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Everything posted by Hikiki

  1. Oh, and I’m also not a fan. She’s too full of her princess self for my taste
  2. The glare she gave Kaitlyn as the votes were read was hysterical. It was bitter at the very least and extreme dislike to put it nicely
  3. Close, but she still got too flustered to pull it off Im so curious what Fessy took off his mike to tell Tyler
  4. Fessy must have some serious pheromones, because I’m not seeing whatever all these girls see
  5. I like her too but think she made a mistake when she told JC she didn’t expect to have so many people she felt protective of in this game. She said she expected to have one or two, not six. Should she be trying to make him and the rest of the people she’s playing with feel like she’s more protective of them then other people. It’s a small critique but just something that stood out for me on After Dark
  6. I like Sam but will agree with Rockstar, who I don’t like, that Sam’s reasoning for initially putting up Haleigh and Kaitlyn was the opposite of female empowerment. Men are fully capable of standing up for themselves and don’t need us to ‘protect’ them from female sexuality that may bend men to our wills and needs. Of course, there are always exceptions, but that’s something way beyond what we’ve seen this season. We also don’t need to start belittling other women etc. that being said, I don’t care if either Rockstar or Kaitlyn go home so I’m going to give her a pass. I also dont think she’s playing a smart game, and that’s she probably isn’t much of a game player outside of the house. Hopefully, that won’t hurt her, because despite what I’ve said, I just like her.
  7. That was great. He sounds like he’d be a suffocating showmance or boyfriend outside of the house
  8. I can’t stand when houseguests use financial need as a decision to stay longer. Jury gets more money etc. Big Brother is a game. It’s not about winning not what players ‘need’. That would work against her in my book.
  9. fascism? How do you figure? She’s keeping her room and choices to herself. She’s not dictating what everyone can and can’t do in the house
  10. I thought that was kind of smart. Lately, the HoH room seems to be just another room in the house instead of the HoH using it to their advantage. I don’t think two people should be talking game without the HoH up there. No way. That can work against you
  11. Her face reminds me of Nicole Richie’s Shes crazy. I don’t believe she’s clairvoyant, and I believe in some of that stuff. It hardy takes rocket science or mysticism to know the bros were going to throw her under the bus. She the obvious choice and they had to throw someone
  12. She choose to leave her children on their birthday etc. to play this game. The fact she left her children was her choice. If Brett wants to play the game by throwing her under the bus, it has nothing to do with her daughter’s birthday. She just came across as crazy.
  13. Classless exit. They had to vote off one of their own. What did he expect?
  14. She’s crazy. I love how Tyler’s side of the house exploited it
  15. She annoys me, especially in cases like she constantly told Faysal she’s ‘proud’ of him for winning veto. She barely even knows him. I’ve noticed she tries to act like she has other people’s best interests at heart, when she really is just playing a game. The pretense bothers me
  16. Oh goodness, that was a lot to express one idea. I guess I'd hesitate to call Matt a trailblazer. It seems to give him too much credit. And house guests have flagrantly ignored the rules in the past and received the same penalty. This feels like you were practically yelling at me. I've watched every season too, but I can't say I remember every detail nor would I want to
  17. I don't think he was the first. I do think BB needs to change the penalties though to something more severe like effecting their stipend.
  18. Could be (about the ant & rat problem). I actually think tearing up the house makes it harder to find things, which maybe the motivation for some of them, but then it's also harder for you. Maybe its BBs way of getting them to actually clean??
  19. But you can't hate them either so it would work for me
  20. The towel issue would bother me. I'd have to keep my towels separate. There are dirty towels everywhere so I'd find it hard to trust that the clean towels were clean.
  21. They also listened to Paul and didn't ask the HoH themselves. These people take what Paul says as law and they couldn't even remember if Jason said it or not.
  22. I thought something similar last year too. He used Pablo to get them to underestimate him.



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