen/Andy in SR, Helen saying she'll tell Aaryn to put up Candice- but tell Candice she didn #BB15 7:28pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae/Aaryn in HOHR. They're listing the reasons why Candice should go up on the block. McCrae says Spencer is mad at him, for telling Spencer he needs to win veto for himself". They are saying how this couldn't be better because they want Howard out. Aaryn says "All he needs is 4 votes, and I will vote to evict him" #BB15 7:31pm BBT: Aaryn: "Candice is going to go on the block, and she's going to say it's because Howard and her are both black and she's racist". #BB15 7:32pm BBT: Candice: "The only way Amanda will get evicted is if Helen/Elissa are on board, that way Jessie will follow suit and so will Andy" #BB15 7:34pm BBT: Helen in HOHR w/ Aaryn/Amanda/McCrae/Andy- Helen saying that she told Candice she'd try to fight for her, so she's just putting it out there. Aaryn says that Candice is coming after her no matter what, Elissa promised her safety if she stays off the block, GM is on her side- so it makes sense for Candice to go up. Helen says that's fine, she doesn't care as long as Amanda doesn't go home. Helen says Howard hasn't done anything to help any of them in this game, so he needs to go #BB15 7:28pm BBT: Candice telling Howard that she's trying to figure out the connection between Helen/Elissa/Amanda/McCrae. Howard says "When did Helen become ruler of this game?" He wants to know if people are scared. Candice going through the whole game in how Amanda concoted every plan. She says that when Helen became HOH the house split. Candice says "Jessie is up Amanda's ass". Says "Helen got Jessie and Andy riled around her". They don't know what's going on with Judd. They seem to be realizing that Helen has a lot of power and has made lots of deals with people #BB15 7:44pm BBT: Judd/Spencer in bedroom. Judd says he wanted Spencer to win because he knew he really wanted to win something. Judd thought that a girl was going win, because girls are better with puzzles. It sounds like Amanda was very close to winning #BB15 7:48pm BBT: Judd and Spencer talking about only 3 more evictions until jury. #BB15 7:53pm BBT: Jessie/Candice in WA. Jessie says she wants to just go with the house and not make waves. Jessie says that Amanda scares her, but she's afraid to say that now. #BB15 7:56pm BBT: Candice reports back her conversation with Jessie to Howard.. They don't like that everyone is controlled by Helen. Jessie/Judd in WA- Jessie retelling her side of the convo. Jessie says she had major attitude, and she's afraid that she's going to go and tell Amanda what she was saying about her last week. Judd says Amanda wouldn't care. Then Judd says to just deny it or that she agreed to it bc she didn't know what else to do.
  9. #BB15 6:00pm BBT: Helen and Elissa in HOH bed. Helen asking if, when she was MVP, did she get called to the DR a lot. Elissa says yes. Helen is saying they should lay low- there are a lot of targets up ahead of them. She doesn't know if winning HOH next week is good or bad. Elissa says she has to try and win it because she can't play in veto. Judd/McCrae whispering in bedroom. Judd is saying that Howard/Candice may be better targets than Spencer, because Spencer will just be a lost puppy.\ #BB15 6:08pm BBT: Helen says Spencer needs to go home. Elissa says he's a joke and they could beat him in everything. #BB15 6:12pm BBT: Judd comes up with a plan- he wants McCrae to distract Howard, while Judd looks through his stuff (I believe for a Diamond POV, or some other power). McCrae doesn't seem quite onboard with the plan, but suggests he gets Andy to talk to him to distract him #BB15 6:15pm BBT: Judd goes to HOH w/ Elissa and Helen. He says he's starting to really dislike Candice. Helen says she's starting to dislike Spencer. Judd says he normally likes everyone and starts out on good terms, but Candice is bugging him. Elissa says she's the opposite. She feels people need to earn her liking them #BB15 6:33pm BBT: Judd goes out to BY joining Kaitlin, Amanda, McCrae, and Gina Marie. Judd says "this isn't our game" and then they start speculating about MVP. Amanda wonders again if it was America who voted- Kait doesn't think America would vote for Elissa. Amanda says that Judd looks like he knows who it is. Judd says he'd get expelled if he says what he thinks. #BB15 6:36pm BBT: Judd (about Candice) "She's a scrubby ass- B****" #BB15 6:41pm BBT: Amanda/Judd in SR, Judd is very paranoid/pacing. He says he needs his medicine. Amanda tells him to go get it, that he's acting funny and his eyes are dilated. He asks her not to tell anybody #BB15 6:47pm BBT: Amanda "I don't know how people can drive with their knees" Gina Marie "I do when I text" #BB15 6:50pm BBT: Elissa sitting at the KT table, eating. Giving Howard the silent treatment, except when she said "EXCUSE ME". #BB15 6:55pm BBT: Amanda/Gina Marie in BY talking about Candice. GM is calling her a rat. Amanda is saying she's an instigator and a troublemaker.
  10. #BB15 8:13pm BBT: Elissa/Candice in havenot room. It seems Elissa is still upset about the possibility of America voting her on the block #BB15 8:33pm BBT: Aaryn/Spencer alone in BY. Aaryn says it surprises her that no one has asked Spencer who he's voting for. Spencer says no one has talked to him about the votes at all. Aaryn wonders if people are purposely keeping him out of the loop to make him a target. Spencer asks who she'd put up if she won HOH- Aaryn makes him promise not to tell anyone, but she says she might throw it. But if she does happen to win it, she wouldn't put Spencer/Howard up. After lots more promising not to tell anyone what she says- Spencer promises not to. Just as Aaryn is about to say who she'd want out, a bunch of people come outside and their convo gets interrupted. #BB15 8:42pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae taking a bubble bath in HOHR. Amanda is trying to figure out how big of a target she is. Helen/Andy on hammock talking about her decision to go on BB #BB15 8:54pm BBT: McCrae says he's afraid to say anything bad about Elissa, because America votes for MVP, and doesn't want it to come back to him. Amanda says she doesn't understand how there's no concept of loyalty to them for keeping her. She doesn't understand why Elissa would be so malicious and nasty to her. Amanda says Aaryn doesn't even talk badly about Elissa anymore, but Elissa keeps talking about Aaryn
  11. #BB15 7:00pm BBT: Jessie and Aaryn whispering in WA. Jessie is talking about her conversation with Helen and Elissa. Helen wants to keep Aaryn, but Elissa doesn't want to for personal reasons. Aaryn says "it's only one vote", but Jessie says that she gets the feeling that if Elissa isn't on board, Helen will backtrack and vote to evict her. So it's really important to get Elissa on board. Jessie recommends being really nice to both Helen and Elissa #BB15 7:18pm BBT: Jessie and Aaryn in BY/pool area. Jessie telling Aaryn to offer to throw HOH in hopes that she'll stay. Aaryn says she's too nervous to do that. Jessie says that there are other rivalries in the house right now. Jessie says the only people who would nominate her again would be Elissa/Helen, but if she makes them that deal- she can show her loyalty and probably be safe. Aaryn leaves- Jessie says "we should probably not hang out a lot" #BB15 7:21pm BBT: Judd/Howard/Spencer in HOH. Spencer says they'll vote however he wants them to. Judd says he's leaning towards evicting Kaitlin, and it might be good to keep the huge target (Aaryn) on the block. Spencer/Howard are afraid of Kaitlin winning and going with Amanda/McCrae- then one of them will go out. Howard says he can put up with Aaryn's mouth, she's really only catty towards the girls. Howard isn't sure if Andy will vote to evict Kaitlin, because he doesn't like Aaryn. Judd says Helen wants Kaitlin out because she heard Kait is coming after her. Elissa wants Aaryn out for personal reasons. Howard says that everytime Candice tries to have even a few words with Aaryn, Elissa gets mad and wonders why. #BB15 7:30pm BBT: Andy/Elissa/McCrae in BY- Elissa: "McCrae, they think America voted me up on the block, do you think that's true?" McCrae explains that Aaryn/Kait probably had the 2 highest amounts of votes- leaving Elissa. She seems pretty surprised. McCrae says to think about of the haters Rachel has, those people would want to evict her too. Elissa thinks Candice or Amanda have a bigger personality than her. #BB15 7:36pm BBT: Helen/Jessie in cockpit. They are going over the offers from Aaryn. But say Elissa wants Aaryn out bad. But they want to bring it up to Judd and see what he wants to do. Jessie doesn't think Elissa is going to budge- and wants to know what to do in that case. Helen says there may just be a split vote, Jessie doesn't want that to mess up the house #BB15 7:40pm BBT: Elissa: "I don't know how I'd be portrayed as a mean person. I'd never say anything bad" #BB15 7:50pm BBT: Spencer/Aaryn/Howard in HOHR. Aaryn trying to get votes. "I think there's a good possibility that I'll stay, but I'm not supposed to campaign. I think people are getting really threatened by Kaitlin" #BB15 7:55pm BBT: Spencer/Howard alone in HOH. Spencer: "Don't tell Candice this. But Helen/Elissa want us all to come together to get Amanda out before jury. Which is good, because it leaves Candice for jury" #BB15 7:58pm BBT: Spencer (to Howard) "If you win HOH, Helen will be campaigning to you to get Amanda out, even before Aaryn/Gina Marie" Howard: "I'm ready"
  12. #BB15 6:00pm BBT: Aaryn/Kaitlin by the pool. Kait says she misses Jeremy more than she thought she would. Aaryn asks if she gets evicted, will she go visit him ASAP. Kait says not right away, but probably will at some point. Kait says that Candice is convinced he's 27 years old and has a yacht. Aaryn doesn't think that's right, because why would he be talking about getting money for all those tattoos. Kait doesn't think he lied to her all that much, it wouldn't make sense #BB15 6:06pm BBT: Candice in HOHR says Ian- BB14 is from her hometown. Andy says Joe- BB8- is from his town, he wasn't friends with him, but knew him... Andy says if he's HOH, the only 'power-tripping' thing he will do is handout the bandanas (for have/have not comp) and decide who will be on each team. If they don't listen he'll put them on the block #BB15 6:14pm BBT: Aaryn/Judd in hammock. Aaryn saying she's getting nervous because Candice is targeting her, and doesn't know if Howard will vote against her again. Judd says he doesn't want people to think him and Jessie are a couple- they've only shared a bed 2.5 nights, and haven't kissed. Howard told Judd, he doesn't like to be associated with Candice either. But Aaryn points out that they have kissed and hooked up. They were kissing in the pool earlier. Judd says Helen is leaning towards keeping Aaryn. Judd leaves bc he's not sure if they're talking game in HOHR-- They're not, it's just general chit-chat #BB15 6:38pm BBT: All 4 feeds on Aaryn doing her hair in WA. Jessie is in the shower #BB15 6:42pm BBT: HOH crew making fun of Gina Marie thinking she's a tough competitor, and how she thinks it's a big conspiracy by the whole house to get her nominated. And how she says "ok! I'm ready to compete" Spencer: "Does she know there's no more competitions.. just show up and go on the block". Judd thinks anything bad that happens to GM, she blames on him. GM said to Andy "At least Judd doesn't get to vote". #BB15 6:48pm BBT: GM to Judd (after Nick was evicted) "Why would you do this to me? I'm 33 years old, and I really liked him and we didn't even kiss" Judd: "Well, first of all, you had 21 days. Second I signed up to play Big Brother, not find someone a husband. Go on match.com" #BB15 6:52pm BBT: Andy: "I like to imagine a Judd/Candice/Gina Marie alliance". Judd: "Yeah, we meet every day and do eeny meeny miny mo on the memory wall to find out who we're targeting. Today we had to re-do it because Jeremy is already gone. But that's why she doesn't trust Helen today" #BB15 6:58pm BBT: Spencer (about Gina Marie) she goes from Pam Anderson to Beetlejuice
  13. #BB15 8:04pm BBT: Helen comes out of DR, as part of her punishment from the veto comp, she has a curfew of 8pm, and she cannot speak #BB15 8:05pm BBT: Amanda is saran-wrapping Elissa in the HOH bathroom while talking about who the MVP may be. #BB15 8:11pm BBT: Elissa to Amanda/McCrae "How can people lie this well? It's scary!" #BB15 8:19pm BBT: Howard/Candice join Amanda/McCrae/Elissa in HOHR. Elissa is doing yoga while saran-wrapped, so she'll sweat more. Elissa asks Howard if there is anyway Spencer is MVP- Howard is saying there's no way. #BB15 8:24pm BBT: Howard/Amanda hashing out the issue if Amanda guaranteed Aaryn's safety. Amanda says she did not, and Aaryn confirmed that. #BB15 8:28pm BBT: Gina Marie/Andy/Aaryn/Kaitlin in WA. Aaryn telling them that Candice was grilling Amanda, and wanted to know why. None of them seem to know. Kaitlin says Howard went off on a rant with her earlier #BB15 8:41pm BBT: Andy joins HOH. General chit-chat about past seasons, Andy filling them in on the terms of Helen's punishment #BB15 8:52pm BBT: Gina Marie/Aaryn in WA, Aaryn painting her nails. Helen in bed for her POV punishment/8pm curfew. Judd in solitary confinement for his POV punishment. Kaitlin in DR. Amanda/McCrae/Howard/Candice/Jessie/Spencer/Andy/Elissa in HOHR
  14. #BB15 7:00pm BBT: Amanda asks Candice if she thinks they're MVP, or just against Howard. Candice says she doesn't know- she's just talking. Amanda says she has nothing against Howard, and if she is the only one who votes to evict him, it wouldn't matter and it would be stupid. Amanda says she likes Elissa, and they have a personal connection and she wants to keep her (noted- Elissa isn't looking at Amanda while she's saying that) #BB15 7:05pm BBT: Amanda thinks that maybe America had a say in MVP. Candice says it's something outside the house. Elissa "You think America put me on the block?" They all say no #BB15 7:12pm BBT: Aaryn/Gina Marie in KT. Aaryn said she was getting really low numbers in veto, then started going over to Elissa's area and got high numbers. GM says "she definitely got MVP" #BB15 7:21pm BBT: Aaryn walks into HOHR w/ Candice/McCrae/Amanda. Amanda confirms with Aaryn that she never told her that she was safe. Aaryn says that Amanda never said that. Aaryn thinks someone is trying to frame her as MVP. #BB15 7:26pm BBT: Elissa/Helen whispering in hallway. Elissa wondering if an evicted HG got to name the 3rd nominee. #BB15 7:28pm BBT: Howard/Spencer/Gina Marie in WA. Howard saying that Amanda has Kaitlin. Kait kept defending Amanda, and was throwing Elissa under the bus. Howard says he's trying to guilt-trip Kaitlin. #BB15 7:30pm BBT: Howard says that Elissa is trying to say Amanda is MVP. Howard says it will all come out with who the 3rd nominee is. GM/Howard don't trust Elissa. GM says she can't talk to Kaitlin, because she talks too much #BB15 7:37pm BBT: HOH crew remember that they forgot about Nick's memorial. Gina Marie makes excuses for why Nick's things need to stay. She put his chapstick in her bra for the veto comp #BB15 7:46pm BBT: Spencer/Howard/Gina Marie talking about the votes to evict Amanda. GM doesn't think Andy would vote for her #BB15 7:55pm BBT: Gina Marie to Spencer/Howard "She (Kaitlin) got scouted out at a bar. She'd never even heard of Big Brother... I know people who have been on the show, who gave me some tips" Feeds cut to FOTH #BB15 7:58pm BBT: Howard tells Spencer/Gina Marie to work their magic on Andy, and just wait it out until after the veto ceremony
  15. #BB15 6:00pm BBT: Howard/Kaitlin in bedroom. Talking about Elissa, Howard trying to turn Kaitlin against Amanda. Candice/Andy in other bedroom. Candice trying to get Andy against Amanda/McCrae #BB15 6:04pm BBT: Howard telling Kaitlin that Amanda stirs the pot and she controls everything. Candice joins them, Howard saying he wants to be honest with everybody #BB15 6:07pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae in HOHR- McCrae says he doesn't care who goes up as 3rd nom, as long as it's not them. He doesn't care if Howard goes or stays, because he feels safe with Howard.. They feel they have Elissa and Gina Marie to be loyal to them #BB15 6:13pm BBT: Elissa to Howard in bedroom, thinks Amanda got "Most Villanos Player", and she nominated Elissa. She wants to evict McCrae/Amanda and work with Howard/Candice #BB15 6:16pm BBT: Elissa thinks Amanda is related to Evel Dick. And maybe she's getting paid to be there #BB15 6:18pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae still up in HOHR alone, with no idea what is going on downstairs. Amanda saying she feels close with Elissa, and lets her know that she trusts her #BB15 6:31pm BBT: Elissa (about Amanda) "I didn't think it was very good judgement for me to hang out with her that much, but she's funny" #BB15 6:34pm BBT: Helen/Aaryn at chess table. Aaryn says she's not going after Elissa, at all. Helen says that she has other targets in front of her, so that may save her. #BB15 6:37pm BBT: Elissa to Candice "guarantees" that Amanda is MVP and playing for money just to stir up stuff... why else would she be starting stuff #BB15 6:45pm BBT: Candice/Elissa join McCrae/Amanda go up to HOHR to confront Amanda. Candice "Why did you tell Aaryn that she wasn't going home?" Amanda says that of course she was going to tell her she was safe- they don't know who the 3rd nom will be. Elissa asks who they think the other nom will be, they don't know. Candice saying it should be an easy week, on the week that people said racially derogatory things to her and Howie- if they one of them were to go home, it would be bad #BB15 6:50pm BBT: Candice doesn't know why they would go after Howard. Amanda says that he voted out Elissa, and she put her neck on the line to make sure Elissa stayed. Candice thinks McCrae should be just as guilty as McCrae. Amanda says she appreciates her coming up to her, and confronting herself. Candice, again, says that because of the race comments, she would be upset if either her or Howard got nominated this week #BB15 6:55pm BBT: Candice says if she wins HOH, she doesn't need anybody's consensus to do it. She doesn't play scary- she'll do what she wants. "It's supposed to be an easy week". Amanda says she got in trouble, because they can't tell someone specifically they're going home



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